HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1746 !{' I' I - i 'I , ",' I ", ,. " 'I i '., I ' ", i : .' J " -1-; I I :1, :I r ., I' .', " "11, ,],',' " I ," ' ,I, ,.....,. I, ; / ',', :; I: ' .' ',I" I I , , J_ ! ' " , . ' " , " I I I: I I .. . ,! , .....' I ' . i '"," ~ I ' I, i' I I "I " '..' 1 , I' I', I I" ' , " " , ",: 'I ",'" 'I ' '. ' , a I - ~.- ~.~- ,of --'~ ~... .... _tf__ - .... ~ - -" -.1" ~ - ._- .., " ~: -'''~' ..- -, ,- ,,:,:.. . ~ . ,:"l..L' ~_.; ~-~. - -t.-.. ~.. ... ...., , ,-' J.:.:;'"'' ":.' -:;".1-':, ;:..::.L'~_~,:-:-~:.:...:-.::::: ::,.-.'::,::',::'.:: _: ,::: ' L ~ '--""""Tl .-, "\"', L,. ""'" ..'....----'-:-~,---....-,-~~'.. -.~"1.'~';J1""T.'...~.-'-....,r:-->o.,1r~--~-r--'-:~ "--1" t"~'1 ,'. ,', ' I ". " " I D~~lar~l. I 'Qa8~. h..~rebY r~~~lVOd; ',and .F~~' UFdr~b. ri~tY'1 up.on\\01!>8~ng c)f Del~l"\an~ ~~ia:fo. 'Of " ',1, \ ," ,!. 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",' '" par~ shall"have: the ;r~lt,to re,-enter"and:, take 'POSSe-sS1.on~O!..:.the,premlSe!iafOl'esa1:d wit~out, I b~lng'l,1~bl~" to anY _~_ot'1~n:thGrefor." ,',: '. ,-';.' '.' .', ". " , . j" ., . :' . ' · Th~PS;di~fr~s~' .;4t ~.to ru;"iOh .b.t~..t .tt~1ii.t~aste. ShO'flDg.llOdd. ~er., , .1 ' , , ohant8.;ble t~ tie ~n: t~em. and', to, al"lOw ,~urohs.$er ten -days' to.~xamtri~ ~~o. . ' ' r . , IT I~ InnU;u.y AmlEED. by and bet~.enthn.rt1", hersto,that theU"e ~'J)O;:';ent~h'~l", .t, be 'an tssEU;t1al,part of t111s()ontraot; ~d :that ,all, 'oovenalltS' ahcf ogree~lents'hf'ire1n, oonta,1ned I -~'shali~xtend.t~.'Cui9-'b~ :0~,~16at~~i'upon the he~~;,e?C~ou.t~rs. "a~~nls~'ratbrs'~~ aS~~~~9f' tte l '\ '. '" '.,,' '.,', 'f I " re~pe oti ve parties.. . I ' , " ~ "-/ , . "',' I, 'tUWI~nsS~ 'viHEREO.F, TheJ?~t1esto~ th6a,e ?r~sen~ij have he?:"eunto s~,t their ~~ds.,an4 seals' "I 'I. l . j' '1 i, , '1 ,1 ! , 'I 1 t'. .j ! ,; 'i i \, ! , 'I, j L' i ~ " '. - . ,'535' ,j.'" ..~ w. . . ",'- '- ." , \ ....-'- " the day and 'year first above. \Tritten;, i.'",',".',' ~ ".Y - ... ..,,~~ ..~ 5. . , ' , -' " ,', ',' 11' , -,'_" . . . . S1e~ed, 'Sealed e.nd,D.el1vere,d ih,Pres,~~e ot:): . , W ~ O:L. 'Coa to Cha.~les' R. Croghan ,_, . I. " (Seai) (Seal) :'(~eal) >" / ~'\ ~ ~. )', } " ,), 1I~ J. .Dame ' ,r ,'L.' d.. Sapp '.\ R()se~E;. Cr',?,ghan " STATE O~, FLORIPA~ Saint L\1018 C?miTY~' . , "., ",'__ ", t,." . '. . .' .... :' ' Onth1s'd,ay personally~ppeared, 'before J:J,e, al1 'offioer nu.Lorized to tuie aokno\"lodgments , , " . - , ot deecl.S,eto.. ,Charles a.Croghan' lUld ,his wife R.ose E.CroBl~t()nya ';'iell:Jalo\:'li; a.nd JOlo\'ln,'.' ~ . , Ito be the l>~ra6na\'lho, exe~~ted the wHhin aereement. a~d" :1okno\.iiedge'd, ~ha.t t:;ey, exeo'u.ted. thEl' same :cor. tr~GP~POB~S 'Ghereln' express~d.,'Andthe said' RQo,e gr~eh~.1te.' Of, tl~ Sa.id Cha.~i.'es :.; a;.' Croghan,~JJon '8.1.1 exar.il11at1ontakenby't:tesepe.rate Att apart' tr~m\ hersa:idhUSb<.\.l':d,',ao;:l{~W-' " , " . , ,), , , ','" tl~t1e;e~thatlJ.~e exeO:ited tlU:~~d .asr,e~qell t~r.e~lY a?ld VOI~Iltarqy" 'an~' Vfthou~an~ oonstraint. !oompu;I.sion. . a~ relums ion or:tea.r otQr from her said h'-loband. ~;-' .', " ' ' '. ,,' , W~ tne ~r:lY han andse8J. thiS 1,;:;. tli day'o~ June 1925. , " , '\ .,., , "i lr.p,. Seal)/ ''',-'. . /"'...' ., ~'" /' , .r....:.._ 'iled-and ~~oorded t~1s ,.', I ~ (qt.Ct.Seal) ), .. ..! '. \, , 'w, L. C'oats' , UotQ..l"'J Publl0'~ Stri.teo! Fla. ~', at larGe. 1l:y, cO:.lIllission: expires Jan'. 5. '19.28 ,I i J. ,i '1, 1 lJ " , ! j I I "1',' I i , ; '1 ! , i r, r I ., f' i :~ . ." .- . ~. II , I 1 I i I I ~ . I "I j , l "- -~ ~ 82 <;"",O'hi,Ul1.e, J.9~3!"at 4,:1,"' P. I,!~ ' 1!-' ' ',P. C;b"ldred, Clerk ,Circ',titCO~tl't' 'AfrJ' "'BY ~'.~ff~ D,~ C. . I~ I ,I 'I'" :.,. .... .' -.~-. ~~-.~" '" I; '.' " ~, 'f:X~' , I j 1, 'I -----'--.----- , I i . --<j ---~ j i , 1 ., j ~.='-~- ~~' , I ' .' ~ - .' '- "-" ! i 1, j 1,1 ~:/ "~, i,e '"' ~ ~:;~_;'i.:J ~: " ~- ~ , , r , " ';:..- . -,- ,." ".' '. ,~. '.----,~~ -,",;; ~ ..'.t.-- >,- ';':"0. -''':..:::..;.:;<....: -,;~t;::;;,.:.:.:....."