HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCW JOSEPH R. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT !- SAINT LUdi E.COUNTY FILE # 4450085 OR 'BOOK 4248 PAGE 8.91, Recorded 06'/29/'2018 10:33-159 AM Still - BY NOTICE OF COMMLNCEMENT Th6 und6rsi gned herebygiyen. notice-.thatjpvpkoVer�entwii11 be made jQ.c6rtain tcal,prop crty.,!pd in -accordance with ,Chtpt&71 3, tatutes:tfic-followilg information is provi.dcd. in the Notice ofoonunaticement. I. DES,CREPT1Orj:OV PJzOPERygAga;ripto2Preet address) TAX NLIMRM613'0 6 — T . 1 0 0 01, y l dscind street d . , - — 00 7 54. 3.9'all that paft, l'yx.hg northeast. 2.GLNERALD.ESCRWnON'OFMMOVEMENT. axn9i'a family residence 3. OV MRMFORNAj7ON-,.t-- a. 'A=p0=" t 4 0- b.Address SU8_000S. USI,. Suite 402.. ..SL, 34952 d.Namcandaddress of fee timptgtkUeholder:(if other than* 4. CONTRACrOR'S NAM9, ADDAESS AND]PRONE NUMBER6 Wynne DeveloRtnent. Corporation .8000 U91 , Suite 402, , PSL'j' Pt 3jd'. 2 '2 g-5 .7-87R-557 I S. SURETIC'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER, AND BOND AMOUNT ,6. LENDER!S,NAMP ApDRES3 AND PHONE k�Ii]MBER 7.Perions wi,iWa,t-hcState atnorida'dds!gnamd byOwiierupon whcm nod esMotb cr documents may, be served as Provided by � hL Lakes. B lArd. �Fto Pierce,, NAMP, ADDREW AND PHOM NUNMpL- J�-%VN Parish S. In addition to himself or hersW.• Owner designates the Mlowing to'rcccivczcqpY of the Li _ewes Notice; as; provided (1)(b), F 1, oyided in Sfttion 713 jorida%stfttutes: NAME, ADJDRftS,AND pHONS NVMjaEp- 9. apiration date ofnatice' (the ekpirati6ri date ks'l year from the data of ofritording unless ii-.diff6r�nt date is 20 Signature of Ownw., or Print Name and,Prqvide,'Signa ory's,,TitldOffice OwnerlsAuthori zed: OiBeiErADiiectdiYP,2ietneiMAt�Wi State LU County of. Sterra­ie. GO to I The foregoing instrmeni4as acknowledged before me this ,06 apof_� By Matthew L.Yle- Wynn-6 as 1cc (Namofpcison) tiVyoe of authority—e.g: Owner, wber. officer tf-ustm attotney.iji fact) ponWynp_e, Building CorporatiC)'n (Name 6fparty on -behalf of whom 'iniuumqqi�was CXecu)P.=,afly.Knowzor pxodued K�.1.11.W! ngtYp.e'otM—r A '.6AO.4 t r, !.9A!S1j10N .7 GG,030,145 :(Pdiitdd Nahic of Notary Publi4) (Sigztataii or?(rik Public) (St PU Under penalties of petJury, I &cjatt-�hat I have read the, foregoing, and that, the facts in it are. e 0, 92.525. Fqori6'St3'tut;SY Signatures) ofOwner(s)or Owner(W.Authorized ofricqrlpirector/Partner/Managprwhq. signed, above, 19y; 95 201�