HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1759 . _, I I , 1'- j< I !I, I ~.r I, ~ , , I, oJ., "~I' I I" I,'", r , I",' '!" I",' \, r, ... . I It. i , , ' . j , I ' , ' : , ' Ii, 1.;'~;";~7::~;iR~::,~",:;;;:~':::~~.:~':':17::.r7i~;:;'~':':::;:i:;:::t2';;;~~~"';;;;;:~::7';';:'1:::..~: ~~-i:;~~~' ,,*:'. ,!; 1 I, . ' ,AHDR.E'iI k. :REE;VEI. \" ,,', " ," "~"~I' , 1:0 1'",., " ,:, , \'/ltoU\ qQliG~,' iZQ. I, '"", '\" " \ (, ' ' \ .' i l \ ' , ',' .. \, , I j. \ ,,', '~' ',\. , ' ' '.. \,'" , , '\' 1. \' ; I\'! I ' \ " i '1., ' 11.~' F'I D A V\ 1,1:. 'I I '.' 'd, \. '" , " I. , \, ,... \ \ \ " lit \ r ,\' \ " \ ' .., ! I \ , I ' \ il'< ,\", , \ \ I, , " , " ' ',State of. ~orldA;,.' - ~--, 1 .,' " ,,\', \ ':'\ 'i ", II r I, . I' , , , " \" l',__,~\ ----;.::.-,..:.-\-~:-',-. ,--~ -'-'''~'''-------!~-':';\I 'c-J,<,-."C ,L i' ,-\.', . , .! ,OO\Ul~y'Ot.s~. ~\}~e. . '. " "," 'I, ' \ '~, ,\ \ ,1,', \ \ ',I, ,I ~~to~ me 1;11e ,~del..8i811eCl\ authOr1ty, pe~oi~allY li'Ppea:r~d;l,.;:E'~ Recve., .who 'beiJ~ by me ~,' t :- \ . \~,' \ -' .\, " .1.. , \ . ~ ' ", \' .. . " ; " " . " , 1: " L ,I" d~1 ~W9rn ,8~~~ that he' 1~. a res~~e~~"o:c st. fluu,~Q \~O~ltY~!rlo~1dal I t~~tBar~' .~'Re!ev~:~ed' asgr.ant'ee ,1ne.' oe'rta1~ Warr~ty'~eed 'dated 00,tobei'-r2~6.1920 l(Utd reOord~d,~Dee:~'boOkA3't ~t' .'., .,.,,- _ ',' ~", '. . '.. : '.' ,'.__ '_____ _ '. _ ' ... "'1' .,', , -.' I. page 110 o~St~i.uo~e OOUn~y' re,.oords, and-.as ~rant'e8 ina oertain Deod.. dated Ito.v,~m,be,r,29...i920~;;' .# ~ ',- .' .~. ., . . " \ .'. .'" "-'.. -' .. ' \'- "-'" '. .. - "\ ' . . " ~ ' reaorded 1n Dee~Boo~ ~9, page 333"o1;'Stt: Luo.1eOoWity reoordS, 'was thew1fe-,01.' cl:eponent" " ,) .~' ~\,'~,".' '.! _' , ". c ::":--' ___.... ': ,. ._, ,..4.,..., ._,,:c~. ,I'- ':.i!l. E,', Reeye; ,~ll'at' ~h.e.. sa1d S,ar~ .....:Re~1ed.~part~d'~h~S lit.te Oll AprU2~ ',1921, at 'Vfhi te:~aty .I., 'in t'l1e O~\P1ttof ,St., LuC'i~,\'l1.0#t.da. ',~:eav.il1~'as,~er'e'oles~v'~',~e1z:at"~aVl,>~~J;uh~,~~d,'c ; 'A. E,. Re~~e~ she leaV:1n~ no' Ohlld.r'e~ au,rv1vill8 ,h,er. , .', , --c---;:.\ '. , ',,1 ; . " " '.:~, ' ,~ ' '. ' 'Andrew E.. Reeve ',., , J' 548' " " .." I '\ ,I J '. 'Ii 11 i" '. ,'I.: "., , l i- ..-- ,'" f' .. - -~' r- ;:/ J , " I I' .', ,.., " ' I. . \ \ \\'':'' " ! " . i: \ " I 'I' .. ., , i " " " , , ,\ . I .1\ I i "', '" : , , I . ~ " , , . ~ S\'f~rnto and; aub80~ibe~ b'efore, ui..e"~~: thiS 'the 2,3~a d.aYOf; .'. June. A; D~:19?5~~ " " " " ~t1:e 1I1PP ',NotaryPubl1o for ,the Uy; 'OOmm~SS10n expires '. " '~ :, Stat0 ot 'Flor1.da at Aprli,~o,,1929.', . . . -. . '.' Fl1.edand~oorded-on' th1S.23r.d ~.ofJJ'W1e,1925, ~t ).1;'37.,'A.U. " , ': ~ , , " P. C~Ei(\re~, Cle~k, C1roui,t' C,ourt. , "BeClll:lI."e~e~ " .By 'a~iJ;-'7/t/~/dfi~eD~?'~' " ' , . I , " ~'#'I'#~#'i"'J1#'/~J'I'#'#~#s"~'~~#'I.J.#'/~~.,~j:#;J'i'/~#.,.j:'~i~#'I~#'J'i.iii'I.#.J'i~' ~'... ., . . -. . e. . . _.. .-e. ,~'_' ,.".,~ . ... ,. .'".,~. . '~,. ':.. ,...'...~..,~, ,eo!" _:,',. ,t . ,e. ~ ,.~~,. .._ '., ',' , , w..qy 0.' ROOTE';i' 'A,L ,': .. BEACHLAJID ;DEyELOPLGNT CO. .-"'.-',..- "TO. ,wA.aiW.ifY DEED 1:HI~IHDElI'.rtJRE" !lade' this"16th l4\y of Ju.tle~. A.D. 1920., bet\'leenBEACliL.UrD:DEVELOPi.tEUT , , ooi.lP.AIfY,' aoorpora'tione~istirig Under thelaw!S of:,t!1e '.Sta:te ae ,rtor~da~party of tl~e first. 'part, 'and':Mary. C. Root&, Cleoma S., Root ()f~the County ot',tr"ln the State'ofVerinOllt p'~rtiesar:' the" seoon,dp8.r1;~ .' 'J .\"ITl~SETH, ~at' the .said party .of'f;he fh'at Part for and in c<ns1deratl,on of the sum' , , " , . , _ _ ." , , . . t. . ~ '..: ' _ , " , ., '" ',' _ . . of Ten' DollarS 'and o.t~er valuable 'cons iderat1OIts, t~-1 t1'n hand 'paid ~ythepar:ty 01' the " . ,: 0',. " ", ' , , .0, ~eoond part, the reoe'iptVhe~eOf ,l~~byaOkno'/ie~ed~ llas t;rante'd, b,argalned a11d' 'S"old to ~-'--'-- the .saidpartles' ,0:1' theaeoond part~ th~ir heirs ~d'assiSna fp;re-ver, the' :following desoribed l~ndJ3, 'situate, lyil1t;and b~11i81ntheCo\Ulty ,of St. Luoie arid,' Stt\.~e of Florlda , to-\ri ts LOt Uu14be,,- Twenty..t~1O' (22) in BlookHumber '.l'hree (3), " I. ..' " , '. ($2.00, i.R,Stam:p6 ~an.) 01.' VERO :BEACHEST.\TES~ atJ, per' plat on tU~ in theoffioe of the Cl~rkofthe C~rou1t COUl..t ',of' St. Luole County, Florida. I , . ' .~~---~....._, .~ -'- - ~ This deed is,givenSub~ect to taJces,anc; lissessme,nts,aubsequen~ to 1926. AIm the said party ,Of /the 'seoGh~,part f~r their he1ra or as'siGns do hereby oovenant'an4. 'agree'to .,.,d with said partyotthe first part, its suooeaaors, legal IYpre13entative~ c:r assigns 'a3 'tollo...: ,.1 ' I (a) That they vA. 11 never 80).1 or oonvey all'3 port1on of tM',prt.:m1.ses, or an;i interest the~e1ri , , by deed, lease, or otherwise, to any person otherthrin, a ~l's.on belo~ing to the C~uoaslan rao.., and \Y111 not :p~1t' any 1nd1 vidual'othe~ thM onebelone1ne to Ito the Cauoa81nnraoe toboouPt ,.' I, : "', ' 1 , ,/ I ' '0,. , any portion of said prFnlaes exoepting OJ~ly do,cstlo servants dooiolled upo\'} the' prettises "ther, ~t."'l'\'1 " ' 1 eillpl,o:Le~~._'r '{ 'I , I