HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1723 . ~ ~'! '; 1 :i "J I , 512 .' , 'I: , i'.1 .- " ,'r'~-~< -t' ".,1. --.~-.--' L! I. -' . T i"" ) . (I r' x' I . I .' I' i , '; I "'" I ' , .... 1. 1. I I '.' I 1 ~ I" 1. t' ,;1 '., I' ',' . I' ..'. ~~, . t <I '11 ,~ '-~~. ~.........-_._....1.....a. -";oj~""I--<<....,..A._-;~"'--""'.:;..-r-~"~--~--= -~~-....:...;"u'---~~~..\-""'''''''~'~--'''-~~r'''''~'~~~'''''''''"~ VI' .,.....l "............~~_....~~.....-.-. ~ t\.......,;,.~..t~~~~~~-........~~~....,,~~~~~~ ~ "'~""""'-'~~~-~""~0'"""l""r.. <'-'-..~~-"',?",~~-;F~~~~~."l: --;. ":"~~~~,~ :1,;':' . ,:' I I:; ~UbJeot;' ~o &~ll ~U~88 \>r ~B8e8~m~nt~ iif ~~ 'b~ ~'e~led ItOl' ',t111 Y~e:i 'l~E6 '_n:~".~n'~ I ',:" III ,,' : .. . '" \ " ' I , \ " I " " "" I, ' j '~Jl.lb.eq\l~lUty"are!I'., ,:l'I'..! '..\,i ,-'" ,..'.1 ,:'.,(\ ~;,~l\ )" , , \ .' 1\' By the' .qo'e,~t~;)oe: ot~h;~~' oO,pveyonOf) the gf'ante~ ,}itt;ein\ ~8~um~~ ,aoe'if~l\ii ,1n<ie,b't-:- ! ,I , ' 1'\ '1 I ~dne, IS,S' ~.e pi:eBeii~~a"bl~;'ctg<o~~ gl~e~'b,~ :~,O~ls~;,\De'ri~tmarJ~d:Ei~; DellerlD8~l 't~' ~~t6I'lJ~;))1~~!l~i',:~ ~:.-;' ' " ,\ '.' 1"" , \ ; ',', . l \ " \ I "\ 1 " ',. '. . \ . '. , .' ~,. Park Com~ny. seout'ing and ~ Oll\,ount ,ot :)lCJ30 8S sbo",n Ion at,. I LUQie ;'!bunt'y, reoords In l:ortgag~. '~ ' " "',' ,', \ \" ' ,,' " , \, ,". '"e, 'I" 'J3i:{~1t2'; ~e 4'10, '~. \, , ' ,.' , ,~ " " I, ']" \; \' \ ' , ' ' \, \ \ ' ','\ ~ '\' i', , i ,TO. HA V~ m TO HOLD 'the 'BalDe' together with tlie be-ud,1tamentB and apPut'lhnaol\8, " ,.' \ '- . '., .,'.' " i '.' unto'the 8ald 81'8ntett. :auii bis hfjit's and a8al'gnsib tee s'-mple.., . , , " '\, 1:,' . \ -" '. '. .'. ",. . " ."" " -' . . ~. .' ',': ~, , . " ': ' .} . , . AND thella1\1 gl'anton,-tol' ~hElIDBe'lve8 and' tb~11' heir~ aud l'egal representati'ie'.' i . .'." . . .' - ,',\,. ' . \ \,' - .' '. '. . " ~. , ' \ . . '. ~ ~ " .- ,,' oovenant- witb'881d gr8'ntee.. hie heir", 'leg81 l'epresentCtt-'lves and assigns: , .~ , '!' , , ' ',,', ,.,., ,,', .', \, -, ',' ,',' , ' " ,:, ',' ' .-, '. ,:' ~, ,". Th!l~ :sU~ gunto,s,8re IndeteasiblYSe1?"ed Q;t said ~and.lnfe~. simple; t~ho..!.. ~a1.~ 8ta'nt,or8 , . " ' ,'. \ " '," "',, , ' " .' " . , " ,,' , !' h8ve"f~1 'PQWer audlawf~l;rlght *0, oopvey ~a1d ],8ud,8 'in fee B.imple, 88,a;tOfeso1:d; tba~ it . .,. ", ,1 ! I .' . j ,,', 'J, ",,: . t , t , '\ , I ,\ ' \' I" i .L .' " . , ." , ,'. \ . ,'- ..'. shall be iawful. tOfsB1d 'gl'a.u~ee" hi., l\e1-~a degal r.~pt'eBe~t8tlve8 ~lld; asslgns, ,at all time8, : , , ' ' . .... ' , i. . ",: : '.., "'" ' ' . . , ~. ' , . " . . , . . .' . . - \. . , _ _ . . peeo'eeb1y .and, qule'tly" t,o, enter \lp'on'~' hoid,'~60'oupy and' fmJo'ysald lendl'that sold'land'1sfree , ' " - " , , ',,' , ,: " ' " , ',' , , , .- '. , , " , ' , ", , .,:,' .,:' ':,,' , '," :, ' , " '; t:: , fro~ all Inoumb1'8noe~~ that' said grnlltol'~. ~he~r ,heirs . and ',18g01 r'ejJresentat1ves. ,,111 make ,1 ' , \ " , , , "> ' , . ' . , S~Qbfurth,r .s8ur>au~ed' tQ ~ertecit' .the, .tee slm~ie' tl,tle to'i3:,:,id' 1a~d .hi 8ald g'Un,tee,h!-$" ,. ., ,,~. . ..' . '. ," ". ,J, . '_ '.' "',,' heirs, lesal,repuaenttltlvell' oud' aSai.gl~s. o8"IlI&Yl'e,n~onab:).y. be ,required; ,: and 'that' said groutor. ' ' ., " , ' , --'I " . ' . ._ -. .......;.... _ _ ' "~ . , do htU~J! fUlly .al'1"ant,t~e t HIe 't~: SOid' hlid".all4: wiilcief~Il:a:th~ E18~~'agQ,i~st ,the lawful ',:", " .. , , ~--:. ..t '. , ; ~ ~ 'l ~ ! " I' , , '()la'ima ot 'all per SOilS whornsoeve'~. , , ~ 'i - " ..:.! . " . WITU~SSthe henda' i1!,ld 'seals 'of 8uid'gr8nt0t'8~thed(tY allO: 1eal' flrat oboV'e wr,1t~e~.:: Signed, Sealed and De1~V'ered int~~Pre8enoe of: , , ''Chos. D.ToOle. LOUIs U ~ Dellerman ' ,. (SeQ~ 1_ (Seal) Ella Dellerrlllln , . " STATEO!, FLORIDA .: :, " co~t~' ot st, tuo1'e' , , , , ,: ,1' HfREBY C!nTI.FY, That.' o~ this day perBonan~ appea~~d ,bef~re me~, :all'o.t.ti~e.~ " dUl,'Y " 'author {zed to; edmini8te'~~oath8. 0;:;0 aokllowledg.ent~ ,'. LOIHs, Il., nelle,rmall oU{El1e , . , DellEirm9n, his wlfe to/well known ,to me. to be the ind1 vlduola ,d(;8ot'1bed in" end who excouted . ' , ,', ,'. " ' '," , ',',' '.,' . , ' ' " thefor~gOlng,dee~, ,alid 'theyeO~~~wle~ged beforflll~ that they exeouted t:!1e B&me freely $11(1 vOl-" ',l,Ultar 11y for the purposes therein expressed., / .' ... :UlD I 'URrH~ ClRTIFY~Thatthe,e6id,Ei.18 DellerDlon,knowll 'tome to be the wi.fe of 6 '- ._~.. (,- .: {. I . ~ . 1-' . .~ i i ! :1 ' 'I I --I' I . " .. . -. the sald LouiS li. 'Dellermallon, aSepel'Bt!;t 8ndpr1v8teeXllt1I118,t10~ t~ken ,ond made by O~l,d ,befor,e.. me, 8ep8l'~tely ~1idep8r~ trom hei 801d husband" did aoknow1edge thot she Jn8de'l!erBe~f 'e l'arty 'to, sa1d' deed fOl',the' p.rpo,se' of Denouno~ng, rel1nqu1Bhi~lg'8Ull.oon~eYillg aU her right. tiUe t- o -, and Withou.t any: oompulsion, ~-OollBti'a1-nh 'WI~rn;aS my, h!lJl.Il,'OJ1d ~:ftl01~1 '. .-","~ .'- . . ".' ," , Florida; this, 12th ~tiy of JUlll\A. D.1926., I' , \ '. i ! alld~ interest, whether of dow~r, ho~es,tendor";; 8epa~~~e~rp.~rty.sto~ut.ory 9,1' eqUi't.Hbl~," In end' lothe, landsdesoribed therein. 'ailCi.that ext-out(dthe aold d~Hd :freely abd vOluntal'Uy f , ,1 '. .. " , ' , ' ' ,'.' ", . ' apprehen81,o~-,ol'-fetu'-- of' or.u-f'rom-hel':,B814' huaboJld. ' seal, o.t Vero, Cowlty or st.- Lucl,e and :na"e Of', (~. P. Se81) " ~ ' "'-" '_..:_Ol1U..,I!! Toole notary pUl1l1o. state of Florldo at Large 1J,.- coromlOulon expires ,April 20-192H. (P;t., 9t. 3881) ~, ,l o ::i y .1 ri"' q P. C. Eldred C1erk,of By , 0 9.J/J.t'~ ,I 111ed aod reoorded this lOth ,da,Y o:f JMe 1')26 at 4:3~ P. 1I. . ! I. Cir'oult Court b t,-~If~ . t-i' I ',' ,. . . ~ ' - - ~ ~ , . I. ;~ '" ~._ .l'.-l" :. ~. -'. ...'~