HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1706 I ! , , ' " . ,-,''', ,p ~ ",1 -,J......T..~..':..:.." ,! '~...~~t~ , , ,I ' " " " ,'.1(',11 I..! ' . t-,'. I,., ..;' . to;.'; .. ... ~ I ,. . . i .. . 'I I: 't-i . .t I ,,~~~.!';,~:;;:..';;~.~L-'~"':i:'~ri~.~" .,.If ,',' ,I, I" "':"~"::'I~~:::~~L;:j;:i:~':';:;':;-"';::41':- ". :,;r~~~i'i ',if. ,;1.' 1t . ,I, I ", . .', , ' I' \. t '~ ,,',\.,;'\ \, \ ., 1 I . ,. . \" , \' \ '", '\ "... -\-' 1 'l" ''\ ,\ ,.\" ,Ii," ',I".. \'" \' ,\" ',':\'" \', \ I .It " :1,1 Pa1mett~~re8Wki~, X-:r-;Jl-W., . tht~ S'o\l,tn \1n8' btlina ~11'e' NQrth: 11ne, of th~ land 1~,e1~", , ' ;, \'.1 4Q8~rlb~c1. .xoept1nB'hOW'Ver,~ tlve\ao~es,so;Ld'an9- ~onvftye4:tPth',da~hter. orbne ,~.Gor.., ; "-I ~q'IfB\Ii~ tll&l~.~' tene...~i.; 1l.jo~tl!I; t~"n't. &1\4' "~~"""'j"iiO~"" ':* tho .,Mlpri:vii.~.\ . ' 'I \ t "~I~ht~ 't1tle~d 1n'!,....~.and e.st'a~e.do"er ~ ,r~t, ~~, 401'er and reve"-810nthe1.leto ~\ .i I,' ~elo~,1b8 IC?J 1nany,W:lse &Pi>.~tain1tig;J ' ~;H4Vt~..ro(HotD"~h.S~'e\n, t~e~1m~le to,r.!~,~ ',' 'l~ , II ! .. \ "4n~ ,the 8~t~:\part1~8 o;t~e. tir,st; ll~t :o'.e,~t\ Y,~th,~~e.alI1 I>ar.t,Y"ot t~e: SeQQi1,d,P~,! ,that they.are lav,;tu:LlY,Jlei.ed 'ot1;he ealdproperty. tho.t th~1ar~tre~ fJ',omi 8J.l,inowi- .' \': '.'. f " "" . ,', '..';. . ' " , \,' " " ",,:, ,', ,,'..' \'" " , ' ' , , \, " ~!,: ,berano~s an4.~h~~,the1 ~ave,c~~~,r~t, ~d ~a~aut~0~1t1.to 8el1:t~6 8~e as abov~n~ted." o !ha1;they are the ,onl1 heir., ot the ,late.,'AsophW. B1a)ceal.*e; 4na. tb&t' the parties otthe' ,'; ;- f.; ...: . ..,.;. .'. '. - ..,: - ,,;- " c':.' ..:-.... ~.:.." :' "._'-~'\'~:~-._., _" .:'-~' '." . . ,". -~" '--, t.. ~___ ..u' ,! :tlrst par~. hereb1~11 ~~r~~the. t,i,tleto' s8.1dlanda f41dw~U dett!nd ,the88me against the '~j ,~!. 'laWful ol~1mIJ' ot, 'all. pIJ;-80na .wh~80eV81.-': ' . ' ,. .1' ' '111' .WX~SSWllEREOJ'~';the,.ald ,parhe:,j have h:eJ,"eunto s~t,thel~.I. haiu\a ,wi~ 8eal~ the dA1, -.nd' 1 '''; ". ~. , , : ", . " '.' ;'.; , ",.' ;;),', ,. " ~ ' ';year ::~l~:t.. abo.ve'11"1t~e~." ~.' i', B""1<<o,, e,d. Seale"d ',and d.l1"8red, " ..in the presenoe otl,' , ' '., , " ,- "'.. . r ,PaUlS.Ohapn&n ' , I, " " , 1 Ja~8 A. AJ1dreY( !, i ~ .~ ~,., .,':; " '.' '::'~.r~, \ '" \' t' ',~~:i,,"'-,' ,; \ f 1'" , , , ,- .~ ,r ; 1~ ~' \\ \ "- ' t n~. J ~~ t~ ' f \1,\, f ,\ " i ' , t. >. ~ \ r . ~ r~ t' ' ,," >, "- ~. ~ ' ~ ~\ ~. ~ ~ . ~ r: ~ r r .. 1ft' I' 'rr 1: ,~., '..',' . f' , ~ i ~ t '" i" .... 1 oj ~~ I , I ~~ ~:. , ' t ": It' 'I, ,- J': : , I 49'5 :') , "1 " i__'~_'-__'r ) . :. , , ".', '-~. .' ".f" . ,; ',':': ','Nelson I. B1,&kfQ,iee , , . ~ .. iulla:A.'~lake81~e , "l,,' ':.tOhn s. \ malteale, , f i 1 ('Se,alJ ,. ,lS~all. " ,.'(Seal:) , '(S!.al ) l. ~- , , ,)[1111e ,B~&ke8,le." i '......', ','f'tiI'" ; . ~ ~. 1. n. i I ~tATB OFcomOTIOUT , , OOUlfi'Y.OFli'AIaFIELD . i ~ i j, . . I, ;, r ~' t t ~', ",;' ~ -r' i ,; J . ' ~. .'.." ,I HimEBYOERTIB'Y.~t .;mth1sday"persOnally:appeared:betor. me'!ln ottloer al1thorl~ed.:,' . .' . .', . '.' . . : . -.' -...... " ,',,- . . .-' '. . t~ take 'aoknowi~ui~ents,anda~1n1St~r ,_th8' Nelson' E~ ~~ake,81ee': and: w1te iul1-. ,i.. " . 'I.' " ~ .. ," BbJc..iee and 'JoM Jo. Jnaklslee '~d: wite X1111e '~,t.keS1.ee ,to, me well, known to ~e the' peraons' ~ .r ,d~8oribed:Ul and who ~e,ou~e4thetorego1~ deed; o~, ~onve;y~oe' ,iO.)?R.J(c,Orar1~ci se,ver.;. . ~ .; .' ".. . ..' _-' .... ~. ,-_, . ,"I. .'. ." ~. _'. ~ ", ~l)",~(;ki1owle08ed.th& execution:. thereot"t'o 'be, t11:8ir treeaot and'deed~orth. purposes' ' t;her~ln eXj>re4lled; 'm' JUl'ia 'A. Blakeslee and !l1111e Blakeslee. >'whes 01' th~:, Sl:i.~(i 1iel,son Jl:. in.~ea:J.ee ,find.jo~ A. B~akesle~ ~ respe,otiY~11' on~' separdteand prlvliteexam1.nat1o~take,n ,&Q.d made separate, and a1)ar1; tromtheir,rnp.~lve 'husb~O:a, by an~ betore'me, did aok- - . . . ',... ". '.. ------- . - '. . ".... ... ,. -'. . ., . . ~Qwb~e tliattheymade t~eIIlselv~spart1e8to,8aiddeedtor t,11'& purp6.. ilt. ),"enoun91ng' .all' the1r,~~t'.t1 tle andi~~~;1"es~., whe~her~ .~~. e?eror separat'e, ~rop~rty, ,statllt,or1,.,o'1.",. . .~U~e'; ,in and to the land.$, th.~ei~d'e~~l'1'bed., ,a~dthl.l.t'. th~1'exeo~te<i "1;he.same t1."ee11 and ! vol,uiltari1" and \11 thout an,y' ~onatrain'tt&ar' or apprehensIon or', tearot 01- froni. their: . -' '.'. '.. .. .".... -~~. . . 'respe,otive hUSbands. \1ITm:ss my hand and c;>ftlo1a~: ,seal this 24th day' ot April, A. D; 1925; at 'B~id8port Count1 ot O~U1n'eot1out. , ' ',Paul S.Chal.)alan ll'otary ~bJ.i,o. Uyoomm1ssiJn expire,S, February, 1, 192,8. ~ , , , '($.6~ I. a.. Stem 8, CaIl.) , " '. , , " Filed and reOQrde,d June~Qth1925,~c9:23,A. Jl; ,o~(/ l-- (. ' -"~. -~,. P. C. Eldred Clerk Oirouit Oourt, ~~'" ' (, " t.j B-1 G ....'<"-.. /' /'o.''l , . J, '~-$' ~, '" ,\ ,'.('" >,.Ii.~ C. 'i. ,~ n. n. ".~~' ." ." . rr .,". if ..n. n . n . , , n 11 ~" " "i! n "," 11 " ,.' 11 " ,; n " 11 II," II h' II " 11 " . _., ..-. . ".e . . . . .. . .. ~ ~.. . ., . . '._'. .. . " " "," "',, 11, . .'. . . . ." . 'I. '~ ~--- - { , r'