HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIONMALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED ,i Date: SCANNED Permit Number: BY St. Lucie County . ti Building Permit Application �°�� ✓G Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division �11/0 od I2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 CO.S t' Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Gas tank PROPOSED] MPROVEM ENT LOCATION: Address: 9403 MEADOWOOD DR Legal Description: MONTE CARLO COUNTRY CLUB -UNIT ONE- LOT 181 (OR 3930-403) Property Tax ID #: 1327-801-0070-000-7 Lot No.181 Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: COMPLETE/WELCH Setbacks Front-1 0 Back: 10 Right Side: 10- Left Side: 10 DETAILED. DESCRIPTION OF WORK INSTALL 500 GALLON LP GAS TANK AND LINES TO. GENERATOR CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION 3 itiona wor to e e orme under this permit —check all apply: gHVAC Gas Tank Gas Piping _Shutters Q Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing Sprinklers E]Generator Roof Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: S Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction: S, 3700.85 Utilities: Sewer 0Septic Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE ,,,. CONTRACTOR: Name Deborah A Welch Name: GAMALIEL PORTALES Address: 9403 Meadowood Dr Company: FERRELLGAS City: Fort Pierce State: FL Address: 3232 SE DIXIE HWY Zip Code: 34951 Fax: City: STUART State: FL Phone No.678-591-4922 Zip Code: 34997 Fax: 772-287-3456 E-Mail: Phone No. 772-287-4330 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different E-Mail: EMILYGALEN@FERRELLGAS.COM from the Owner listed above) State or County License: 30558 If value of construction Is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. ALL APPLICABLE INFO M"'UST' O COMOUTED FOR APPLICATION TO B ACCEPTED" Date:Permit Number• '1 %a ', 4 ,Cj ddHi� eY,fi�+ ri y,• 'I , Building "P�rrrit Application t 1 Planning ontl Development Services BulldTng and Code Regulgtlon DTvrsion 23,00 Vlrglgla Avenue, FQft Pferce,1 y 34982 Phone'(77,2)4621553 .Fax '(7.72)4621578,,. COt71Yn21"CiaF;__r_______ . R esldentlal' X ': IPERMIT APPLICATION>>FOR Gas tank ,OpOSD iMPRiDVEMEN C'� zt 1 'pRv ! % , ! Address P31. MEAD0INOOD DRI , E � , Legal Description.:' ONTE CARLO COUNTRYCLUB UNIT ONE` LOTt181 (OR 393Q 403) ( 1327r8011'0070 Q00=7, Lot' No 181 Property Tax ID#• + Wdck No Site Plan";Name. t Project Name COfNPLETENUELCH Selt�acks Front�10 pack 10 Right Side 10 �t Lef# Side '10 I. f ,• fi! 7 q !l, tt ti 'C ETAI 'El j D;ES.Ct�IPTIIG � ! , ? !{•, ° Ft I A i ,a t n k^ � 7 4} fir INSTALL 500 GALLON LP'GAS TANK AND'LINS: TO GENERATOR , U'L } 1 1 y CONSTRU''I k NsINF04RMAlCN. 1 „ onavwor ,to e:- a orme up er; iszpermi —c ec a appyt "• Windows Doors HVA'C' Gas Tank Gas Piping _Shutters" /, Roof �____,� Roof,pitch Electric LJ Plumbing • Sprinklers Generator Total Sq.��Ft ofConstructiori S Ft �'of First`Floor: 3700 85 t�hties Sewer Septic 9wlding Height I' Cost of Construction $ U �I 5 I i QWN E ' lLE5SEE." ��I�Ah! f,l ,aid+aN II+ I of I x ! { "+ } r' CONTRACTOR. 91�H".� 1 s 9 1 `t3 1 Name Deborah A'V1lelch aim St N e G�4MALIEL I?QRTALE s Address'9403 Meadowood,Dr ; Company FERRElLGAS' FL 3232 SE DIA MWY, Clt Fort Pfercel`; State:, Address Zip Code. 34951, Fax` City rSTUART State: FL Phone No 678 591 4922 Zip Code 34997 Fax 772-287-3456 E,-Mail Phone No ' 772` 287-4330, Fill in fee' imple'Title Holder on next page (if different E 10' it EMILYGALEN@FERRELLGAS:GOM from the'Owner listed .above) State or County license: 3,0558 " I( value of consEru'ction is $2500 or"more, a RECORDED`IVot 6 of Commencement isrequired. i �7'.�, a,i.,mY ,1 }1j' .•.• •U'. 1!Ryi i i JIRA' nllk iA � i'i N , {� r al k.iiA j„ „yj4,Kt: 'AWy i 7fA6't Ma �(-r. -. }i,�•VIN P P I'ti5� y a.r' � rt,' ,i3„+ . +a5 k ..F!T � i'�11�.i ' 19 .. , 5 ,1 '•�' 7 r ,sr i � g,C Y { i t� yi, �F � i ., 'i t' �j a � . , ' I ` �5../. � I �'1 \� ., i �._ l ,.. ,� %W i d !•�, ty:. 1, V, �I 7j d t ' P J 4; f t N G"q I ) u ,l. } 'Y )Y, I � �. � a�' In�n� i j jt t r it J Y � � 1 •Y I .ri�,y:. }i4Gi ,�rx}^'.',i 1 ! a4M�lrli, 3iti f+ii{ ,�r. �.:, I�}, � � ;i,:��l oavJk"';t.� !`�t,r, i „� r� . ,,{ .� r � I. ,��M.�. � r,'� '�s r�s'a ,h � ,�f, ,k�}�xlg'�, ,,• 1r.�t{�I ,Wj DESIGNER ENGINEER: ,. `Not;Aoiolkable 'MORTGAGE,COiVIPANY:: Not'Applicable,,'" Name• Marne Address: Address 1 City i' State City ..!State':, Zip Plane Zip P lone ` FEE SIMPLE TITLE HQLDEIft ,' 'Not App0 "16le 'BONDING CCIMPANY:'., Not''Apphca'ble Na'rne : Name: . Address: i. Address City c�t�y Zip r Pfi`o'ne Zip Phone i ; t., a OWNER/`CONTAACi'OR AFFIDVIT.`Qppticatioh Is hereby made to o`ptajn a permit to do the ,work acid installation` as`.indicated.. t certify that now,ork ar installation}has commencetl prfor'to th'd'issuance`ofra permit ` St, Lucle' Countyy makes nose resentatlon;that (s ranting a.ppermitill authorize the hermit h•oitle to build,the,sub�ect's`tructure„ which is,;in,conflict;vuithtan, ,appticable1Home Ownd6 Assaciatlon riles, byNws or m,) tovenantsl at, ay restricC.oro.rohibit such , structure Please con`sult,th your Hpme,Owners Association antl review your dead for al?Y restrictions which may apply;' . In consideration of the granting of this requested�permlt, I do heresy agree that I'wllljin all respects, perform the work in accortlance with t e approved plans, the Fioritla`euildlnE Codosand St 'Lucie County "Amenments ;. The following building pef m(t applications are exempt from. undergoing a full concurrency review, room addit(onsi% accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs,.screen ,rooms and accessar�i Lses to anotherhon residential .use ' WARNING TO OUVNER Ypur fa11i1re to Record a Notice of -Commencement may result'in your;paylrjg"twice:for impravernents to yourproperty A'Notice of Cornrnencement must be recorded and posted'oh the jobsite before the,first,inspection if,.you intend ta;obtait7'financmg, ConsUltvuith lender or an atxori�ey before;` commer`icin work o 'r,:ecording=your Notice,of Commencement'{ v,V,.. .. , nature p Owner/ Lessee/Contractor as�Agent for Owner Signature of Contra or/License Holder STATE OE FLO 1 A STATI OF FL(i t COUN°ifYrOF��yN. COUNTY OF ' �, The r ping mstr ment was acknoWledge befare;me,' The fpr ping instr rner t was' ackMo liedg d�for6 methis'daY of 20y ihis'day p`fA A s20 y ._ ._... Name of;perso akingstatement Name;of pers .n making statement Personally,Known' r ,;QR Praduced'identification NO hdlly Known QR Pr' ducod Iderttffication Type of1dentification, Type,of Identiffeation Produced ,Produced Go {Signature of t'ary Public State of Florida) (Signature otary P,u 1"r Commission IVo. �'�" gAfai�L '�'y�e, �YGALEN EN Commission hlo. r * ,_ CQMMISSIatd # G016ix#62 l m * M1' Cd I # G 165462 } `f�► �s�it..R" , ,� F.XPiItES DecemDer6 2021 '! ins � ;�� Q.o` EXPIRES `DeCer r:6, 2021 ' o dERP�.. ,P,FryO` Bonded7llNNotaNi?iiblklUrldaM7$e►s VEGETATION SEA TIiRTLE Mi4NGRO. -REVIEWS fRONT 0NING SO' '' ISOg PLANS VE COUNTER REVIEW' REVIWREVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE :. i RECEIVED DATE CQ'MPLETED. Rev, 8/2/17