HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1665 I ' '~4),"'5;"'~';':"'- ;,;'il ,(,:' - ! j 'I~ I' I.,' I i,' (,. , _ ,~, . ,", .. T' I: I ,": ~ I I" _,,' "11"; T,~" -', -[ ~( -:1, -~-I --~,~, r ---c~ ;,.-~.-c-..:._-.-:-~,~~,~, 'r"'~ ,i" ',I' , , " " , , , .. .'., I, I " i "\' . \ ,', .,' I,'.: \ " " ,.; ..". 'I '.' . I ' " .. \ I " ,I I " ,\'1"''',' .1. r' ~.1 ;~f;::':f;',. ~ ~--;:,~'..;~:::tt-'-'~:':"-+:f:'::::-;::;~~:':';.:::':'7t-;::'~:;'-::.,::::::.,~"~.;::.:::::~~,;,..~'-:,r::~,~-,:_~;:~:'::-::':':::::-'-"-:;f' :::..;.":;~,t,:-,:l';S~?,:::;~:-~::..~J...,: .~ '.'~~:I' :::'::+"'::::;~:l:;~-~ ":- I" ',' ~,,sO~ +m>wi~' I ". 'I' '1" !O,. '\11 [ II"" J.OS~R'R~ .Of!~, li:~ '\ .; I I ; \ ,\"1,\' '1' .~,D_." 't,' ",' \ ..., "\""'\ '\'\:'\:, \ ~' "" ,: '\ ,,' .. \,' .' " , \' " \', ' . \ 'r: ,i ' ' " , " ,',' ",' .. I...' .. fHISDDD., Kadtt~~ .16ht~ ;d.&10t ,A.pril' +.D~ 192~. b7 .uhe~\ 'so~.na. DIpa' ~Oh&an\ hi, ,! \' \ ,I II; ... ~ln ~ ~,'o."';t)'1 ~..1I\.: ',r.~u~' lit.to'~"".~lh.~~t"r .~~.",; thj,.,~\,.~. t. Jo..j>h t . i ,.. .',' f~, '\': L' B~, qp~neio:' of the qount7 ot'O~ok,'statelp:t ri\{~Olti,~,re~,na:tter'qtJ.J.'4 )he ~~'e.. ' ',\,'(" \ .'1; I ,;, '", ' '. , ' " , \,,' \ .' .. ., , 'I .., ,~~~,~, \!hatth'1if;14~t~" 'in oons;~d~raUon ,ot'.n',~ii~a and 'othe~\r&J.uAbl':' \' . \ ,',' \., ' \,. '." ,. " ' \ ,".', .'" ',', \ , , \ 00n81de~1;10n",th.e\ r.oe1pt th.reo:f, 18 ~:\"e~f ,"OknWle~\d,:ddO gl~~., sran~. b~g~~,"ll,. alt~~, \. remlsei rel..... ,lnt.Oft, c:loj1Y87 andoqrit1l'l(u.nto':th~ .a1dgr~~e.. . andh1's hel~s and 'assigns", . " - . .. . ': ,... .'~ 'i ','\" _~: ", i ~, .', \ ~ ~ - . -... .._~'.- -' ~_. .,'l~;tee8~ple.'t,h~~e.n4a "81~w.te ~~t.' Luole ,Oount7.. 'St.,., of 'J'J;onc1a.;'de's'or1,bedas :f~).i~8 Z ,,., , , .' , ' " , ,\ " ,,',,'," \ ' . !raote ,011' an4.t;wo,1nthe: nor~h~t:o( slotion t,wenn.;.n1J1e" '(2?)j " . ,~. t~h~ 'thlr't,Y~t~o, : 8,O~t,~ r~., 39' .ast.' "as, .t~e~e' ~s ,designated, " on iaat ~n.ra1. 'plat o:ti~dIf ot' Ii1cUaD,Rlver F&1'ii8QOIIlPBnt"tli..4' ~ '. '. '... . '. ;' -" ~ \ : \. .' - . . .' '. -~ ,.:. ~ .. . . . ,'.tli~ot:f.io~ ot\~he' Cierk,_th~ 'CiroUit' o'O\11"t ot St.L~oi. 'ooUn~,.~J'lC)rs.b. ., = ,', '. - ~ . "\ . .. "'. . . S~b~'ot '~ '&if taxes or a:sses~~.nts' If;~'~',,le,~ved,;tC)r 'tb:ey~~' 1925~4~l' ~l1bSeqUent Y6~8 ' . '. '. .' . ',' ',~ . ~ ". . . .' ". : . . fOILlVE:,m,TO ROLDth" 8&JIle, ~e'ther with' th'e her'dlt..n~. ap.d 8.ppurt.n&noes ~Unt()the . ", ' .' '. --' , . . "', . . . - . '. -, ~ . ..'~ ~. .' ,- , . '." , . . .. 8&1d grant~,e. ':erid' ,hlfJbe1,riJ, '~d,&.s81:gn8 ,l~tee simpl..... '. .',' ,. 0" . . . ~ , ..' .. :ADth~ 8&140 graiito1'8~.:tortb~8elve8ahd 'their: heirs .nclleg~\~pre8entatl.,~8~,.oove~~ wlth8atctgra.ht.., h1she1rs,!l,'gal 'l'8pre8eittatl:V-'8 ~~,a8s~; '!hat ~a1d'gi-imtars are 1n-,'. . deteas1~lY 8elz~~ ot\,ald lan~:~. te~ :~1Aple,;' 'tb~t8a,14 ~h~Qx:e.,ha~;e~l~ower"and,;t.a~' ' "r"ght .~~ oonv.i,~ald l.anU'1n 'tee simple, a~,ore,8alc'l;t~tl~eh".J.l .~' la~:, to,r 8aldgreJl~"~,. ; ,li18,hUr~ ,leg&l-'repreSftJita.U~e8,arfd ,&8S1PS..' at' all,' t~s peaoeabi:r ~4 lIiletifto':en;te~ ~pon' . '. - . . ". . '" ." :' -. -' ..., . ...". '.. . .-' . ~ . . .'. ..... "ho~d.' OOOUP7: and en~o.1sa,1d. land;,' the;~ s&1diancll~tre.,1'rOIl 'all '1n!)Ulllbranoes;'the.t :.a14.' :,',:' ,- , . . .; . .' .", . '.:' . . . ~tors-,. ~h.lr helrs, ..nd.',legal.. repreQentatf',.es,. wl i.l' 'l!lak8. SuOh:, ~h.r asaurano'es ~o per:fflt, , >the te.allDple'~~ltl', to Sa1c1'J..&nd1n"~ald gran~ee. hi. 'he'll's cle~1. rep~ese~tat1v~~',~d',as~l~~ . ''- , ": . ',' ''>, ~ .' " .,", ",., ',' '.' " , .'," .. " ,'.' .', ,': .." . ~, ~rea80nalby be, re~e4;' 1L!ld.,that suIL ~to~s,'.40~ereb1.tw.11' w~ant,the'\'itleto. 8~lcl,," :, .. ,land .~nd ,frill' defend,' thea~,~aca1ns~ .th~ "lawt~ Oia:1m8 of, al.,~' pe1'80na ,.hollllio':r~r: ' , WITNESS the ~de&nd .eal~. 0:f8&14' ~rant.or8 the. by. e.n4.iear ilret'ab!ove wrltte:n~ '. r, , 1f1TliES,S 1IT.,~d andoftlo1al se..lat St. Louis, Oo~t7 ot St~ Lo~18an4 State o,tKlaaou.r~ :-',' I , t.hl, 8t~i c1a7 ot.1 1). '.I.. D. 1920.11. " ,\ \ ' I. ", "" \ ',' -' 818ned, 'seai. ed, anei 4ellTered 1n' the preee~o' o;C~' .~1I. ,(horge ' . , 9h8.rl~sJl&y'" AJ.tie,dS~ ~a SOha&n (SeU) .' (5.,,,1) :.- '~.,. ($2.001'-R.St.mpS 0..) 'snTE or, ~SSOUIU OOUlfTY or ST. J,UCIB ,~J' "'l;.l1EREBYC~TIn'. That 'on. tl11s day p~l'Bonal11 appeare4" b.tore,me. an o:ttloer;du,llaU~~Qri~.d " "., , > 'j,.. , , . " " .' , " ,', " ' ' , . ',. toadmln18ter o"ths andtaJteaakiw~~nt8~ A:i.tredsohaan'.an.d h~8..wt:te,.uma Sohaan to,Il&:..1i; . .' '.' ", . .' . . . . JtnWn and.tDnn to me 'to be,. the lnd.lvlduaJ..s de80rlbed in and who exe.outed the toregolntt d8'ed,~," , .. . and they ao:tDoWl.~d 'betore m.. tlJat th~y.x.ou~eo. the 8&II1,e tl'~'lye.nd, ,Toluntar~l:r. :tor, the purposes therein expresaed. " < , l. , ' .1BDI. P'UaTHKR czaT~J"l, Thatth. aald,Uma 8oha&n Down to ..,. t,)be t11e dte of the'sald', ,.1ltre~ Soh&&non as.parate"and p~vate 'X.1n~'t1,OD~aken an4made ~i and betol'8 'me', ,se>>arat.iy_ . ~. apar~ :f~1A her..Sa14hU8b~. did ~Okm,Wlel6e tru.:ts~e ~~c1. herselt a,p.~t:r':t~ aa~dd"~ forthepurpo.. o:frenOuDolng, rel1n~l8hlns-and oODT8y1ng ali her rlght, title &n4 1nteres,t . . I . . - '. . -;---,,..,m.ther ot do..r, hOlDOlteador of ,.para te prop.it,. Ita1iutoryor equitable ,in and to the, l~de , ,. I . c' ~ a..'0l'1be4 the.ln,and (that ,he eXlouted the sald, deed fr.ely and voluntar11:r. and dthouta~ . . . I o 9ilpul 81Qi1 , oOlUltralnt, apprehtnelon or :fear 01' or~rom her 8ald husbazici_ ,. I "'j / " ..1. 9. Dill ., ' .0t&1')" PubllO 1n'and tor St. LOu-it, 110. JIy oOQlUs.lon explre8:. , .__;,~ .~..t