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" 1 t's~ceS~Ol~S ,', rer>restnitat.1 ves; 91" a~',a~~l1'a., ,,' J
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3. lfooull6.ll1bS 'other t.i1anonc' ~esid.enQe buL.di1lG ~dorte pl'i~~te :G~ra.ce 3h1),11
O,n:y 50 fOCltlot; ;/ithcn'~, the \'ll"ittenconaent of ,Ptu'ty of the first Po.i't and, no' btt11d111(; .shall be j"
l' erected at'a.,less distance: than 40 faet from :th~ f'~o~t'li.rie of any lot ih suid Subdivision,' or!
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froCfl,any stl"eet,or e.ta' ~ess diatam e ;than 3 f'eet fl'otl the si<1e"l~ne '.or anY,lot" or at 'a,less I,
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,distance than5'feet'ffom the rear nn~. " ! .
4.' That, nCl' u.h1av~fu1. ot: 1.mL1o,ral use ah,all be ,made. O:fth~ preL1i$e3~)Wl'eoyconveyed..'n:or shall
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1 the sallie' na; 'MY' part :thel'eof~ i,1..O.ral\f' 1nte'l'est thOr.::1il,. qe'si!?-,d,)eased. or 'otJldrt/~$e OQi1V~:~ed ,
I to any :personotliel"thftll Of'theCauoasiap, rac'o, pl'QV:,idedthat nothi~ 11ere~n conto.ined' shall yre-i
, vent 'the keeping and mliintain1x1g of sel'vapts on the aa.idp:roperty 1'01": re?-sqnab~~iaOllYUB,e., . I. ;
1'5. ,llo ontside toilet shall :be :perm1t,ted.~ in'~:r..I?ar't Oi'sai'",' Su'oll.1v1s1,QnlHlt there 'shali be !
"'1' const~ot~d' by BEid seo~nd. part:f in ~onHeotion w;l.th ,any r, C~1$,eno,~, oil any of' said lard a' sep~1<? 'I",
tank in accordance w1th specU:j.cat10ns ap1>l'ovcd by the party,oi', the f1~t, lJart1n vrr1ting,.
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, 6.. "1;0 ~ild.if'~' oo:,:.mo111y ~o\ln as an ap8.rt~ep-thouseior 'oco',\.p'at1on of'rnore' ..t~ne -:ral:1~iy" i'
'\ nor' ::'S~l\llll", nOrhOSP1tal'Sha~'.hO' ~~~t,e~ or:,-~ed. :ror suoh purposes 01:1 said land, except, tli'ilt
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desiGnated fqp bus1i1easp1.'Operty by party o:r the ql'st part.
7. 'Uo,. siens Or '0111 boa.rd;s Of any, kin~l 01' cllli.raoter shall be eyjlib1 ted, d1s'played, 90i1st~cted;
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I or ma1nta;ined {" aai6.,'su'bd,1v1SiOll \l1th-ou~ the' written consent of tr.e ~)Ul"ty oftheifirst )art.
it~~' oonoentand all.P~ovnl of party of ,tile f1r3t' part.
{ 9.' ?ll~prl vllege and
, ::lUcOe;J30r~'t.U1d. aiaigns~ to ereot
I eleotric l'lel( 'po\'ler~teleBraph,
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! lay \fater r:w.ina on ,or in the rear 5 foet of tho lo.~!ilhcre1H~tvtl:reu., on 01' in the 3 f::>ot 3tl'lp ,
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, 8. ,Ho lot or lots'in said subdivision ahal,J; be aubfi1v1ded or re":'su'bd.1v1.ded without 'the vn-it':
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ec,seme'nt is her, by f?l'fJve.r l'e:Jel'veu tosaia., party o:f tho, ,fll'at part" ita 1
un,_ f.nintci,'n, pOleo, ~rires, 'ana. othel' sui table equlpmen t for "
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tclep,'.one WIUl3W"table eilul1JL1ellt -tor any ot]ler ut111ttes and to ';
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