HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1777 I " , .' '..,4,. ",I .] 5'6' 0', 1,1'/' . r,;, " jl ' I.:, , I ' , .1_J I '. I I , -,' "/, :' I '! ,: . ,I " j-:~C;;C;_.~~~~~~r~~~F;':~~;:;::'..7~:-=:'X;~'.'_:~:~~;~:1F;;;:C~ ,-;e::&~~~:;;~~:"f1';'~c I . a;L~u8the,OPlde l~~ei~\th"~Of, \'I?on iu~,q~~sal:Y,~O-,-gp.~n'le.oof!'J..'to !he;'"'t1ve I ~oot strip r.&tre,r~'d, ~\ ,I. \. , r,J' 10nl2' tho r'~'l1~~p'OcJ~ 8alctl,~d ~9r U~11.,ltypu~,poaesanld. tor 's\\oh ,PU1;'PoS:e~ as .well flS ~o r,el., 'I'!"~ .I, ,II': ,',' ~, '\'.' I " \ ' \ "'I,..' , , ,\ '" , ' I 'I. ,.~~~r,", l,'e, :t1b~",qr're,p~a,~e", ~a~<i, pOles" ~'lU, "l,,{q,, ant ~.d m.aln~, tI1hes\al<l\,t"lrs~ PF,'\\~"lUhl ll,nvo ,~~e\1I,~ h,; t', " I )" "', ' , \" ,\ "I' , ' , \ , , ,', ,,\ ' I \ l, ,1 'tdl'lltself', 1ts ~ent \~d employees tQellter u,po~ 8a~d.,pr~l:11aes lJi're~aollnl?1:e,Q~e,r'~nq;at., """ ~ ,I \ ".' i' , ", I' , " " " ", ' "', \ I' , ' \ \ . reaa~na.bi.~ tlme:9.\ ' '.', \, \ \', ')' ',' \ io.\Th~1i'1f'tl~~ said ~eoondl>~u,,~y l~ls' heirs" :persOlla.l';~~pre~entti~lve~ 'o:r as~1t"1l9',' :'~i.o~:l;-,:-\:I_--':~~~ ' : " '\".1.'.', , \ I" "~-',' \ I." I' .', , '\ : \', " \ h'old.Qr ~r holders 01" . the, propertY- he:.>cby ,ooliveyed l?Y, Vil.tu.,e of, any Ju.dloial ll~d~ee'diries; shall, ~ ~a~l,t. ,'o.cop1': "lt~oiiY ~~th.abov~"'\~ro~~"" inS ~.. trlc t 10~'IO'fd i t'1?'lG orl1mHa t 10na;'with: 'j " ' , 1n s,1xty tlaY~ after ~~ ~,tennO'l;10&, ~o Wh~ S,~~dseoond' po.rt;r "l~1IJ heh's~. .repres~nta.tl.ves or ' , , ' ' ',' ,,', .. ,'. " " , ,,' . " ,'.. " ' arJs iGl1s', .. or, any 'of' thema:t, .salina, , lCf,Ulsas. ,01' -at ,their: It.\l;lj;, kho\'tnaddress , -by th~, sald pnrt~ '01'1 ' ' , - :...: '. . ". ' 0, .' :" .' \ .', ,,~\. ~... . . ., _ . ..'. " ."... .. _ , ::. thef~rst1>art, 1t~"$Uooe.J~'or~, pel~so~al'repr.::~entatives or Assigns, or eitl,ler O:i-'thern,tnen'; 'I'" " , , ' , ' , , " ,. ,". "', ,,\' ". ' ^,' ,the' sa.1d:a.oove, delilori bed and. oOllveyed 1>ro'pe~tY' shall .1iunedia. tiny revert ,to the. !:laid 'J)~t;r 01' Ph. . ,'." .. \, .,' . ~ " ': -'.' \,. , . ' , first part;: I~s 8UOOeS~0]..'8' or. ~Slg'ns. ~who shall .be ,entItled.to: ~ed1atei~: enter uponsa1d' "'. p~op~rty \1'1thOU:~' ~~ti~~~. and 'tak~ 'PO$8~S~ 1;'>1\', ~f. ihe: ~~~ ~/l,th'1'ull.t1tl$ in fee ~1mPle. 't(i~~ther' , 'V/ithe.ll'lQPrOVenl~~t~"the~'e~>n, an:~:nowa1,v~~ oiany'Of the8~ OOnd1t,i,Q~, ;iiInitat1ons'o~ 1'e":: , ':~t~lo~10~S,' '~:q,re~lJ~r !:miTl:1.e'd, or ,i8.n~'e :fo~a~' le~t~ O! '~~e<to en:t:oro~the' same;,sl!all" ~: . 'oonst1tute a bar, t~'suOh~'enfor.oement ~t: any t1rne,-', " ' , " "1,1.,' ih~t.the " party. ot"thcit1~8~1~~r~~its' s~Qoessors Or ;ass, 19l1s ~ sha,]4 have I, I I' i ,I It ,', i t t "j I " 'j--/ ' , ! ' I, ''-', " .'.'1 'J '" j '1 .'''-" " ,\ .il; "S1ghed;se Uled aJ:l~~el:i vered ,; , 1n pr..esenoe of:: " " T. ,S."Kl~by ltartha 1t. , R " 'KEYSTOliE REAr.'l'Y CO:rl?AU',{ . (Co BY',PaulG,Enn8 ',: (SEAL}' , , 'Pres 1 d,e nt .' , , Attest: ~L. W.,' Halbe(SEAL) ',;P' " .' Seoreta,l'Y~ ~ '(~1.50:I~R.S~a.m~ oan~)' ' , S'XATE OFF[A>RI))A' COIDITY OF ST . LUCIE " ,_..~. . , , f I', 1 '! ~.: ~ ill CERTnY~hat on this ,18~ day of Yay,' J... D..~925,; b,e:ror,,,. me pe~'son~lY D.~~e,are~ andL. '\1. Halbe, _re~peot1VelY Pres,ident and ::ieoreto.ry ,01' JC~STOliZ ,ltE.AL'l".l COHPAliY, '! I Pa'U.l, G.Emur . %:' a.'oorpora.t1.on under the laws 'oi.theState o'f. FlOl'1d.o.", tome, known ~o ,b~ thepel."Solls' described irf " ' !' ') .'~ , " ~ . i . , , , ' , e:)Cecut;io~ thereof to be ,the1t' free aet and <leed. as"9',tchol'r'l,ce~ ",for t}lE~ uses and-purposes there;.. .1n mentioned;, and that they affixed thereto the .offioial seal ofaald co~porat1onj and t-he said." . .' ~ .. ,,1' inst~ent is tIle aot and deed or :said. corpora.,t1on, , , }, . ! , :j State Of FlOrida, the 'da;y a~d y:ec.l' ,last' atoresa.1d. . ,1 I , . 'f I j I I I 1I'".,..Flhd arid reoo",.d on thla 24th day o~ Ju"".~1925. at ll'~O ....U. p, c. El~u., Clerk Cirouit Oourt. " Rf'r.op1 V prllecl \'IIT~~'1faY aic.,"ll!l,tt:Uw C4ll\,{-offioicil ,sec.l at Fort ~ieroe't in the COtUltJ:" of SAint 'LuQl~" and Az:Jy L. T~dder V' l' , , liotary Publio, state of . " ,Florida. at .Large. l.-',' l:ptnry J:"1.olio fo r tile ,'state" of F,l:orida}l.t La1!ge.____, , M:J-.-.a-:ommla810n-~xp,ire&-~eytem oer-li}t'--1.~2 I).. -~- ! ,: , :-":C;'~~"'i:'_?'-:':';.",:",,,!, :,';;,,:;>~"'~:', D,O. ' '< , ,,~,""<,'" -r-'.---,-'-.