HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1736 , , If! ' '.' - I , , , / i ' 1 :I I ' I I'" ' ;" If' I " I . '" ,'. I [ . ,/ '!--, I "[" , ""-,-~"-~,T ',"'.11 T-[',I'--' , I ' "'I' I' .', .,I !:t . I . I I . ~ ' , . . f ' j . \, I'!" ' , . I ,'I I;', 'I,,' , , _I~ ~,:~I,.. f ~ ~:,.;~~,:,: ':,,+ .-;~~r-~.. "'" ',:: ::1',:'::1;,:: :;"'t::,-:: 1;:.:: .:--.::~~ '.;:;i';:::.:::i:,t:~:;;.,~:;:,:;~?::.::...:.'" ~:;:J.':~~:'''','':. of:.t::~~.. :"':~":';':::~~':~:'~~=":~~T,~~,::;::,,':"~"':;i:"'::li::.I:f---::,.:'.:;::r:~ , ,,'. J STA.TE OF FLORIDA. -. I ' I " ' ;, I, \. .,L t' ' , '_!" '\,'! I. I' ,r ' . r , .. -:-r -" " I " '\ ': \" ; I ; , ' \ . !, ,'1 ' , \ I', .', i \ 1 \' ," ,I'.','.i" " I ,'\'" ~ ,1\ I 1\\CQ~ OF, ~T. LUCI~,\,! ' I, , , \ , ,\; 1 ,I" y, " . \/, "" '\ '-',,- ':~'~~I-;- I~ "I ~\" ;,~'I{H~Y ,~~nfY/ ~~at '~ri\tliiQ "uY pe~80nali'y, app~r1red '~e:r~~ '~~~I! ano~t\o'~r d~~ ~~~~l~P~ \ 1(.1;~ a'Ouilnl~~er\ oath. ~ \~~k.ea.Okn01rle.en~S.I.'-R01'G,:-n1l11Lr~,e.nd~or~noe, E. ~llaard,\:~t8 wi. :4'e.: ' , '," ", \ II \ ' ',' '" ", ", ", . ',' , Ii '~. me ,'"el'l ~o~p ~d known ~o me. ,tQ be t~ei:n~iVid~tlidesoribe~ in and WhO, exeouted tne, forego"- : . L ~M, dee'd"e.n~ th,y \~o~.OWledg~d ~e~ore\IlB' that they, e~eov:ted ~he s~, f~e,ely ,e.n,d vOIUn,ar~ly ~~ \ ' \ \ 4',. '. _ . , . , . . ., \. . \' .' \ \ ~. \, '; Ithe :pwpoaea therein e~ressed.\' .." \, I, \' I, f . .. - , . . ,~. .1 ~::' ,'AIiD t \FUR~R CERT~, 'Iihat th..o ,.8~id'Florenoe E.itllU.ar'd~ known'1iQ. meto~be thew1feo~ th~ ' , " ;, . \, 8aidRO~'G. I~liiilto~d.~~n \8. 's~~arate '~d private' ~~at~on,taken,:~d nade':by -a~d before,'me. :, , I ",.' , ,,\ ,,'., ,',", ' " ' .', , " ' "', :', ," ,",' 'I l,separatelt,a.nd apart frail her siUd. h~'ba.Ild, d.1,daoloio\'lle.~e.tha:t .'she made herse1:r. ap~tyto sait\ ' . " "'!., ..:. - -" \ "\: ~.. ',.' . - ~ :' " '. ...' ,':-. . . , . ~'. -" --' " ~ .'., .~. "-'. > . ~ .. ,', ""-' " : ' ,! deed f~r'..the ,llUrpOseof ~nouno1ng. .re11nqutshtng, and oonv~Yi118 aU, ~V l'1.ght; .t1t~e 'and lnt8re~t' , 'j',,' '~ '.' " . , ,,' ,', ,',., ,'", ,.' ,'\'. ,,',.. ; J--Wb.8thero.f'dOwer.--hOine8~~a~9'ifOf,sep~rate~1>1'0peftYiusta,.:U.~,ory ,or .qu~~1Jle.'in a~~e ;~d8: . ! ,'" " , ' , ' " " "',, " ',' ,,', ," , ", , . " ' \ I dVOl'ib&d. th~re.int and, that sh~ exeou.ted' the. sa:j.'dd~~a.treely' and v01Unt:a:rl1i..., and vd.thout,any ~ ~. '~, .... .' ,. ~ . ' '.' , . . :'. ". . ,- '. ." .'. <. .' . <' - '.. - . . ~ . ! 'oompulslon. oonstraint, apprebension -or 'fe'ar Qf or from her Qaid hus~and. ; " I ' -. . . " . , . , " " , Ii!> ' - t ", VIITUE:SS' my hanci and oft,lo1a1; seal at Ft. P'~~ro~, .,oo.~ty C?~S,t. Luci~~ a.n~.~tateofFlOl'ida. ~ >! 'tl'l1'Q ',.18~ ~y o'1';..J~e..lg25. . . ".~' t " j '. '. r I. -', ' I I' I ~, ' " , ~, ~J.. . " , , , - . \ \, \ -,-,.,---'--,-'-~" -~ ,.,I'~.,'~',',,' . it. :\ , . .!.,' J ,'52$' ? " ,-'--~' HiP .S~u~l. . ' " '. W ~'C,. Baggett, . ' liotary' Nbll'o for the ,stp. teot Florida. 'Ky oQraoissiO:n ,eX1>ire~'J.1>l;'li 30 ~1926.. " . ' \, , , ... " 1" . 'r ;, ~ ~ - ~ , ,1' :,' ,', ", ' ~:' , ;', ..". ,",,', .1,~lle~ ~ci're~~rde,~, on't~isf2rtd;W:Y, Of, ~un~~~:~:, .~,t iO;~9.t'~1J. i ~' .'" .'" . : i ,J,.". I" ..' _~,.' ~ ~ " 'i ~ ' , :p.:d'~ _ nd.i-ed,:Olerk' c.i~~uH "~y.,s..: .'~' '11.8",' " ,,' ..~ ll/f..U.4.., ~, D.C., COUl..'t. , Ct~ ct .Seal , ' ',(, I ~. " , '. " (3)" " ',',' ' , ," " , ' ' i~#~i:i:;:I: t:j:t: i-:i:: i:i-:i ~'id:i-:; :1:#: i :,~: 1:# :~:i:': i:1 ;#:~:; :i,: #:#: ~:'~:i:J: hi:;:1 ;-/:;: 1:1:;: S~. LUCIE ,C0U1iTY,3AiOC ,.TO ' " ' 'EL\ii1j THOMAS '\~tj-W.fi 'J;l~D "'-'~v" . "a. , , , THIS .Il~~I;TURE', oadet::,ia ,~wnety nfnth -' '(29th)dp.y':O,:t' J.triy4.D: 19,25. 3E1:liEE11 st. Luol~, County Bank a .corporation 'existb}g \I,na.er the lo..,s of'the sta.,te of Florida, :lavlng ita rrinoipal '.. . , - '- ,'. . " . _ ' '., ,- -' " . ." '., -. =" ~ ;), " . ': '.' '. plaoe. Of'buSl~sa in the .OO\UltYOf,St. L,,,oie ~<l:, S~ate ,of Flor1da party or the::f:lrstpart.)\lld E?-wYn,Th(nas, of,theco~ty of St., Luoie and~,State ~f ~O~1da". partY.:, ,of the .s,eoon~ l\ar't'~ i1ITliESSET!I' the. t the'aafd.party, ot the,f1rstpart, for 8.~d1n c ollsfde'rat1on. of ,the "S\Ul10f'F,ive",h~~'d a.;nd., ., n'o/lOO Do~i'ars, to,it 1n'handpai'd~ the'rece1pt w;tereof'ls ~~eby'aO~O~"4edsed, l~s g;anted" . ~. , 'bargained, sold, al ieued,relllj,aed.,. re~easect, O'O~N oyed iind"oolit1rm~d'. a.ndby :t~se', pr8sen tsdo th '" ' ' 1." ,_,_,. ~ ".',' '" ,_ , . . , ." ".. '- , '.' ,..-.... . grant-, bargain, S,811, 'alien, remise, rel~ase, COllvey 'eJld conf~. ~to thesa~d ,p,art~.o~'the , : seoond part 'a.n'd his ~e'1rs Mod alls 1ens .f.or~e~. ~,ll,that oert)~in .parce~ ,at l~d' lybig' ~d, being, ') , . . . -', . ,.-" .' , ': ,,' . , ,", ' - ~ ~'in' theoo\Ultyof St~ ~oiea.n~St9.te', of Fl?I'i<1a lIlore partloularly deacribfld, as follows: . " All ,of the Sou.th half ot the Sou~he(J.8tone-CJ.ua),'ter of the Southwest on~ q~ter ofSeot~n Twenty-three (23) in'Townah1.p Thirty i'oui'(34) ,South' Range Thirty' ,niaa (39) East, ,oontainlllg20.08 ,aores, more or less". Exoe:9t however the r1c.ht of way or the :Publio Roads. and dr~1nage oanalaor ~tohes,asahown on the pla.t of said lands made bYFlor1~ Sa.at 90astRealty Cocip~ and reoorded in the Off1oe of the Clerk of the Circuit C:)1.U't of 5tJ Luoie County Florida. ',TOGETlrER-w1th !111t~a 'onEmentllr, 'her~d1ta.ut6nts andappurten:ances, \-d,th 'every i>rivllege;rieht,' ,. ti~lt, into"st and estate, rever.sion,rema1nder and easement, thereto bel'ong1ng or in anTRise appert&1n1.ngz m l!J.V't; AIiD TO IIOL~ the same in ", / ,.' "'!'~,t~. ~ld party ot the'tirst "plIl't cloth ~. ".-<;-'-';":;';;;'':;:'''-:.",-- teo 81~ple foreyer. I. " covene.nt tt1 th the'...1d part, ~ ~ -, '..__,l- ,<-.;;;~..;-._'_..o~' '_;'"_' , - ,tbe . .<JOWl. pan' _ ~,-:.;~~:~:_~...~,':__-; ~,...' , _rt-~