HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1760 ,,//1 I' !,i I, i, 1- ,:' J:. i"11 -"'. '.:,"/ ~ ~ ," . , ii,;. ,I' 'I'" I ,', J ",~l,il,':- ',UI':l~ ,I'. " . , , I ',I"/" 1 'I ' 'j . . ' ~.1 . t J/r~r-~;;; ~',' '; (I' " , , '. . ' I,! , 'I I " I I ~ ;. "I I I , . I'! ,. I; ,~ . .' I, . . " " l I ' " I ,,' : . ,1 " I 'I" I' I ' " ' I I I'" ' ," ':':~~J +:~~-,-'''':1i~) ~C;:JI:~~ ::::\ b~:r:;~:~:::::::~~~'~':::~~~:'~~~;~~;:l}:~;:~;~r:~'::: ~::::,r I [, ' ' '" ~~ ,8~1 ,?08t, ~Ot, 1~.8 . t~1 ~~~ Q?~ .~q: nl>r.h;r~' "...t8~'~O..' 't~FI28.~8~~ ,tp , ,t~.I' tfij,tl. 1(0, .1~t,liXl,e".No S~e!O)c~,O~,ulnsi8htl\Y\stru:()t~es .'a~ -kind Bh7ll". be'\Pem1.t~e~on)UlYP9rt.ion ,~~t4~' ',~!t~~.;,>>., lot, I l.l~ ~,n~~ exoe~t he~e ,~$~~~t W~,~l\be perm~t~ed" .1~o.r..9ha~\~ d1aplo.y','S!6,ris:o:t,'any :in~, I 4 ~ ~~' \,' ,~X~~1>t, ,bY\ c,o,n~el;lt. ~t ,t~e\ ~el~e.r, h1~ assigns l;\n~ legal /ep~es~nta~hes.. ,be. ~1erm1tted, ~nl ,~ni~ 'lot; '. \ .,(ol:Th~J' m$.Y',\'l1o~ever, el-eot orloonstruQt.on any plot'in oonJ,tfOot1on'With a1Vprivat8~.. \: \' . , .' . .r:.' ,--~-: ' " ,\ ' \ ' \ .' l si,~e~~e eeoted th~reC!n,\o.,g~ag$; s,uohas ,,!l11be :'a~l>;rqPt1,~teiY a'ppurte~a.rit-:tx, the'~~ld1~ I \ . '. ,', " ,', ,', \" , " ,~, "" e~oh~ ,~i1,:sald'-pJ,o,t", ,P~~i~'d sal~ ga..;a8e' ~~ ereoted at ~e~~. s'~ve:ntY:f1"e 1'ee~, h-an the. Jr4nt, I" 'U~n~ ,o~ p1'9porty) aild'at\ least 'f~~t~en. ,te,:et ~~~'anyaid~'str~et~' ',' ",~, ., ','I" f ' " (il) , Th~~' ~81the.r'aai'd P1.U-ohaaer 'no~~' his heirs';-:exeoutors, ,a~iniatrL\~~rfl,Or'uaSJ1~ shall' I " ',',',' ,.,', '; ,,' ,.' " ,: "',,,,::,:,:,--- , '~"'. ,"", '. ' l l .<<-~ y.'~~' '1ill;'!nar:-~ao.~~.e 0('80i1 ~ 'Q~ ',"oa~e,or' ~rIQit t :-,b~' ~a~n\U,'o.o~ur.ed' ~r '~old Q~ '~~.- ~~rtion: ,{)f' " : i "I ,- ' ' ' ;the. p.remlses' hereb~ oonveyed, a.riy'goodsormerohan.'d1se' or' ,ai.1Y 'k~ncf exoep1i wl?ere expres~1y per;'" l' t .' .....~' "'::..C"-;'--_"~--'-__~.. . , " . l . ~ ml tted,: ,and'w~n().t Qa.r;,~ .o,n.'O,r pe.rrn~t any ,matter 0.1' th1ngJ?'l1idh .s~QUl)e ,a nuisanoe,: Wlv/hole-:!' 'i a~e 0.1' '~ffe~S:LYe t~tl1~ neighb~rhoo"",,' ',':" ,.:' " ' ',. ',; ----c.:.:-,- , , ' ' ", f ~ " ":, ~e;or~gOi1l8"'oo~n.~t~ ,Sha.1,~.b$ ~o'~trued~s r,util{)~'v~lth ,~heiand;~~~o~Pti' 'h0\1eV~~:,'1t~' . L:"I ' . . ,'.. , " . I' ,I ,i~ II1utuall~ umterstood ,Md agree,d that' t~e above ~ovenant8 and,.re'str,iotionS as to aU .or' a~", ' ,l"l ,por~i6ne of sald,~ands ~ay.be alt'e:eed'or,L10d1f1ed at,al\Y title a'fter Janua,ry,lst,--l930, by" "'~ ", '", , ,', , " . ,~," J , ',written, ,~re'eme~ t' by~t\ :uet~~$nt~eseVer, ,or' it~ ouo~ies.so.l's', 1~,&alr~p.re,s8~te.~,1yesor ~~,s~gn~. I '..., '~~ t,~e o.me~'or ~het1me:b~in,i.):Ofthe premises, ~pon whiohit, :18 ~~e~d toalt~~:,or.m~fY y ''I- ,~ . ,sa.1,d ooveria~ts and restr"1otions as t08uoh'premi.S8s Without th~' oOri.$ent of o\1ner<or'o~mer3 of, '1 '~ " " 'any,'adJaoentp~e!Bi!H~S;mOdi'fioatioh 'or' rest'.rlotions aato P~i:.t1ons of the.,land~Qhall-not a1't:eotl:.1 'or im~a1rth.e 'N~t.r1c'ti~ila as'to't~e .balanoethe.re~~-. " < ! .! ' <" ,.' ';~ · ': A1ID',t,he, ~e.id<partYoo:r t,ile 1'i~at, par~ .doe~heJ..ebY'fullY'war~'t '~het1tle to s.a1,a. laiidan~' 1 "~ " ,'."'., , :' ~, . . "l .vtill dei'end,tlies'wn,e a:ga:t~t :the layit:liL olaims 'Of 811 'person~ rlhor:lsoever. J :I". ." , . _ " '! has oause~ th~se'presents ,to bes~gn-t ", .. f " " I' ,b,e affixe,d;', e.,ttes,t.ea .by ,it~' 'freas~er "I' . '",' , - ,- ." ,', i .' ~.. I' B~c~ILAim 'D1~~VEtOP1GliT 00l,!PAl;Y' ! \ \ "", \ ' ~ '1 Ii." '. ~\ '.Ji,:",' ' 'JI , ) \\ , t'he , '. I - , . '. ,I. . I ' ' IU'ilITt'E$S '"i1H;EREOF,' the saidp~rtyof' the f1,.rst, part . . , . its' Preside'nt and. its oorpO.rat~'Beal to d<J.Y' '( ) ~ ,,"13)" ..~"D~.Bo:e.tr1g1{t , President'. ' . i i , ,.! r , , I " I j 'c, . ~t-':'I t ,I ! I I I ,Signed, seerled, a.nd de live.re 0. . . in the pre'senoeof:' 11:. B. - DigbY':' ' ~. 'q, UoI;urlen A1ttest :' c. C ~ Bra:nt'ell' Tr.easu;rer. ' r ,I "', STATE OF FLORlnA;, j I '1. ( ,I Bei'ore '~he unclersi(.'11ecl. auth9i-lty persona..1.).~_.J:!j?peared B. :;:>.Bo'atrlght,Pres1d.ent 'andC. C. i . 'c,,' <".' . .", i 'Br:~':iell', T~easurer" ~~peot1vely of' Be.achl~dDevelopmell.tCor.1pany. WhO.b~iDe first duly sworn ! , ", '.' _: .' I, ' , ',.. ,.".', I say thut they execu~ed,the above and. foregoinG instrument and sever'al1yao::mowled{;e the exeeutio:q thereof to be their i'ree aot and. deed o.s SU.~il of1'10e.r8, 'i'6r th~ uses' ani pw..'pOSQS, the~;in :e~io~-l " ", ",,',',,', .11 ed; a.n.d that they af1'iXed t::Ol'oto the'. 0-1'1'1010.1 se'al of said oOl'poration, o.nd theaa1d inst:rwnent f '\" ," " 18 the aotand'de'od of s8.!d corpora.tionl j , S5. " COun'l"[. OF' ST. LUCI? ~ ., . I ~ '. , ';II'rl:ESS my sienature e.nl'i. ofricial. sea.l at vero,.. in tho CO\.Ulty of Sh Luoie, and ;jtate 'or Florida. this 16th d&:y of June, ,A, D, 19<':5. " I ,1 ''',' ',:' , ~ I I I ! , . ~-~- L, L. Ha.ser ltotd.ry .J:J)l10'~, Uy- o0:;missj,on 8xpil'ElS May 19;~9. I ! 2~i 1, 'f, I ' ~..... . ", , I' , i