HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE04-11-' 19 12:41 FROM- 7728787856 T-344- P0006/0006 F-541 1, Kim hil At" Soildi it i e`i a ti ll miv�sa � .10,01nia AVM 772- 462 FaX 772-4 2-f 4 a a guerAfor 30-Day-Terri irdry'Pdwer-Releaise Date: \-' M)mbe . q O (9 Projea Addrem C � THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY RFQUEST RELEASE OF ELEC1RiCAL POWER TO THE ABOVE DI SCRISED PROPERTY, FOP, A. PERIOD NOT TQ Qk D THMTY (.30) -DAYS, FOR THE PURPQSE OF`T�NG SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARA°i'ICJN FOP, A.I-INAL INSP,E N. IN CONSID�E[iAMON OF APPROVAL OF THE WE-W:REBYA ¢O�i8E-AND' RWi-AS ms: I. This Crary Peer Nease is rested for the above 4tftd pure only, and t�-e vm be m occupancy of any tom, other than that pLemitt ed by.cor$tizrction during this time period. 2. As witness by .our $'Una4m, We her0by agr�e W abide by -ail fietMs and coddit4orls of this agreeme64 including Building DIVision Polity, which is incorpdraEsd herein ay rdemnm 3. All conditions. and requirements ked in the atbkhed dncEiment entitled`Require rents for 30 Day Povarer for 7ei5ric tiaveburr fult"illed+and the premise is feady for compliance inspection, 4. All 'requests for -an a dension beyond 30 days mLmt be: made in v&,ti J tD the Budding ?OfCz'clal staing the rea$ori fOr the regUest: PW er May be rpthe ed1rom the sib and/or a Stop work order issued if the Futai Inspection has not been approved wahin 30 days. A fee of $100.00-wlll be requcl+ed to lift the Stop Work larder. WE HMY RELEASE AND AGPEE.TO HOLD HApAL: SS, Si. LUCIE,COUNTY, AND THEIR EmpwywS FROM ALL LMSILMES. ANDCLAIMS AIMS -OF ANY TYPE: OI?',NAT.0 VIIHZCH MAY A RISE NOW OP, IN THE FUTURE OUT pF THE TRA4 ACTiQiN, ,INCLL1DIi1IG Atal'Y D;4Nla W-HICK- MAY BE INCUR DUE TO THE D1sC(51Il�i1=C t1dN 0; : I�ZiCA L, P{3WE91N THE' EN ' OF 1!%(AA710N OF Tj70 AGREEMW, RECEI VED APR 15 2019 Professional Insulators of South Florida Permitting DePart FTC Insulation Installation Certificate St. Lucie County�k St Lucie County Date: Aril 9, 2019 Re: Lot/Block: Address: 8 Octavio Project: The undersigned herehv eertifiec that insulatinn hac heen instnned in the ahnve descrihed nrnnerty as fnlln%vc 1. Exterior CBS walls have been insulated with: Spray -on Cellulose Thickness in inches: lFiberglass Blankets Manufacturer. Fi Foil lRock Wool Blankets Density: X Aluminum Foil R-Value: R 4.1 Board tRd st_vrene er 2. Ceilings (level) have been insulated with: Spray -on Cellulose Thickness in inches: 11.1" X I Fiberglass Blown Manufacturer: Climatepro lRock Wool Blankets Density: Aluminum Foil R-Value: R-30 Polyurethane 10pen Cell SPF Ceilings (Inaccessible) insulated with: Spray -on Cellulose Thickness in inches: X Fiberglass Blankets Manufacturer: Johns Manville Ignition Barrier Density: Fiberglass Blown R-Value: R-30 Cellulose Loose Fill Open Cell SPF 3. Interior kneewalls have been insulated with: lFiberglass Blankets Thickness in inches: JFiberglass Loose Fill ,Manufacturer: 111ock Wool Density: Fiberglass Blown R-Value: Cellulose Loose Fill Open Cell SPF 4. Garage partition walls of A/C living area have X Fibe -,lass Blankets been insulated with: lRock Wool Thickness in inches: 3.5" Polyurethane Manufacturer: Johns Manville Spray -on Cellulose Density: Open Cell SPF R-Value: R-1 l 5. The following have been insulated: '6113111"'J S�bt:ont� `'% C 'OOA�RITF • C' a SEAL :off .� . 2003 •..- ;.o•••.!ti' s.•=,�N `:♦a �t�d b �� tuna• WYNNE BUILDING CORP. General Contract/Builder- CBCt254041 Competency # Professional Insulators of South Florida. Inc. Insulation Contractor Bv: By-