HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1686 I .! ; , .' ~ ( ,I" , . .~ I j''',' " .,-,v:--, I' ;'4' '75i , I " , , 1..', J ' .; 1 ' 'f , ' ' I "j I ~ -;.-;L~:'"-...,;~..--.~--:---t~--'-tO-:-f-~-"-''''''''''''''''-:--~~ .:....:-=..;.,-. .~ ;r'~~:}'::-l'!,-,--...,..-----'-,-J-~~,-~",~,." , 'I; . "'1: ' , r' I :t"': \'" " "II.I,...~ ,. , . 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'AI!1erlo~ L'B1on.~ otth.ao~tl\ot8t~ L\iO~~St~~e'o1' ,nQridahereln.~", ,; It' \ att~r ~alled t~e '~rantee'., " ," '.., ' : ,: \ ' , '.\" .'.,', , 1.:'," \,' " 1-." ' l '.il' :\ < ; \ \ "\ \ - -.: \ -". . ,',' . ~ .' ,". ,..,)- . 1 wtTNESsaa;-~'t th~\ said graritors'.ln ~ons~deraU~J)ot t~e sUm' ot, One Dollar <'-.1..00)' '. " I,.", 'and ,o.th~rgOo~\~ :valuable~'OOn8,l-de~t1~~',~h~~e~~l~t.Where,ot'is' he'reb7 9:okri~\'1le'~~d:do.,. , B1ve,~raht. blU'B~ln.~el1~ ~l1e,n. :rem1se, rel,ease, .~eo;tt. ,oonvey ~ai?-doo~11"i1lunto t~e , ': " .' .' " \. . '. i_ .' sddgrantee, aIldheir~,.and asslgns. 'lnt'eesimple, the lands, sU;~te111 Saln~ J,uole Oounty~: , , ....' ~. ,-" ' " . '~ 7 '- "_~' . '_ '_ . '," .. , _' '., '.' ~', . : ,: _' :'_ ",'_ ._ _' '.. __.'",:. .', . \ ' ':State:o~ ,~~rlc1a, 'des~r,lbe~ &SfO:P:OWlJl .~~,~e~t7-~..(211"~n:Blook For~T~nl!le, (.9) In"" "the ,O~ tyot :V~ro, Y,LOX:lda.&.8 the sallJel$d~~1gna-tecl ont~e "Plat ot'the" ,InMan iu.ver" hrma: ,{ ,r , " , '" ",", :,' ,," ,. ,'" '.' ." '. ", ", ' , ", " ,,", 1 ComPW.s aubd1v1a4 on :rU"c11n' the, o:ttl()e-:ottlle 01'erk'o~ theOlr~u1t c.ourt 'In,'and, 1'oi- . i' . ,- \ . , ." . ~'. ~,I . - r J '. . ' I' , \' .\ '-" I, "a~d Countl! ' 1 ,. " ~ r .'. 'i. , TO "VB ,'.urn T4 HOLD thos~e:t,ogether' wi ~li the,' hered.1 te,m,ents' and appurtenanoes; 'U,ntf) th,:' '~e~i~ ,sran~ee':lU1d,lie;l~~ ~~,as~1~~ In' :tee.~1Diple. d' " , :~. ,the' sa~4sr8lito~;s., ,tor, ,~hem8e~v~~',and; thelr'l1$U's, ~dl~g:al' :tepl,'e~entat1ves, ~'OYe!lan~fllth ;ald~~antee' helf8, ,iegal~ ~pr~,aentatl~e~. and, a8a~gn~: ',~at '8al~ ,gr~tor,8 .., are lIJ.deteasl biy 'seiz~d ~'f S~id J.~din . tee ' ~:1.mp,le ;tha t' ~a~d' ~aiitO~8 hav~ t\U.l'powe~an~' lau1'ul right ,tooi?xi~et Saidlai1dJJ,1n'~-ee,s1mple, asa.t:ore's'aid; thQ't' it 8~al~ bela~~or -, ~ -, . - ,.: .,',. ' .' ,', - " , \',... , , ,', ' .' " " ,': " '..' ,", ' .' ,':, ' , ~ ..' '" ,". ,'. , - . ,- -' " ' . , , ..,. -,., , . sa1dgr~tee, he1;-s~ le~&.l," representatlves and assigns'" at all t1.rnes<peao~ab17, andq\i18tl~ . t<)ente~' upon'. ,hOld',' o~'o~~y 'an~ 'enJ'qY'8al~'lano.( thtitS'~id ~Wl~ 'la' ~~e.tl'om"'al~,"ii1o.ibra~:~$', . . '-. ,.' .' '. . . \ - .' that said., gran,~ors tl1e.ir:h4U~8and l~c:al repreaent.ati~ea.W111 m'~" 8UOll , fur1;her.a8s~,~o'e8 1. ,:~operfeot, the, fee s,1mP18'~it~~ t.o '.a1d'.1~d In sa.id,grant8e. h~irs, ~egal ,r~tpre8entat~ve,a , , ,+ and ass161la,. as may reasonabl~ be' requ1ref.~ ,and',tlp,t sa~d grantor, ~do 'her~by tUlly ,\1 :~;ant-,' , .. . -. . . . . . . . ,the tl tle to' said ,J.,an!i ~d V/1l1,derend thesame',agalnst' the, la\~Ulol~tm8 0' aJ.lpe~,ons ~ '. .-! -I" " , i , t: r; J 1& r~ r. ' r ' I - -' ".,.,-' '\!"ho~soevi,;,r.. 'WITNESS the hands "h.ne;,; seallc>>t' sald 'grantors the day 'art.d' yellr tirst: ,a.bove writ tell. . ~. . I f , ~: I- I ~, " ' , 1. ,81gned~ ,Sea.le~ and;, Deli verell 1nthe Presenoe, of' ' ,(Urs) ,Jessie )(.' Beaver Boid. ~. ,et.erson ; 4ltred'P~ters9n h.d Ptteraon ':- '(8e8.l) ($ea1) ., s~\n . O~. ILLIUOI~ COUHriOF ROC~ ,ISLAlrD '~ IHE:lEBYC~RTIJrY'..; ~t on this .~y personally appe~red',b~1'ore ~e. an Off~der:du1y;autho:r-, lxedto administer 9at):1a and 'take, aoknowledgmehts ,.A.lfred l'ete~s'on (Single ):,~d FredPe~erson '. . ' . ~ . " - . . .' ,'" ~. . J\. . ' . '. '. '. ' , , ': , . :. ' '..' , . ~ ' . '(,Single>' to me\!ell kn~\'m and known to me to be ~he lnd.1vi(\u.alS desoribed ,in and w:tJ,oexeouted " , tne toregoing'deed, D.D~they aOk:nowied8e4.'beior~ me that they exeouted the ~ame treely and' I " vtluntarlly fOr th~ purpoaos tnerein 'xpre"~d., , , ' WITnESS myhand and 01'1'i01&ls8a1 &t Rook, I~],.and, Co~t:;' o1'Rook Islandl;U1d State ~ 9th day ot April.1. D. 1~2D~. ,." ~~=--'-"--- ',Fred B. 8!thn4ahl. /, " . !Jotar;y Publio in 'and: tor Rook Island County nt ~oomm18s1on expires I&n. 15~ 1928.' ;".~,"."',.,'., ~', :f. " ';( .; Ct June 1,9. ~5, at 9;56 A.. M. ~..t. t.. < , 4 b ' '...0 ' Vw ," " i,'." " " ".," II " " " " " II I J" "" II II " " " " "" II';' II, II, II " II II f1 ,;, 'II . . . ~. . ,.' . . . . . . . . . . '- . . . . . . ... '. .'.'. . . . . . . t' . " I ' P. C. I1dred,ClerkClrouit'Coart .By ~~'~~~D.,Q. I, , , nil'"" ..... J'