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WS �;UmIbr�g BY 16/2 W 9� WMANimb INCLUDES: • True Power' Electrical Technology • Two Line LCD Multilingual Digital Evolution"I Controller (English/Spanish/ French/Portuguese) • Two Transfer Switch Options Available: 100 Amp, 16 Circuit Switch or 200 Amp Service Rated Smart Switch. See Page 4 for Details, • Electronic Governor • System Status & Maintenance Interval LED Indicators • Sound Attenuated Enclosure • Flexible Fuel Line Connector GENERAC' GUARDIAN® SERIES Residential Standby Generators Air -Cooled Gas Engine Standby Power Rating Models G007036-0, G007037-0 (Aluminum - Bisque) -16 kW 60 Hz Model G007035-0 (Aluminum - Bisque) -16 kW 60 Hz ST.LUCIE COUNTY;''' PLAN REVIEW BLDG: DATE: ELE P7i 1 (Aluminum - Bisque) - 22 kW 60 s " ,©ENEAAC" DATE. • Direct -To -Dirt Composite Mounting Pad PLUMB: • Natural Gas or LP Gas Operation DATE: `' -• « C !I� OS ����� • 5 Year Limited Warranty MECH: LISTED DATE: • Capability to be installed within 18" (457 mm) of a building* Note: CUL certification only applies to unbundled units and units packaged with tthe USA onlyt switches. Units packaged with the Smart Switch are UL certified in *Only if located away from doors, windows and fresh air Intakes, and unless otherwise directed by local codes. FEATURES UNNOM MW MGM a M SUS TI NS are at the heart of Generac's success in providing the most reliable generators possible. Generac's G-Force engine lineup offers added peace of mind and reliability for when you need it the most. The G-Force series engines are purpose built and designed to handle the rigors of extended run times in high temperatures and extreme operating conditions. 01M PONS— 't `iti HNltM7: Superior harmonics and sine wave form produce less than 5% Total Harmonic Distortion for utility quality power. This allows confident operation of sensitive electronic equipment and micro -chip based appliances, such as variable speed HVAC systems. 3OLM47A'I E MOMY CMWBMM VOLTAGE 94MUROR This state-of-the-art power maximizing regulation system Is -standard on all Generac models, It provides optimized FAST RESPONSE to changing load conditions and MAXIMUM MOTOR STARTING CAPABILITY by electronically torque -matching the surge loads to the engine. Digital voltage regulation at ±1 %. ALE SOURCE W410E 806M from Generac's extensive dealer network provides parts and service know-how for the entire unit, from the engine to the smallest electronic component. O GENERAL TIMINSIFER StBIMHES: Long life and reliability are J PROTOTYPE TESTED V NEMA MOI.22 EVALUATION synonymous with GENERAL POWER SYSTEMS. One reason for this V SYSTEM TORSIONAL TESTED v MOTOR STARTING ABILITY confidence is that the GENERAC product line includes its own transfer systems and controls for total system compatibility. GENERA PROMISE °�� �* Mobile ~ �°� war. IY •8-0bMWAYflnp dw yo•ndfMjgp put. GENERAL' 16/20/22 kW features and benefits • Generac G-Force design Maximizes engine "breathing" for increased fuel efficiency. Plateau honed cylinderwalls and plasma molt' rings helps the engine run cooler, reducing oil consumption resulting in longer engine life. • "Spiny-lok" cast iron cylinder walls Rigid construction and added durability provide long engine life. • Electronic Ignition/spark advance These features combine to assure smooth, quick starting every time. • Full pressure lubrication system Pressurized lubrication to all vital bearings means better performance, less maintenance and longer engine life. Now featur- ing up to a 2 year/200 hour oil change interval. • Low oil pressure shutdown system Shutdown protection prevents catastrophic engine damage due to low oil. • High temperature shutdown Prevents damage due to overheating. • Revolving field Allows for a smaller, light weight unit that operates 25% more efficiently than a revolving armature generator. • Skewed stator Produces a smooth output waveform for compatibility with electronic equipment. • Displaced phase excitation Maximizes motor starting capability. • Automatic voltage regulation Regulates the output voltage to ±1 % prevents damaging voltage spikes. • UL 2200 listed For your safety. TM-MSW Sta fth IN appi8v.'altb) • Fully automatic Transfers your vital electrical loa-610 tfie:energized source of power. • NEMA 311 Can be installed Inside or outside for maximum flexibility. • Remote mounting Mounts near your existing dlsUlbution'panel.for simple, low-cost installation. • Auto/Manual/Off illuminated buttons Selects the operating mode and provides easy; at -a -glance status indication in any condition. • Two-line LCD multilingual display Provides homeowners easily visible-logs'o i is y, maintenance and events up to 50 occurrences. • Sealed, raised buttons Smooth, weather -resistant user, interface -for programming and operations. • Utility voltage sensing Constantly monitors utility voltage;.setpoints' 664 dropout, 80% pick-up, of standard voltage. • Generator voltage sensing Constantly monitors generator voltage to dnsure the cleanest power delivered to the home. • Utility interrupt delay Prevents nuisance start-ups of the engine adjustable 2-1500 d qualified dealer. Deco" s from the factory default setting of 5 seconds by a • Engine warm-up Ensures engine is ready to assume the load, setpoint approximately 5 seconds. • Engine cool -down Allows engine to cool prior to shutdown, setpoint approximately 1 minute. • Programmable exercise Operates engine to prevent oil seal drying and damage between power outages by running the generator for 5 minutes every other week. Also offers a selectable setting for weekly or monthly operation providing flexibility and potentially lower fuel costs to the owner. • Smart battery charger Delivers charge to the battery only when needed at varying rates depending on outdoor air temperature. Compatible with lead acid and AGM -style batteries. • Main line circuit breaker Protects generator from overload. • Electronic governor Maintains constant 60 Hz frequency. • SAE weather protective enclosure Sound attenuated enclosures ensure quiet operation and protection against mother nature, withstanding winds up to 150 mph. Hinged key locking roof panel for security. Lift -out front for easy access to all routine maintenance Items. Electrostat- ically applied textured epoxy paint for added durability. • Enclosed critical grade muffler Quiet, critical grade muffler is mounted Inside the unit to prevent injuries. • Small, compact, attractive Makes for an easy, eye appealing installation, as close as 18' away from a building. ®ea ieep • 1 ft (305 mm) flexible fuel line connector Absorbs any generator vibration when connected to rigid pipe. • Direct -to -dirt composite mounting pad Complex lattice design prevents settling or sinking of the generator system. • Integral sediment trap Prevents particles and moisture from entering the fuel regulator and engine, prolonging engine life. At - , 1 GENERAC° 16/20/22 kW specifications Generator Model 0007035-0, 0007036-0, 0007038-0, 0007039-0 G007042-1, 6007043.1 G007037.0 (16 kW) (20 kW) (22 kW) Rated;Ma>urnti`m Opntilitious PowerGapacity�(LP)>� 16;000witts' 20 000 Wafts* = M ^_� Rated Maximum Continuous Power Capacity (NG)� _' 16,000 Watts* - 18,000 Watts* 19,500 ,_: N§dj, oltage "� ;; ', ___ ` - -- 240 240 240 ` Rated Maximum Continuous Load Current -240 Volts (LP/NG) }" 66.6/66.6v !y 83.3/75 91.6/81.3 TotalHaimon'icDlstoifton+ - -' �_ " `Less:#han; 5% _ `7 tess than:5%'� Main Line Circuit Breaker 70 Amp 100 Amp 100 Amp - TF Number of Rotor Poles _ot _ - p"'- ` 2 2 �RatedAC�Frequency�. >.--.= - „--' -. :-------. .�.w._� �_ _ _,fi0'Hz� - •_601Hz _` - Power Factor 1.0 1.0 �� 1.0 w (BafterySRequitement (not inctutled) - - :- ,_ - _ -" 12'Units Group 26R 540tCCA+MInliritimtor Group;35AGMr65.Oi_CCAsMinimum - Unit Weight (lb/kg) 406/186 � 448/203 4661211 - y - 6.38 x 7-82 ` "- i Sound output in dB(A) at 23 ft (7 m) with generator operating at normal load**V ~' '-� 66 - -- 66 67 _ ;Sound outputim dB(A) at"23 ft (71r►j) withgenerator m Quiet Test'" low speed exer%Ise mdde"' ` 58- .` = `-",5_8'" v' 58:_ ' _ �� Exercise duration 5 min 5 min y 5 min Etrrgine Type of Engine GENERAC G-Force 1000 Series Displacement 999 cc" 999 cc 999 cc {DisplaceBlock? - - T`dluminum w/w/ Casi+IronrSleev_ e_ Valve Arrangement Overhead Valve Overhead Valve Overhead Valve [Ignittpn _ Solld 9iaten/ Magneto.' Solid state w/`Magn` eto lSo(Id=ske W Magneto T -� Governor System Electronic Electronic Electronic SGompressioniRatlo� _ q 951?- tarter OihOapacityipcludmg Filter _ _ ,_�_r __12Vdc 12Vdc 12Vdc l 9 q T',8,L p rox 19�gk/1! 8 L -APp_rox 1.9:gU;1:BiL" ' Operating rpm _APProx 3,600 e 3,600 3,600 �Fue- onsurnptlon - �_ -- - -- - - MaturallGas, fta/hr<(maltil r 1/2 toad: 218 (6:17) ' • 204Y(5:713)? : 228i(6.46p g • lJII'Load . , 309)(8rZ5)'•. rLiqu(d Propane it3/ht i.(gal/hr) [I/ffr] t 1/2toad 91 6 (2.52) [9 53J + : '86 (2 37);+[8`99], 92 (2 53)'[9�57]l !! FuIhAliad :' _ _ 106 8�(2:94) [11 11]�� '12936t(3 56):[13 48]; _ 142': 3( Note. Fuel pipe must be sized for lull load. Required fuel pressure to generator fuel inlet at all load ranges - 3.5-7° water column (7-13 mm mercury) for natural gas, 10-12° water column (19-22 mm mercury) for LP gas. For Btu content, multiply _fts/hr x 2500 (LP) or ft3/hr x 1000 (N% For Megajoule content multiply m3/hr x 9315 (LP) or ma/hr x 37 26 (NG) Controls 2-Line Plain Text Multilingual LCD Display - -` Simple user interface for ease of operation. --" kModeButtonsAutor���� �� -:AutomaticStarlonfUhidyta(lu�eTdayexerciser �" ` '" "' Manual .[tiff, . —. .:.�----.•�.-_, , ..r..,._..,._ ,.�t_..,. � _ - -" Start with starter control, unit stays on. If utility fails, transfer to load takes place. _. .-n. _ _._ _._... -_-•__. .,.___ _ _--- _ :Stop's�unit��Power is [emovetl, Cbntrol a_ntichargershll operat_e:. Ready to Run/Matntenance Messages Standard �Engrne Run yours ndfcation �' Programmable S�darrl = Standard (programmable by dealer only) Util. tVolta a Loss/Return to U011 Ad ustable Brownout Set((n )i r ty -� -- _ _ -- _, om 1 U71 V/119g216V, Start sec on, 7 rest (90 sec nargePraulVMtss1n AuyMT1nA����` 'Standard ow Baftery/Battety Problem Protection and Battery Condition Indication - Standard �� ] utomabcVo'_Itage Regulation wdhAOverand lJnder, oltage Protectioh urren nder-Frequency/Overload/Stepper Overct Protection Standard afet'y�Ftised%Fuse Prolilern Pratection� .' ��"' ` ';' """-! _ -- _--max—~----•----•---- � -,.-. S��di utomatic Low Oil Pressure/High Oil Temperature Shutdown uercranl(lOverspeed`('@',12 Hz}[rpm>SensetLossSfiufdown -- - _ Standard igh Engine Temperature Shutdown Sadaid temal Fatilfnncorrect wiring Protect(on `-' -.__ _ ____ Standard sI ------ - - '' Stand ra d , _ _ • - �7 ommon Fite ✓mat Fault Capability'- Standard - eId7UPgradaa5fe"-Frmware;. , ,-�`._... - _,,r _. ._ _Standard Soundlevelsaretakenhomthefrontoftheii-eratar.Soundlevelstakenfrom-lhersides-tthegenerafarmayhehlgherdependingoninsWetlon parameters Ragngdefhl0ons-Standby Appllcableforsupplyingemergenvypowerforthedura0on Contort bend emperagbu%MOt.de�e�inepoo erandcondl6on eltc�gNla---mp-�werdeaeas sab uW3.5pe5ceNOSeaach1,000 elel(304.8meteerrss)abovesoealeve;andallsowilldecreaselabout percentt orbeach6'C(10 F)abme 6*C(60ON) t GENERAC® 16/20/22 kW switch options Limited Circuits Switch Features • 16 space, 24 circuit, breakers not included. • Electrically operated, mechanically -held contacts for fast, positive connections • Rated for all classes of load,100% equipment rated, both inductive and resistive. • 2-pole, 250 VAC contactors. • 30 millisecond transfer time. • Dual coil design. • Rated for both copper and aluminum conductors. • Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and sticking. • NEMA/UL 3R aluminum outdoor enclosure allows for indoor or outdoor mounting flexibility. • Multi listed for use with 1"standard, tandem, GFCI and AFCI breakers from Siemens, Murray, Eaton and Square D for the most flexible and cost effec- tive install. Dimensions Height Width Depth H1 H2 W1 I W2 in 26.75 30.1 10.5 13.5 6.91 mm 679.4 764.3 266.7 1 343.0 175.4 Wire Ranges Conductor Lug Neutral Lug Ground Lug 1/0-#14 210-#14 1 210-#14 Model 0007036.0 (160) a w �100 Current Rating (Amps) W Utility Voltage Monitor (Fixed)" -Pick-up 80% -Dropout 65% ?Ratum�toiUti(iry� �`�"` ��w":�ap�rox t'; used-�. Exercises bi-weekly for 5 minutes*tu Standard Total Circuits Available P4 tTandem8 eaker�Capabilities� �_ -„ � - `' 8'tapQems✓ - Circuit Breaker Protected Available RMS Symmetrical 10,000 Fault Current @ 250 Volts *Function of Evolution Controller Exercise can be set to weekly or monthly Service Rated Smart Switch Features Made[ G007037.0 (16 kW)/0007039.0 (20 kW)/ • Includes Digital Power Management Technology standard (DPM). 0007043-0 (22 kW) • Intelligently manages up to four air conditioner loads with no additional _ • hardware. Current Rating (Amps) Vo.Itege atingl(VAC)`� = " 200 120/290,;,t0 Up to four more large (240 VAC) loads can be managed when used in Utility Voltage Monitor (Fixed)* conjunction with Smart Management Modules (SMMs). -Pick-up 80% • Electrically operated, mechanically -held contacts for fast, clean connections. -Dropout 65% .. o - 7 :.�- to u0lity' ' • Rated for all classes of load,100% equipment rated, both inductive and resis- ,Return - ; : , approx l3}sec, - tive. Exercises bi-weekly for 5 minutes* Standard • 2-pole, 250 VAC contactors. illstedi� �UL- -- • Service equipment rated, dual coil design. Enclosure Type NEMA/UL 3R--�- fed--r�--��--�---�-., Cirdultiareaker Protected 7 • 2Pr00p;"' • Rated for both aluminum and copper conductors. Lug Range _ 25o MCM - #s • Main contacts are silver plated or silver alloy to resist welding and sticking. • NEMA/UL 313 aluminum outdoor enclosure allows for indoor or outdoor mount- Function of Evolution Controller ing flexibility. Exercise can be set to weekly or monthly Dimensions 200 Amps 120/240,1s Open Transition Service Rated H1 Heightg266.7 H2 dth W2 Depth in 26.75 30.1 13.5 6.91 mm 679.4 764.3 343.0 175.4 GENERAC 16/20/22 kW —' available accessories G007005-0 WI-R LP Fuel Level Monitor G006463-4 Mobile Unk- • G005819-0 126R Wet Cell Battery G007101-0 Battery Pad Warmer G007102-0 Oil Warmer 0006621-0 ;Auxiliary Transfer Switch y Contact Kit G007027-0 - Bisque Fascia Base Wrap Kit (Standard on 22 kW) G005703-0 - Bisque ? Paint Kit B006485-0 €Scheduled Maintenance Kit °8006873-0 `- ! Smart Management Module (50 Amps) LEFra108%gKw The WI-R enabled LP fuel level monitor provides constant monitoring of the connected LP fuel tank. Mon-' itoring the LP tank's fuel level Is an important step in making sure your generator Is ready to run during an: unexpected power failure. Status alerts are available through a free application to notify when your LP tank! is in need of a refill. Generac's Mobile Link allows you to check the status of your generator from anywhere that you have ac-+ cess to an Internet connection from a PC or with any smart device. You will even be notified via e-mail or( text message when a change In the generators status occurs. Available in the U.S. only. Every standby generator requires a battery to start the system. Generac offers the recommended 26R wet cell battery for use with all air-cooled standby product (excluding PowerPact®). The pad warmer rests under the battery. Recommended for use Ithe temperature regularly falls below 0°F. (Not necessary for use with AGM -style batteries). Oil warmer slips directly over the oil filter. Recommended for use if the temperature regularly falls below poF. v The auxiliary transfer switch contact kit allows the transfer switch to lock out a single large electrical load you may not need. Not compatible with 50 amp pre -wired switches. The fascia base wrap snaps together around the bottom of the new air cooled generators. This offers a sleek, contoured appearance as well as offering protection from rodents and insects by covering the lifBng4 holes located in the base. If the generator enclosure is scratched or damaged, it is Important to touch-up the paint to protect from future corrosion. The paint kit Includes the necessary paint to property maintain or touch-up a generator enclosure. Generac's scheduled maintenance kits provide all the hardware necessary to perform complete routine maintenance on a Generac automatic standby generator. Smart Management Modules are used in conjunction with the Automatic Transfer Switch to Increase its power management capabilities. it provides additional power managementtlexibility notfound In any other: power management system. dimensions & PCs Dimensions shown are approximate. Refer to installation manual for exact dimensions, DO NOT USE THESE DIMENSIONS FOR INSTALLATION PURPOSES. FRONTMEW Model UPC G007035-0 696471070854 G007036-0 696471070361 G007037-0 696471070378 G007038-0 696471070385 G007039-0 G007042-0 G007043-0 696471070392 696471070422 696471070439 GEN ERAC® Generac Power Systems, Inc. o S45 W29290 HWY. 59, Waukesha, WI 53189 - generac.com 02017 Generac Power systems, Inc. All fights reserved. All specifications are subject to change whhout notice. Part No. 10000000194.F 0!3l17 i Smart DmioV7MY TIDIM emetac at aftes arc designed far use va single phase genetspets W ugltm an &alaaanm Caftl and 900 amp open ttettsltioe 'sate m Wlabl® In shtgle phase In but sen►lee The 100. 200, tathd done. The 150 and= equIPmentrailed erld rort-aervltaa equlpmet� �A open Itansltlon at�tdtas are ont Mlible in asetvioeradut equipment eotdlIPMO t SY'MMp FEATURES P �ettemc SmartSwi�hes are housed U an aluminura N oaYPliedanolb � ePmwdepnmrThaet�yalClhhet6&�t(ng,saeogNndevice designed ory The'aoed aya s dan W*o.amol®4neiundm1% endtaasfarcammndasmah awRcte9 ara �id z lit` if own" am doused dt a am ooloeum Th104 the use of Dlgibl I ° ak OM110* Bhftm ement bchno When (DP�U. each of these es has the �F�Ifity hrtly manage two lodivldW PM� co to un ib IW Oe mans 1Nhen used In anagament Modu g Pta fourma ��O power le (PW" sor1A li, i all = `T1,13raw ed0lpy t� , � en 61t tsama a P Mat grAm Ala �b fins ®6Qglg4tMAN t �dBi1b6'D6 ffaTM -M �b/atet wAu 1'D mn gum, L9 DL mft t1 *Mrz logibt 9 Lt�9'dt Lour iZ6�19�L L�dl$OtdLt�Zt inisa nwwL L•QO wz 0HlLID11 r�til9Z1 N�9►uD 7171 � 9SiZ!(LB+ MUAMM d6t�fBB �Bf�li� am @OSfdB 6'181'LL Hgypg Y6LQBL'� = tau D09l4; �LaMZ'4L � tH Wgg �ffNmNwY;MNp mumY.� _ iYQOj� t� m • � 1 9aWOR-04amm- 60 �6a- OSE • �� awwt�o Ylfll fi( D Own 0DD'� ��WF -' r•w"O'i'1 Debt �p'pL @Q1NVf�1 'tiaU al 8B71�iryD�1 I1 dB11U1 in. DB'tRflidl� in" @6VN1�1 in� 'rDYA1 R81 _ VIVINdl1(t @DiIYYY�I �'mlYpfa�l �dld aL blZl�t s �� aogauyl,�dp 90�� �� 00��Q 16 �bblZldEb ®6'�1 att et6 sL'olUOtl s1bMP/@L tdJih,�I�Q9m1 aDY f►131@ a01► i0d0MM a6� atlDDBR am shy-MMU at a01 6�061� mumiBoom Boom �nQutD� �4Ds�nho� cl p7�1 u�pp, sR'EALIi�►u�ZL - • ° 'Fo9dd�r�+aadp�oq�aLll�uP�o�9�a9a9w�4� MPONVIAW4 I ®gouge Isdwy ®c#. LOAD CAM j IP HURRICANE CONCRETE PAD FOR GENERAC GENERATORS (GENERAC UNITS LIMITS & REQUIREMENTS OF USE: 1) THE PAD AND THE SUPPORTED EQUIPMENT MUST BE LOCATED AT GROUND LEVEL. THIS TABLE DOES NOT APPLY TO ROOFTOP EQUIPMENT, EQUIPMENT LOCATED ON BALCONIES, OR ANY OTHER EQUIPMENT TO BE ELEVATED ABOVE GROUND LEVEL. 2) THE AREA UNDER CONCEREfE SLAB ON GROUND SHALL HAVE ALL MATERIALS REMOVED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION ON COMPACTED SOIL AS VERIFIED BY OTHERS. MINIMUM SOIL COEFFICIENT OF FRICTION = 025 3) MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT OF GENERATORS UNIT SHALL CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS STATED HEREIN. PAD WEIGHT TO BE VERIFIED BY OTHERS. 4) ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS SUPERSEDE HURRICANE PAD INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS IF MORE STRINGENT. 5) ELECTRICAL GROUND, WHEN REQUIRED, TO BE DESIGNED & INSTALLED BY OTHERS. ALL MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS (CLEAR SPACE, TONNAGE, ETC.) SHALL BE AS PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS AND ARE THE EXPRESS RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 6) ENGINEER SEAL AFFIXED HERETO VALIDATES STRUCTURAL DESIGN AS SHOWN ONLY. USE OF THIS SPECIFICATION BY CONTRACTOR, et. al. INDEMNIFIES & SAVES HARMLESS THIS ENGINEER FOR ALL COST & DAMAGES INCLUDING LEGAL FEES & APPELLATE FEES RESULTING FROM MATERIAL FABRICATION, SYSTEM ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES BEYOND THAT WHICH IS CALLED FOR BY LOCAL, STATE, & FEDERAL CODES & FROM DEVIATIONS OF THIS PLAN. 7) THE ROLE OF THIS ENGINEER FOR THIS PROJECT IS THAT OF SPECIALTY ENGINEER AND NOT THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. CONSEQUENTLY, THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INTEGRITY OF ALL SUPPORTING SURFACES TO THIS DESIGN WHICH SHALL BE COORDINATED BY THE PERMITTING CONTRACTOR. 8) THIS DOCUMENT IS GENERIC AND DOES NOT PERTAIN TO ANY SPECIFIC PROJECT SITE. 9) THIS ENGINEER SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ERRONEOUS OR INACCURATE DATA OR MEASUREMENTS. DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN TO ILLUSTRATE DESIGN FORCES AND OTHER DESIGN CRITERIA. THEY MAY VARY SLIGHTLY, BUT MUST REMAIN WITHIN THE LIMITATIONS SPECIFIED HEREIN. 10) THIS ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED AND GIVEN AN OPPORTUNITYTO RE-EVALUATE THIS WORK UPON DISCOVERY OF ANY INACCURATE INFORMATION PRIOR TO MODIFICATION OF EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS AND FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION OF MATERIALS. 11) ALTERATIONS OR ADDITIONS TO THIS DOCUMENT ARE NOT PERMITTED AND INVALIDATE THIS CERTIFICATION. 12) EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, NO ADDITIONAL CERTIFICATIONS OR AFFIRMATIONS ARE INTENDED. 13) PADS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH PRECAST CONCRETE, MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, fc=7,D00 PSI AT 28 DAYS. 14) ALL OTHER UNITS NOT SHOWN SHALL BE DESIGNED ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS. 15) CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 5/8" DIA (0.675" O.D.) GALV. TUBE ASTM A53B SCH 40 MIN. OR 1/2" DIA. SOLID COPPER BAR SPIKE 4' MIN. EMBED. (SEE MIN. EMBED. AS PER CURRENT ELECTRICAL CODE, BY OTHERS) INTO GROUND THROUGH CONCRETE PAD FOR SLIDING RESISTANCE PURPOSE, 12 DIAMETERS EDGE DISTANCE FROM ANY CONCRETE FACE (NOT SHOWN). 16) PADS / UNITS INSTALLED DIRECTLY ON ANY COASTLINE REQUIRE A HEAVIER AND LARGER PAD TO ACCOUNT FOR EXPOSURE D ; Table 28.3-1; Kz =1.03 ENGINEERING DATA: 1) Analyses per 6th Edition (2017) of the Florida Building Code -Section 162D High Velocity Hurricane Zones. 2) WIND LOADS & LOAD COMBINATIONS PER ASCE 7-10 SECTION 2.4.1 (LOAD COMBINATIONS), SECTION 29.6 & FIGURE 29.5.1 FOR: WIND LOADS ON OTHER STRUCTURES 3) RISK CATEGORY = If TABLE 1604.5 - RISK CATEGORY OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, SECTION 301.15 OF THE MECHANICAL CODE, WIND RESISTANCE, AND 553.844 OF THE FLORIDA STATUTES WIND STORM LOSS MITIGATION. 4) WIND LOAD: Wind Speed V = 180 MPH (RISK CATEGORY II) F = gz•G•Cf*Af (Eq. 29.5-2) = 70.65 qz = 0.00266 • Kz . Kzt • Kd • VA2 = 63.45 Exposure C ; Table 28.3-1 Kz = 0.85 Figure 26.8-1 Kzt = 1.00 Table 26.6-1 Kd = 0.90 Figure 29.5-1 Cf = 1.31 G = 0.85 *At (lbs) PSF DiversTech Corporation 6650 Sugarloaf Parkway #100 Duluth, GA 30097 800 397-4823 `o011111 //o//i ��A`'� e N sgc'�l No. 80017 !1 OSTATE OF ;c40RIOp'--"4F� 08JAN18 II'ilIIl I'sNGINEI:IIINI" LLC# Solving Problems to Minimize the Stress of Doing Business GENERAC GENERATOR ----54.3 in. PAD LENGTH TYPICAL ANCHORAGE: (QTY-3) UV DIA. - 51.Imp. BOLTS. 3' MIN. EDGE DISTANCE. 1.31W EMBED. INTO CONCRETE (BASE PAN MIN. THICKNESS - oir AND MIN. c BEARING BTRENGTH - 0 KSI) i. UNIT WIDTH PAGE 1 of 1 UNIT I EQUIPMENT FG3154-4G PAD USED FOR ALL 180 MPH 0.6(UNIT+ PAD) WEIGHT LBS. RESISTING MOMENT FT-LBS. im MAXIMUM DIMENSIONS INCHES MINIMUM WEIGHT LBS. MODEL NUMBER WEIGHT LBS. PAD WIDTH IN. PAD LENGTH IN. PAD THICK IN. WIND LOAD LBS. 0.6(WIND MOMENT) FT-LBS. WIDTH LENGTH HEIGHT GENERAC 09kW 25 48 29 340 FG5431-4G 275 31.3 54.3 4 683 632 369.0 481 [OKWOR1 f9.57/ IMPMI GENERAC 11kW 25 48 29 348 FG5431-413 275 31.3 54.3 4 683 632 373.8 487 [OKNOR]RS8111MR111 GENERAC 16kW 25 29 406 FG5431-413 275 31.3 54.3 4 683 632 408.6 533 [OK/F,OR191051IMP.M1 GENERAC 20kW 25 tj 29 448 FG5431-413 275 31.3 54.3 4 683 632 433.8 566 [OKIFOR1107,0]I IMPM1 GENERAC 22kW 25 29 1 466 1 FG5431-4G 1 275 1 31.3 1 54.3 4 683 632 1 444.E 1 580 [00FORS 9172i IMRHI