HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # ISSUE DATE: lk.0 .PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. Building & Code Compliance .Division ICOUNTY �ba� --- -0 BUILDING'PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ��LUCI2�©L Gl. hJ l e 5 ► S f l�Y'Y1�� l I(1 have agreed. to be - (Company Name/individual Name) the-VWNV�t rat f= Sub -contractor. for ' f bbM i u f , . Q�lp IllC. VIC (Type.ofTrade) . (Primary Contractor) For the project located at ?'�1 Ls �`S t:hN `r 1 t' :i� "� n *< .y TCA 4 .(Project Street Address or Property Tax 1D #) It is understood;. that;if there is any change of status regarding our participation witK the above mentioned project; the, Building and Code Regulation Division of St.. Lucie County will be advised .pursuant.to the filing of a Change of Sub=conttactor notice. . CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) SUB-CON"YRACTO.R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) . PRINT NAME -, PRINT NAME . COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER. State of Florida: County.or. 1'" �iC-^ State of Florida, County of 1LUCt C The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisyduy of The roivgoing instri uient.vies signed Me. this day of 20�O,by /V rrbefore ,E.by R017_�4_.L �`j .r 201 lA ofti • � who is personally known or ba roduced a who Is personally known J—O or has produced a as idrptificallon. ; ' as id Ilication. LISA LESTER II. STAMP �j ENO • . PUBLIC:. STATE OF FLORIDA ' Signature or Notary Public gnature of Notary Public . a Comm#,GG127647 !�/ i�.�1T21 � %� / j� (,ice;_. e ,�j=1c (C e io�e Expires 7124/2021' Print Name o_f tiottog.P blit Print Name of Notary Public II _,.��;,. !..,. MARGARITA PUN i E BYE ERMSUE DATE;' IT. # All C ES" Build jlg* Co4e'ilqomplfgii6 Divison. - - - ------ - 'JJRUUELLL VJ VV,,2ED GREEMENT3T.Lu�feC 04-18, m- tm- have, ggrqpd,tojjd., (PdaWy. Connackoz)`- It �s` understood that, if CM -is - ,change of#4tu reg' Ing.our, mentioned; prQjqq4-.tke,Builtdlnand bddd.Ae""gulatt04-..pj of St.; omt ywill be -a advised -PJ4��tq,th -e :':filing of I pj "Psub-7contid. contractor ice. NATURF Pq-'ST CTORSIG :$WClDNMIAcroRsi p k!n �'-Nffl 'CaU!qVx*"T COUNM c X County do of is pnrsou Ity o r h ;. STJVve �S'T) -NR6kqr-XqWq, Pubffc "MT PERMIT41 ISSUE DATE, PLAkNNJNG-&. DEVVEL OPMENTSERVICES BOtdxmg" Co eCom Hatt&Di isto'n., REC BlUftbNdPERNtrr EIVED 8-CONm4qrdk AdPXE.MFNi JUL 0- 5. '201E Atom clindividuatNarn pany Nam j -.$ub,coilt]'ctorhoi 7 E jTYPC 017TM46) (Primacy coitfirt For the pr6 (k j mf located tit, LA, 'ST: Lode'Cdunty, Per 'I in i?w7 bAve agrded,to be, st�- s re it i' tindcrs6odih4lfihc&-` any gar, ng,'gurparticip4tt--olli,,-.%-,"Ith'.t,h,e.abdv.e,m,en.ti.oncd-: *q Aiiildin -,,-d PX9 g.an -,qb.oc RegWinlon 151'Vision or­§f'.'Lu dic-CbmityWill bc-ad_ visdd�purguafit't6 the filing 6f CO,N-rRACTORSGN-ATU!Il(Qualiflo) 'Alt SUB-COI�MMCWR SIGN Om il C— - -b qi PRIN-r-NAME COUNTY ClqMFICATION NUMBER :COLI&N-r,Y'CERTtFICATLO,NriUNIBER,, S, fieof-F.16-ridiic,bun ----------- CAe ZT. Incip"P! W" signed W gaid before m¢ t&3 it dZilly Wl �,2 0j by GA pr who is ptrsa or liar kift�r Pro STA51P V 6 ';i kl*PliNi Nohry publit siato cl,N* ff 217015 FlAn'lolls kPDX0 mw� mid ftfx . . . . . . ----- al, 114-� 1:11% Wt. 4U A4 PERMIT;#: ISSUE DATE:, j= r �PLA:NNING & DEVE�.OPMEIVT' SEIVICES Bulldi &:Code Compliance D!ivzsion: 1BUILDiNG PERMIT°' < gUB-CONTRACTOR AGPtEEME�NT`- �u ave agreed to be' (Company Name/Indlr+adual Name. (Type ofTrade)` ,(Rnmary;Contractiar) _ For the pr©;jeer located at -. C `; bsQ"�hi. '�3�: Qjecf°Sfreet.Address,or,Pr6p (P,reeztyfiaX ID #)` .. 4It s understood tha�;lf there is anyxchange of status regarding our Participation wEthfiihe aUove"menttoned pro}eel the Building.and Coda Regulation Division of St Lucie County w111 be advrsed piirsnanti to the << _ filmgof a Change of Sub-confractorxnotice; j , COi\"i_RACTOR:SIGNATURE(Q �SIIH-CoiV, RACTO G tQuatilier)' - i- Osa, 4 COUNTX:CERTIFICATION NUMBER, COUNk TxlC>~RTIFICATIU;V,PIUri1BER s ' r, Stafe of F_ Iorijda, County of __�U�� � StaEe hf Ftorida, County of ¢g g signctlbeforc T The far oau .Itistrnment wns " oy he faoig ing �hstrnii ent tvas;signed hePor� me`ttiIs, di of 2 who ispersotially.knowa,-. or h p dnced` w5o Is personally loawn q bus produced s 1 •" {{ i- f esldetitifica " .t Y 2Widentitiwtiow. STAMP? SlgnaturC of Notary Ire ; 1 SignntuFe of Notaey Pub13c r` Printliaine of Notary-Pnbite i i' t, kotitry Pi1TMIC W* Ot Flotki� g r., Cotnm,44 iP iF 247Bt5 r kly CcmwiE esdd 81.•tbtf) ' Revtsed,11I16f101C � - .p