HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1745 . f" J I, I ' , ' " r ,1/ ,) , "j. I " I I" "I., " I \, .1 . , 1.' }" " j' ,', ,!!,' ." I . .: ,I i " 'I 'I ,',' , .,.' . .'" II , ,t I I"~ ,: i, I \", ., " . ',I .1 " I ' "1-",' , ,,' '.' _~__',__, 1 . --, -" ~,'.>. '" '.';;h:' " '''''''', ",-~-_. ...---~~, 'II-"-...............--',.:..:;:t....---"'...,---"'----........"'-"",.-..&-~~., _.,~-~.....~~... '."'--'-:'---- -"'~--::;:1~~-"~""'''''-- .....--,.....a.'. --,~,.-'- '....---....,.."..-'-~--,.....:...~.'-"'-~~r.......-' .....-t-='---t.-------'~...--.,-- -"'--'--.......- -~- .....-.-:-'."---' ~M~ ,---- ~- , . t ' _' , _ ' i '" ~,ol..,,~~.......-_.....-----.ri:'Jr.!O-,.~ .~'i""""..........,~..._...~-_..;~'.~M~I'""......_..._~I,._....,.".'~'~:'1II;.._':" .-'J'-"""~_~---.~~l .,.':'t.,~-..~____--.-~ , -' ,~~-:P4r':~ T -1~.---..,....,.~....--......_.....-""'~~.1 '.-.~ 1,-" '.'- '-'"i" '-.- ....~;, -I.' 'I." : "'f",'::'" c.' '.,.' . J'I'!l.S'kn.Q';~~~~~,t'.rh~~_)~_et-~e~nIL'd:'t~-Ar~ ~vn:l ih~d, \~~sorlb~~~_, ~~l he~~: se.~l.:',etf~xet\ fu ,~,', '.,,: 11" \'",:';' : 'j, ," , , , I ' \' \' . \ ' \ \, \ . I,. " ~. \ ' ' i l .: I, ; .\ prehnoe~r '. . '",' :' ,I , i; '. i -., tli :J/,\:'c', ,\ ',I', ~r~p;~~y, ~~~JiMJ.Ol..,lh~."l'lo~.~ FI;li.Lt~."aer;oh,d",Y~,~,,'~~~Y..,\1,;,,1,tten. ,\ ,,\'t\\,1. \" \ ~ 'I II ", I \, \'" \ '. l.i',O.. Dlttma,iot ' ,,'(Seal':, \) . \" '.' I' .:\ '(N.P. 's\ea'} \ .\,~ i. \Uo'l1e,rY\]?uQl1o., ;'. .1' .:, I' 'a~ATE',OFFLOR II,.' ,\,'\' \, I" i~1 \" ""1\:\' ;\:~...J';\q:\+.," I t ~o~~~1~; Brev~d ) - \ \ "\ ' q: \ \',' ,I ," 'J( I \1, "\' ' on THIS 'DAY ~e~~ on~lly 'ay'p~lll;'ed ~~tore' ~~ ~mer L~ 'j~~~1~fJ Iwid' Agnes JelUi.1~\b~"hiS:' '\ \. j .\ ' '.... ..' - , ' \ - "', " . " '-~ - '.; . ~" '.-' "., "~- \1 'Wite tO~ple well know,rl 'as the person desorib'ed 1n' aile}, .w~o ex'eo\\tedthe 'toreg~lng J)eed~t Co,n~':; \ ' vey~oe. a~d a9imowie~~d' ,tliat tl\ey. .oxeouted :the'~le l'orthe: PUl\pou -tilere1~ <<!?,'pl'eSsed. ' ,\ . ,~ .--". --,-- ,----. whereupC)Il I'''' -.1534;' 1 ", . . i .- f j - ,j' " , I' " I , ,'( .J , !, I~" j j , " i f '. ': . "-' '., " ~. I , ' l 'Ootobe,r'A. ~.~~ ,is .-:Pl'ayed .~~thaj:t--..tlle;-8ame . ia.ay b~ ~eoordeci. ..' ._-~~,------,,_.,,-'-' " -' ,:',' '... ",,' , . ,.' ' -11HERE.oF.' I li!1~e,~e.r~Ul!1;O ._~l'i'.t~e_ctml_Ji..~d ,~~,seai.~'~:.-tl~__~~ll . ...' }.. .;--:---~.-- '. ."',' ,':. ',' ~.-"-", ,diiyot:;c'-~c,:d'c -- ":,'. \ I' ~ . " ,i i . "i " .. .... ,~ ~- :i ... , i i, A.. C~ Df. ttinar : (S'ea.l) , .liotary ~b.l1~. . .' ' ......: l 'j' i S~ATE. Of~ORID~.) " CoUnt; '~f B~e~d) - . . , ~E IT 'aEltE!.mE~W).,,:rhat,' ~m'this,2~tl?-:'da1 O,f Hovel!l~~r' A, :O.,18~~, I, A'. .:A. stewart ': c'lerk of tl~e 'Clroui t'Court 1n and l'O,rsaiq."County. have d~y l'eOO~ded the ',~or~g()1i1B, Deed~n:- . . ~ . . . .. , the Publio Be.oords' of ,said County'~' ~h:a,tthe s.~,l'.1e\1as ',fUed,1nm:( o,l'fice for Reoo;rd on . ' ' . ,,' ~ "the'27thday :of Hov. 1893 , '. .the " . III \7ITII~S WIi:E.RSOF, I have h,ereu.nto set my, !lsnd and/seiU. 01' ',sa.1dCour,t, , t{l;J.a CAy al1d'year above wr~tten~, ,A'. A.{itewa.rt,Clerk " (Sed) ,I, '. . '. . ,,': ' By,S. :UeJ.:e.. , D.C. ",. Filed '1~,the' Off1oe~of 'th~ Olerk of the CircUit Court crt' '1;heCounty 'of.Brev~rd~tate O:f: Jflorida, o~ the ~Jth day,,_ol', Hoveuber A. 1>,.1693, a~ 8 0' o'rook A.lt.. and. Recor!1ed 1.1i' B()'ok if' . 'on 'P~e 11.5. .. " '\cr{ ".. ",~ .~ -,... ~ i ,- '.. - ~' . , " Ai.. Stewart , t1JClerk OfQ11'0u1.t Oo'u-t. ?ot',I:' at 11,59.1,. Y., ',", ~ - - - -'-'~ - - - - . :.' . , P. c. ~?-red. 'Clerk Cirouit Court, Bv '~, tJ~. '<ill ,is " D. ,0., ~.- - ~,~ - ~.-:~. - -' CHARLES R. OROGlW~ AHD WIFE ,TO, AGR.EE!J:EliT' ARTICLESOFAGREEl~Ii'~ ,Made this, i81;hday 01' June iilthe year of o,ur Lord.,'one H,J.' DAJ,!E }: , { . ~ . " t ; ! I I I I I . I' ';~ . t: j , , , thou,sa.nd. nineh\U1~ed and WEHI1ty 'f~ve BET.'I'!EEliQha.rle,s 'R.~, ProBhe.n and his \/i1'e Hose B.' . - '. "- . . . Crogha.npart'ies of the 1'irs,t'p~rt. and a. J. DGlJO l'>arty ,of the 'seoond part. I . - ,",,' ',' I ' . , ".. '...1ITI;ESSETH, Tilat 1f t,h6 80.1c1 party of the~seOondpa1'tshali fir~t make the pay~ I , menta and perrorm the oovenanta hereinafter uent10ned 'on his part to' be made Wldperl'ormeo" I " the, said llarttes of the first \',t;a.rt h~re,b~ ~ovena.nb and agree to oonv"ey and ass~e to the " said party of the seoond part, his heirs,exeoutors, adl.lln1atratorqor assigns, "in fee s~ple, ., " , ,$ ~ ' '. "'. ' , olear of all 1ncumbranoes \'lha'tever,by a good andsu.f::t'1oient deed, tho 'lois, pifioesor par:" , ' oeis ot. ground, :3ituated in the COUllty of St. Luoie, State of Florida knovm and desoribed' as tollows. to-wit: Lots 7. 10. and. ll,of Blook 3, of FubersSubdivtsioh to n.heroe. Florida. ~ I' >~ and~corded i,n County records . .. ... -: . .. t. . and the 8aidp:lrty of tile/second 'I . I ' ,I 'I , I I , , , I .~ , ' I partherel.lJ' covenants und. agrees to j,Ja:r to the l;Jo.ld- parties /' I ' , , -Of the t1rst part tile SUtl of Twenty-five Hund.~ed DOllars, in tile uilnller to iJ. ouine Fifty _._~---o.-,_~_~__'f.o ~-,