HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1702 I, '. " , II : '. I" :.' '. 'T~,,' ,t, rC,~~'\ I lJ."'." ) --,I ; ;! , " , . . ';', -~~,.,-""~'" I'~' "~'....~", ,,'. ,.,;, ." '>,' "I. ",,1' , . 'I" !, I . I I 'I' '1" ". , , ' " I f ,. ~I, .' ': ';,.'.' ..' ',' " I. '. . '--, , " . " \. , r I l. I ~'=-~............~~, . .....~~~ &..:.L.........~....1o<'_...i::_.~..;'o::~.-..........l. _~.L ,.--.....,...._'*'.-::..._~-"-"<.....Lr~~..,.....-........."'J..:_~_......--.;._-J.........ir,...,"':.s~--..............":_-+...~~.....-=-___.J: ,..."'-..............~4--i-..........4.-....J:-~..................~~ ~....~ r ,. ~~---~~~.--~~..--'lf'~~~~~~.."......"...~.-:~~-.~-~~-~"~_~~--:r:.e<'~ -'-~~. --~.~--~. ~ ,,~r:r' ~ '" ~..::~rl~.~~_~~- ',\ I, '\ i' 'j. 'I Ij,,\,' ". .;' , ,,' i " . " \ ':.' I,. \; , , I" ,', . , j '" '.,' I I" 1'\ , :..\. \' ,'\ .'\ . I,') \ '~, .1 ,!,' '! 'It' is,'a6I'':;''dltliat ~bst~S.~1i ot t1tl~ Sh~li.\~ ~\U'1llohed 1l~' the PurOhe:~~~'~ \1h11lhinl\ ':1\\'\ \ :," -I 'I ; 1" , \ ' " \, 1 ' ", l' '\ ,\',", 1-' \ \ \, ' ~. , \ '" ~ '; '\ ' -;, ,,' '\ '. ' 30 dq~ t~oUl thi8' da~e. \ ,";". \";,' I' , . "" :"~':+~'Theba~~oe";rtlioT'p~oh~:~ep~i:co h~~1n. ~e~~r;e~sh~n b~:'~a\ld"~S\ ,t~iio\.,~;\,tl,6~;.66 o~~'.\" . ; l \ . .~' .\. . .,"'. _ . \., ': -",. \' '.' .\" ',' " ~ .'.... '.: ., _ . I. \"_ __". ".,: _. I ~ yeaiafter da.t~r $1666.6~, tvco ,~ar8a'fterda.te; $1666.QO th~6\ years 'atter ,~U eto,., 'w1tli . " ...' i ,\ \"',' '" ' .' '" ' , \ ", . \ "', \", ," , \ " . \ . \, \ .' .. ' \' ' \\" 1\ I 'lnteres,t, ~t'a~ \payable8~mi,-annuaJ.11', 'II . \ ' \",: . , \ ... \' f' ,. \ ," I ' , , ' ., I C \ I ,\ t I~ is turthip un~ershOd artd ag~e;ed that'aft~r\the ,tlt1~ to aalcl p~Dpprty has been . i" " ,,\ .': ' . \.. . . \',.. ,,\, "I , "!, examined andA t, appear& that, the ~tlJI1~,' 1.8 deteoU 'fe and lio.~ a~o~.~tableto tb:e' ~Oha8er;' ,\ , \' \ ," I " " ',,', I " " ' ',I ' ' .. " '. ' , " '"..., , ' , 'I . then :,~h1~ 88reement:.~8haU be :o~~~, an~ :th.e~~~d.r pa~~~~ 8ha,1~\ be:retU1'ne~ to. the~QhaSer" , ',I:. lIo~~V"J:~'8~QU],d ~the ,ti t.~et~' .8~1d p,aope:ty:be 'iJ1 ,,' 'aocor~no~ ~1 th,' :i.,gal.re.qu1re.,nt"iI, :al1~ . "::'" :,1., the bal~oe of 'Oe,sli,paYJIle~t 1,8 nO,t ml,\de'attlie tjJne"ll8reed~pon, ti~.n 'the Seiler"8~11':have, " . ,,"',,' , . ,',' ,. " . \ . . I. the, ~igh:t to d'eolare thiS a~e.~merit v,?U. and 'fo~,f.1~ the bi~derp~yinapt ,made, and ret:aj,~the t -;-.' .~. ,.- , ,.' " " . '. . ... '.~ ,., .' I ' ~ame ,fo,! 11qw:da t,eo. dWn~~8., : Time 18 the e8sence of' thls oont.&ot,. , I. ' , ' , ..' " . , ',', , " " { ,',' "" ,:," " . '.- ' .' " . , or . Witness the handS' an~sealsof ,e~~h, "ot:the. ,p~t1e~ h~~ot9" thit! the4a:,~d Ye'ar, aoo!e ! : ,:1 ."4na'~ l, .. "'1-''- - " ".1 . \ ll1"1 tteri. , --'~'- . \ -10'-- . .., "'. 9',1.. . , ! VM.t.nesaes 1 ' , ;. , , . f .~ .' L~ .,~~ ,B'roWn r . , I , 1 r. ; 'Wal ter lI. aQgers '.' * .~H~ '~arner, agt.. 1'm.'Burkhotder , (Se~): (Se,eJ.~' , , ~. D.' Kerwin , l., !, . , : . AFF~VIT, . f . ! WITUESS my sign~tUDe fUld offioial s,ealat Stuart' in ,the ,g~uAty of:palril :Beao~ and, Sta'te ot :. . " ' , .' ~~,and1e~last' aforesaid.' ,'., 1 if , f~,,' I ' t. I~ ''Ii. ; ..1 . ..;. , :'.A..D.'Merwin' "(Seal},' ,', .', .', ' 1l0tary~blio;Stateorlorida ~t .1arge My,}'OmmlSlJl0n,expire.I;J' Septa. ber 6,1921 , , ct.' ... l~th 1925, at 4:11 P. ll.. ,'~' .~ Co' . -c'-o-' ~O:', . . t- ,(~ '. .....~;, :' 'q- ,. ; P. C. Edlred, Cler~ Cirou1t, Court By' . ~ ~.~,' ~ ,:.. :\1. '.41" " ,; '":... 'I, . i": 4 i ; i 1 ,Jun~ . ~,". Sl,....,~ ",-,)., D.' O. '! '11,11 1I,It"Ir"II,n'II'II,II,'1I "<'II II II 11,,11'11,11 II II II 11"'11" 11'11 11,11 n 11'11 "",, 1t"UII il'ii'll;' 11":1' .;'~ ".. .-. . e. eo.... e.. . ... .... . ....,~..'.., .._.",. '... .,...._.,.. . >... ... '..'_' ~ '.(iRoRG~ IQ:IlSKER , T() X01;'LEGARD .REAL~CORPORA.'.rIO~i " . ..01 W.uuwr.qDEEDu " .j THISINDEUTURE, Yad,8 t~isn1nth day' ot:iuneA.. D. ';925:':BETWl';E.Uu~orgelw.nsker', Vridower' ot' the Count1 ot.Kana\Yha' and State of West V~rginia party,otthe:hr3t part" and KotJlegard 'Realt~,c'orp()rauon"" a oorpora~10n o;t~e3taie' ~fi1.orl~:Oftheaount;'~~ .S~,..LuOle' Qlld, St~te ,~' FlO'1"ld,aPartiof' the seoond part, .WiTliESS.~Ta, that the said'partyofthe' ,first part, j for and in. oonaider.at1:m of the sum of anu e oonsideration to, him' , ~ f .f' .' . ~ ...." in hand ~1d,the reoeipt whereof is hereby acJo'Dwledged' ha;J, granted, bui-gained, s.:)ld and' i' ' -~' . 'f ,transf~rred, and by tllese presents does gran, arga1n, sell and trc.nster unto the s~id'party of .the ,seoondpart and itS 8ucoessors and IHlgit:ns--'tor.ev~r.,a.lithat oertain paroel: ot land. - '-.. ' . - - '. - ~. , , , . lyil1gand beil\lC in the Oounty' of St. Luoieand .;;tate of Florida more partioularl~ de3or1b~d ',' 'afJ. follows; All thellortheast one-q\hter of Seot1on ~~, in 1'O\'lDsh1p34, ~outh otRange ,i. 39 East, oontaining 1:62. aores'more or ,Jt.IIIl'h ex.rept. however, the right of way ()f :Pllblioroads l . - -~- - - . - - . a.nd drail~age Oa.nal8 or' d1toh.e~ti as sh:owu o:tl the, ,{llat of sa1d. 'land..l;tmade oy the/Flori.da. East, Coast' Real. ty Company, a oorporation and rectrded in the office of1ile Cl.erk of theC'ix-cuit , , I '. Court ,of St. LU01eCO\Ulty, norida; and, subJeot to the taxes assessed upon said prOperty . . . l: 'i. tor the year 1925, whioh ~aitd taxe~ filiall. be, prorated be~ween ,the "part1,8a :lel~eto as of the date'pi th1s deed. 'I~ ~ j. , ',' I;' , , , ~-- ------ --- -'-------~ -------------'-- . ~........-....,-,.------ ---.-.---....--- i " '" r':.....-:-:-;--r-"'--~ ..;,. -- - ...