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OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE FILED: _ REVISION FEE: PERMIT # 1806-0553 RECEIPT # PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BUILDING & CODE REGULATION DIVISION 2300 VIRGWIA AVENUE FORT PIERCE, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462-1553 FAX (772) 462-1578 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT REVISIONS PROJECT INFORMATION 1. LOCATION/S ADDRESS: 0 Poinciana Ct., Fort Pierce, FL 34951 2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REVISIONS: Extending enclosure out an additional 4 feet. 3. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: STATE of FL REG./CERT. #: CBC 1258459 ST. LUCIE COUNTY CERT. #: BUSINESS NAME: The Porch Factory LLC QUALIFIERS NAME 39th StlJeemes Braun ADDRESS: 705 CITY: Fort Pierce STATE: FL ZIP: PHONE (DAYTIME): (772) 465-6772 FAX: (772) 465-3252 4. OWNER/BUILDER INFORMATION: km NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PHONE: ARCHITECT/ENGINEER INFORMATION: STATE: ZIP: FAX: NAME: Seaside Engineers ADDRESS: CITY; Vero beach STATE: F1. ZIP: 32967 PHONE (DAYTIME): FAX: Revised 07/22/2014 Em V1 S 1 I'll 0- PN. APPROVED a m 06 0 -e a N O, vi LO 0 I m M 0 ED Curve Table Curve # Length Radius Delta C1 18.69 25.00 042050-00" C2 15.92 50.00 018014-30" LOT 193 (VACANT) MONTE CARLO COUNTRY CLUB, UNIT TWO P.B. 23, PG 26 G ..?, LEC $„ �(iI METER 5i U.E. & D.E.* Oj LOT 197 (OCCUPIED) MONTE CARLO COUNTRY CLUB, UNIT TWO P.B. 23, PG 26 15�06 \ p ND - W M O U r r Z. C•1G?cC4 g61 Ln r ONE d , 0 '�;-CQ`y w N_ COVERED g pp."',- T�-BRICK n�'� ENTRY 12, � 1 19.1 vo r 49 5g. jc/fl� hl 1L. �0 NQ CS0 9 N\9• S-10, 44. ROBERT* N'� JOHNSON DATE Professio.n.al; Surveyor & Mapper Florida: Certificate,.N,o.--6,540 ILE CO 1. THOMAS ;HODAS',4c SALLYE ,KATHLEEtd HODS 2, EAGLE HOME. MORTGAGL' LLC; ISAOA, A11M 3. NORTH AMERICAN.`TITLE COMPANY 4. NORTH AMERICAN ' TITLE• INSURANCE COMPANY C, /T- 0 0150 AV LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 192, MONTE CARLO COUNTRY CLUB, UNIT TWO, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 23, PAGE 26, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA CONTAINING 0.368 ACRES, MORE OR LESS PROPERTY ADDRESS 9500 POINCIANA CT., FORT PIERCE LEGEND & A1313REVIATIONS BM DENOTES BENCHMARK BB DENOTES BEARING BASE C.M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT CONC DENOTES CONCRETE C.B. DENOTES CATCH BASIN CBS DENOTES CONCRETE BLOCK STRUCTURE CD DENOTES CHORD DISTANCE CB DENOTES CHORD BEARING C/O DENOTES CLEAN OUTS q DENOTES CENTER LINE D.E. DENOTES DRAINAGE EASEMENT F.F.E. DENOTES FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION FND DENOTES FOUND I.Q. DENOTES IRRIGATION QUALITY WATER IR/C DENOTES IRON ROD AND CAP L.B. DENOTES LICENSED BUSINESS L DENOTES ARC LENGTH CV L.M.E. DENOTES LAKE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT (M) DENOTES MEASURED DATA M.H. DENOTES MANHOLE U N/D DENOTES NAIL AND DISK (NR) DENOTES NON RADIAL LINE O.S.T. DENOTES OPEN SPACE TRACT O.H.U. DENOTES OVERHEAD UTILITIES 'VOTE `REAR LOT GRADING: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND PROVIDE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM FOUNDATION. GRAPHIC 30 0 15 30 O.R. DENOTES OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK P.B. DENOTES PLAT BOOK PG. DENOTES PAGE TOB DENOTES TOP OF BANK EOW DENOTES EDGE OF WATER P.S.M. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR & MAPPER P.L.S. DENOTES PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR P.C.C. DENOTES POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE P.D. DENOTES POINT OF CURVATURE P.T DENOTES POINT OF TANGENCY P.I. DENOTES POINT OF INTERSECTION (P) DENOTES PLAT DATA P.C.P. DENOTES PERMANENT CONTROL POINT R DENOTES RADIUS R/W DENOTES RIGHT OF WAY SAN. DENOTES SANITARY U.E. DENOTES UTILITY EASEMENT W.M.T. DENOTES WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT MAG/D DENOTES SET MAG NAIL AND DISK A DENOTES INCLUDED ANGLE Q DENOTES SET 5/8"IRON ROD & CAP LB 4286 7Q( DENOTES LIGHT POLE �y DENOTES DRAINAGE FLOW 2� DENOTES ELEVATION DENOTES GUY ANCHOR GENERAL NOTES 1) The last date of field work was 08-17-2017 2) Additions or deletions to survey maps or reports by other than the signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. 3) Reproductions of this map are not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. 4) Lands shown hereon were not abstracted by this office for rights -of -way, easements of record, ownership, abandonment's, deed restrictions, or Murphy Act Deeds. This information should be obtained through appropriate title verification. 5) All above ground fixed improvements, if any, have been located and shown hereon. 6) Underground foundations and improvements were not located as part of this survey. 7) Flood Note: By graphic plotting only, this property is in Zone X according to the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 12111C0160J, effective date February 16, 2012. The exact designation can only be determined by an elevation certificate. No additional search of the public records has been preformed. There may be additional map Amendments affecting this property. 8) The bearings shown hereon are based on Plat information and are referenced to the center line of Poinciana Court which bears North 50'40'13" West and all bearings are relative thereto. 9) No easements are- shown hereon other than those depicted on the plat. No search of the public records has been performed to find additional easements that may exist 10) Elevations shown hereon are based on St. Lucie County Benchmark JEB having an elevation of 18.34 feet North American Vertical Datum (N.A.V.D.) 1988. 11) Bearings and distances shown hereon are the same as plat unless otherwise noted. 12) The building setbacks shown hereon, although based on the best available information, are not certified to and must be verified prior to design or construction. Final As -Built Survey. Lot 192 For: EENNAlf-It' CULPEPPER & TERPENING, INC File:16-053.192 Date:08-28-2017 CONSULTING ENGINEERS I LAND SURVEYORS FB: N/A 2980 SOUTH 25rh S'I'lkPA—F SCALE 1"=30' ''' I-OR'1' P1URCI , FI-0111DA 34981 DRAWN BY: PV Y PHONE 772-464-3537 17AX 772-464-9497 FIELD: GA www.0-cng.com STA'I'li OF FLORIDA (AM111CA]'ION No. LB.128( 1 } 3eslan Parameters 1. Building Occupancy Category, Paragraph 1604.5 and Table 1604.5: Risk Category 1. 2. Basic Wind Speed, Table 1609C, State of Florida Debris Region & Basic Wind Speed, Paragraph 1609.3.1 and Table 1609.3.1 Equivalent Basic Wind Speed, VULT= 150 MPH 3. Exposure Category, Paragraph 1609.4.3 : C Applicable Codes, Regulation and Standards 1. The 6th Edition (2017) Florida Building Code, specifically Chapter 16 Structural Design, Chapter 20 Aluminum, and Chapter 23 Wood. 2. AA ASM 35 and Specifications for Aluminum Structure, Part 1-A of the Aluminum Design Manual prepared by The Aluminum Association, Inc. Washington, D.C., 2010 Edition 3. ASCE 7-10 General Notes: 1. The contractor shall verify all dimensions prior to construction 2. All work shall comply with all local and regional ordinances. 3. Any deviation from this plan shall be reviewed by the engineer of record and is subject to approval. o Specifications 0 The following specifications are applicable to this projects 1. Where concrete specification are required, whether in the screen enclosure scope or not, by one or more regulatory agency, the following specifications are _ applicable. 1.1. Concrete shall conform to ASTM C94 for following components: o 1.1.1. Portland Cement Type 1, -ASTM C 150 1.1.2. Aggregate - Large Aggregate 314" max - ASTM C 33 1.1.3. Air entraining +/-1 % - ASTM C 260 y 1.1.4. Water reducing agent - ASTM C 494 , 1.1.5. Clean Potable water 1.1.6. Other admixture not permitted 1.2. Metal accessories shall conform to: 1.2.1. Reinforcing Bars - ASTM A615, grade 60 1.2.2. Welded Wire fabric - ASTM Al85 1.3. Concrete slump at discharge per chute not less then 3" or more than 5". Water added after batching is not permitted. 1.4. Prepare and place concrete per American Concrete Institute Manual of Standard Practice, Parts 1, 2 and 3 including hot weather recommendations. 1.5. Moist cure or polyethylene curing permitted. 1.6. Prior to placing concrete, treat the entire subsurface area for termites in compliance with the FBC. 1.7. Concrete shall be placed over polyethylene vapor barrier. 1.8. All aluminum components embedded within concrete shall be coated with a bituminous paint or epoxy. 2. Aluminum extrusions shall be 6005 T5 Alloy. 3. Fasteners are required to be corrosion resistant, minimum SAE Grade 2 or better zinc plate to ASTM B633, or stainless steel series "300". 4. All Self Mating Beam Sections are to be stitched with either #14 screws 6" from end 24" on center or #12 screws 6" from end 12" on center. 5. Screened enclosures containing swimming pools shall comply with the applicable requirements of FBC R4501.17 Residential Swimming Barrier requirements. 6. Door location shall be determined by contractor in the field. 7. When Installing pavers over concrete slab or footing which are supporting aluminum members, such as continuous screen tracks or upright, the pavers must be bonded to the concrete with an epoxy, thinset, or 3,000 PSI grout to ensure full positive contact with concrete. 8. All flashing and waterproofing shall be provided by the contractor. 9. Use of these plans acknowledges and accepts a limit of liability not to exceed design and engineering fee. Foundation Deslan: New 8"x8" M #5 bar Cont.) Footer Concrete shall be a minimum 2,500 psi. Rebar 31" lap splice. Use 3" chairs. Per current edition of the Florida Building Code, Residential, Section 401.4.1, soils testing is not required for design using the presumptive bearing pressure of 1,500 psf. Roof Type Screen Size HIPPED GABLE 18114 MESH ALUMINUM MEMBERS DIMENSIONS HOLLOW SECTIONS SELF MATING (SMB) THE PORCH FACTORY BEAM (PFa) 336PFB: 2X3.75'x0.050' 2X2; 2'x 2'X 0.046' 2x4SMB: 2 x4' x0.044'x0.100' 2 X 3: 2'x3'x0.050' 2x5SMB: Y X 5' x 0.050' x 0.100' 5.75PFB: 2"x5.75'x0.065' 2x4: 2' x 4'x 0.050, 2x8 SMB: 2' X 6' x0.050'x0.12W 6.75PFB: 2'x6.75'x0.057' 2x5: 2'X5'x0.050' 2%7 SMB: 2'x 7' X 0.057X0.120' 2 %8 SMB: 2'X8'%0.072'x0.124' 2x9SMB: 2'x9'x0.072'x0.124' OPEN BACK SECTIONS I x 2; 1" X 2" X 0.040" 2 x 10 SMB: 2" x 10W.092' X 0.398' 1 x 3: 1' X 3'x 0.045' MINIMUM FASTENER EDGE DISTANCE: MINIMUM FASTENER SPACING: 314' 112' SNAP SECTIONS 2 x 2 Snap: 2' x 2' x 0.045' CONCRETE SCREW ANCHOR: SHEET MATEL SCREWS ISMS): 2 x 3 Snap: 2' x 3' x 0.050' SIMPOSON TITEN HD OR EOUNALENT r1W BUI DEX OR EQUNALENT 2x4Snap: 2'x4'X0.015' ST. L90 IE COUNTY U �pIVISI0h'' REVIEWE© FOP'C0 RgFIIE E Y E OWE �� PLAN AN PERMI i T ON S�E-OR NO INSPE I BE M, i 4 2X9 SMB CARRY BEAM NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE. USE DIMENSIONS GIVEN. CABLE BRACING MAY TERMINATE AT SLAB IN DIFFERENT LOCATION. MAINTAIN ANGLE PER DETAIL. REVISIONS u LU c J (D 0 M Q 2 OM '♦ LL>�Vm v vmc` Z �Y 2iyo W p CdIL c woALE Z o`a W 0 ri v 'O ..Q c Vco m 'o IL A-1