HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1699 J J .".. - ~ 1.' l r . : , . i - 'I I .' ; '" \: " I' . (,1 I. !" ". , I ,'r, i .-;:. I. ,j '1 "48J_ ~, ',,-. " ", , ~7=~~:.~""-~:;-:;;.~::.:~;.;;~,l:'~:~;"~;:~'.:;'+~;';;;~7~;~':T;~-'~.T':;~;4;~~[~~~;'~,~2~-'Lc.~~~ . I 'j , I" I , ;. \ ',\' "\ \ ' \, ,#, I .. j I ' , ,I.., , ' , t, . '. . . .. ", . .' .' . . \ l ." . , -, \.. I'.' ;.' . . . ". . J I', "\(,'Ri'1lYALL"',.. '\ '. ,\ ", TO. ;.,I .,,', " :S', S'. OOFlPIB'BTAL I;, \ : .\ t.' '" .\ I, "l.., . .\ .\.~- , '-.\~. 1~'11~ , I" . , !' " I' "', ,SEl$ASTUN.~RlDA'." ; " 1 " .1 .~~ilOln>ilta~' ai" ~r~~...id'Ku I"U.~ ~O~ .tP920. 'J!w.~ona.o~ F1f~~ .;nd, 00/100 DO;h~P i , ,I to,app11-' on ?uroh~sep1"lae' 01' 4.11 I ot 'lot, three "in the 8ubdJ,v1816n '01' 'lo,t ,on. (1) '~n 8eotio,n l '.\ . . " \, . ..,. .', .'._ .". _ _' \", , : , ...:' ,_., ." ~: ',' . I "'~ , i, ,:,:'~1 th"~~10ne, ~OWli~hl,p.th~rt7 (~O>. '~. 3?Thlrtrn1ne, a~ ,subdivided b1 J,~O.h1es. wltl,i j ',\" I i \ ..',...." \ ~ .'. _ . .'. . \. _ \ \ ,.l. \ . '. \ _ . . _ \ .", .'. \" . , ~ .' . _ '. \ . . \ \ ~ . . \ ,r"p~r1an, r1ght,..s 'between 1;11e 'new Etnd old I>1:tt1e ,hlghways.. ,Ton otl SebaatlanQ.ounty O~ ,st., i" f .". "\., ': . _ . ','; \._ . .,' I" ','. ,': , . ." ...... . ~.... ',' -' .'-.~' ", _,' \. ,:' . j' ,:Wole. ,Fla.. ,The, ,entlre1>urQhase ~~iae 5'1' the ab9ve proJ8rttia~"GOOO~Ob ~lve Tho~and' i i. . ". , . . ; '. .' \.. .. .' '" "._... ,-' ~... \ .: I': ' PO'll~s'whlon , the abov~ 'J\~o Hundred Fl~ty iiJ:a'l>art,' nnt\. tlie l'~a;nin8 1'O~ty, seven h..un~ed' 'I: . . . . .' '. ., -; - .. ~,." "' .' . . .' ',',.' .- '.5 I ' ~i1'ty, Doil,l'r8 .t? ,be, pa1<\ as 89011' as the'tJ,.tl.s t'o 8'.,.ld prop&rty:.oan,tfe apPrQ"'~edarid' p'.s&ed' l' ..1' '~.';~d ~..~. OO~V07~~ the, ilal~~..'.~t~fNO"'do1it~ p~ aii~no~~';"b.'" 1~OlUding ,'ax~~. ~ ,; u ,~xeau~,eynd,de~~'l~r,ed t;o',~e llur~haae~s the1~;'a~e~,gria. ' In ~aBe .tltle Oanllo.t ~e, turJ1iahet,., ,; ~ "B,at1'sfl.o*or' 1;,0 the purohaser, a~tQrne18 ,t~en the' ~o~t Shall, b~ ,l"e.tu,rne4" ,the ~ell'er,~e~s '~o', .~ give' ~he.~U1'Qp.aee~thlrt1 4:aystr~m, thia~z:t' whla~ ,to,oOnU?let,e the, 'tranllQotiqn. ~t s81h:t' i' . ,..~' .'. . ... '.. . . . - . ' .!. "'turn18hea a good .ndwarJ:anty:Clee4 \~1 ~h&-lIlel"ohai1table ~tl.'and thell\U'oh8.sers tail to:'" ,', i" ,~o'oePt-b~t: ~h~n' the. 8'14' two ~~4red' 1'~~t1~o~lar~ · 18' ~o~'be i~e't'ainedby 'the sell~;r.. ,. . ,.. ",;: . .', i" . .:\ 1 . t i --, . j.: , ! f 1,' ; , i "; . 'I' I 1 I ! t , ~, I" I., .__-,-_ J._ .~.__~.~...",...~.,_ l . t; ~ I. . , , l. , " , :r: I', .. :1"- ~. ; ! . I \" ~ . ,\ , r. r ,\ \. ..... J" .', '!' "D 1" l~ ; \:. -1~ ~..~ '. ~'~~~ 'j :.':,; , '. ~ ., , ','8 ~4 " II. R. R..Yall--=' oj. ~'". ..:. .;i ,"jj 'I ~ J,~ \ .5. ' S. GOtfln, , ;, ~ ~ .' ~ ~. '. , . ,)(ax 18&&0 r--<~ ,-;. , , ]',] j .O:J ,~/ : Wi~ne'Q'. ,0'. ~., Sessions . h. '.','.,','J.- 'I ,ii , ,) ,,[. :IJ ,'a. ,-." . " A~t~ K. l\yal~ .: ' " ," , , ~ 'Fli~4 and reoor~~d'J'Une .i9~~ 1925.'~~:19 '1>. ll." . ,',' ,.' , ." ,'.. ~ <'qq ',,:: /~ " 0.... .-- ~~', . ' " ~Q' '" . .Ue:".."." ..". !.i."." ~".".n .:"'~" .." ..It ,-n .'~.-n ,"." ,_~ .:"..n~'~'.n~~n." ,"It.- . ~:"',:i , . P.&-. ~drea. " ' ., ~ Clerk C1raui t Court'. " . Bt "~~':~" C.. , , ' . l" i l , . ! . i ': i I ), , ) ! i ! . , . ~ I /. , , . ',I ". i '1 . ". l ~ I ,d :1 ::1 : I ", i I' I I' -I .1 1, . i Ii , ~ rr n n n n'W" " . .. .. '; .. .'. . .. . ".1 ,\ DOPICAL BUCK LA.ND ,cd~~. THE ~B~Y COKPAify~ ~" iWARR,AllTY DEED' THIS, I:irnEUT~t Uade this15th'd&Y of June 4. D.. 1925; between '.Tropioai Beaoh'Land , , aOmPan7 a oorpora~l~n' existing ~ner th~ laws of 'the State 01':FlO.l~, havlrig .it~. p~lnolP~: l>lao$ ot, ~Us1ness~',th~ Countyot Dade' o.ndat~t~ 0 t' FloJ:'l4a ari4- iaVltw.~i . ~uthOri~edto~transe.ot',bU8ille.es lnthe ~,ta:te01'Flol4A. part~ ot tl1e:tlrst, pe.r~., and. ~e Ree~lloy. Company a ao~p()re.t1on ~k18t1~ under the '1'aws o1'the, ate. te of Florida havi~ " :.; t" . , " its prinaipal plaoeo1' buainess in. tke County 01"Da,deand State ,of Fiori<1;&&nd ~'avifw.ly auth':>J'hed to transaot buSiness in the state '0,1' l?1orf44 , party' ot the'seQond' p,a.rt~ . '. ~ . . WITlfESSETH.: Th.atthe 8~idp~ty of the t1r3t part, tor and in' oO!leideratlon ~1'the sum ot,: , , Ten Dollars andOthe.r V&lwible Considerations .to, i'tin hand paid by the, Said 'party 01' the .! . , se~ond pa.rt~:th,oreoei:ptwhereof 18 here.b1 aokn'ow1edeed, hasgra.nted, . bargained a.n,d. sold. to , , I ' '. , ,. " ';, , ,,_ 1;he said party of the' second part ,. i t8 SUOOe8E\OrS and ~3signs to"ver', the 1'ollO'!/ing desoribed i ' , , ' , land, s1tuo.te, lying and. being in, the County of St. Luoie and state o'fFlorlda,.to-w1t; Fre.at10nal Seotiona Klc;ht (,0), )line (?), Fifteen (It.H Sixteen 1(16)e.nd Seventeen (J7)' n r y- lx, Sou,th Range Forty-one kat, together w1th "all submarine lJnd.s and I ' I riparlaJ1 1*~l:1ts adJaoent or p,.rtainin~, t,hereto. Purohaser ~8umes!tax~a for the year 1926. ($625.00 I. a. Stamps, Can.) .An'" the said party ottlle tlr,st part doea hereby fw.ly ftrra.nt the title ~o eaid land~ ud will detend .the aame ag~1nst the lawful olaims of all persoll8 wholll8..ver. to; i , i ! ; I . , , ,