HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1764 'Ji' 'j' 'J ,",' I, ,I 'I' " ~ ',' l' I ) t " ' , I ' .' II' 1 'i,ll, I' ' I " , I It t' ~ t ,I, i ,; ",;, ( . , " I ' !'I " , I I ' !". ,)' ,i . ," ,'" I , . ,'.r I , J I I " ,I I" I 'I '. I ,! ' r'," i 'r' 'I ' I , . \ " ,) , I, , I I , I r '." ,~",.. ,.. ,', ~ "-. ""I. . y,- ,_. 00. '. .....' ;",-,~;J":"::'::':";;:::;':,~-'::':":i.~,I:;:::;C;':;:;";}:':':::::,~::: .,:n....:.:::::::::;::-..:-;:tT.::..?:::I;;:::;:,:.:.:~.;:-..:.:::I.:':-: :Ir',';\ r-"~i;'~ --l::;';~:'~lil~'~"l""', ",1' 'I' I' ',' , ' ,,..0 I, I, " ,:. " "",, I " 1 1 ': E:",Eil;IIl;',ll~"" 1 I '~. r . '\, " ,1" ': f " " \! ,...' l t' , , \ II " . , I \"':'1' . '".'\: '" ',.,'i/~.,mU;l1Y i\p.EED\ \'. "to \.,.' ;"', . \' I. I 'I. \ ~ \ '; .. :', fEr'S D~j:n, Hn~Q I,tho' i~~h ~'\ ~~t, .tk,~., :~~,'~'~.:,,'~?>;51.'~~'.. 'U.~Hi~\l,,\'~~'dOW~~. 'of(~l,e, ~d'O~Uff;':.o~ i'\~{ ',; , ;!' ,,~.', :',. ,St~',~Qi.~ s'ta~o ~1:_~or,~~'Ue~~na1:ter'oa,lledtb~,~\~~tor,:,to ~>Edw\in B~ll "~~ t~le Couh~7,rof: '\',;1 ; \. ' 41;1 en Bta te',ot'lnd'1tUl~ heri31na1'~,er oall,ed 'the, ~~'a.nte,e. " ".: ' , . , ::-". \ '... ,\ . ' ,'\. \ 'I.. \, '" ' I1ITiiESSZTllJ nl.~t'the\'sai,(l orai\t~r-. 1i1 oon,~ider~tlQn', ar'TJll',DOl,:t~t.EJ,;~(,cit\lel;~a~~~bie> don-\ ' , -" ' . , \', ,\' ,,' " " ',' . , ,,', " . ' , ", ',. "'" . , " .\" " '. ' \ ,',' \, ~lderatiollsth-e, ~0a.iptwhe;t'09f ~s 11ere1>~ac~1'Owle(~,ged; dO,{)1Vef~~ai'lt,'oarga1l1i ,'sell; al~(:n..l'~~; ,', ' , , ' , ". .', ',- , : '. ',' " ''. 1", ,',,~' mise, i'elea8e el1feo~:(. o'OrN6y and, ,confirm Ul:lto tl~e\ sa.1d Gmnt.ee, a.nd. h~3 heirs a.nd. aa~lcn!j in- , - ". ~ 0; .. \. ' ", ' \, ' , ", ' ~ , " , '. \ ," \' ~ \ ~ee 1Unit>-;J.s., tM,laU.~,s.\~uat~ 1n St.', L~o~e o.ounty-, ~t~te o'f ~'ori..,da., \~eaol'il?ed. as,fo-;llowa I ' West five '0'9rea' Of ,the :eas,t 30 a.cresot ,traot n1\ie. ' 1- ' 1, " ! , sa1d,grantee, and hishe~ra tUld.assiens ill'fe'$" siJnple.' '.j I ' , , , , .I, I', AIiDthe,saIQ, Br;ntol~, for h1.in:sel':f'andht's heirs:J'lnd.legal." ,represent'll.t1vea, ,cQvenantw1th' !,' l.a~i~ g~l~tee.' h,lS. heirs, _~e89.1 r~pre'se~tit.1vea :~~a. ,a881gna:~a.t ,S~M: ~rantor,IS ilYtefeas1blY, 'l , 1 '.ele. d of .a1 d 1 and 1n f 0. a 11>,1. r t Mt ,"aal d~ an t.r haa fU11 Ji,m.r ',and ,lawfUl r li;h tt 0 ~ on~... ' I :"'~+: ,~aaid._,l~ld,~' in #;;71:P:L~,'~a._s_:~.C!~'fJ_a.l,d; .':1;_~ t;,;1t,a};~~.~e'~~\iJ;U,l"l~O,~--,13!lJ~t;l:an_~~~, ,J.~,I,~,he~l)J~,,~, j ',-, I legal r~prqsent~tivesnJl(iaS8 ~ns,' a:~all"tin.es.;eaceo..b.1Y: ~l(l ~U1ettyt,(j" ente~.up,~n~,~Ol'd:~ ,",! oooupy and enjoy said l--a'nd; .tha,t said land 1s free from aU ,incuobran ce;,; 1;ha,t saidgniutor., I ." . .', - , ;...' .' ; his .'heirso..lld, leb'8.1 r,epresentat1ves,' will' mt)ok.e' suoh further ass\U'anc'es.to perfect t~e 1'ee aimPl~: ./ j , " . , :. . " '.' , . - . ~ ~rea.sonablybe required;, an~ thats.liId 6~ tor, does herebyful.ly' war~o.nt"he't1tl~ to ,said lall:,{ , ! 'f j j' ! ,I , l I I i I i f' i I ! /, I , I ... ': \ ,\ ~ . 'e , i'I" '"," '~.',.:,",,':,:',,' ' <* :?:L' , , '~,,~.. f. .-.:( . ~f ~ 1, $ i' I , 553 " , ," , " c~-" .. '" , ", ' 'S-e~,tl()~ thre,~ ttovnlah~ll' thi:f't~...;three, . south,: range ,39 ' . ,,-, '.,' . . - "-" .," , ' ,east, ,as_~ihe 's~els'.dea~ated 'on the.la:it 6.ener~ j>lu,t. , '..,~ ' . ':, - ;.' .,' . ~,," ., " - ." . "- :., . ..'.. " ot: :~aildsof.,l:rid'1~ ~~ v~rFarms Company, 1'1.l.e'~ln' th8'o:t:'fi.oe 'oi'th.e' Qlel'k' Of the 'C.irou1t ~o~t 9fSt. L'.wie. C9ti.nty, I' I t , I,: ,:'< :1 ,r .1 . J' ~, .~ ,\ ':\ ,- . 'Florl<l4 S'\.1b"eot , to, all '1;axes ,C?r :aiseS8::1en t~'itanybele~vled.'1'or th~" year ,1.925 unci all " , . ' ~ ' , . , . t' '\ ' , subsequent -yea.rs. ' ,'. ' . -,- ----,,--,,- -.-, , . ." .t, I : By' the. aooep...:uo,e_,PfthiS oOnYey~~oe the"~J;lte,~, ne~ei1n ,a,SS~~B a'oe~ta,ln '1tldebte,~Gss. , re:presellteo.'oy i note's' Q~'$?,333'.3,:6:eaoh, S1v'e~biA. Y. !fiU' to 'Lyda J.i.'Cneek, e~~h", , '" " . , '. ,'" .,..., .' . , . i , I 'I I f . ' , dated Uo.y 26, 'l;.925 and d,ue on"or before ,one-end t\'lo:l~urri'rQspeot1veiY'fromS~i,ddate; " arid ~e~~e'db:t'mortgage ~ri:h~~eli(~e~ori'~ed. 1>~pe'~~tif' ~/l~h;1nteres~'a.t8%' pe~: ann~'~' " '. I ~ ,", , '. TO 'HAVE AiJ) :1'0, lIOLnthesame together~th tl'i'e h~l"editam-eI}tsanq appUrtenances; unto, the title to Sf,\idland in aaldgra.ntee, his :hefrs,'legc.l ~epreseiltativ~~ ~d,a.3~1gllS;"as my' '1 I I ,\ , ! 1 I I I I, I ,I , ! f , , andvl11i defend. theaam~ agoJ.n'Stthe'la,wf\ll: <ila1msOf ,all perSOnS who.csoever.' " '" ... - ".. -' <,' .'... WITliESSthe hand; o..n4eaY,o:r, S~d~tor~' the, ~y' ~d 'yenr :U~st 8.bOVevir1tt~rt. S1gnell, sealed and u.eli'lered in the preaenoe, of: ' , C.C. cGo'iJ 'Hellie U. Ba\Jb. A. ,l!. Hill .( Seal). (~2.dO I.R.S,~pB ~an.)' '. STATE OJi: FLO,?!DA " . 'COUIfl'Y,OF ST. tuc IE ,.,..., 'j , I m:aEBY CERTIFY"TiHl.t on 'this dL.y:persona.1.lyappeare~before mal an .Jlf1'icer d:uly I " ' I, ' . authorIzed to ad.':1inister, oil. the and take ac:k;..o,JleOgmell ts, A. lJ. Hill, wi dower 'to P16 well known and " "" , r knQI"~, to me to be the individual desoribed in and who, execn$ed the1'ol'c:~(!Oing <Leed,' and',he ack- J nowletlged before me thut he executed the same freely and volwltarI1y for the :purposes I therein I '/ ; I i, l. I [ ,offioial sea1; .. at V8l'o', CPW1t~,Ot~st.. ),uol~,' 9.lld.,.:Itate <If,_ Ji'lOl'~da", ~hi~ i i , 1920.' I ~~- ~111e W, Babb , 1[0 tary Publio, Stute Of, Yl.orida' a tLaree. ' My commission expires ~y 9. 192&. -' -. "',", '~,