HomeMy WebLinkAboutFPLSCANNeu BY StLude CoOk i FPIL June 19, 2018 III Michael Dedrick 722 Granada St, Unit B Fort -Pierce, FL,. 34949 i Re: Service Availability -- 2314 Atlantic Beach Blvd Ft Pierce, FL 34949 Florida Power & Light Company Dear Mr. Dedrick: This is to confirm that, at the present time, FPL• has sufficient capacity to provide electric service to the above captioned property. This service will be furnished in accordance with applicable rates, rules and regulations. Please provide the final site plan, site survey and electrical load data as soon as possible so the necessary engineering can begin. Early contact with FPL is essential so that resources may. be scheduled to facilitate availability of service when required. Sincerely, K. I<rystal Balark Customer Project Manager I i i I i I� an FPL Group Company I, 7,7 ATBR : 'COMM ST LUCIE COUNTY UTII,ITIES - P O BOX 728, FT PIERCE,'FL 349827-7.77 " S SEWER., METER SZ. 6.4. l SERVICE ADDRESS 9 �✓ SECURITY DEP ; 'SERVICE FEE, SAME DAY FEE;: • '. • *� " - . SUBD IVISIO LOT_BLOCK' OVERTIME.FEE BILNIETER:INSTALL LING ADDRESS " . , ,CFClWATER FPUA CFC , ING DATE , kit L - MOVE IN/CLOS PHONE #�� (� 6 CFOSEWER 3 This apphcahon hereby request and authonzes the Uhhty to render water and/or sewage disposal GUAR REV services toahe reuuses desenbed above maccordaazice wtth''the Utilities present or;future rates,. es'. e ( I ATERAL rines and'regularions, which,by reference are made a part of this contract Applicant agrees to pay, ;the Ut�hty promptly for such services m accordance with the established rules and<'regulations: �� �� � l �� TOTAL CUSTOMERS DEPOSITS, •,ARE NON NEGOTIABIE OR TRANSFERABLE • CUS,TOME , '" FOCIAL SIGNA ED ID n NAME OF SPOUSE SP OUSE SOCIAL SEC r EO ti OFFICE U$ NLY YE DATE RECEID1 RECEIVED BY�%I - _ I ! v.!•: >:s+: c�4;,ti 4 ,. dtk3.a .i' :,� . c:.. ti � s a ,: ,•.r,. e: 7. • <,:.s pax. s ay.; i.. . Cni'.e a , K 728 FT`PIERCE FL 34982 ;c St. Lucie Couni!Y - PCIS 06-20-2018 !11:31:22 16381/6440 BKV HOMES 2314 ATLANTIC EACH BLVD FORT. PIERCE FL 34949 Amount Tendered: 6,463.00 4mount Paid: 6,463.00 ;hanse Due; 0.00 (hank You Iser ID: RODRI bEZM. DATE RECENET