HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTPERMIT # "' I ISSUE DATE II PLANNING & DEVELOPN[ENT SERVICES EuRding & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT J U N 2 1 `^ 018 SCANNED BY ST. Lucie County, Permitting St. Lucie County 5 I1,4� 14-,)�'_ / eC. C_ have agreed to be (Co parry Name/Individual Name) the [ e- e_ P r , -z , / Sub -contractor for : ,� n c �, (Type of Trade) (Prim Contractor) For the project located at 1L9 i, (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) I It is understood' that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned I project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of ;a' Change of Sub -contractor notice. II CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier) O ACTOR (Qualifier) INN\j PRINT PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER / State of Florida,I County of ti . l.••� I IState of Florida, County of .��A The foregoing instrument was signed before me thQLt�ds\y of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this_�f of I, J�nsLl as` v' by ►y �,J> ��s� . zoo byiqfDbi75 who is personally !mown or has produced a who is personally y known _V _or has produced a as identificalhon. as identification. 11 G STAMP STAMP Signature 0,1 Notary Public Signature of Notary Pobfie' 1, PrmtNameiof Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public it Ayer No Notary. Pub110 Stag4 "•1y !AURA R GUbBE!)t3E ' M erikeY c B thin z,: � =Comrnission # GG 022076 ' • � � My commisslan,F¢ 97E5a3 J Revised I11�0016 � Expire$ a512512a2o Expirfi2.0 ber21, 20Z0 -P�,it� eon�anwtroyF�nrr�u�nrsaou�s��ots Ij y PATg lost . ECEIVED. Ion JUN 2 121018 ST. Lucie County, Permitting bwaorm sow ft Wynn@ PwolopMorA 101 ping, 1 For propot to WWA, vxavv) ... . .. . . . .............. .. .... u J§ 00,44mood th4s, if kef@ f§ fba . projf�u, addlas Md f-,Qd@ f4gumpn ViviWon Pf St, LWAP ConotyWO) W gdvl§W "Ma -At W ft r node, e, mow Lyle %no@: W- MON px ---------- wq� 19rhas A - Lou . Asef"j DOROTHY ANN BASKIN myC6MMISSION#GG030145 EXP IRES:Octo.ber2.2020 Bonded-Thru Ndtafy public Underwriters lefts 4 ................. -- W ftle of IvIorM-ag 9 q Of at; Tim Of RoWILudic m UAW Rhonda Leff". wC4MM=M#"Wff2q i' l �% PERMIT# ISSUE DATE . PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code. Com liar e P i VM08EIVE® . BM -DING PERMTr J U N 21 20'i pi j 1511113-CONTRACTOR AGREEN NT ST. Lucie County, Permitting Comfort Control oT St. Lucie County_, Inc. have agreed-to'be (Company NameAndividual Natne) the HVAC Sub-contmetorfor Wynne Development Corp. (T)pe of Trade) (� (Primary Contactor) For the project located at Q a` j' (Project Sheet Address or.PropeAy Tax ID #) I ' It is 'understood :that, if there is any change of status. regarding our participation with the above mentioned. I project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie'County will be advised pursuant. to the filing' of a Change of.Sub-confiractor notice. Matthew Lvle Wvnne 08898 8288 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMMER COUNTY CERTMCATION NUMBER State 41 Inorida, County of .�`l�+ \'� Statelof Florida, County of The foregoing Instrument was signed heforie me ibisx day of The-fd�e�oiae instrument ass ai2ned—before me this day of kit woo is, personally known Y or has produced a who is personally known ✓r has prodaeed a as idlen$fieatiaa as identification, )011 RSTAMP- CJ STAMP goat�re of No ublic $%nature of Notary Pubt' �(7ASlet A. -I k'nnt)k3me of Nota Public Print Name of Notary Puoife 1111 •,��;;�;;;�,,, DOROTHYANNBASKIN n"lo MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 , ;�h..YQ.�,, DOROTHYANN BASKIN EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 MY,COMMISSION # GG 030145 °Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 �IFOFF��P, Bonded Thru Notary Public Underwriters Illli ll• , I�_ __._ _._--- _ dAo 6u i I n auu/C L66-J Z000/Z000d, tLO-1 999L8L8ZLL 0 pl. 8 -WOdd =Z 9 -60-ZL u �V fE.'R .. � 1 i ` i Su$�bli1'f��Ql2 AG�tEE�1!IEN`�• v '' ST. Lucie County, Permitting •o.. p.... �.: a11«e�,: •.: t'1ri �:: nine:::. .... . . ('Typeq�:Tr�±iie) � (Priuiary;Cori�crA>L1 .. i� If is.0 rs oti; S a % 'tl er `.t .;any'c nge;f *tafit s;zeg tf-g o ir:pa tlpw pa lea; "Whi the alyavrw:Fne a��d .:::et qc i ie:B t ,:...;.,.: _ :.,....:: ; :.:.. ; :..,.::. . J, ao�e County�li b�.:adse�d.purs�ln ta.the. 4 otix �I EQ1V�i'iAC7'O?2SIG�T�7'C[tl~'(Qpgiiit`e�j'.. . >:..... taYp il.FT ul ouo Y Q : Luc, C ��7eforegoing:9gstrntnent;was:yi�ned�l�efoXe:ategiliisd.. �:t]!ay.•o�� , •. • ,�ar:•d�s:prptiq�eds�;: 104000))404; jl .Vow )Pr�b)ic t :.P.riu'tl!ts►t!#oflVdtair}!:Piitilic .. ... �I I' pubi -��oir•::;s�c,: DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION# GG 030145 .'o �US ° B",Thrti.No ry PubUq Und02 "enmteis ZTZI+v}sed�1IY1.�13036;: r ::Sf7>101�l!'IGT4It:. QQVN-W >;ERTL TCfSTiOhf DiCJMBEit' S3ate':bf�`londa�tCquritjio .• .. CIC , Toe [o go;'n i 4 pmeritwi�ssig4e� b4bre'idcaiis� .bf. whois.per5ou�#... .. _' / AM:lias'pr'dukda' s�5: t#cntficatiolti `' rr^' <SFAiMP .5itbteofil[ufaky utilic: Pririframe''df.•11�ipfary;Pu'biie�•. � . `NMOV q DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030j ;, ;o,• EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 %fig; „�:: •' Bonded Thru NotaryPublic:Undenv