HomeMy WebLinkAboutTRUSSLumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. Site 323 - 62' Grand Carlton III with porch nation: Info: WYNNNE DEVELOPEMENT CORP Project Name MiTek USA, Inc. 6904 Parke East Blvd. M11323 Model Epm al EL33610-4115 Lot/Block: Subdivision: Address: N/A City: PORT ST LUCIE State: FL Name Address and License # of Structural Engineer of Record, If there is one, for the building. Name. License #: Address: City: State: General Truss Engineering Criteria & Design Loads (Individual Truss Design Drawings Show Special Loading Conditions): Design!Code: FBC2017/TP12014 Design Program: MiTek 20/20 8.1 Wind Code: ASCE 7-10 Wind Speed: 165 mph Roof Load: 37.0 psf Floor Load: N/A psf This package includes 13 individual, dated Truss Design Drawings and 0 Additional Drawings. With my seal affixed to this sheet, I hereby certify that I am the Truss Design Engineer and this index sheet conforms to 61 G15-31.003, section 5 of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers Rules. No. Seal# ITI,3302390 I Truss Name I Date 1 A 2/21/18 12 3T1 302391 1 A5 1 2/21/18 13 1 T133023921 A6 1 2/21 /18 14 1 T133023931 A7 2/21 /18 �_1 T1i33023941 A8 12/21/18 16 1 T113302395 I A9 1 2/21/18 1 7 1 Ti!3302396 GRA 2/21/18 18 1T133023971GRB _ T1 2/21/18 19 I T1,33023981 J2 2/21 /18 110 J T f 33023991 J4 1 2/21 /18 Ill 1 T133024001 J6 1 2/21 /18 1 112 J Tf3302401 J J8 1 2/21/18 13 _1 T10302402 j KJ8 2/21/18 I� The truss drawing(s) referenced above have been prepared by MiTek USA, .Inc 1 under my direct supervision based on the parameters provided by Chambers Truss, Truss Design Engineer's Name: Albani, Thomas My license renewal date for the state of Florida is February 28, 2019. IMPORTANT NOTE: The seal on these truss component designs is a certification that the engineer named is licensed in the jurisdiction(s) identified and that the designs comply with ANSI/TPI 1. These designs are based upon parameters shown (e.g. 0oads, supports, dimensions, shapes and design codes), which were given to MITek. Any project specific information included is for MiTek's customers file reference purpose only, and was not taken into account in the preparation of these designs. MiTek has not independently verified the applicability of the design parameters or the designs for any particular building. Before use, the building designer should verify; applicability of design parameters and properly incorporate these designs into the overall building design per ANSI/TPI 1, Chapter 2. k rA/ sI. 39380 = it — :9 : ST TE OF : 41 Thomas A. Albanl PE ND.39380 MITek USA, Inc. FL Cart 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 Albani, Thomas 1 of 1 Job Truss Truss Type City Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302390 M11323 A COMMON 9 1 Job Reference (optional) Chambers Truss, Inc., Fort Pierce, FL 8.130 s Sep 15 2017 Mil eK Industries, Inc. Wed Feb 21 14:19:63 2018 Page 1 I ID:a3B4PavKnnZweXyJckSFBgyuFUN-iltla6GS6xdm_ITrGI?CZC_IGrGmYZaVX1111xziuKK r1-0-Q i' 6-7-13 i 12-4-13 17-0-0 21-7-3 27-4-3 34-0-0 $5-0-Q 1-0 00 , 6-7-13 5-9-0 4-7.3 5-9-0 6-7-13 1-0-0 3x6 = 4.00 12 4x5 = 27 I' 17 15 14 - 12 2x3 11 4x6 = 3x8 = 3x8 = 4x6 = 2x3 11 Scale = 1:57.8 3x6 = I6 6 'I 6.7-13 5-9-0 9-2-7 5-9-0 6-7-13 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-- [2:0-0-2,Edge), [10:0-0-2,Edge) LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.39 Vert(LL) 0.32 14-15 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.58 Vert(CT) -0.61 14-15 >670 240 BCLL 0.0 ,` Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.65 Horz(CT) 0.12 10 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 163 lb FT = 0% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-7-12 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-11-7 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1362/0-8-0, 10=1362/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=-179(LC 8) Max Uplift 2=-832(LC 10), 10=-832(LC 10) FORCES. (lb) -'Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-3419/2395, 3-5=-2771/2031, 5-6= 2770/2152, 6-7=-2770/2152, 7-9=-2771/2031, b-10= 3419/2395 BOT CHORD ,2-17— 2132/3213, 15-17=-2132/3213, 14-15= 1269/2000, 12-14=-2132/3213, J10-12— 2132/3213 WEBS 116-14= 635/983, 7-14=-313/362, 9-14=-689/499, 6-15= 635/983, 5-15=-313/362, 3-15= 689/499 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.0psf; h=14ft; B=52fh L=34ft; eave=6ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 2-4-13, Interior(1) 2-4-13 to 13-7-3, Exterior(2) 13-7-3 to 17-0-0, Interior(1) 20-4-13 to 31-7-3 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) This truss has lbeen designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 4) ` This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide Will fit between the bottom chord and any other members, with BCDL = 10.Opsf. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=832, 10=832. 6) Hanger(s) or Qther connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 50 lb down and 47 lb up at 15-0-0, and 50 lb down and 47 lb up at 19-0-0 on top chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. I� 7) In the LOAD CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: ;1-6_ 54, 6-11= 54, 18-21= 20 Concentrated' ,Loads (lb) Vert: 26=-50(F) 27=-50(F) Thomas A. Albani PE No.39380 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd, Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 A WARNING - IVerify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MIF-7473 rev. 10/032015 BEFORE USE. Design valid fdF use only with MITek® connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an individual building component, not � a truss system.) Before use, the bullding designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall bullding design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing M iTek° Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of busses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Mexandrla, VA 22314. 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302391 M11323 A5 SPECIAL 9 1 Job Reference (optional) Chambers Truss, Inc., Fort Pierce, FL 8.130 s Sep 15 2017 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Feb 21 14:19:54 2018 Page 1 I D:2GIScwwyY5hnGhXVARzUkuyuFUM-BURgnSH4tFIdcR21 qTW R6QXpvFX_H1 Ufmht bZNziuKJ 1-0- 7-8-5 10-6-4 17-0-0 20-4-8 26-4-0 34-0-0 5-0 1-0- 7-8-5 2-9-15 6-5-12 3-4-8 5-11-8 7-8-0 0-0 4.00 FIT 5x8 11 Scale = 1:59.8 13 12 Sx12 = 2x3 11 3x6 = 3x12 =I 2.00 12 I 10-6-4 9-10-4 5-11-8 7-8-0 Plate Offsets (XY)-- [2:0-1-15 Edge] [4:0-3-0,Edge], [10:0-0-6,Edge] LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/dell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.85 Vert(LL) 0.76 14 >539 360 MT20 244/190 7.0 Lumber . . e() 1.18 13-14 >344 240TCDL MT18HS 244/190 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.60 Horz(CT) 0.36 10 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017lfP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 155 lb FT = 0% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 1-7-8 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x' 4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-9-12 oc bracing. WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 *Except` WEBS 1 Row at midpt 6-14 6.14: 2x4 SP M 30 OTHERS 2x4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (16/size) 2=1312/0-8-0, 10=1312/0-8-0 Max Harz 2=-179(LC 8) Max Uplift 2= 803(LC 10), 10_ 803(LC 10) FORCES. (Ib) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-5529/3776, 3-5= 5164/3538, 5-6=-5209/3667, 6-7= 2424/1902, 7-9= 2462/1813, .9-10— 3195/2210 BOT CHORD 22 14=-3466/5266, 13-14= 1305/2115, 12-13= 1948/2995, 10-12=-1948/2995 WEBS 3-14=-355/314, 5-14=-293/354, 6-14=-2175/3326, 6-13=-279/534, 7-13=-237/277, 9-13=-786/560, 9-12=0/269 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7110; VUIt=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14ft; B=52ft; L=34ft; eave=6ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl.!, GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 2-4-13, Interior(1) 2-4-13 to 13-7-3, Exterior(2) 13-7-3 to 17-0-0, Interior(1) 20-6-4 to 31-7-3 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.601 3) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit betwe0!the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Bearing at Joint(s) 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=803, 10=80ZI. Thomas A, Albani PE No.39380 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cart 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 ® WARNING- Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEKREFERANCE PAGE MIF7473 rev. 10/032015 BEFORE USE, Design valid foj, use only with MITeW connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual building component, not a truss system. fiefore use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building deslggl Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing p/1 ek' IYIi lT Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, sto�age, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314, - Tampa, FL 33610 Job I, Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302392 M11323 A6 SPECIAL 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Chambers Truss, Inc., Fort Pierce, FL 8.130 s Sep 15 2017 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Feb 21 14:19:55 2018 Page 1 ID:2GIScwwyY5hnGhXVARzUkuyuFUM-fh_3?olieYtUEbdENA1 gfd4?AftlOQoo_LnB6gziuKl 1-0-Q 8-11-11 16-0-0 18-0-0 , 20-4-8 , 25-11-15 _, 34-0-0 35-0-Q OO 8-11-11 7-0-5 2-0-0 2-4-8 5-7-7 B-0-1 i-0-0' Scale=1:61.9 4.00 12 6x8 — 5x6 = 1 6 3x121 = 2.00 12 5x6 = 2x3 11 3x6 = 10-6-4 15-0-0 6-0- 20-4-8 2%11-15 34-0-0 10-6-4 4-5-12 0- 4-4-8 5-7-7 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-- [2:0-1-15,Edge], [3:0-3-0,Edge), [5:0-4-0,0-2-3], [7:0-2-7,Edge], [9:0-0-6,Edge] LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.81 Vert(LL) 0.69 14 >590 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.93 Vert(CT) -0.92 14-17 >443 240 MT18HS 244/190 BCLL 0.0, Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.86 Horz(CT) 0.34 9 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 157lb FT=O% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD ?iX4 SP M 30 'Except' TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc puriins. 3,5,6-7: 2x4 SP M 31 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 2-2-0 oc bracing. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 WEBS 2z4 SP No.3 *Except* 51,14: 2x4 SP M 30 OTHERS N4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=1312/0-8-0, 9=1312/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=-169(LC 8) Max Uplift 2=-803(LC 10), 9=-803(LC 10) FORCES. (lb) -I IMax. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 12-4=-5491/3336, 4-5=-5095/3071, 5-6=-2314/1551, 6-8=-2398/1533, 8-9=-3199/1981 BOT CHORD 1'I2-14=-3040/5224, 13-14=-1195/2361, 12-13=-1123/2199, 11-12=-1731/3001, 12 i9-11 =-1 731/3001 WEBS 4-14=-492/513, 5-14=-1707/2959, 5-13=-405/196, 6-13=-179/522, 8-12=893/660, 8-11=0/303 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14ft; B=52ft; L=34ft; eave=6fh Cat. II; Exp C; Encl, GCpl=0.18; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 2-4-13, Interior(1) 2-4-13 to 31-7-3, Exterior(2) 31-7-3 to 35-0-0 zone;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss has Ibeen designed fora 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) - This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Bearing at joints) 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=803, 9=803.. Thomas A. Aibani PE No.39360 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cart 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 WARMING - Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE M11-7473 rev. 10103/2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MiTek® connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual building component, not a truss syslem.IBefore use, the building designer must verify the appllcablllty of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building deslgq Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type City Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302393 M11323 A7 SPECIAL 1 1 Job Reference (optional) t;hambers i russ, inc., tort Pierce, l-L 8.13u s aep 1b xut t Mi I ek Industries, inc. Wed Feb n i vn a:ob zui s Page i I D:W SJgpGwal Ppeur6hk9UjG5yuFUL-7tYRC7J LPsOLrICQxuZvBrcAj3DQIsZxD? W ieGziuKH 1-0-Q li 8-10-10 14-0-0 20-0-0 25-11-15 34-0-0 $5-0-Q 0-0 8-10-10 5-1-6 6-0-0 5-11-15 8-0-1 0- Scale=1:60.8 1 5x6 = 5x6 = ennFT—q 4 5 6 to 9 ! Sx12 = 2x3 11 3x6 = 3x12 =I 2.00 rl2 I 10-6-4 3-5-12 Ic? I 0 LOADING (psf) ;I SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 I� Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.83 Vert(LL) 0.66 11 >616 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 1 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.90 Vert(CT) -1.10 10-11 >369 240 MT18HS 244/190 BCLL 0.0 fi Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.95 Horz(CT) 0.34 7 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 147 lb FT = 0% LUMBER- II TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD 2z4 SP M 30 WEBS 2X4 SP No.3'Except' 4,111: 2X4 SP M 30 BRACING - TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc pudins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-0-2 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 2=1312/0-8-0, 7=131.2/0-8-0 lax Harz 2=-149(LC 8) Nlax Uplift 2= 803(LC 10), 7=-803(LC 10) FORCES. (lb) Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD �2-3=-5484/3370, 3-4=-5116/3126, 4-5=-2229/1544, 5-6= 2448/1599, 6-7=-3169/1993 BOT CHORD 2-11=-3071/5219, 10-11=-1590/2874, 9-10=-1738/2968, 7-9=-1738/2968 WEBS D-11=-419/443, 4-11=-1466/2647, 4-10= 812/448, 5-10=-205/487, 6-10=-785/575, NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7110; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14ft; B=52ft; L=34ft eave=6fF Cat. II; Exp C; Enc(:, GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 2-4-13, Interior(1) 2-4-13 to 31-7-3, Exterior(2) 31-7-3 to 35-0-0 zone fC-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are N1T20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss hasl been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) ' This truss h�.s been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Bearing at joinir(s) 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=80317=803;, Thomas A. Albani PE No.39380 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6604 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 ® WARNING - tJerify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED M/TEK REFERAMCE PAGE MIP7473 rev. 1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for! use only with MiTek® connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual building component, not a truss system. Before use, The building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building desig4Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek° Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storpge, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type City Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302394 M11323 A8 SPECIAL 1 1 Job Reference (optional) unamners i russ, mc., ran r-rerce, rL 11-0-0 II 8-8-4 �1 6 4.00 12 5x6 = 3x4 = 4 21 5 I D: W SJgpGwal Ppeur6hk9UjG5yuFU L-b36pQTKzAA8CTvncVb48k29LBTZg UMw5SfGFAiziuKG L-4-8 22.0.0 , 24-8-12 , 34.0.0 4-8-4 1-7-8 2-8-12 9-3-4 1-0- 2x3 11 5xB = 6 22 7 12 11 5x12 = 3x4 = 4x5 = 3x12 2.00 F12 10-6-4 Scale=1:60.6 0 iD Im 6 C6 In v LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/dell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.78 Vert(LL) 0.65 12-13 >624 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.90 Vert(CT) -1.08 12-13 >379 240 MT18HS 244/190 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress ]nor YES WB 0.69 Horz(CT) 0.33 9 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/rP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 154 lb FT = 0 LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2z4 SP M 30 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-2-0 oc pudins. BOT CHORD 2X4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 3-11-11 oc bracing. WEBS 2zII4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 2=1312/0-8-0, 9=1312/0-8-0 Max Harz 2=-129(LC 8) Max Uplift 2= 803(LC 10), 9=-803(LC 10) FORCES. (Ib) -,Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-5488/3444, 3-4=-5117/3183, 4-5= 3911/2497, 5-6=-2576/1770, 6-7=-2586/1779, 7-8=-2663/1762, 8-9= 3021/1971 / BOT CHORD 2-13— 3143/5224, 12-13=-1956/3292, 11-12= 1369/2481, 9-11=-1705/2827 WEBS 13-13=-396/420, 4-13=-1028/1721, 5-13=-300/797, 5-12=-894/601, 6-12=-265/263, i7-12=-294/391, 7-11=-374/69118-11=-535/502 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7 10; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14ft B=52ft; L=34fh eave=6ft Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 2-4-13, Interior(1) 2-4-13 to 31-7-3, Exterior(2) 31-7-3 to 35-0-0 zoneC-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are �IT20 plates unless otherwise Indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pal bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between'the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Bearing at joini(s) 2 considers parallel to grain value using ANSI/TPI 1 angle to grain formula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surface. 8) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=803, 9=803. Thomas A. Alban! PE No.39330 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 © WARNING -'Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MD'EKREFERANCE PAGE MI1-7473 rev. 10/03/2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid f6"use only with MiTek® connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual building component, not � a truss system.fore use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design�. Bracing Indicated is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek" Is always requ(red for stability and to prevent collapse with posslble personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. Tampa, FL 3361 D Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302395 M11323 ill A9 HIP 1 • 1 II Job Reference (optional) tmamoers truss, Inc., r-on rlerce, r-L I� 1-0- 6-7-15 10-0-0 0-0 6-7-15 3-4-1 4x4 = 4.00 12 4 O. I—.O V, D— 1 I,v,,, cn lll�umuoa, un.. rrv��cv ci iT.�a.,v cv �v'.. ' ID:_etC1cxC3ixVV?huls?ypJyuFUK-3FgBdpKbwTG353Mp3JbNGGidcs?ZDm3EgJ j8ziuKF 14 20-4-0 24-0-0 27-4-1 34-0-0 35-0.0 14 5-1-2 3-8-0 3-4-1 6-7-15 1-0-0 Scale = 1:58.6 3x4 = 2x3 4x8 = 24 525 26 6 27 7 N r m 0 0 Ira 6 15 14 13 12 11 3x5 = 3x8 = 3x6 = 6x8 = 3x6 = 3x4 = 3x5 i� I' II 10-0-0 20-4-0 24-0.0 34-0-0 10-0-0 10-4-0 3-8.0 10-0-0 Plate Offsets (X Y)-- 12:0-0-14 Edge] [7.0-5-4 0-2-0][9:0-3-14 0-1-8] I LOADING (psf) j SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/deft Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.35 Vert(LL) -0.18 11-21 >917 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.54 Vert(CT) -0.38 11-21 >432 240 BCLL 0.0 f Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.89 Horz(CT) 0.02 13 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MS Weight: 156 lb FT = 0% LUMBER- I BRACING - TOP CHORD W SP M 30 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2z4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD WEBS 2z4 SP No.3 i I REACTIONS. (lb/size) 2=663/0-8-0, 9=346/0-8-0, 13=161610-8-0 Max Harz 2=109(LC 9) Max Uplift 2=-430(LC 10), 9=-249(LC 10), 13=-928(LC 10) Max Grav 2=685(LC 19), 9=386(LC 20), 13=1616(LC 1) FORCES. (Ib) 11 Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1275/1025, 3-4=-913/708, 4-5=-829/705, 5-6=-565/807, 6-7=-565/807, 4-8= 104/278, 8-9=-341/235 BOT CHORD 2-15= 836/1187, 13-15= 34/309, 11-13=-256/348, 9-11 =-1 24/304 WEBS �I3-15=-425/501, 5-15=-444/665, 5-13=-1215/1079, 6-13=-264/300, 7-11=-255/396, 18-1 1 =-461/521, 7-13=-837f703 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 5-11-9 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14ft; B=52ft; L=34ft; eave=6ft Cat. 11; Exp C; Erick, GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 2-4-13, Interior(1) 2-4-13 to 5-2-5, Exterior(2) 5-2-5 to 10-0-0, Interio�(1) 14-9-11 to 19-2-5, Exterior(2) 24-0-0 to 35-0-0 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) This truss hasri been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 5) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 6) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 100 lb uplift at Joint(s) except Qt=lb) 2=430, 9=249! 13=928. I' Thomas A. Albani PE No.39380 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 8904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 ® WARNING - Verily design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEKREFERANCE PAGE M11-7473 rev. 10/03M15 BEFORE USE. Design valid f' Ir use only with MiTek® connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an Individual building component, not �° a truss syslem.IBefore use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing M!Tek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and properly damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch � T13302396 M11323 I' GRA HIP 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Chambers Truss, Inc., Fort Pierce, FL 8.130 s Sep 1 b 2ul / MI I eK mausines, Inc. vvea f-eD 21 14:1 `.l:b`J zui a rage 1 I D:_etC l cxC3ixVV?huls?ypJyuFU K-XSEZg9LDhnOwi Dx?cO6cpTEfaGKGyBpOvzlMFbziuKE T1-0-q 8-0-0 11-1-1 17-0-0 18-6-0, 22-2-2 26-0-0i 34-0-0 $5-0-0 1-0- 8-0-0 3-1-1 5-10=15 1-6-0 3-8-2 3-9-14 8-0-0 i-0-0' rIt 6 TOP CHORD MUST BE BRACED BY END JACKS, PROOF DIAPHRAGM, OR PROPERLY CONNECTED PURLINS AS SPECIFIED. Scale = 1:60.6 3x6 11 3x6 = 6x8 = 3x6 = 6x8 = 4x4 = 6x8 = 7-4-15 7-6-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.91 Vert(LL) 0.20 24-35 >914 360 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.57 Vert(CT) -0.24 29-32 >552 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.98 Horz(CT) 0.02 22 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0. Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MS 8-0-0 PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 194 lb FT = 0 LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-2-5 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2z4 SP M 30 Except: WEBS 2z4 SP No.3 1 Row at midpt 8-21 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 oc bracing. JOINTS 1 Brace at Jt(s): 7, 8, 19, 17, 14 REACTIONS. ;All bearings 0-8-0. (lb) - Max Harz 2=-179(LC 6) Max Uplift All uplift 100 lb or less at joints) except 2= 351(LC 8), 27=-1168(LC 8), 26=-1495(LC 8), 22=-625(LC 8) Max Grav All reactions 250 lb or less at joint(s) except 2=487(LC 17), 27=2232(LC 13), 26=2929(LC 14), 1 22=984(LC 14) FORCES. (lb) -Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 12-3=-621/387, 3-5=-304/838, 5-7_ 588/1209, 7-8= 588/1209, 8-12=-588/1209, 112-13=-588/1209, 13-15= 588/1209, 15-16=-588/1209, 16-18= 588/1209, ;18-20= 2230/1280, 20-21= 2230/1280, 21-22= 2271/1263, 6-9_ 126/305, 9-11= 106/363, 11-14=-193/412, 14-17=-94/271, 19-21=-143/272 BOT CHORD I2-29=-247/677, 27-29=-189/540, 26-27= 779/446, 24-26= 411/653, 22-24=-1083/2108 WEBS 3-29=-500/l l76, 3-27=-1766/9l 1, 5-27= 748/622, 5-26=-546/351, 13-26=-946/617, 116-26=-2412/1474, 18-24= 846/1780, 21-24=-35/351, 4-5= 608/514, 19-20=-335/305, j14-15=-556/407, 11-12=-254/54 NOTES- ' 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14ft B=52ft; L=34fh eave=6ft Cat. II; Exp C; Enci, GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (directional); Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are 2x3 MT20 unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss hail been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 351 lb uplift at joint 2, 1168 lb uplift at joint 27, 1495; )b uplift at joint 26 and 625 lb uplift at joint 22. 8) Girder carries hip end with 8-0-0 end setback. 9) Graphical puffin representation does not depict the size or the orientation of the puffin along the top and/or bottom chord. 10) Hanger(s) o� other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 967 lb down and 461 lb up at 26-0-0, and 967 lb down and 461 lb up at 8-0-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibifit} of others. 11) In the LOAD ICASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). 6 Thomas A. Albani PE No.39380 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cart 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 A WARNING - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED M?EK REFERANCE PAGE M11-7473 rev. 1=12015 BEFORE USE. Design valid fpr use only with MITek® connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an Individual building component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall � building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing is always requited for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the MiTek fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and muss systems, seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Inlormgtlon available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302396 M11323 GRA HIP 1 1 Job Reference (optional) t:namDers I fuss, Inc., tort tierce, rL a. I,3u 5 oep 10 zD r r rva i en uruuauraa, mc. vveu — z 1 1ti. 1 a.ua cv i D rayo c ID:_etCI cxC3ixVV?huls?ypJyuFUK-XSEZg9LDhnOwiDx?c06cpTEfaGKGyBpOvzlMFbziuKE LOAD CASE(S) iStandard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Load i(plf) Vert: �''-3= 54, 21-23=-54, 29-30=-20, 24-29=-47(F= 27), 24-33=-20, 3-11=-126(F=-72), 11-21=-126(F=-72) Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 29=-641(F) 24=-641(F) ® WARNING,' Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE Mll-7473 rev, 10/03/2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid fpr use only with MiTek® connectors, This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an individual building component, not �� a truss system I Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall bullding design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporaryand permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety InformaJlon available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302397 M11323 GRB HIP 1 1 Job Reference (optional) ,Chambers I russ, inc., Fort Fierce, FL a.i au s Sep 15 zu 17 rvu I er, rrurusuies, Inc. Wed reu 4 i 1 Y.40.01 LV 13 Faye I ID:SrRaEyyrgO4M78G4raW BLWyuFUJ-TgMKFrNTDOedyW4NkR84uuK1 w4_?Q6XhNGETJTziuKC r1-0-q �i 8-0-0 13-8-0 17-0-0 20-4-0 26-0.0 34-0-0 $5-0-Q 11-0-0 B-0-0 5-8-0 3-4-0 5-8-0 8-0-0 1-0-0 Scale=1:58.6 �1 6 5x8 MT18HS = 4x10 = 5x8 MTi BHS = 4.00 12 2x3 11 4x6 = 2x3 11 3 23 4 5 6 7 24 8 I 14 4x6 — 3x6 11 5x6 = 6x12 6x12 5x6 = 3x6 11 4x6 — 8-0-0 15-8-0 6.8.0 5-8-0 Plate Offsets (X,Y)-- f3:0-5-4,0-2-81, [5:0-3-O,Edgel, f8:0-5-4,0-2-81 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/dell Ud TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.80 Vert(LL) 0.22 16-19 >999 360 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.68 Vert(CT) -0.30 16-19 >820 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.90 Horz(CT) 0.06 9 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 1 Code FBC2017lfP12014 Matrix -MS LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2z4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD WEBS 2x4 SP No.3 `Except` WEBS 4'14,7-13: 2x6 SP No.2 REACTIONS. Sib/size) 2=1269/0-8-0, 13=4057/0-8-0, 9=474/0-8-0 Max Horz 2=90(LC 7) Max Uplift 2=-853(LC 8), 13=-2590(LC 8), 9=-345(LC 8) Max Gram 2=1451(LC 13), 13=4743(LC 15), 9=528(LC 14) PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 MT18HS 244/190 Weight: 153 lb FT = 0 Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 3-1-14 oc purlins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 5-3-14 oc bracing. 1 Row at midpt 3-14, 8-13, 6-13 FORCES. (lb) - ,Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-3625/1950, 3-4=-2080/1236, 4-6=-2080/1236, 6-7= 1296/2689, 7-8_ 1296/2589, 8-9=-751/370 BOT CHORD 12-16=-1729/3460, 14-16= 1753/3525, 11-13=-262/733, 9-11= 241/668 WEBS 3-16=-435/1209, 3-14= 1552l774, 4-14=-837/691, 7-13=-878/713, 8-13=-3635/1919, 8-11=-432/1204, 6-14— 1453/2814, 6-13— 3198/1807 NOTES- 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.opsf; h=14ft; B=52ft; L=34f; eave=6ft Cat. II; Exp C; Encl , GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (directional); Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are MT20 plates unless otherwise Indicated. 5) This truss has;been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 6) ' This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit betweerj the bottom chord and any other members. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 853 lb uplift at joint 2, 2590 lb uplift at joint 13 and 345 lb uplift at joint 9. 8) Girder carries) hip end with 8-0-0 end setback. 9) Hanger(s) or other connection device(s) shall be provided sufficient to support concentrated load(s) 967lb down and 461 lb up at 26-0-0, and 967 lb down'and 461 lb up at 8-0-0 on bottom chord. The design/selection of such connection device(s) is the responsibility of others. 10) In the LOAD ;CASE(S) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S),'Standard 1) Dead + Roof Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert:1-3=-54,3-8=-131(F— 77),8-10=-54, 16-17=-20,11-16=-49(F=-29),11-20= 20 Thomas A. Albani PE No.39380 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: Gohri rnnr 91 Dili R ® WARNING -1 Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MI1-7473 rev. f0M2015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITekO connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual building component not a truss system) Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckiing of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with posslble personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314, Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302397 M11323 GRB HIP 1 1 Job Reference (optional) tinamoers i russ,iinc., Fort Fierce, FL I LOAD CASES). Standard Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: 116— 641(F) 11=-641(F) a.i 6u s oep 1 o zul r IVil I eK muusines, Inv. Yveu rev e 1 I'4:zu:u I Gu I o raye c I D:SrRaEyyrg04M78G4raW BLW yuFUJ-TqM KFrNTDOedyW 4N kRB4uuK1 w4_?Q6XhNGETJTziuKC A WARNING -,Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MI1-7473 rev. 1010312015 BEFORE USE. Design valid tQQ� r use only wlfh Mi1ek® connectors. ]his design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual building component, not �° a truss system Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTe k' Is always requited for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria, VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302398 M11323 1 J2 MONO TRUSS 8 1 1 Job Reference (optional) Chambers Truss, Inc., j i Fort Pierce, FL 8.130 s Sep 15 2017 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Feb 21 14:20:01 2018 Page 1 ID:x1?zSlzTbJCDIIrGPH1 QukyuFUI-TgMKFrNTDOedyW4NkR84uuKBb47aQKfhNGETJTziuKC 1-0-0 3x4 = Scale = 1:7.8 I 2-0-0 i LOADING (psf) 'j SPACING- 2-0-0 CS1. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.18 Vert(LL) -0.00 7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.07 Vert(CT) -0.00 7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 8 lb FT = 0% LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2z4 SP No.3 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 2-0-0 oc puffins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=38/Mechanical, 2=141/0-8-0, 4=22/Mechanical Max Horz 2=67(LC 10) Max Uplift 3=-28(LC 10), 2=-136(LC 10), 4=-3(LC 7) Max Grav 3=39(LC 15), 2=141(LC 1), 4=31(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) -,Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; VUlt=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14ft; 13=5211; L=34ft; eave=6ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl,, GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2) zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumb6Ii DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss hasl been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ` This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 28 lb uplift at joint 3, 136 lb uplift at joint 2 and 3 lb uplift at joint 4. i I Thomas A. Albani PE No.39380 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 A WARNING - rerlfy design parameter and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEK REFERANCE PAGE MII-7473 rev. 1010312016 BEFORE USE. Design valid fqq( use only with MITek® connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an Individual building component, not a truss system.lBefore use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parametersand properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design; Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek" Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and properly damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information avalloble from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandra, VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 1 Job Truss Truss Type city Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch 11 T13302399 M11323 J4 MONO TRUSS 8 1 Job Reference (optional) -chambers I russ, Inc., tort Fierce, tL 3x4 = 8.130 s Sep 15 2017 MI I eK Industries, Inc. wed teb 21 14:20:02 2018 Page 1 ID:PDYLfd_5MdK4MSQTz?ZfP,xyuFUH-yt wiTBN5_imUZgfal8fJR6sl_UP79nvgbwzOswziuKB 4-0-0 4-0-0 Scale = 1:11.1 4-0-0 4-0-0 i LOADING (psf) ij SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. In (loc) Well L/d PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.39 Vert(LL) 0.02 4-7 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.37 Vert(CT) -0.02 4-7 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 I;' Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 ,! Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MP Weight: 14 lb FT = 0% LUMBER- ,i BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2�4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD REACTIONS. (lb/size) 3=90/Mechanical, 2=207/0.8-0, 4=50/Mechanical Max Horz 2=104(LC 10) Max Uplift 3=-80(LC 10), 2— 161(LC 10), 4= 7(LC 10) Max Grav 3=90(LC 1), 2=207(LC 1), 4=69(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) -,, Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 4-0-0 oc pudins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14fh B=52ft; L=34ft; eave=6ft Cat. 11; Exp C; End, GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2) zone;C-C for members and forces & MW FRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ` This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.0psf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girdei (s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 80 lb uplift at joint 3, 161 lb uplift at joint 2 and 7 lb uplift at joint 4. Thomas A. Albani PE No.39380 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 0904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: Fahritary 91 9(list I . - Q WARNING -Verity design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED M?EKREFERANCE PAGE MIF7473 rev. 10/032015 BEFORE USE. Design valid for use only with MITek® connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is for an Individual building component, not �° a truss syslem�.IBefore use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek° Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type Qty Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302400 M11323 I' J6 MONO TRUSS Job Reference (optional) Chambers Truss, Inc., Fort Pierce, FL 8.130 s Sep 15 2017 MI I eK Industries, Inc. wea 1--el) 21 14:2U:UJ 2U1 a rage i I D:tP6jtz—j7xSx_c_fXi4uz9yuFUG-QDT4gXOkl OuLBgEmrsBYzJPU Dtd4uE9zgajZOMziuKA -1-0-0 6-0-0 6-0-0 Scale = 1:14.6 3x4 = 6-0-0 LOADING (psi) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/dell Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.36 Vert(LL) 0.11 4-7 >629 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 ,i Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.83 Vert(CT) -0.12 4-7 >617 240 BCLL 0.0 " Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TPI2014 Matrix -MP Weight: 20lb FT=O% LUMBER- �� BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2x4 SP No.3 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS. (,Ip/size) 3=145/Mechanical, 2=279/0-8-0, 4=71/Mechanical Max Harz 2=142(LC 10) Max Uplift 3=-131(LC 10), 2= 194(LC 10), 4=-8(LC 10) Max Grav 3=145(LC 1), 2=279(LC 1), 4=102(LC 3) FORCES. (lb) - Max. Comp./Max. Ten. - All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. NOTES- ! 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14ft; B=52ft; L=34ft; eave=6ft; Cat. II; Exp C; Encl;, GCpi=0.18; MWFRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2) zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss haslbeen designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) . This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girde��(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 131 lb uplift at joint 3, 194 lb uplift at joint 2 and 8 lb uplift at joint 4. Thomas A. Albani PE No.39360 Mi7ek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 A WARNING - Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEKREFERANCE PAGE MI1-7473 rev, 10/03/2015 BEFORE USE � Design valid f' r use only with MITek®connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual building component not a truss systemBefore use, the building designer must verify the applicabfllty of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek' Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANsl/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and SCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Informaron available from Truss Plate instihite, 218 N. Lee. Street, Suite 312. Alexandria. VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type city Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302401 M11323 J8 MONO TRUSS 20' 1 Job Reference (optional) tinamuers Iruss,,nc., run rreree, rL -1-0-0 8-0-0 3x4 O. I JV S Jtlp I V GV I ! IVII I tlIY IIIUUJII ICO, II IV. YY CU I cu G I I t.cV.ut �v , V I nyc , LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) I/defl Ud TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.62 Vert(LL) 0.26 4-7 >367 360 TCDL 7.0 1 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.38 Vert(CT) -0.30 4-7 >319 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stresslncr YES WB 0.00 Horz(CT) -0.00 3 n/a n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MP LUMBER- BRACING - TOP CHORD 2,c4 SP M 30 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2X4 SP M 31 BOT CHORD REACTIONS. (Ib/size) 3=188/Mechanical, 2=352/0-8-0, 4=103/Mechanical ivlax Harz 2=180(LC 10) Max Uplift 3=-175(LC 10), 2=-228(LC 10), 4=-15(LC 10) Max Grav 3=188(LC 1), 2=352(LC 1), 4=145(LC 3) FORCES. (Ib) -,Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown Scale = 1:17.4 PLATES GRIP MT20 244/190 Weight: 26 lb FT = 0% Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc pudins. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. NOTES- I 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14fh B=52ft L=34ft; eave=6ft Cat. 11; Exp C; Encl", GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (directional) and C-C Exterior(2) -1-0-0 to 2-4-13, Interior(1) 2-4-13 to 3-1-13, Exterior(2) 3-1-13 to 7-11-8 zone;C-C for members and forces & MWFRS for reactions shown; Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) . This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.Opsf on the bottom chord In all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between' the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mechcanjcal connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 175 lb uplift at joint 3, 228 lb uplift at joint 2 and 15' ib uplift at joint 4. I Thomas A. Albani PE No.39380 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6904 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: February 21,2018 A WARNING - IVerify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED M1TEK REFERANCE PAGE 11,111-7473 rev. 10103,2015 BEFORE USE. ° Design valid fqr use only with MITek® connectors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual building component, not a truss system., Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent bracing MiTek Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI1 Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information avallable from Truss Plate Institute, 21811. Lee Street, Suite 312, Alexandria. VA 22314, Tampa, FL 33610 Job Truss Truss Type city Ply 62' Grand Carlton III with porch T13302402 M11323 KJ8 MONO TRUSS 4 ' 1 II Job Reference (optional) *Chambers Truss, Inc., Fort Pierce, FL 7-3-4 8.130 s Sep 15 2017 MiTek Industries, Inc. Wed Feb 21 14:20:05 2018 Page 1 I D: Lcg54J?LuEancmZr4Qb7 W MyuFU F-Mcbr5CQ_Hd83Q809zHD02kUrohRsM 1 VGHuCgSEziuK8 3-11-12 Scale = 1:20.3 3x4 = �V 5 1 3x4 = 7-3-4 11-3-0 7-3-4 3-11-12 LOADING (psf) SPACING- 2-0-0 CSI. DEFL. in (loc) Well Ud PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plate Grip DOL 1.25 TC 0.29 Vert(LL) 0.07 7-10 >999 360 MT20 244/190 TCDL 7.0 Lumber DOL 1.25 BC 0.30 Vert(CT) -0.12 7-10 >999 240 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.46 Horz(CT) 0.02 6 n/a n/a BCDL 10.01' Code FBC2017/TP12014 Matrix -MS Weight: 44lb FT=0% LUMBER- i! BRACING - TOP CHORD 2x4 SP M 30 TOP CHORD Structural wood sheathing directly applied or 6-0-0 oc pudins. BOT CHORD x4 SP M 30 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-9-6 oc bracing. WEBS 2X4 SP No.3 REACTIONS. lb/size) 4=201/Mechanical, 2=466/0-11-5, 6=576/Mechanical Max Horz 2=244(LC 8) Max Uplift 4=-205(LC 8), 2= 305(LC 8), 6=-286(LC 8) Max Grav 4=245(LC 13), 2=466(LC 1), 6=590(LC 13) FORCES, (Ib) :� Max. Comp./Max. Ten. -All forces 250 (lb) or less except when shown. TOP CHORD 2-3=-1151/523 BOT CHORD 2-7=-687/1126, 6-7=-687/1126 WEBS 13-7=0/330, 3-6=-1236/755 NOTES- 1) Wind: ASCE 7-10; Vult=165mph (3-second gust) Vasd=128mph; TCDL=4.2psf; BCDL=3.Opsf; h=14ft; B=52fh L=34ft; eave=6fh Cat. II; Exp C; Encl., GCpi=0.18; MW FRS (directional); Lumber DOL=1.60 plate grip DOL=1.60 2) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads. 3) ` This truss has been designed for a live load of 20.opsf on the bottom chord in all areas where a rectangle 3-6-0 tall by 2-0-0 wide will fit between the bottom chord and any other members. 4) Refer to girder(s) for truss to truss connections. 5) Provide mecf)anical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 205 lb uplift at joint 4, 305 lb uplift at joint 2 and 286 lb uplift at joint 6. 6) In the LOAD CASES) section, loads applied to the face of the truss are noted as front (F) or back (B). LOAD CASE(S)' Standard 1) Dead + Rootl'Live (balanced): Lumber Increase=1.25, Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: , 1-2=-54 Trapezoidal Loads (plf) Ver62=0(F=27, B=27)-to-4=-152(F=-49, 13=49), 8=0(F=10, B=10)-to-5=-56(F=-18, B=-18) Thomas A. Alban! PE No.39380 MiTek USA, Inc. FL Cert 6634 6604 Parke East Blvd. Tampa FL 33610 Date: Pahrr ianr 91 9r11 R ® WARNING.', Verify design parameters and READ NOTES ON THIS AND INCLUDED MITEKREFERANCE PAGE M11-7473 rev. 1010312015 BEFORE USE Design validi(or use only with MITek® connectors. This design Is based only upon parameters shown, and Is for an Individual [wilding component, not a truss system. Before use, the building designer must verify the applicability of design parameters and properly Incorporate this design Into the overall building design. Bracing Indicated Is to prevent buckling of Individual truss web and/or chord members only. Additional temporary and permanent braying MiTek* Is always required for stability and to prevent collapse with possible personal Injury and property damage. For general guidance regarding the fabrication, storage, delivery, erection and bracing of trusses and truss systems, seeANSI/TPI I Quality Criteria, DSB-89 and BCSI Building Component 6904 Parke East Blvd. Safety Information available from Truss Plate Institute, 218 N. Lee Street, Suite 312. Alexandria, VA 22314. Tampa, FL 33610 Symbols Numbering System A General Safety Notes PLATE LOCATION AND ORIENTATION 3/4' Center plate on joint unless x, y offsets are indicated. Dimensions are in ff-in-sixteenths. Apply plates to both sides of truss and fully embed teeth. 0'1/idr - -I- For 4 x 2 orientation, locate plates 0-1n6" from outside edge of truss. This symbol indicates the required direction of slots in connector plates. "Plate location details available in MiTel( 20/20 software or upon request. PLATE SIZE The first dimension is the plate 4 x 4 width measured perpendicular to slots. Second dimension is the length parallel to slots. LATERAL BRACING LOCATION Indicated by symbol shown and/or by text in the bracing section of the output, Use T or I bracing if indicated. BEARING Indicates location where bearings (supports) occur. Icons vary but reaction section indicates joint number where bearings occur, Min size shown is for crushing only. Industry Standards: ANSI/TPI1-: National Design Specification for Metal Plate Connected -Wood Truss Construction. DSB-89: Design Standard for Bracing. BCSI: Building Component Safety Information, Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. 6-4-8 dimensions shown in ff-in-sixteenths (Drawings not to scale) 2 3 TOP CHORDS 8 7 6 5 JOINTS ARE GENERALLY NUMBERED/LETTERED CLOCKWISE AROUND THE TRUSS STARTING AT THE JOINT FARTHEST TO THE LEFT. CHORDS AND WEBS ARE IDENTIFIED BY END JOINT NUMBERS/LETTERS. PRODUCT CODE APPROVALS ICC-ES Reports: ESR-1311, ESR-1352, ESR1988 ER-3907, ESR-2362, ESR-1397, ESR-3282 Trusses are designed for wind loads in the plane of the truss unless otherwise shown. Lumber design values are in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 section 6.3 These truss designs rely on lumber values established by others. © 2012 MiTek® All Rights Reserved M i T � MITek Engineering Reference Sheet: MII-7473 rev. 10/03/2015 Failure to Follow Could Cause Property Damage or Personal Injury 1. Additional stability bracing for truss system, e.g, diagonal or X-bracing, is always required. See BCSI. 2. Truss bracing must be designed by an engineer. For wide truss spacing, individual lateral braces themselves may require bracing, or alternative Tor I bracing should be considered. 3. Never exceed the design loading shown and never stack materials on inadequately braced trusses. 4. Provide copies of this truss design to the building designer, erection supervisor, property owner and all other interested parties. 5. Cut members to bear tightly against each other. 6. Place plates on each face of truss at each joint and embed fully. Knots and wane atjoint locations are regulated by ANSI/TPI 1. 7. Design assumes trusses will be suitably protected from the environment in accord with ANSI/TPI 1. 8. Unless otherwise noted, moisture content of lumber shall not exceed 19% at time of fabrication, 9. Unless expressly noted, this design is not applicable for use with fire retardant preservative treated, or green lumber. 10. Camber is a non-structural consideration and is the responsibility of truss fabricator. General practice is to camber for dead load deflection. 11. Plate type, size, orientation and location dimensions indicated are minimum plating requirements. 12. Lumber used shall be of the species and size, and in all respects, equal to or better than that specified. 13. Top chords must be sheathed or purlins provided at spacing indicated on design. 14. Bottom chords require lateral bracing at 10 ft, spacing, or less, if no ceiling is installed, unless otherwise noted. 15. Connections not shown are the responsibility of others. 16. Do not cut or alter truss member or plate without prior approval of an engineer. 17. Install and load vertically unless Indicated otherwise. 18. Use of green or treated lumber may pose unacceptable environmental, health or performance risks. Consult with project engineer before use. 19. Review all portions of this design (front, back, words and pictures) before use. Reviewing pictures alone is not suffidenf.=- — 20. Design assumes manufacture in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 Quality Criteria.