HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1767 , " I I ' I j ", .,':I . j". I ' ' li":_ J '1 j 1'..556/ .;:.-, I 'f. ,', " '!",' , ' ," 'i., . I ", I ' : I ,'. , , · ,~ 'i ,j ,I I! I 'I , , ,."", ,.~'~ .-c' "I '" " .1" .' I I ' " I" t ' I i~~~ i ~~;:~'~~7'~ .' ;,: ~ ;~t~~r~ll :,",~'t7:: !:-;r~~~r~~':::~~~~~~'''''~:::7'~I~~---1~~~~,lT:~f','':'"j' :,+~~:~ I' . J, N ~.l~lwt an~ .J.Gl~~ ,E. l00tDlWf' ;:. " 'I!!.. :,\'.00 "I. ' ' THE, J~RS ~, EST.A.TS ~CIWlGJ:, ' . ' I ' . I '" "., I ':, 'I' I' , ' 1 1:1 , ' ,I COUPAlit " ,I, '!: ,"" "'" ," t ,\': II,', ':~11.,'6~ ":\&Oll~C~.;' ,,'" ,,' I' ,,":, : " i i r :,': ' \ i ,.1,. \1 \ THIS ~~RE,.~llT, ,ma6.e 8.l~d e~ter,~d '1n~~. this 't'~rst day lunG '1..,. 1:l.1,9,2~t \bY, ~d ti~twe~n' \ i ~...\ . , I ,,', \ , , " \, , ,...' \ '. '\' \ " \ : ,L j ,_. 'U. Nee4lwl\ ~d "Agnes ,D.lle.edh8.ll), ,hie wi.fe, 'ot.th~ CO""*ty of Cuy~og~, sta:bo,ot ,Ohi,o, fl.el'e~" '; ", ~ ' ' ''. "\ ,,\ ," ':.,..,',' "",' ;" ','"----'-'-:C,, " "\,' ",." ',',\ C . \, ,in~t:~e~ design.a,ted as :t~e': ~e~~r tyl<l ;The,JOnba ,Real:,Estate,'~O~al1g~: O'omp,WlY' q.n ~~~o() \ CQrl>Ori\ti~~t: :. :' . ' , " ' \ ..'. ,I ' ',' \ ., ' , , .. I '\.It,' t~e\ Qounty or Cuyahog~, ~tate o~ O~11.o, Ihere1n9.f't,er' de,s1gl11;lted "aathet. Vendee,' do, hereb~ i .' I, I "_ _ ' ". . . \ ," '. ' . .' ' . .. , , '... .. ....' \ .. " ~ \ ; ,I "mutUAlly '~ove~tand.-'a8reed .."foil.ows: \ ,; ,," ,:," I'" '. ',i '\ " ..,' "",','. ,'", "",,' , ' " , . ' ' , ' ' " "~ -\-,;--'--~ ,,' . F1rst; That t;heVendor, ~ells to the; Vend'ee and the Vendee p~ohaaestrollr tpeV:encior the i 'f0110;'iing,pe.;-oel.~fl~a, a~t~ied'inSt. 'Luoi.e',c'ouni~,~t~te,~t-~~ri'w)., co~~alning ten' ti~'),~" ': \ . . '. '.'. . ' . . \ ," ',! aores, pelng~_~eaat.tori (10) ao~es of West ~erity' ~d oi/100 (20.51)' aor~8:of Traot Three,t3)' " -' . .' . '. '. \,', ,....~... .-,--"',,"'. , '-'" -- "--'. ",' '.,~- .' Seo;t.1on lr().-1.2.r,TO\mah~:p.~3 Sout~, =8f€8 38' E. ~}).ooor~~t~ ~~e latest genera). ,plat'o:t ,landS ',\ , " ' . ". 'of the,Ind1anR1verFarmsCQm11anY recorded:1n tha 'Olel"k's oftioe, St. Lu01e'C.oUnty, ,Flor1<1a,' " , .' . ,~,., "'., ';, ,', . ' ' ,- ...... - - ' , ,. , .... '.' .. ", . , '..-,.':'.; - ".. ....,., ,:,' . ..' to1' wh10h' IQ.gree to pay ,~e 1'h.oUsana. Do 11 are. ($i', OOO} , pay 'fit,teen ,'Dollars 'per, mOB 1;h.. 'payabltt ;, , ~ . . . .-, ..' - ' . -,'. .' .. "" '..', __,......,: .. - _ ';'..: ' . ' ,.' " _ ' , ' . .. ~, '.,:, ; t > .., .. ~' ~:', on.,',the.f1.1'at, day Of e'9'e.rY,mon~, "tQ, The:1nd1~"R~Ver FarmS Corupa~. . , " , , . , ' " '.., ~ ' .' , . -.' . :: . . ..: . -'." . "-, ~ - -- ,', " " .... -. . .'. " "', - ". ; ,'Seoond; {fu8:~ the V'eride~agr~e8to pa.y: ~,1J..',~8:Xe~,;~s8iuJai~nt8 ahd'~pOS1t1ona 'that t4ai'~e, " lev~ed or,' 1mPOse.d.on, $e.tti: 'prope:r~y'tr~m .and 's.:fterthe th16 O"'f'this, agreement~1,f' to~: the;',reason. .' '. ,'. ~. . . '.' '= ' ' '- - _:.. a '. ' .- . , " ' .',' ' ... . line Vendee' dOEi's,ndt l>>ay,sa1d taxes, o:ssessmenh and 1mpositiona~ the 'Vendor may'.'p~y.the same ':,', . . '. . , . '. ," , .. . '. <" . '. .'. , 't' . "= ." '. ando~rge t~e' amount to t~1s ,oontra,ot', W1 th' interest on. sUI3li"amo\Ult~t,the 'r~t", 'o~ .e-~ght, per "",'" ,&/", ,,' ,~ -'" o,ent per ~nnum..unti~ said amo~t,~~ep~~'. , " ' , Third: ,"The Vendee sh~l 'haveposae~.slonof sa"d:pl':'emise~ 1.oJtJEidUtel'y 11PO~ the exeoution' "/ i "/ I ,;-, ir ; I " I ,l' " . :01' this agreement . ' F.~Ul't~: " ' ~e '1Iendor. agreeswfth the Vendee' tQ: oonvey the wi thin deso1'1b6d prOl)ert1es by:" ~ . ,.... , . ' ; '. ,. . ' , ., ~, . ,'.. . ,... "' ' , good suffioient' Wa:rranty. 'deed with ~b3traot of T1tle, to 'thev-ezldee. upon o'ompletionofpS:yiaents' , ,.'., ",,; ,', , " : ' ,,', "" ", ,'.' .', .: " "', ,'.',' ":, ',,':" ';',' 'as',hereinabove',set ;t;OUr~h ~lt fa1:h~~,pert.onnarioeby 'lihe Vend.ee otthe,oovenants' herein, ex";: : ':' pre~aed, o~, \-lhen ~~~t' the purohElS8'prioe h'ebeep,pald', then ;at :,tlle, "opt1?n; ,of the Vend~~, the,' ,V'end-or 'ahali, o,onvey'the.:p,rQI>e~t1es:in aooordS.ri~e \71 ththe hFJIls herein; t~e de~erred payments, I , . ,b&'-~ .seoured-by~mortge.ge~ .._-~-, "F1i'th:: . l,t is ~'\1tuallY ~i.'~e<t thq:~ it the .Vendee, talla,to lliak;e' pa~'Illents herein provided, . to be'ma9.-e, or_ to perform tM',aereeuents hereby' E:!ntel"ed 1nto,; this oontr~ct at :the 'option ot the, , .' .' ,~ " ..', " , . , ,. . , ~. .' . '. , ,"'~ . ." Ven4.0rma.y bete~m1n['.~e,d ~d t()rfelted:and.iri:t~[j, t~vent,all paj'Illentamade and all 1L1prove~ent~, '.' ." 1 -----~ ~ , jc , made upon the prOl!1i~eS here in desor1 'Qed,Slu!J.l 'be'. forfeated,to, the Vendor iu: f1l11 sa tlstact10n 'ot , ", . ..' ~ . '. . ' . , -- ., , ",.' , . ' . ~ .. . ~ . , ,', , . ,,',";' ,- , ',' , ' --', ' ,all da..':I~essuatained and the- Vendee, llhaU forfeit all.r1ghtan<l all Ql!l.w under this 'oontraot , , ; " .,.,.' .. . ,',. : '-" " '" - " ,.' "-",' " ,-. . ' to said preoi,J.,es and shall be 11abl.e,'to'.'~eremo:ved ~ro~ llaidpremise,s in 'a~oh manner as is ,Pro-" ..' ," , ,\ v1ded by. l~V(for the,~emovaJ, ota 'te,nan~ ,that,'ho14f30ver ~d. OOllt'1~~es In,posS,e.91J1on of demised, premises after the execution 'of his time wi thou.t the pel.ui3sion,'ot' .the iandlo1."d.. . '. - " '- " ',' ," . , THIS. A.c;R3;;;'!":EIIT-'is b~ndine upon the'p~ties he.reto"tlieir Ep!rs, auoces3orn and. a.ssi[;ns. IF 'iftTI:-E:SS \/EEREO?; ~helnn'Hes. to. 'theaepr,eaents".have.liereuiltq affixed t;1~1l.' h~nd.s (l,t'.d. 'seul on th,e ~yand:rear fil.~gt' above written~ Slti1ed" and aeeJ.;ed a.nd, d.~l1vered in the presenoe of: ' , Lea ter':"sk.en R,a,Lane I a. H:. ,Sch.affner "1-"ii1tn:'J>,~ )1' A..P.Jot:cn l}l'ca. , 1 ' . ' lones heul 33t(J.~e 1:;xohrme Co.. II/If LouH. JOHes 5coy.,' _ ~lH~ _..r~ "~a~:tet:l'~u 11.. -, n ,ul.1il:a-- S.' IUowlrds. II. 1(. lfeedham At;nesE.' li'ee<lh&Ol 'lelidor 'l'he Jones Real Z:3tate E:<:oila.l1ge C~UPH.ny A.rtlmr p, Jonea {?l'eaident) " ,LoU R. Jones ' ;;;eay, Vendee I . .~ ., ,( I fl ~'. ~ , i ,.'1 " 'I I i I L