HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1688 .,' I" \ I,~~:,I.,~~~_f""~,,I~I' ': " :',"i"~,I'~ I I':~I~ ,~;. ',; II:,~~,!? I ' 'I ' I " ,t.,' r I .'r" "I ,. I I ; , t, " ' 1, '1'\" 'I j I · I, . " ' i ' ,'" . , ;;~::~~:~1~==~~~:::j~71~a~~f:f:~i~7~~=+'T;;~i~~~: "'. . j "\~~~RB"'I",.~.'.4oI,tht.th1~4 ~OrJW1I,m(1n th~rar '01' ~' Lo~4. on. II.. i' t:\c:\'.l,~ ~'\,l ~O~~4A,~~:,~wen1;;Y:~!1~! ,~"Wee1;i,~ A\O~",.1~'a;41n8k7.'.,h.bIU14,A ':~~',\~'lor,t ~leroft,,\ ,', \. . \ ~l: \, \ :no~1da p~tr.,~t',the hrst'p&n. &;nd'j. B~,.opn~ot\F~f,~,~l,eroe'Pi,Ort4a~1l~t7\_"f"~h.. ,1\ Ut, I, . \ ~ ;,8,00'I1d P&l't. Ii' . \ ' " ' \. , . . ~ . .'- I \ I >'j' ~TDSS~, \ ~ha't it 'the' 8ald\~ar1; -.ot ~l\' '..ooiui :pu.t 8h~:L t~r8~ lIl~~" .~he' \pa1Jlle.t.~ ' i ..:- an4peloi~m'th'0~Te~t8'here1naiter 1I~~t1onea' o~'lh'e~'p~t ,1;01.. tn~de' and\pe~~1'IH'4. ' "L Ii..", ,'.." '. "';',1' ~'." '".,..', ",.." ,"~":..\ ,:\ I ,t~e .&~4. part7 ot the :flrpt ,P~' ~ereb1 oovenants and\ 'agrees to oonve7 :and a8liure ',to the I '~l ' ! ". '8f,i('J.P&rt7 .'of: th~ Beoond.pJ~..'"thlt,;b:t1r.. :e~e()Uto~~,' '.c1m~n1.trator,' or' a~IlH~. . 1nl~8e'.' , . .:,1', ~ . . .' . '.. ,',. " _' .- . \ - -' '.' . . -: .... ,'. . _ ' . .' . : ~ -" '., .~ .V.8~P~,..":~;Lt:ar.,0,t all ~in<,e~b~oe. wlla~eve,~,' bY: !l,'goo~ 7.BUtt~ohnt'd'.c1.. ~'~'. 1,ot8.11,no'e8,: ' (~j. ' ,'!::'~~, p:ar~~18 ot~ounq.,~1tuat,~din,~~e .00~t7 ~~' 'S~.. ~tl~' ,state",ot.~~:fa~,~~.,anc1"des?~lb.e4 ('" ~. t~:;~~::.,t~,-Wi1;; ,LO~,~o, ~~. ~,()~~~,platot ~~lI~braeka, OO~~ ,~lt~t'd ~~,~e~t~on, . .(, ,10, ~o~.. 35, Range'~':rortPle~ St. ,Lo.'!i*"; ClO.J'lo~d&. 1nb~~ok:.1Io ~. ,'and the ,Baid: '~,t7 ,. .; .' . '. . . - ~ . . i .' o~~t~ 's800J\4.~pari' h.,ebi-o.o'Yen$Bt i ,. '" ,V".~ V' ': " .,., ,,' " , ',.., ,. ;: j' .". ot,.'two, thOU8&ndDo~l4U"' In.t)le ~erto110w~J'lve Hundre(i. 4oJ.;lars,~n'l,1andpa1d.2he ,', ~ , J " , ~o~ t,h~eot 18' h.r~bJf.6kn~11~4 ~ 't~.'~~.$,'ot.t~~, ~o~t \nmo~thl7 ~~~~n~8 '.' '-L -. ";~_ .. -:0:-..... , . '~,.' " ..., '. ' .~. . .' _ .. ,',. ..' ..,_' ,_.: ..... :,.' '..'_' ......." "'. ,:_".,~. "j' in ol1e, two, ortbree ;ye,a:t;8e . :W1th i,nterest a~ ~h. rat. of ,~~ p'~ oentuiD:per '~ua, parable';, ':- t 'lIl~rithl7'annual17;0~the~hOle ~UJlre,iaaln1~' 'tr~m:. tir4i, to 't1m~un~~id; 'and' ,to ' p~ 8.Utaxe~:, .' ; " , t', use8Bm~nt8 Or iizlpos'1.t:lonst~t may be legai11 i~viedor. 1tDposel'u,Pon 8dd lana', sUbaeq~e~t"to', : .,.', .'t '" ' , ~, " ':,',.-. . '.'. ,'. ,'..... " '.' , " ",;", .,.. ' , " , ---~_.,~,~~-LL:th.'-.-J'ea~>>onar.a,4.urin8"th~,term"oLth18 agreement_,--~e-'Ot-:.th&---1'aU~he=-- .' " 'p~tFor tho, ..oo,n4J>ar~"Ok.dthoror tli. J>~.n\. ~r ~_tth~r~o~: o~to,J>"#~~llD7 : , .' o,f. ,the'oo'i'enants o~tl1e71" part- .h~re)),llll~de~d: en~er~d. lnto,tl1~s'oontraot ~hall.,. at the, opt1~n'; t - , . . " .": ".... , ' .' . . . , .' '. ....- ~.. . _ '. " . . ~ ,t, the P~t7 otthe~h.st par~'t'b~t~'~t.l ~ed and:,temine.t~d" andtha P~t7,otth~ ~~.on4P&J:t. ;' ahall:~,o~~~1t,e.ilpatme~t~ mad~L~T>th01ll o~.thisopntr~o.',;and 8u~b':payme~t~'Shal:Lb~",~et~iiie~ ' .i bY 'the . said 'partyo,~ the~ir8tp.8r,t'in ~ tuil ~a1i18taot1on an4'1.1qu1~t1olo~ a11d~86e,s lj7 :'.' " ,the~ B~ta1ned, 'anl 88.1d party. ot the, t~t-pa~t ~lial,l have, the rlgh'~ t,ore-enter., .and '~ake' , ~. ~,.,. " .' ~' _".'~: ., ~ '.. . ' . . ' " '_" . I ". ,pos,seasi~n o:t the,' prem1s'!s a1'ore8a.~4.w1thout bfl1ngl~~b:L', ~oany aotion ~heretor~ It ,1S also 'agrCted that it t~e$~ ~tsa.re bel118 refJold. the' rella1I;11ng'pa~en~s .tal.l due at"uQe., :ITIlr JlU'.rti'.ALtY A.GRuD.-by and be:.tweenthe parties hereto,' tha.tthe time 'Of:,paym'U8hall' . _ .-. ,,' . . .:w". _' ',- '..' _ ~ ... .." . _ . ,. .~. .~." _ - ",' . .." . .'......:_.; -.. .: . '.~., . _. .. . .' be. an. Et8sent1aJ. part of. 'th18oontr~ot. .and._tha_t. all' .OQvenants' and e.greemen:ta herein oonta'.ine~" . '. .. ""'.. .'.. ,. - .". -.'..": . ,- , ,. I ,~ ,r' '. - .:,: ~ ,',t. \ ' -:, , f.' " I rr' , ;" '" ! ~"""', ".lk' '~ l" ,,'.. !' " .' !' [ ; ri l ! ' L , ~. . ~ f,'". f' ; , , I \ .. i' " '! '''l . .j\ shall exten\):to ~nd'be '9bl.lgator7.~P9~ t~ hUrs.' exeoutors, adm1n1atratorsandass1gns of the, , . 'i.D~lIp~'O.tf,V~ par~1es. ., . ... . " . . .IB 1I!h"EsS VIHERBOF,The- parties ,to these 'presents have' he,reunto set thelr hai1ds arid' seal. 'lhe day ~d 7ear ~l';rstabove wr1ttfen. ,Biped. Sealed and l)~11veredln Preaenoe or:. . Bd~l1n Rad1ns~ .' ,Beatrioe Dltt~ J.mia Ra41risq (Seal)'. O.wald Rad1nsk1' (Seal.) __'-._._L-:......,;__,_~ , J. B. COne" ., , (Seal) , !, \\: , STATE OF FLO~IDA., IT.' LUCIE' OOuHTY, " , " " . : ,,' - r . On th18 c1atpersonally app.a~ed beto~me " an, ottioer a'\1thorize4. to take ao~owle~ents " 01' dee4s, eta.. 'J .B. Oone 'toile well'imown: lUld known to be th~' persona who exec'\1ted ~he ' ' with1n ~eem,nt,and aOknowled8ed,tha~theyexeO'\1ted the Bame tor the purposes, th~rein , ' " ' , /' '. ,'~-, L-'c--'--r'--' . .---- ._~...--'---..~-n-__--.-. I exp~ssed. ' A.ndth~ said---w1:fe ot the sa1d----upon aR e~1nat1~n taken ~ lie separate and i . I . apart trom her laid husband. aoknoVlledaed that she exe4uted, the sa1,d agreell.~t ~ree17 and ~ -'. volu,nt&tl17.'andw1tho'Ut any o,onstra1nt. oompulslon. apprehenslok;1 or fear otor from her said' husband. ID:f hand and sea.l ,tli1B,13th day ot JW1tt 1925~ ! : 1na 1:0 a.ry P'I1bl1~. sterto 01' Flor1da at large; 113 oommlaa1011 '~~f.JJ,9~'Q~t;~.JJ'o~g~t~, ".' . .._,.., ,.,..