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T, T T T T, T, LI SCANNED BY St. Lucie County PROJECT RIO-2688-17 ENGINEERING EVALUATION REPORT FOR ATTACHING JAMES HARDIE® BRAND FIBER -CEMENT PLANKS TO WOOD OR METAL FRAMED WALLS WITH VARIOUS FASTENERS JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 10901 ELM AVENUE FONTANA, CA 92337 TABLE OF CONTENTS IER PAGE ,LUATION SUBJECT ,LUATION SCOPE LUATION PURPOSE ERENCE REPORTS T RESULTS LE 1, RESULTS OF TRANSVERSE LOAD TESTING LE 2A THROUGH TABLE 2C, ALLOWABLE DESIGN LOADS BY PLANK WIDTH IGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES LE 3, COEFFICIENTS AND CONSTANTS USED IN DETERMINING V AND p LE 4, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE B LE 5, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE C LE 6, ALLOWABLE STRESS DESIGN C&C PRESSURES EXPOSURE D LE 7, ALLOWABLE WIND SPEED (MPH) FOR HARDIEPLANK SIDING TATIONS OF USE RECEIVED JUN 2 5 2018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting PAGE 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 7-12 12 �S PRODUCT EVALUATOR, THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES THAT THE LISTED PRODUCTS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ASCE 7 -10, THE 2017 FLORIDA BUILDING CODE, AND THE 2015 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. I PREPARED BY: I RONALD 1. OGAWA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX /0 ck!� FILE CO P Y RONALD 1. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 iJAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 11-888-542 7343 info@jameshardie.com II EVALUATION SUBJECT HardlePlank6 Lap Siding I James Hardie Product Trade Names covered In this evaluation: HardiePlarikS Lap Siding, CemPlankS Siding, Prevail- Lap Siding EVALUATION SCOPE: ASCE 7-10 2017 Florida Building Code 2015 International Building Codee EVALUATION PURPOSE: This analysis is to determine the mapmum design 3-second gust wind speed to be resisted by an assembly of HardiePlank (CemPlank, Prevail Lap) siding fastened to wood or metal framing with nails or screws. REFERENCE REPORTS: i 1. Intertek Report 3148104COQ-002, Transverse load testing on HardiePlank and HardiePanel Fiber -Cement panels 2. Intertek'Report 100717048COQ-003, Transverse load testing on HardiePtank and HardieShingle Wl toll \ oGAw 121 o � ®�'O�'•• FAQ R1®�`•' • �� `A RONALD 1. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 ,JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. -1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com TEST RESULTS: Table 1. Results of Transverse Load Testing Report Number 3148104COO.002 3148104COQ-002 100717048COQ-003 100717048COQ-003 TestAgency Intertek Intertek Intertek Intertek Thickness (in. 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 0.3125 Width (in.) 5.25 9.25 8.25 8.25 Frame Type Wood 2' x 4" SPF w/ 7/16" OSS sheathing Wood 2" x 4" SPF w/ 7/16" OSB sheathing Wood 2" x 4" SPF w/ 7/16' OSB sheathing Wood 2' x 4" SPF w/ 7116" 058 sheathing Frame Spacing (in.) 12 12 8 6 Fastener Type #8 waferhead screw, 1 5/8" x 0.375' HD #8 waferhead screw, I. 5/8" x 0.375" HD 4d ring shank siding 1.5" x 0.090" x 0.215" 4d ring shank siding 1.5" x 0.090" x 0.215" Fastener Length (inches) 0.625 1.625 1.6 1.5 Fastening Method Blind nailed to OSB Blind nailed to OSB Blind nailed to OSB Blind nailed to OSB Ultimate Load (psf) 310.4 138.8 152 198 Design Load 1035 46.3 50.7 66.0 Effective Tribute Area 0.333 0.667 01389 0.292 Fastener Load , as tested (lb/fastener) 34S 30.8 19.7 19.3 Adjusted withdrawal design load (lb/fastener) , W 35.6 35.6 Net Fastener Penetration (in.), P 0.437 0.437 Wood Specific Gravity, G 0.70 0.70 Nell Shank Diameter (in.), D 0.090 0.090 Withdrawal design value per NDS 2015 or ESR-1539 (lbin. penetration), IN 50.9 50.9 Calculated fastener withdrawal load Is compared with the lest result and the more conservative one well be used. i. Ahowadie design ioad is determined from ultimate load divided by a factor of safety of 3. 2. HardiePlenk Siding complies with ASTM C1186, Standard Specification for Grade 11, Type A Non -asbestos Fiber -Cement Flat Sheets. 3. An equivalent specific gravity of 0.70 for ring shank nails installed on OSB is recommended by APA TT-039C. 4. Calculated fastener withdrawal load is compared with the test result, and then the more conservative one will be used. For all cases in the table, the adjusted withdrawal design value, W, is calculated as W=CD"W"P Where, CD = load dura0on factor per NDS-2015 Table 2.3.2 for windlearthquake load = 1.6 W = withdrawal design value, calculated per NDS-2015 or ESR-1539, whichever applicable P = fastener embedment depth, In. When nail shartlk, D, 0.099 inch buts 0.375 inch for smooth shank nags, NDS-2015 equation (11.2-3) Is used to calculate withdrawal design value W = 1380 • G(5/2) " D Where, G = wood specific gravity per Table 11.3.3A D = nail shank,diameter, in. When nail shank, D, is less than 0.099 inch, or in the case of ring shank nails, the withdrawal design values were obtained from ICC-ES ESR-1539 Table 2. S�A�F� V7 RONALD 1. OGAWA ASSOCIATES. INC. = 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 11888-542-7343 irifo@iameshardie.com For Table 2A to 2C the designs loads will be calculated by proportioning the tributary area to each fastener, thereby design load to each fastener will be kept constant. By doing so, the allowable design load for varlbus HardiePlank widths and stud sparing will be determined. Table 2A, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load, #8 wafer head screw x 0.376" HD, fasteners concealed (blind screw) at 12" O.C. to WSP sheathing only 1 For 5.25 inch wide HardiePlank: Design load = ultimate failure load/FOS=-310.4 psf / 3 = -103.5 psf Effective tributary= ((plank width exposed to weather X fastener spacing)/144) = ((5.25 1.25) X 12)/144 = 0.333 sq.ft. Fastener load = design load X tributary area = -103.5 X 0.333 = -34.5 pounds For 9.25 inch wide HardiePlank.- Design load = ultimate failure load/FOS = -138.8 psf/ 3 = -46.3 psf Effective tributary = ((plank width exposed to weather X fastener spacing)/144) = (( X 12)/144 = 0.667 sq.ft. Fastener load = design load X tributary area =-46.3.5 X 0.667 =-30.8 pounds The fastener loads for all other plank widths were linear interplated from the two tests based on plank width Calculated allowable design load = fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the condition to be calculated i c y 10 � n c d I.S. m � c u c c ` HardiaPlankjWidth yO C m a (inches), °' cj _W V3 G W Fc- v a O a LL 5.25 -310A 12 0.333 -103.6 -34.6 6.25 12 0.417 -80.6 -33.6 7.25 12 0.500 -65.3 -32.7 7.5 12 0.521 -62.3 -32.4 a 12 0.563 -66.9 -32.0 8.25 12 0.583 54.4 -31.8 9.25 -138.8 12 0.667 -46.3 -30.8 9.5 12 0.688 -44.5 •30.6 12 12 0.896 -31.6 -28.3 Table 2B, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load, 4d ring shank siding nail (1.5"x0.09'x0.215"), fasteners concealed (blind nail) at 8" O.C. to WSP sheathing only For 8.25 inch wide HardiePlank: Design load = ultimate failure load/FOS = -152 psf/ 3 = 50.7 psf Effective tributary = ((plank width exposed to weather X fastener spacing)/144) = (( X 8)/144 = 0.389 sq.ft. Fastener load = design load X tributary area = -50.7 X 0.389 = -19.7 lbs The fastener loads for all other plank width were calculated based on the same fastener load Calculated allowable design load = fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the condition to be calculated I IFN m R I O t! CF a� C C m m O J C^ C C HardiePlank Width 2� E °-' Z �-5 x 3 •w u. d v (Inches) rW rn ` w i= % a o a u0 5.25 8 0.222 -88.7 -19.7 6.25 8 0.278 -70.9 -19.7 7.25 8 0.333 -59.1 -19.7 7.5 8 0.347 -56.7 -19.7 8 8 0.376 -52.5 -19.7 8.25 462 8 0.389 50.7 -19.7 9.25 8 0.444 -44.3 -19.7 9.5 8 0.458 -43.0 -19.7 12 8 0.597 -33.0 -19.7 Table 2C, Allowable Design Loads Based on Constant Fastener Load, 4d ring shank siding nail (1.Vx0.09"x0.216 ), fasteners concealed (blind nail) at 6" O.C. to WSP sheathing only For 8.25 inch wide HardiePlank: Design load = ultimate failure load/FOS = -198 psf/ 3 = 50.7 psf Effective tributary = ((plank width exposed to weather X fastener spacing)/144) = (( X 6)/144 = 0.292sq.f . Fastener load = design load X tributary area = -66 X 0.292 = -19.3 Ibs The fastener loads for all other plank width were calculated based on the same fastener load Calculated allowable design load = fastener load tested condition divided by area tributary for the condition to be calcula 011 I m d v � d C ` v°2 i c y d m ? m .� N m J 'c c N c 'n HardiePlank Width w eE U. m -5 H0 m pnches) tm c'i z ri m e w H a o e ri 3 5.25 1 6 0.167 -115.8 -19.3 6.25 1 6 0,208 -92.6 -19.3 7.25 1 6 0.250 -77.2 A 9.3 7.5 1 6 0.260 -74.1 -19.3 a 1 6 0.281 -68.6 -19.3 8.25 498 6 0.292 -66.0 -19.3 9.25 6 0.333 -57.9 -19.3 9.5 6 0.344 -56.1 -19.3 12 6 0.448 -43.1 -19.3 1 4 t11tt �� O OGAP 21 � -o = STATE OF e ��,��;••F�ORlO�'. �-s -810 Tq Z �-' RONALD 1. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 ,JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com DESIGN WIND LOAD PROCEDURES: Fiber-cemlent siding transverse load capacity (wind load capacity) is determined via compliance testing to transverse load national test standards. Via the transverse load testing an allowable design load is determined based on a factor of safety of 3 applied to the ultimate test load. i Since the allowable design load is based on factor of safely of 3, allowable design loads on fiber -cement siding correlate directly to required design pressures for Allowable Stress Design, and therefore should be used with combination loading equations for Allowable Stress Design (ASD). By using thle combination loading equations for Allowable Stress Design (ASD), the tested allowable design loads for fiber -cement siding are aligned with the wind speed requirements in ASCE 7-1t1 Figure 26.5-1A, Figure 26.5-1B, and Figure 26.5-1C. For this analysis, to calculate the pressures in Tables 4, 5, and 6, the load combination will be in accordance with ASCE 7-10 Section 2.4 combining nominal loads using allowable stress design, load combination 7. Load combination 7 uses a load factor of 0.6 applied to the udnd velocity, pressure. i Equation 1; qj= 0.00256'K %*Kd'VZ (ref. ASCE7-10 equation 30.3-1) q, , velocity pressure at height z Kz , velocity pressure exposure coefficient evaluated at height z Kn , topographic factor Kd , wind directionality factor V , basic wind speed (3-second gust MPH) as determined from [2015 IBC. 2017 FBC] Figures 1609.3(1), (2) or (3); ASCE 7-10 Figures 26.5-1A, B, or C Equation 2,', V=V. (ref. 2015 IBC & 2017 FBC Section 1602.1 definitions) V,a , ultimate design wind speeds (3-second gust MPH) determined from [2015 IBC. 2017 FBC] Figures 1609.3(1), (2) or (3); ASCE 7-10 Figures 26.5- 1A, B, or C Equation 3, p=gz•(GCp-GCpi) (ref. ASCE 7-10 equation 30.6-1) GC,, , product of external pressure coefficient and gust -effect factor GCp , product of internal pressure coefficient and gust -effect factor p , design pressure (PSF) for siding (allowable design load for siding) To determine 'design pressure, substitute q, into Equation 3, Equation 4, p=0.00256'Ki K, *Vie='(GCp-GCpi) Allowable Stress Design, ASCE 7-10 Section 2 4.1, load combination 7, Equation 5, 0.613 + 0.6W (ref. ASCE 7-10 section 2.4.1, load combination 7) D ,dead load W , wind load (load due to wind pressure) i To determine the Allowable Stress Design Pressure, apply the load factor for W (wind) from Equation 4 to p (design pressure) determined from equation 4 Equation 6, p-d = 0.61[p] Equation 7, 1 pad = 0.6'10.00256% Kn'Kd'V,ex•(GCP GCO)I Equation 7 is u� to populate Table 4, 5, and 6. To determine the allowable ultimate basic wind speed for Hardie Siding in Table 7, solve Equation 7 for V w, Equation 8, V,o =(pz,dl0.6'0.00256'Kz•K,m'Kd`(GCp GCpJ)4s Applicable to rn ithods specified Inn Exceptions 1 through 3 of (20151BC, 2017 FBC) Section 1609.1.1., to determine the allowable nominal design wind speed (Vasd) for Hardie Siding in Table 7, apply tl(e conversion formula below, Equation 9, V.d = V,e • (0.6)0-5 (ref. 2015 IBC & 2017 FBC Section 1609.3.1) V�d , Nominal design wind speed (3-second gust mph) (ref. 2015 IBC & 2017 FBC Section 1602,1) Table 3, Coefficients and Constants used In Determining V and p, Wall Zone 5 Height (it) Exp B Exp C Exp D Kt Kd GC GC Pj 0-15 1 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.86 -1.4 0.18 20 1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 35 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 1 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.86 -1.4 0.18 45 1, 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1A OAS 50 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 I. 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 I 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 1 1 0.99 1 1.26 1.43 1 h>60 1 0.85-7-18 0.18 oo+�9vl ��• OGAW4 4121 � a a 1n STATE OF `•�� e�� ' N;0NALE I RONALD 1. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com Table 4, Allowable Stress Design - Component and Cladding (C&C) Pressures (PSF) to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds - Wind Exposure Catenory B. Wind Speed (3- second gust) 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Height (ft) B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 0-15 -14A -15.9 -17.6 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 -32.5 -37.0 -41.7 -46.8 -52.1 -57.8 -63.7 20' -14.4 -15.9 -17.5 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 -32.5 37.0 -41.7 -46.8 -52.1 -57.8 -63.7 25 -14.4 -15.9 -17.6 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 -32.5 -37.0 -41.7 -46.8 -52.1 57.8 -63.7 30 -14.4 -15.9 -17.5 -19.1 -20.8 -24.4 -28.3 -32.5 37.0 -41.7 -46.8 -62.1 -57.8 -63.7 35 A5.1 -16.6 -18.2 -19.9 -21.7 -25.4 -29.5 -33.9 -38.6 -43.5 -48.8 -54A -60.2 -66.4 40 -15.7 -17.3 -19.0 -20.7 -22.6 -26.5 -30.7 -36.3 -40.1 45.3 -50.8 -56.6 -62.7 -69.1 45, -16.2 -17.9 -19.6 -21A -23.3 -27A -31.7 -36.4 41.6 46.8 -52.5 -58.5 -64.8 -71.4 501 -16.7 -18.4 -20.2 -22.1 -24.1 -28.2 -32.7 -37.6 42.8 48.3 -54.1 -60.3 -66.8 -73.7 551 -17.1 -18.9 -20.7 -22.6 -24.7 -28.9 -33.6 -38.5 -43.8 -49.5 -55.5 -61.8 -68.5 -75.5 - - 9.3 2L2 -23.2 25.2 29.6 4 39.5 .9 0. 6.8 53.3 - 0.1 - 7.3 100, -25.6 -28.2 -31.0 -33.8 -36.9 -43.3 -59.2 -57.6 -65.5 -74.0 -82.9 -92A -102.4 rl12.9 Table 5, Allowable Stress Design - Component and Cladding (C&C) Pressures (PSF) to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds - Wind Exposure Catenary C. Wind Speed (3- second gust) 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Height (ft) C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 0-151 -17.5 -19.3 -21.2 -23.2 -26.2 -29.6 -34.4 -39.5 44.9 -50.7 -56.8 -63.3 -70.1 -77.3 20 I -18.6 -20.5 -22.5 -24.6 -26.7 -31.4 -36.4 41.8 -47.5 -53.7 -602 -67.0 -74.3 -81.9 25 -19.4 -21.4 -23.5 -25.6 -27.9 -32.8 -38.0 -43.6 -49.6 -66.0 -62.8 -70.0 -77.6 .85.5 30 -20.2 -22.3 -24.5 -26.7 -29.1 -34.2 39.6 -45.5 51.8 -58.4 -65.5 -73.0 -80.9 -89.2 35 -20.8 -23.0 -25.2 -27.6 30.0 -35.2 -40.8 -46.9 -63.3 -60.2 -67.5 -75.2 -83.3 -91.9 40 -21.5 -23.7 -26.0 -28.4 30.9 -36.3 42.0 48.3 54.9 -62.0 -69.5 -77A -85.8 -94.6 45 -22.0 -24.2 -26.6 -29.1 -31.6 -37.1 43.1 49.4 56.2 -63.5 -71.2 -79.3 -87.9 -96.9 50 1 -22.5 -24.8 -27.2 -29.7 -32.4 -38.0 -44.1 -50.6 57.6 -65.0 -72.9 -81.2 -89.9 -99.2 55 1 -22.9 -25.2 -27.7 -30.3 -33.0 -38.7 -44.9 -51.5 58.6 -66.2 -74.2 -82.7 -91.6 -101.0 60 -23.3 2 . -282 -30.8 -33.6 39.4 2. - 9. 6 .4 -76- 84.1 -93.2 - 02.8 100 32.6 -35.9 39.4 43.1 -46.9 55.0 63.8 -73.3 83.4 -94.1 -105.5 -117.6 -130.3 -143.6 Table 6, Allowable Stress Design - Component and Cladding (C&C) Pressures (PSFI to be Resisted at Various Wind Speeds - wind Fznosnrn rat.- n Wind Speedl(3- second gust) 100 105 110 115 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 Height (ft) D D D D D D D D D D D D D D 0-15 1 -21.2 -23.4 -25.7 -28.1 -30.6 -35.9 -41.6 -47.8 -54.4 -61.4 -68.8 -76.7 -85.0 -93.7 20 -22.3 -24.6 -27.0 -29.5 -32.1 -37.7 -43.7 -50.1 57.0 -64.4 -72.2 -80.4 -89.1 -98.2 25 -23.1 -25.5 -28.0 -30.6 -33.3 -39.0 -45.3 -52.0 -59.1 -66.8 -74.9 -83.4 -92A -101.9 30 -23.9 -26A -29.0 -31.6 -34.5 -40.4 46.9 53.8 -61.3 -69.2 -77.5 -86.4 -95.7 -105.5 35 1 -24.5 -27.1 -29.7 32.5 -35.3 1 -41.5 -48.1 1 55.2 -62.8 -70.9 1 -79.5 -88.6 1 -98.2 -108.3 40 -25.2 -27.7 -30.5 -33.3 36.2 -42.5 -49.3 -56.6 -64A -72.7 -81.5 -90.9 -100.7 -111.0 45 -25.7 -28.3 -31.1 34.0 37.0 43A -50.3 -57.8 -65.7 -74.2 -83.2 -92.7 -102.7 -113.3 50 -26.2 -28.9 -31.7 -34.6 -37.7 44.3 -51.3 58.9 -67.1 -75.7 -84.9 -94.6 -104.8 -115.5 55 -26.6 -29.3 -32.2 -35.2 -38.3 45.0 52.2 59.9 -68.1 -76.9 -86.2 -96.1 -106A -1117A' 60 2 .0 29.8 32.7 35.7 -38.9 4 . 3.0 - .8 9. - .1 8 .6 -97.6 -108.1 -1 9.2 00 I -37.0 -40.8 44.7 48.9 -53.2 -62.6 -72.5 -83.2 -94.6 706.8 719.8 7133.4 -147.9 -163.0 Tables 4, 5, and 6 are based on ASCE 7-10 and consistent with the 2015 IBC, 2015 IRC and the 2017 Florida Building Code. . I . RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 DAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888542-7343 ipfo@jameshardie.comOGA ' o Table 7, Allowable Wind Speed (mph) for HardiePlank Lap Siding (Analytical Method in ASCE 7-10 Chapter30 C&C Part 1 andPa 2017 2015 IBC, FBC � ; � 4121 •e a +b s_ = STAI E OF p 9 4��0 � �O/r� •• �Z o f� lO'*"_ o�� I do e UA(�....... •' Chi' I f" . O h I AA 1 �� "®0 1V L. �-/1 fir Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for Vd, ablBC, Allowable, ate A9owable, Ultimate Design Wind, Speed, VUIa5, (3-second gust mph) llo Allowable, Nominal , No Design Wind, Speed, Veea4'6, (3-second gust mph) Applicable to methods specified in [20151BC, 2017 FBC] Section 1609.1.1. as determined by [20151BC, 2017 FBCI Figures 1609.3(1), (2) or (3). Applicable to methods specified in Exceptions 1 through 3 of [201518C, 2017 FBC] Section 1609.1.1. Wind axposure categorV Wind exposure calego Siding K, Product Product Thickness (inches) Width (inches) Fastener Type Fastener Spacing Frame Type Fastener Sparing (inches) Building Height 1,z (feet) B C D B C D Allowable Design Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D Ka Kd GC" G HardiePlank 5/16 5.25 No. 8 x 1- " 5/8long x 518to HD ribbed waferhead screws6 Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7116" thick WSP sheathing 12 0.15 268 243 221 207 188 171 -103.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 IhS60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 26B 236 216 207 183 167 -103.5 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 268 231 212 207 179 164 -103.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.19 30 268 226 208 207 175 161 -103.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 35 262 223 205 203 173 159 103,5 0.73 1.01 119 1 0.85 0.18 40 257 220 203 199 170 167 -103.5 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0,85 -1.4 0.18 45 253 217 201 196 168 155 -103.5 0.785 1.065 1.245 0.18 50 249 215 199 193 166 154 -103.6 0.81 1,09 127 18 55 246 213 197 190 165 153 -103.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 Afal 0.18 60 243 211 196 188 163 152 -103.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 0.18 100 201 178 167 156 138 130 -103.5 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 6.25 No, 8 x 1- 5/8" long x 0.375" HD ribbed waferhead screws6 Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 12 0-15 236 214 195 183 166 151 -80.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 Ih,1N 1 0.851-1.41 0.18 20 236 208 190 183 161 147 -80.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 1 AA 10.181 25 236 204 187 183 158 145 -80.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851 AA 10.181 30 236 201) 184 183 155 142 -80.6 0.7 0.98 1.18 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 231 197 181 179 152 140 -80.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 227 194 179 176 150 139 -80.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 223 192 177 173 148 137 -80.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4�5.11 50 220 189 175 170 147 136 -80.6 0.81 1.08 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 55 217 188 174 168 145 135 -80.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0,65 -1.460 214 186 173 166 144 134 -80.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 100 177 157 148 137 122 114 -89,6 0.99 1.26 143 h>60 1 0.65 -1.8 0.18 HardiePlank '5/16 7.25 No, 8 x 1- 518" long x 0.375" HD ribbed waferhead saewss Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 woad or 20 ga. steel framing, 7116" thick WSP sheathing 12 0-15 213 193 176 165 150 136 -65.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.851 AA 0.19 20 213 188 171 165 145 133 -65.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0,18 25 213 184 168 165 142 130 65.3 0.7 0.84 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 213 180 165 165 139 128 -65.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 35 208 177 163 161 137 126 -65.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 40 204 175 161 150 135 125 -65.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 i 0.85 -1,4 0.18 45 201 172 159 156 134 124 -65.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 50 198 170 158 153 132 122 -65.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 195 169 157 151 131 121 -65.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 193 167 155 160 130 120 -65.3 0.85 1 1.13 131 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 160 142 133 124E12 103 -65.3 0.99 1.26 143 h>60 1 0.66 -1.8 0.18 HardiePlank �l16 7.5 No. 8 x 1- 5/8" long x 0.375" HD ribbed waferhead screwse Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 12 0-15 208 188 171 161 133 -62.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 208 183 167 161 130 .sa3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 1 0.85 0.85 -1.4 -IA 0.18 0,18 25 208 179 164 161 127 -62.3 0.7 0.84 1.12 30 208 176 161 161 125 -623 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 35 203 173 159 158 123 -62.3 0.73 4.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 40 199 170 157 154 122 -62.3 0.76 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 45 196 168 156 152 121 -62.3 0.785 1.085 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 50 193 166 154 150 119 -62.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0,18 55 191 165 153 148 119 -62.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 188 163 162 146 127 118 -82.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 156 138 130 121 107 101 -62.3 0.99 1 1.26 IA3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0,18 HardiePlank 5116 8 No. 8 x 1- 518" long x 0.375" HD ribbed waferhead Screws Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16"thick WSP sheathing 12 0-15 198 180 164 154 139 127 -K9 0.7 1 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 AA 0.18 20 198 175 160 154 136 124 -56.9 0.7 1 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 198 171 157 154 133 122 .56.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 1 .1.4 1 0.18 30 198 168 164 154 130 119 -56.9 0.7 9.98 1.16 1 85 -1.4 0.18 35 194 165 152 151 128 118 -56.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 _a 0.85 AA 0.18 40 190 163 'IM 148 126 116 -56.9 0.76 1.04 1,22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 187 161 149 145 125 115 -56.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 50 184 159 147 143 123 114 1 -56.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 182 158 146 141 122 113 56.9 0.83 _1_. 1-1 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 180 156 145 139 121 112 56.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.16 100 149 1 132 124 115 102 1 96 1 -56.9 1 0.99 1 128 1 1A3 I h>60 1 1 o,85 -1,8 0.18 RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-�888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com o�l000�QGgI ®o ' 2IBC, 2017 FBC 2015 IBC, 2017 FBC�Ultimate a121 d%, STATE OF $ a 1/ '• "- ,mmC' r� • • •. R IO •.•�• V • • • \� e Coefficients used InabOlddad� or Vwj Allowable, Ultimate Design Wind, Speed, V 35 3-second gust mph) Allowable, Nominal Design Wind, Speed, �5 (3-secondust mph) Applicable to methods specified in [2015 IBC, • 2017 FBC] Section 1609.1.1. as determined by [2015 IBC, 2017 F8C] Figures 1609.3(1), (2) or Applicable to methods specified in Exceptions 1 through 3 of [20151BC, 2017 FBC] Section 1609.1.1. Wind a osuro tego Wind exposure category Siding K. Product i Product Thidm-ss (inches) Width (inches) Fastener Type Fastener Spacing Frame Type Fastener Spacing (inches) Building Heightl,2 (feet) B C D B C D Allowable Load t0'd (PSF7 Exp B Exp C Exp D Ks Ka I GCp I GC", HardiePlank 5/16 8.25 No. 8 x 1- 518" long x 0.375" HD ribbed waferhead screws Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16' thick WSP sheathing 12 f1-15 194 176 160 150 136 124 -54.4 0.7 0.85 1.2L h560 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 20 194 171 156 150 133 121 -54A 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 10.18 25 194 168 153 150 130 119 -54A 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.a 10.18 30 194 164 151 150 127 117 -54A 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 1 -1.4 I OAS 35 190 162 149 147 125 115 -54.4 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 10.181 40 186 159 147 144 123 114 54.4 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 183 157 146 '142 122 113 -54.4 0.785 1.055 1.M 0.85 -IA 0.18 50 180 156 144 140 121 112 -54.4 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 55 178 154 143 138 119 111 -54A 0.83 i.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 176 153 142 136 118 110 -54.4 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 146 129 121 113 100 94 -54A 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardlePlank 15116 9.25 No. 8 x 1- 5/8" long x 0.375" HD ribbed waferhead screws Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 12 0-15 179 162 148 139 126 1.14 -46.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 179 158 144 139 122 112 46.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 179 154 142 139 120 I la -46.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 179 151 139 139 117 108 46.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 AA 0.18 35 175 149 137 136 115 106 -46.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0,85 -1.4 0.18 40 172 147 136 133 114 105 -46.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 o.s5 AA 0.18 45 169 145 134 131 112 104 -46.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -IA 0.10 50 166 143 133 129 111 103 -46.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 164 142 132 127 110 102 -46.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 162 141 131 126 109 101 -46.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 134 119 112 104 92 87 -06.3 0.89 1.28 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardlePlank 5'116 9.5 No. 8 x 1- 5/8" long x 0.375" HD ribbed waferhead screws Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 12 D-15 176 159 145 136 123 112 -44.5 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 176 155 141 136 120 109 44.5 a.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 176 152 139 136 117 108 -44.5 a.7 0,94 1 1.12 1 0.85 -1A 10.18 30 176 148 136 136 115 106 -44.5 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 172 146 135 133 113 104 -U.5 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 40 169 144 133 131 112 103 -44.5 D.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 45 166 142 132 128 110 102 -44.5 0.785 1.065 1,245 1 0.85 -IA 0. 88 50 163 141 130 126 109 101 -44.5 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 AA 0.18 55 161 139 129 125 108 100 -44.5 0.a3 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 159 138 128 123 107 99 -44.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 132 117 - 102 91 -44.5 0.99 1.26 1A3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 1 0.18 HardlePlank 5/16 12 No. 8 x 1- 5/8" long x 0.375" HD ribbed waferhead screws6 Blind screwed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 12 0-15 148 134 122 115 104 94 -31.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs6o 1 0.85 -IA 1 0.18 20 148 1 131 119 115 101 92 .31.6 0.7 0.9 1.oa 1 0.851-1.41 0.18 25 148 128 117 115 99 91 -31.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 148 125 115 115 97 89 -31.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.1e 35 145 123 113 112 95 88 -31.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.10 40 142 121 112 Ila 94 87 -31.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.05 -1A 0.18 45 140 120 111 108 93 86 -31.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 50 138 119 107 92 - -31.6 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 D.18 55 136 118 - 105 91 -31.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 .1.4 0.18 60 134 116 - 104 90 - -31.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 111 - 86 - -31.6 0.99 126 1.43 h>6o 1 0.a5 -1.8 0.18 HardlePlank 5/161 5.25 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nail Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7116" thick WSP sheathing 8 0-15 248 225 204 192 174 158 -88.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs80 1 0.B5 -1.4 0.18 20 248 219 199 192 169 155 -88.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 248 214 196 192 166 152 -88.7 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 248 209 192 192 162 149 -88.7 0.7 1 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 35 243 206 190 188 160 147 -88.7 0.73 1 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 238 203 188 184 157 145 -88.7 0.76 1 1.04 122 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 234 201 186 181 156 144 -88.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 50 230 199 154 143 -88.7 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 228 197 176 152 141 -8a7 0.83 1.11 1,291-1.460 225 195 �11114178 174 151 140 -88.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 1.4100 186 165 144 128 120 -88.7 0.99 126 IAA h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 8 RONALD 1. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com tit 1 21 0 � :fit'• ri 11C e 201518C, 2017 FBC 2015IBC, 2017 FBC • • FL • R1�P ' ��� e®� t�" •.,,,• y ,{' ••°•• 8" 10 N A - pr'ose0//d/®ggg Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V"jt Allowable, Ultimate Design Wind, Speed, V 3.5v. 3 second gust mph) Allowable, Nominal Design Wind, Speed, 45 (3 se nd gust mph) Applicable Applicable to methods specified in 12015 IBC, 2017 FBC) Section 1609.1.l. as determined by [2015 IBC, 2017 FBC) Figures 1609.3(1), (2) or (3). Applicable to methods specified In Exceptions 1 through 3 of [20151BC, 2017 FBC) Section 1609.1.1. Wind exposure tego Wind exposure catego Siding K. Product Product 'Thicimess Pitches) Width (inches) Fastener Type Fastener Spacing Frame Type Fastener Spacing (inches) Building HeighP (feet) B C D B C D Allowable Design Load (PSF! Exp B Exp C ExP D Kj Kd GC" G HardlePlank 5116 6.25 0.090" shank X 0.215"HD X 1.5" long ring shank nab' Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7116" thick WSP sheathing 8 0-15 222 201 183 1 172 156 142 -70.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 222 195 178 172 151 138 -70.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.a 0.18 25 222 191 175 172 148 136 -70.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 222 187 172 172 145 133 -70.9 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.e5 -1A 0.18 35 217 185 170 168 143 132 -70.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 40 213 182 168 165 141 130 -70.9 0.76 1.o4 1.22 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 45 209 180 166 162 139 129 -70.9 0.7115 1.0 55 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 206 178 165 160 138 127 -70.9 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 204 176 163 158 136 126 -70.9 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.19 fi0 201 174 162 156 135 125 -70.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 166 148 139 129 114 107 -70.9 0.99 1.26 IA3 h>60 1 0.85 -1.0 0.18 HardiePlank 15/16 7.25 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nails Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing B G-15 202 184 167 151 142 129 -59.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 202 178 163 157 138 126 -59.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 202 175 160 157 135 124 -59.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 t 6. 55 -1.4 0.18 30 202 171 157 157 132 122 -59.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 198 168 155 153 130 120 -59.1 0.73 1.01 Me 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 194 166 163 150 129 119 -59.1 0.76 1.04 tat 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 191 164 152 148 127 118 -59.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 186 162 150 146 126 116 59.1 O,e1 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 186 161 149 144 124 115 -59.1 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.95 -1.4 0.18 60 184 159 148 142 123 115 -59.1 0.a5 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 too 152 135 126 118 104 98 -59.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.19 HardlePlank 5116 7.5 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nail Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7116" thick WSP sheathing 8 0-15 198 180 163 154 139 127 -56.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 198 175 160 154 135 124 -56.8 0.7 0.8 1.08 1 0.95 -1.4 0.18 25 198 171 157 154 133 121 56.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 1-1.4, 0.18 30 198 168 154 154 130 119 -56.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 194 165 152 150 128 118 56.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.19 40 190 163 150 147 126 116 -56.8 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 45 187 161 149 145K 115 56.8 0.7a5 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 184 159 147 143 114 -66.8 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 55 182 167 146 141 113 56.8 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 180 156 145 139 112 56.8 A3 1.31 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 100 1 99 132 124 115 96 56.8 26 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 8 0.090" shank X 0.215"HD X 1.5" long ring shank nabs Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 8 0-15 191 173 157 148 122 -525 85 1.03 h<-60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 191 166 154 148 119 -52.5 16.70.98 .9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 191 165 151 148 128 117 -52.5 94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 191 161 148 148 125 115 -525 1.16 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 35 1B7 159 146 145 123 113 -52.5 01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 40 183 156 144 142 121 112 -525 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 180 155 143 140 120 111 52.5 0.795 1.085 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 177 153 142 137 118 110 -52.5 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 175 151 141 136 117 109 -525 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -IA 0,18 60 173 150 139 134 116 108 -52.5 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 143 127 119 111 98 92 -52.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 10.85, -1.8 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 8.25 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nabs Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP 8 G-I5 187 170 154 145 132 120 -50.7 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 187 165 151 145 128 117 -50.7 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.95 -IA 0.18 25 187 162 146 145 125 115 -50.7 0.7 0.84 1.12 1 0.86 -1.4 0.18 30 187 158 146 145 123 113 -50.7 0.7 0.9B 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 O.ta 35 183 156 144 142 121 111 -50.7 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 40 180 154 142 139 119 110 -50.7 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -IA 0.19 45 177 152 140 137 118 log -50.7 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 174 150 139 135 116 108 -50.7 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 685 -14 8sheathing 55 172 149 138 133 115 107 -50.7 083 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.460 170 t47137 132 114 106 -50.7 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4100 M 141 125 117 109 97 91 -50.7 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1 085 -1.a RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX JAM HARD3E BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. PROJECT: RIO 2688-17 �104 l�� //OOGAWq'-�� info@jameshardie.com � o \�� �•• a N 4121 20151BC, 2017 FBC 20151BC, 2017 FBC a a e �O •� STATE OF <_ �A 9�. •L�' o �O� ••• FC O R 10 r ; ' • y �n• •••......••• i US/0 �� d ' ��'is>o`,�d///`/® j Coefficients used in Table 6 calculations for V,dr Allowable, Ultimate Design Wind, Speed, 35 (3-second gust mph) Allowable, Nominal Design Wind, Speed, 4,5 (3-se n gust mph) Applicable to methods specified in [2016 IBC, 2017 FBC) Section 1609.1.1. es determined by [201518C, 2017 FBC] Figures 1609.3(1), (2) or (3). Applicable to methods spedfied in Exceptions 1 through 3 of [20151BC, 2017 F8C] Section 1609.1.1. Wind exposure category Wind exposure category Siding K, Product Product Thickness Indies) Width (inches) Fastener Type Fastener Spacing Frame Type Fastener Spacing (Inches) Building Heightk'2 (feet) B C D B C D Allowable Design Load (PSF) Fxp B F-xp C Exp D K. Kd GCp GCy HardlePlank 5/16 9.25 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nails Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 8 0-15 175 159 144 136 123 112 -44.3 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.19 20 175 155 141 136 120 109 -44.3 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 175 151 139 136 117 107 -44.3 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 30 176 148 136 136 115 105 -44.3 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 172 146 134 133 113 104 .44.3 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 168 144 133 130 111 103 -44.3 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 165 142 131 128 110 102 -44.3 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.65 -1.4 0.18 50 163 140 130 126 109 101 -44.3 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 16l 139 129 125 108 100 -44.3 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.10 60 159 138 128 123 107 99 -44.3 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 132 117 102 90 -44.3 0.99 126 1.43 1h,60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 9.5 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nails Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 8 0-15 173 157 142 134 121 110 -43.0 0.7 0.85 1 1.03 IN560 1 0.85,-1.4. 0.18 20 173 152 139 134 118 108 -43.0 0.7 0.9 1.Os 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 173 149 136 134 115 106 -43.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 173 146 134 134 113 104 -43.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 685 -1.4 0.18 35 169 144 132 131 111 103 -43.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 166 142 131 128 110 101 -43.0 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.a5 -1A 0.18 45 163 140 129 126 108 100 -43.0 0.785 1.085 1.245 1 0.85 AA 0.18 50 160 138 128 124 107 99 -43.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 158 137 127 123 106 98 -43.0 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 O.aS -1.4 0.16 60 157 136 126 121 105 98 -43.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 100 130 115 100 89 -43.0 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 -1.0 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 12 0.090' shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nails Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16'thick WSP sheathing 8 0-15 151 137 125 117 106 97 -33.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 AA 0.18 20 151 133 122 117 103 94 -33.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 -IA 0.18 25 151 130 119 117 101 93 -33.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 -14 0.18 30 151 128 117 117 99 91 -33.0 0.7 0.98 1.16 E10 -IA 0.18 35 148 126 116 115 97 90 -33.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 4A 0.19 40 145 124 114 112 96 89 33.0 0.76 1.04 1.22 -IA 0.18 45 143 123 113 111 95 88 33.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 -1.4 0.1E 50 141 121 112 109 94 87 -33.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 5S 139 120 111 108 93 86 -33.0 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 60 137 119 110 106 92 86 -33.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 114 88 33.0 0.99 126 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 11 5.25 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank naps Blind nailedto WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16'thic k WSP sheathing 6 0-15 283 257 233 219 199 181 -115.8 0.7 0.85 1.03 N00 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 283 250 228 219 193 177 -115.8 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 283 244 224 219 189 173 -115.8 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 283 239 220 219 185 170 -115.8 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.E5 -1A 6.19 35 277- 236 217 215 183 168 -115.8 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 40 272 232 215 211 180 166 -115.8 0.76 1.04 322 1 0.86 -1.4 0.18 45 267 230 212 207 178 164 -115.8 0.785 1.085 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 263 227 210 204 176 163 -115.a 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 260 225 209 201 174 162 -116.8 0.83 1.11 129 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 257 223 207 199 173 160 -115.8 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.95 -14 0.18 100 213 189 177 165 146 137 -116.8 0.99 1.26 1.43 jh4o 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardiePlank 6/16 6.25 0.0901, shank X 0.215' HD X 1.5' long ring shank nails Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16' thick WSP sheathing 6 0.15 253 230 209 196 178 162 -92.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 20 253 223 204 196 173 168 -92.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.19 25 253 219 200 196 169 155 -92.6 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 253 214 197 196 166 152 -92.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 248 21l 194 192 163 150 -92.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 243 208 192 188 161 149 -92.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.15 45 239 205 190 185 159 147 92.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.19 50 235 203 188 182 1 157 146 -92.6 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.86 AA me 55 233 201 187 180 156 145 -92.6 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 230 199 185 178 154 143 -92.6 0.05 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 100 190 169 158 147 331 123 -92.5 0.99 1.26 1.43 jh>60 I 1 j 0.85 -1.9 1 0.18 10 RONALD 1. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET#443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 JAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1-888-542-7343 info@jameshardie.com GA ' ° 0 W ee e 42 �C e 2015 iBC, 2017 FBC 2015IBC, 2017 FBC I cc [�% p P , 1 e /O� ••• 1'LO f�`O •• 1 sS .0 Coefficients used In Table 6 calculations for Vwk Allowable, Ultimate Design Wind, Speed, V 3.51 3-second gust mph) Allowable, Nominal Design Wind, Speed, V 4.5 3-secondust mph) Applicable to methods specified in[2015IBC. 2017 FBC] Section 1609.1,1. as determined by [2015IBC, 2017 FBC] Figures 1609.3(1), (2) or (3). Applicable tomethods specified in Exceptions 1 rou thgh 3 of [2015 IBC, 2017 FBC] Section 1609.1.1. Wind a osure category Wind exposure category Siding K, Product Product Thickness l(inches)(inches) Wdth Fastener Type Fastener Spacing Frame Type Fastener Spacing (inches) Building Heighe.2 (feet) B C D B C D Allowable Design Load (PSF) Exp B Exp C Exp D K. K4 GCp G HardlePlank 5/16 7.25 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nag' Blind nailed to WSP 2X4wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 6 0-15 231 210 191 179 163 148 -77.2 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 20 231 204 186 179 158 144 -77.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 25 231 200 183 179 155 142 -77.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 231 195 180 179 151 139 -77.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 226 192 177 175 149 137 -77.2 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 1.4 --1.4 0.18 40 222 190 175 172 147 136 -77.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 0.1a 45 218 187 173 169 145 134 -772 0.785 1.085 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 215 185 172 166 144 133 -772 0.61 1.09 1.27 1 a.a5 -1.4 0.18 55 212 184 170 164 142 132 -77.2 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1,4 0.18 60 210 182 169 163 141 131 -77.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 AA 0.18 100 174 154 145 135 119 112 -77.2 0.99 126 1.43 h>8o 1 0.85 .1.8 0.18 HardlePlank 5116 7.5 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD ri 1.5' tong ring shank nag a Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 6 0-15 227 206 187 175 159 145 -74.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 hstio 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 227 200 182 175 155 141 -74.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 227 195 179 175 151 139 -74.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 30 227 191 176 175 148 I -74.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 35 222 189 174 172 146 135 -74.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 40 217 186 172 168 144 133 -74.1 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.86 -IA 0.18 45 214 184 170 166 142 132 -74.1 0.786 11.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.19 50 211 182 168 163 141 130 -74.1 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.86 -1.4 0.18 55 208 180 167 161 139 129 -74.1 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.11 -1.4 0.1e 60 20fi 178 166 159 138 128 -74.1 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 170 151 142 132 IV 110 -74.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 h-60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardlePlank 5/16 8 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nails Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 6 0-15 218 1 198 180 169 153 139 -68.6 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 218 192 176 169 149 136 -68.6 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 218 188 172 169 146 133 -68.6 0.7 0.04 1.12 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 30 218 184 169 169 143 131 -68.6 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1A 0.18 35 213 181 167 165 141 130 -88.6 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 209 179 165 162 139 128 -68.6 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 45 206 177 163 159 137 127 -68.6 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 203 175 162 157 135 125 -68.6 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 71.4 0.18 55 200 173 161 155 134 124 -68.6 0.83 1.11 129 1 D.85 AA 0.18 60 198 172 159 153 133 123 -68.6 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 100 164 145 136 127 112 106 -68.6 0.99 128 1.43 h>60 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardlePlank 5116 8.25 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank Halle Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16• thick WSP sheathing 6 0-15 214 194 176 166 150 137 -66.0 0.7 0.85 1.03 Iu6o 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 214 189 172 166 146 133 -66.0 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 214 184 169 166 143 131 -66.0 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.851-1.41 0.18 30 214 181 166 166 140 1 129 -66.0 0.7 0.98 1.18 1 0115 -1.4 0.18 35 209 178 164 162 138 1 127 -60.0 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 AA 0.18 40 205 175 162 159 136 125 -66.0 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 45 202 173 160 156 134 124 -68.0 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.06 -1.4 (Fee 50 199 171 159 154 133 123 -68.0 0.81 1.09 127 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 196 170 157 152 132 122 -66.0 0.83 1 1.11 128 1 0.85 AA 0.18 60 194 168 156 150 130 121 -66.0 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 161 142 134 124 110 104 -66.0 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>6o 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 9.25 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nag a Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16" thick WSP sheathing 6 0.15 200 182 165 156 141 128 -57.9 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.10 20 200 177 161 155 137 125 -57.9 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 25 200 173 158 155 134 123 -57.9 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 200 169 166 155 131 120 -57.9 0.7 0,98 1.16 1 0.85 -IA 0.18 35 196 167 154 152 129 119 57.9 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 40 192 164 152 149 127 117 -57.9 0.76 1,04 1.22 1 o.ES -1.4 0.18 45 189 162 150 146 126 116 -57.9 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 186 160 149 144 124 115 -57.9 Eat 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 184 159 148 142 123 114 57,9 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 182 158 146 141 122 113 -57.9 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 150 133 125 117 103 97 -57.9 0.99 126 1.43 h-60 I 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 t RONALD I. OGAWA ASSOCIATES, INC. 16835 ALGONQUIN STREET #443 HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 714-292-2602 714-847-4595 FAX PROJECT: RIO-2688-17 JiAMES HARDIE BUILDING PRODUCTS, INC. 1'-888-542-7343 iWo@jameshardie.com 2015/BC, 2017 FBC 2015 IBC, 2017 FBC Allowable, Ultimate Allowable, Nominal Design Wind, Speed, Design Wind, Speed, 3,5 uw I5 v�d , (3-second gust mph) (3-second gust mph) Applicable to methods specified in [20151BC, Applicable to methods 2017 FBC] Section specified in Fxceplions 1 1609.1.1, as determined by through 3 of [20151BC, 120151BC, 2017 FBC] 20W FBC) Section I Figures 1609.3(1), (2) or, 1609.1.1. (3). Coefficients used In Table 6 calculations for V„ir Wind exposure tego Wind exposure category Siding K, Product Product Thickness (inches) Width (inches) Fastener Type Fastener Spacing Frame Type Fastener Spacing (inches) Building Heightt.2 (feet) B C D B C D Allowable Design n Load (PSF) Fxp B ExP C Exp D GCp GCa • (1-15 197 179 163 1 153 139 126 -56.2 0.7 0.85 1.03 h560 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 20 197 174 159 153 135 123 -56.2 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 HardiePlank 6/16 9.5 0.0901, shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" tang Blind nailed to 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 6 25 197 170 156 153 132 121 -56.2 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 30 197 167 153 153 129 119 -56.2 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 35 193 164 151 150 127 117 -56.2 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 0.85 -lA 0.18 40 189 162 149 147 125 116 -56.2 0.76 1.04 1.22 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ring shank nail a WSP 7/16' thick WSP sheathing 45 186 160 148 144 124 115 -56.2 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 50 183 158 146 142 122 113 -%.2 0.81 1.09 1.27 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 181 157 145 140 121 113 -%.2 0.83 1.11 1.29 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 ' 60 179 155 144 139 120 112 -56.2 0.85 1.13 1.31 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 100 148 131 123 115 102 95 .56.2 0.99 1.26 1.43 h>60 1rO.8 -1.8 0.18 0-15 173 157 142 134 121 110 43.1 0.7 0.85 1.03 hs60 1 -lA 0.18 20 173 152 139 134 118 108 -43.1 0.7 0.9 1.08 1 -lA 0.18 HardiePlank 5/16 12 0.090" shank X 0.215" HD X 1.5" long ring shank nail" Blind nailed to WSP 2X4 wood or 20 ga. steel framing, 7/16"thick WSP sheathing 6 25 173 149 137 134 115 106 -43.1 0.7 0.94 1.12 1 -lA 0.18 30 173 146 134 134 113 104 -43.1 0.7 0.98 1.16 1 -1.4 0.18 35 169 144 132 131 111 103 -43.1 0.73 1.01 1.19 1 -lA 0.18 40 166 142 131 128 110 101 -43.1 0.76 1.04 1.22 1-1.4 0.18 45 163 140 130 126 108 100 -43.1 0.785 1.065 1.245 1 -1.4 0.18 50 161 138 128 124 107 99 43.1 0.81 1.os 127J., 1 0.85 -1.4 0.18 55 159 137 127 123 106 99 -43.1 0.83 1.11 1.291 0.85 -1.4 0.18 60 157 136 126 121 105 98 43.1 0.85 1.13 1.311 0,85 -1.4 0,18 100 130 115 1.1 89 -43.1 0.99 1.26 1.43 1 0.85 -1.8 0.18 1. Building height = mean of height fin feet) of a building, except that eave hetnht shall be used for roof angle O less than or equal to 10" 12-12 reef slnnat 2. Linear interpolation of building height $ 60 ft) and wind speed is permitted. 3. V ti = ultimate design wind speed 4. V�.d = nominal design wind speed S. Wind speed design assumptions perAnalytical Method in ASCE 7-10 Chapter 30 C&C Part 1 and Part 3:K=1, Kd=0.85, GCP 1 A (hs60), GCP=1.8 (Iu60), GCp 0.18. 6. Fastener length shag be sufficient to penetrate back side of the WSP sheathing by at least 1/4" for nails or 3 full theads for screws. LIMITATIONS OF USE: 1) In High Velocity Hurricane Zones (HVHZ) install per Miami -Dade County Florida, NOA 17-0406.06 12 ry STAit�r F1 nak _ .a