HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1713 , 1 " it, '1', I "J ."4. , . -. -, "4' ~ . r'~ f i . : 'l.) ,\ 5fi~" '" I ~ . .', "-'0----- _ _, .~'......------ - J 1[ . '.:. "0, " " ~. , ,I I :', .- -:t~7-'-'; " -.--;1'-T----.--- ---. -. 'l'. ,-~. I' ..~.... ",. ....r--I1P<---.-~:-,.-~-..;-; ,~.' " I ' " l' " ,I -;:,(;~-;'~~:;...,.;;..::.f_::.~~;:;':~ y' ' ~~.'";~.-~:,-r:;I,>.;..,L.~~.=-.~.:::::i.;-~,.l-;:.,..::-~~. ~::, >= ~;~~;:;~~::--~~:,,'. '~_:o:,=::t'::~~~~ f ..:l~~~.. \ 1,1:' 1'" ',1 II,' \ I' '\ I , ,':, ',,' , I " I.' I", '!, ,f I' , ' ' I . '}' I I 1 ',I 'I " ' .\ ; 'I " " ' " , : " ..' \ ' ;,' I I ,,, iczn~lm REA:(,TY QOlIPAllY 0 I ,t, ,TO' \ ,^ D~ J'UincB J I ' i ~ .. I \ \ \ . . . \" \. l . !, ,."~~S I~~TUu,' Ma~~i t~i8 18~ d~ '01' KaY'~.. "n.: ,~924~ b~ ,~d ?~t':ieen ~eY8,1l'On~' Re~.ty oomP~"V',': 1," '.T" 'C1Ol'Poratlon--eX1a-tlnlruD.(le'r,~1;he 'l~~s-ot':the."- Sta\te--'-ot: F1'orlda----; ~a'Vl~ 1ft' 'priu<H:p'aI "plaae-o't ,----:-'-;-.-fl, -"',.-- 411__"1---; i . . '. \ .. \ . t '," . .\ , , l, \ ! bU8ines~ ih th~ CoUnty 01 st. ~~le~ ~tnte Of, Florlda; ~~y 01' the 'rirst\part~ arid Del~a ~e I' " , .Ii .. . \\ . . : . .' . \. \ \" ':" \ 1 . \' .. , . ; \ \.' , \ I '01' th~CO\Ulty of ~a.int, ~uo1e-State, ot_,F10ri~, p~r~y ot the seoond p~t. ' , i'.' , \, ~ : \VIT~'SETH:' That 1;he' ~al,~ ,P8.~t1 of the 'fii-~~ ,p~~ '~or'~n~ 1~',~onS1der,1ilon of "tl'i~ a~:6t, 'j .' ,\" 4 '. , . :..' .... . . ',. \ ' "'..' , : -, \ . _ . .'. . . _.', , _, . \ _., .,. ...'.... _, .' \, ;- ~', $5,50'<rdpllai-e' ~o 1Liil handpa.ld py tpe ',Pfirty o~ ,the :;eoona.partJ t1b~, reoe.ipt where~t is llereb~' 'I " , ,:,~ ',.. ,', ',\' \,,:' ,:--' .'., ,:..'.-",.. '.., I'" ,'1,:_, ,.." ,,' ,'",'J L ,t~lo1.0Wl,edged,. ~asliranted, 'b~gai~ed~ sold" ~ien.~,reiniSed~~eleaS?d, oon~eyed ~~~oId~~ed."! ~ .. , " , '\' , " \'. . .', ' .. . ',.,:; 1 and by 'thesEf,preaents, doth'grant.. bargt\lti:sell~ ,a1,1en; re'~iae, release, oo.nvey and oonfirm ~~o,l I' the ~&.:id party of, t~e~S'eQOnd~a.rt her" he~1r8 'and aS~:I,~iLtore'ver, 'all, th:~t ~e~t,alnpo~tio!)' ~~ 'i,Ja., '. J ,',',' ..': , ' ,,' '.'",' "'t~ " " , ': . ': -----:-' " ' '. , ,', . " ',: i 'i dlYing,andb.eini~,in the 'Ooun'tt__O,1"',~t.-,:{Iuc1e:and ~t., tAM' F1 0"~da.to-\';1ts ",Lot ~ ~nl{"'rav11,la. ,1', I . ..' .' ", _':' "\,'" . . . ... ,'~ , ,.'. . ' 1 SUbl11v,l,s1on of SeQt10n 2i, TO\'lns~ip ,3D South,' ~e 40 E,aat,' aooordi.ng to ~' pl'at, ',01' said su..bdiv~ion< 1- :'"" " ,.', ',', ',' " , :,' ','" " I, " " .,' ':, " ," ':", t ' ! 'reoorded in Plat book~, at page 47 otSt. Luot'e C,ounty reoor~.'., T9 h8.v8'a~d :to 'hol~tl1e sam~:; j . . . . :. . . . .; . '.' .-.'; . '. ~., '..._, - ~' , ...' , '.' ~.' .' ..',.'! o. '_ ,'. .. .: i ,tn~,I:~e, ,~ti1P~et~revel";' ~d,t~,e. ~a1d P,~t~~~~f ,~~etl~1;lUtd,o;~ ()0~enant,'w,1th: t~.e"Baid~art~'~'l: .1' the: s,~eorl(l~~rt,,~h~t,'~t b:l~W~,1.Y,~,~1,zedo~,t~e,~aidPremt'8~a ,~d 'that, It',hns.' good r1ght '~~,!;' :l'~' ~a\'tru1 e..~thorlt~'~oS~l,l:'::th' U~.., ~nd, t~e 8e..1d ,p~ty',ot,~1ie t1l'a't.par't,doe.tJ. he~e.bY. tully .ar~a~:to , i th8'titie to ,!81& land ~d wllldefend the ' same' ~Unst, :thll' l&lldul ol~1m~' 01' altp~'l'80ns, 'Y'hotn.;. ~' 'I i I soever.' ,.... > , ." i =- i . .", , .., ~ .~) ; ; '_" PROVID~,'nm~S~. '~t.these ~re'SEtnts ~f,\re,mad.e 'SUbJe~t to .t'heH:,o~lO;l1l.g' express' . , . ",- . .' . . ~ , . - , .' ,': . ' . . .' , oond1tions. reiJtrtotion. and 1.1mi tat1ona, appiying,to the sa1d l{s.rElovll.la,' aooord1ng to the ' , .,' ,".' - .'. ',. . .- . .' '-". . '. ' . . . - .: "..- ,t,.. , '. :,' ,,': ..... - ."... _..' ". .....:. 'I '.reoorded 11le.t.o-tsa.!~ J.raloaV11la, 8lld wh~oh; ,oond1tiQns/ restri,()t1~n8 arid iimltatfons o.re int.ended. , } , ,. . " , : 4', ' , ." . 0;' .... '; i to ,be and' shall be acoepted as oovenants .rumL1~ w1 th, the' land and whioh shall be binding. alike /'. ,..4' .'. :,.,.,! . , I \. ' .1~ , ! .'.:> \' i ," ~on"thehe1rS, personal'repreaontat1~es find asa1gu,Q1' tl}.ti>a.rtyot .the~econd part,. wlio';'by 11eJ.- .~ .... _:' < ' -;'.:.'...: .' ' ,: "....'. '. . . . .,,'. . \ " "'-". . . _:,> '. ~ ..' . . ; ,i ,aooeptance: 01' this "tns~ent;ll81"ee8to a.blde,byand p,ertorlii' said. ,restrlot,1ons, 1~1tatiQn8~" nd':" : ~ . " : '. . : .,.'. . ': ". ' . .. ~ '.... " '. "" -. ... . - . i OOJidl~1~ns as oile 01' the:~xpre8s:~onslderations: ,oltheae presen,ts. .,','. ' ;, i. ' Ilo' ~,~sidenO'e' ~~al~ be. e~ectedor ~on8tructe~ ,ot:a .less~:008.t' thall. ~3"OOO.O() and il.~,i, . .': 0 ' _' '. '. . '.. - " . '. . '. ..) residenoes in said J.tarav 11 la 'shall. be ,OQ,ristru.otedoteoz:'-lrC!o~1 ooner,ate, , stuooo, ,oonore'~e 1>loo~" "I . . .' , .,' ., i' h?llowtlle I brio~,'or mixed oonstruo,ttoxi, ~r: v~nee1"ed':wl th oorlti rook or b,rlo~, 6~1'rame ven.ee're{ w1,th stuooo, a~<1- S~l'be al.'ongSP8.lUsh,' KoDr1~hj Veneti,ari or ~:~mil~ liarmo~~~ustyp~s ot',: :,: F' , '-.'" ..... : '.' " ~ . ,-. _ ", ."t....' . ..'.' arQhi;~eoture ,and .the ~,oresa1d amo\Ult shal;l. b~ aotually ~xpendedon oonstruotion and ereotion . ",. '.., . " .,". ' ."' '. '. , ot 8uoho\illdl,.ns: and nO,Wor tees in co.-ot1on the,r,ewlth., ' . .' . . '.' ;. .~ -. . . . '. '.. . . .'. ., '. . '. . . "2, N~. build1ng.'shall b~, oonstruoted ,orereo~ed,on an.Y jfthe 1.ots ot,u,.r_EloY1l1e.'unt~1 aftEr;", , the plaD.S8P801~10n.tiOnS ~ ,lQO~ti~n. 01'the8ame'sha~~ ha~ ,been appr~vec1 by tl:e PElo~ty 'ot the ", , , I 1 ! . i i I , 1 " L t.' '1 '.;. , !tlrst part, 1ts~uoce8sorsi repreaen~atives or, assi~.,' ,j. :1 I ' , I . pri.Vute :-1 ,I I " I I , I t 1 i j. nor 3~ " '.. " ' , , ' , ; The cOlU!trUot1onor' e,reot1on 01' a bu11d,ing is 11m1ted'-to,one residenoe;h.1.la.1~and One}, , ,4. glir~eon, e~o~ J,ot,lOOD.50 te~t troI,it1ng on'SunriEfe BOulevard. .., . .'. .. . . .' ... . That no~avltuluse9hali. be .made of- the prelnis~a he~eby '~oonveyed nO.8ha~-l~cthe; sam, , , 'nor a1V part th~reo1' inor'any interest thereon, be so.1d. teased oro*herWlse oonveyed to ,any .per80n iher than of the CauO~lan ~aoe pr~Ylded that rtot~ing ~ereln oontained sh~ll prevent the . -'., . kee :,Jing, and, maintEi.lning, Of servants 0:4 the said. property for reas~nable ,family use. / ; 5. No bulldlngooincnO~ly 'k~ovm&San 'apartment house for ')ocupation' ofmore,tha1# one -t~l1',. a.esJ1,um, nor hOsp1teJ, shall be ereoted or usecitor 'suoh purposes on any lot lor lots in . I , Jla:rav11la, eX(lept that....1gnated for liuainU3 property by 'party 01' ,1'1rst part. I , ,,'! 6. That 11' paid party, her h~lrs, persol',!al representatives or a.s~i~s"or any h?lder ,or I '/ : '.1 I, , ,holders of the property hereby oonveyed, byv1rtue Of uay Jud19ial p~ooeed1ng8 Shall '.11 to I " ,. . ' c" " "A ' ,,', ,'1 OOlllplyw1t1i-any ~f the above ~fuld foregoing l'ea tr1otions I oondi t1,ons Qr limito. t10ns w1thln,s4ty I I days atter wrttten notice to the ~ald seoond Jpnrty her ,heirs, personal represenktives or aaaign., &Dl of the.~ Pierce or th,1~ la,st known adure.., by tho said ~arty 01' the 1'ir~t vart, \ ,/