HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1684 , " " I ,,';.-,J, " ,:-" I, " " ,f ,-- ~'~"~i'.t.,-- "~' 'l~ -', ;-' ,i i " . I ~ 1 . . ~ J' t. 0.. . *~. ~ ~. .... ~ 4 .", 1 ~ If! . ::-:~'7';:-~~~~=;:.";::~":"~:'=:fF~;'::::<-S-::'~;..,,''7"':;;:::=~~'';'" ;::;.:.:t,;~=:~~C'7~. ..i~~,' I, ' " (' '\ . ,i', " 'I: ,\ I d '" . .. ( ',' :' 'i ~ AIm' ,(,'. II, ' , ,l, ' , I.' ,:::,1 r ,.\.j I. S 'lW~' "In' '1'01 ,\ ,\ .',." ~"D. BoA.~JQX!,,> "I :,' ',I \ , . \ t \ " '. . . '.' . '. ~. ' . I , . , ..... t'. '. . . : '- , , . 'i, ii" I .~ISDEID,\~dtd;h.e 17th'.I:4aY'Q:f, ~,,"'.,>>~ 192?'.'; b1'1~ :~,Ba~l.'. anc1 ~11'1. ,B&i~.~, I, " """.1 b!.S,wlf..t <tbe '1~'9unt~~f; ,St.' L;o.~l~'atllli. Qtllor14 hereinafter 081lel:( tbe" ~tor8 to,' \ ' I i. \ ,.' ..' " _:1 . .,.' , . \ ',. .. ,.'. ',.. . . .\' 1''''- " ...' ',t"_,, " .: ; " B., D., B~~tr,1gJl~ (JtthQ go~t;y ot 51;; LuoU 'tate'of n~r'::~ .h.~lnat~~r .081l:ec1 ,the ,~an~e,. " ,:, \! WI~nsSI~inw.t ~he'salc1 sr~1ion"l~ .ocuwl~eratlo'x1"\o~. Doli:e;\lUldot~.~, Taluabi.', ,- ",I I . ' ',' , ) ',' .', . ,. \ ' .. , , ' . \ , "'-', \ , : , I .', \,", ' , , ' ..~' ,1 ,oonU4eratlons the 1'8011pt .~er80:f',18 hereb;yaolcnowled&ed 401.4, g1ve;:~tt bargain, .e11". j, \ . '. i '.:. .., '. . L " \ ",..'.\.,., ," . \ " . . .. ',.-' _' " ~ '. ( . . , ..."' . . ~ '1 ,\ &lleD. 1"eIl18'" reJ..aae, .nt,ott~ OODVe1' 8nd'O~il'munto: the eal(srant.~ ,'~4 hlshtll"8lU1d.,' ,j \ , 1 < .' '.,' , ',' '. ': " ", ,- ',' " , :', ''-' .,,' '. ',' \ '\, ',I ..,1g.ria 1~ tee' sUlp]:e" the lands 81~t""ln. 8t~Luol. ~QWlt1, Sta~1 of.' J'lorid&., , desoribed"., ':, i " ' "I' :., ;'" : , "". " .' ",' " "",., :"" ' , ',/ . tU1l0W8:'" 411' ~d:1viU4' ODe h$1t~.lA~e~eat: u:l the"foilow~ns.r.eJ., es:tat,': '.' ',) \ ' , n', _.: .'~ ~ .' ~ " , , '" '," . .n, ,",' " ; " . , ,\ ' ", 'the .0~1ih l&tAOreil '!:t LQt a, 'Seot.l0n a. fO~l:p a2'South' ~'&9.Ba.1;,~ S,. Luole,: , I: , " ' ," , ",: " , .,.. ',' , , ' , " " , . I oo~t1'" ~~Dg"" ,1an48 c1eec1e~.b~'b;Y M., B..'~l~lth.,;., ',... "{' ,': ,!OO aAVE ,;4llD, 'l'O cHO~ the '''iuae tosethe~wlth .~he "re~1au..~ts~d "ppur~e~o-'~,.. '\into' , ! . ,. . . . ...' ,'. ..-.', '. '.:. .' !~t}le.~clBrantee'::8fld ,his h!lr8~~ aS~i8n(lD.:fee8imPl~~', ", , ,. '. . . ,~~. .' . ~ . .. .' ., ' ". , ' . . 'i : ..A.IiD~ Bald'/grantoi-a to~ them' and. their heirs andlestL1l'epresentatlves ,oov'n8.i1~Jw1th .J' '\. '" , ' ,.~,,"',-'," ".,'," ',' ",,": '"... '-, ',', ' l .a1~srant~,.e.. ;b.1S:~~8;'legal'l'e~reBeDta~h.~s an~, a~s~:' ,~t.,~d gran~0~8 : are " ;, 'L ~na.etea81~17 B'-l.edOf-' n1d'l*11el :1Ji' f-e~, '8~ple;that8ald Bl"e.litor811av~ tul). pO-wel' ~~, " i ,,' " ' " , ' ' ,".',', ' ,',' " ' , ,". " '.' " C,,' rla~,rlglitto, oODve7 8juc11~4l. in .tee simp1e,a. atore8Uc1;, ~hat it ~l 'b~, laWfui. to~ ! "" ,,' " ", '": ".-' ,.,,' ", ; , ", , " ' ..' , L ,eaic1 gxo~tee, ,,418 ~e1r., leg~represente.~l vee ~d alJlI,~8; at all,' tllDe~' pe.aoea'b17,anc1 :' , , ' ". . .' '. '. .' .'. ." . ;" ~ ~ . . ' : " " . .". '. . . l' q~etl;y 'to.nterupon,'hOl~,: oooupiand enJo;J' "aid: land;: th""t' 8alc1iand ':1s.:free':from all, ' " ,." 'f: ino~branoe'.r that~1c1'~anto~8, ~h~l~.:helra e.nd'le~al'rep;esen~~t,l~es;:'-~l11inake' 8UO~ '- '. . . . . " '..... - ......, ' ,further as.~oe8, t,~pert..otth',,:tee'. 81111ple t1tleto,,8al-d ,land'insal~ grantee, h1B,h,ira1ti:' ,Lleft1~~:Pl'e8~n~at1v$s ,arid' &Ssign., . as' "may'b. 're,&80Da.~17~ be re9..~r.ed; a,nd,that"a~c1 ~antore., "f '. " . '. ; .' . . . . ,.". " ~ " '. ..". ,', . . .... , . ~ ( ,dO, hereb1 :flU17 warrant the ~.1tle.,tCl. 8ald lanc1 arid, ;'111, de~enc1 thlt .ame "QgUn81J 'thli la~ ' , ., i " . "0 . \ r' , \ ,1:\ . IK. \ . Ii" \ " ' ~ !., ,', - ~ . , ~ i'rr r ,..'.' ! -' '(:: I \I; ! . f" i '. ~:. ' ~ .r ~ ' ~ " ?.' . r . ~ i, , ~ . -If:, I,.. 'Jf.~' di. , ' . ' 'J , i ., 'J ':. . '_j '" -'~ r ," . ~ .. t . , .1 {I' 1.',1',478. . ,L,_ , :, I .', t' , i . -I I . " , '" ! . ~ i ! L- ~ " > ~ :, '. ! J. , .;, ola1ll8,ot all. P8noD,a "holuoe;-er. i ',I . . ."' WITUSS t~e~4Ji and seal ',ot '8~d~a~d;~ra t~.c1a;Y, ,and "rear: :tlret abov.O,:wr1tten. ----.---------,---.. S18ne~. Sell.le'dand, DellveJ,"ed, in the'Presenoe ot, "".' . L. L.' Kaser' ,1. S. 'Bal1e;y,' : (Seal) :~~ll. Bal1e;y' . '(Seal) , J, M. ~or'" <. S~:_D OF FLORIDA COWTY . OJ'ST. LUC II , \ , , , I ~y CERTIPT, 'lh&t on,'th18 da;y penQnal.ll,appeare~ betor. m., anot:t1~,er du17 . ". '." . .' ..' ,.-. .', . :- ~.' . . .. : ..,~. . '." .'. "ut~or,1sec1~o aaml~ster oathaand"take aOk;now~'e~ent8, . J. 5 . Bail ~,alid "'ar;yl.11sBa~l.;y, , ,', '~,-' ',.". ,,' h1e Wlf~ to 1l8'wI111Q10wn ;and 'kl!<>~.tOise :to b~th'1ndl,T14ual, 8" ,d'S01"iH~' ,In:and:' who.~a.01.1teci, l' thetoregolng ,c1e~H", and, ha:ve aOknoYlt~d6e,d ~8toreme ~hatthe1'xeouted. the "a.ame 1';'8el;y and . ~ ' ,'" . ".. ~ nlup,i&t-l;L;y :tor the pu;rJoses' ,the~e1ne:xpr.s~ed. . '/ . - ',Al.']) IFUliTHER OERT~FY, 'T)uL1; the said Ja;vri:!.11e ~1.7 la1~'o1ii tome to De' th~ ~1fe ot ,the- . -," '". . . '. .. ", sa1d J. s. B&118;Y' .~l\ aa,p&l"ate' and p~lTat. eXaminatlon talcenand made ,by.and btt,ore me, ' . .sepa~te17 Ana apart::rrolll, her 8aid hUaba.nd, ' cUd aOkno.~e~e 't11at ,she made herself a p~rt1 to .1' 8ald dee~ ;Cor, 't~e' purpo~eOf re~ouno,iD8,'rell~qu1,ahl~and o~nVeY1JJ8, al1he~ i-ight~ tltlet and intereet, wbetheI' of lO.er, homesteac1' or of .ep~ate 'propert;Y',eta~utor;y orequ1tabU ': in anel' tot1).e lands:deaorlbe,c1 ,tbere,on,,' an~.that 8~e exeouted th.said ~e~. tree~7 8J1c1 " TQ].lU1~arllJ' and ~1thout ,8J1'1 OOllpulelolJ., oonatra1J?t, apprtthenalonor tear of or tromher said ~;-'-r- ( ,I husband. ' /, WIT~S my' ha~d,ab.d o,tt~Ol~ 8e,,1 at Ft, Phroe, C'Wlt1' of st. Luo1l3 and 3tateht , this 1 '1th 4&;y O.:f'/~~, A. D ~25. ~~ ' ., '"to) L. L. .....or 1/ '/ ' . Kotarl Publio . .v If1' OOlDfll18, 8~on explre. 0/22./29 . v 19th 1925" ai 9:16' A. M. Ou t ~I ~~~.~~~,~ Clef:k : ~~.::; , "'