HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1696 ,J , I' ,"I" "~,,',I ',',/,,' I ,i:. " ~,I ,; I ' i ,', , , I '1 ~':.:~'~~~T~~~t;;';:~~~':;;~-;;~;'~"~;'~:~~~~~'-~7~'~~'~"';~~D: ;~~:~~:~!:;:;~;~~'~~it;, I'. 'I " It, i,i"urther mutUally l4{lieod,that the\1DO~t8~~to be g~f'en by' the';Puroha~er tO~h~ ,,1' , ' \" . I ,',' ,'i ' ""1 ','.' ,.. 'I ' ,I, __' I, ,\ ' '; , \ ',' ,:' '\', ',' " ,', '. ' , ' I ' \ f " ~.~ Oh:'t1.0 Ont~in prOy,lof}~ ""'~ ly o. t,l.foorrt. f""b1,~oli;o"\~t.01n,'~0~..t. b~1.J>g '. I :,'! ,'l , . 'J .~~e ~on ~~id, n1o,r"~e '~!ldel>1i.~~O~I~tt~at \releP.Q's,Qt.s'lO.' m~tgag~,.l~e :~olPDrt1onS,-\O~~el;lid , '" L lahd, ~'ay be Ob~ain.eb... ,--', ',',\ " I:' " ..', \,,\' ';.\,"", " "II \,\ 1'i ' 'I " '\" \ ", I \, . I ,', ' , ' , '-, ' . \ ' '" ' '.\ 1, .. ' U1s Mther mu.tual~y1uhdersto~d anh\agrciHHl "that \ the PUrOhaser shall _ake' the oa'sh' ' . L \,' ' :\ ' . \ '\ "" ' ',,' . \, :' .. ' , '\ \."", \,' , ' \',. , ' :' \' , ' \ --' ,; , 'I. ,paymel\t' ~d exooute, 8f~ ~el1ver ~ote. aad 1D0rtgaBe,tuld"exeo'ute\' ~C\ deliyer\, de\ed\'to:.th~' \ , ; ,', ,,' ..'. ,',',.. ,", . .. " - " "'. ,\ ' :'" ',', \' " ",: .' ," I I ,proper,ty",to, b,e '~onV~Y,ed, bY"h~ {l.sabore set 'forth' ~p or"b~,t~reAP~!l ,28. ~9~5. ,And i,n.-the I' 'eve~t t~at, ~~ld~ohaserSh~l~ ':fd.l, to 'pertom, 0Jiy 01', S&1do,ondi ~ion8.,t1r;}e'- be'ing of:' the ' ";\ ,',,' I ,~ \', \ . , . ".', ' ',', . ,,-,', . . ,', , '., j essen,e Qf th1s~ oontraot, the", tqe sald Owner Shall' re'taip' sai~ Su.m ~f $1000.00' P~id. it'. '\ ,- \ 'i ,.' \ , " \,";' , '.,1", ". " " 1 "upon the .exeC)ut1onof:" this, oontraot as li.qu1dated damag~s. , ' , .. . t, " ", ' , ": -- . .-", , , ' .- ' " ", ," ,.I-' ",' ,I.~, th~ );'e'llu~B~"Of the' p\lfohasEl:r tn-e. OwnIU' shall ~ake' deed t'o and reool.. not~s and ~.",; !mortgage: from &n1 persono1'l9orpoaatloJ;l Vlhl(),h:~a.1d '~ohaser,maY)1.e<llgnatet' an~ if ,the', , ..,:, , '; " '." " :,' , ;, , " ',' , .., , , '. ' , ' 1. sale, .-ovld,ed, hy 'thiS, oontJ'aot1a 'oonsumated' \'I,it-h ani, suoh' pei-so~,_ ~~J'-o.rporat1bn: 'other, thalL _J:- .. . ... ' . ' - ..t________..-~__ .....,t--.--..-:-.-.---.--.- ~ . . '. - ... _ . ." .' '. i 'the sald.-~.'\l..' '1IhOulpa0l1,ih~n ~116. Gerold. E;'11. ~pson Sha.ll.0l!lrel~aae,dfrotii,al,l'1;h~ ,. . . .. - . . '. -'. .'. .,'. ',-. ' ~ ~,." '. - .... .' - ,. ~ obligatlons of this'oontraot. ' . ' , .. , ,... ,; i'" , -;, '-, ,.,.' " .,.. ',', , . . ,:~r ".~es~ld' o~er~~ee8to ha~e a> 8,urvey ~dPlat, 01:' ~he ,above. d,eilcribed pro?er,t;r~4~e.~ , ',~ i' 800nas ,.praotioable.. '~n~ a, o~tOl' sa'~d plat 1'UrnlSheu. 8a~d Purohaser. '! ',' ' " . '" ". , '. ' , ' '\" ~ ' ','In the 8'{ent. that' the ,prov18ioi:uj 'of 'the s~1ci.l30~06o .mortgage '.g1ven.by l{cKeEi-s~xton' ~. - . .-,.' ..;....... ~.' , . ",". ','. .1" .~ '.' .",', .- .... . - ". ", ..- ".~ ~"'..,: . l' Land' Oompanyto' Vera BeaohDeyelopment 90mpanY shouidUe il~reat,ter'modlt1ed!J()' as, tOPl'Ov!de ' i " ," , " "0 : : ,,',' ' ".' ' , ".,.,,', ,', ' , ' ; that .20,000 shall b.e....exp~de4.-:-!,n-the"development ,and 'lmprOVl;1&nt or said property' ,.,1thlnte:n' ,~ ..' "'-' " . ". . . . . - '. . ': " ' . '- ".' ". - . . ':'. ' - .' . :mont~s lU't~r~the'd.a;e'oi8aiO: mort~~~~JUh~ad, ot~~t. ,.lQ~oOO' as.1toY1 p~ovide4 't~en' the' ..': Pju.o~ase'rt Or h1'S, a~8lgns. will a(Jcept sald. ,mod.lf1~at1o~s' ~s: it. it ;/ere apartot~tll~~'-:~' ' . \' , " ' ror.lg1nal'mo~tgage. I 1 t (!'.. ! : !r.~ IJJ .. \_" \, " , " ~ '. .' '). f I ~}',.,~.,.. ' '>':'; , ~.~: , " I', " \' \. :- ~, -- .'~~' r", .l: ,-' & , I' ',j': '481 ,'. I I I' : ' 1'':':- --'1--7' '," I , " I -~-.--. -.-...-.-...----......-..."... --;-<, .-,.of" '~ j if . . " ,J" " i 'I. I,' . " ; I: '.l . . .' .', I , : .,/' , I. 1- ...... '\ .\;, 'i. t " -( " This agree~e~t Shall.;~e'bindingon anQ. ,enure to:the benet1 t of the hen-s,' 's':l~~e$s,ors', ' , , , " ,,! l,egal repr~sent~t1vea' aud asslgnso1' the re8p~ctive, parties liere'~o., '. .' ,>.. '. _ "_' ..t.., . : . I~ WITli'ESS WHEREOF. the par,ties hereto have caused thEtlr respecthe 'names . .. - . ~. .- .-. . - . .... " '. ..' _. >' 0': , . . , , ~ ~ . I . ~ and'UJl eEls . ' 4A;r and' 3:ear.,1'i~at"a.;ove writtert. U9Xee-~eitonLand ComJany " E.' R9ters ' .F' .L. lterWd,llglh >" " "I. W. J.ho!Dpson (SeallJ' Reoelve4 01' E. W.,ThOmpson the s~' ottoooo,to app110n account p~oh~,se p'rioe:~nd acoord1ng terms ot~w1thiri cO'ntract and subJeottheret,O Kayl1th '1926 . , MoKee-Seaton Ltuld'CO~ . \1.' E.Se~tont' Vloe-Pres. e,t2ao3 P. li, ,"" Ii " " II " " " . . . . j. . , . . . P. ,C, Eldredj Clerk Oirouit qour't, B7 '"~ ~'~,D..a.' , " . Ij " " 11'11 II " 'II " II "," II' " t1,' 1111 Ii II n' ',"",,, "',,,' 11"""11 " ".. .~ . . . .. . .- . . . '.. . . ... . . . . . . -_I . .- . . . .. . . I ~llJ~ ~,pJO~ll . '. " i -----":' f -:_ f I I J. -- ---- , j ,/ /' , ' ---r-c-.