HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE04-69--'19 11:25 FROM- 7728787656 T-340 P0001/0001 F-534 A P. 's- 7,& <, '19 ecl,- Ile g. .Fa v FaXY72-4191-"�G 6 ANMIJ BY Requett'for 30'-Da.y.,Tek.-nobitiy-Pd*er-..RL;itei&d-ucie County PermitNumber THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUEST RaBkSE OF FLECMICAL POWIR TO THE AJ30VE DESCR3BED PROPERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EKMJ) THIRTY (SO) -DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OFTEST* ING SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A FDAL iNSpEM . ON. IN CX)NSTDtAA170N OFAPPROVAL OF THE VISE HB:MBV ABC NOWL AND AGkEE'fit FOLLOVE. 1, This twWrarY Power r9dese is kueM.d fbr the aboye stated . puMtse only, and tee wM be no elm e,'9therthah . that permned by 4=cy of any Wp, * Construction during this time period. I As wiles by. our sigrOW 4.rWeheW-a"* W abfde by'alf term and conditions of tins agreemeM . . rp, — induclihq Building DIM9jon Pbl!cZ, each, is rotor po m-tW'hikem by rderenm 3. All conditfibns,and requiretnentr, fWM, in the attached deahert errmed -Requirements -for 30 Day Power for TesUng- have been fulfilled and the premise is ready for compliance inspection. 4. All 'requests for an oftWen beyond 30 days M= be: made in wrMm to the EUlding Official staling the reason far the request •Power ,nay be rem. wedftrn the srbe andfbr a Stop Work. Order issued if the Pffmi inspection has not 4etn approvtid wMin 30 days. A fee of $100.00' will be reqidred to lift the StDP Work.Order. WE "I MFM RELEASE AND AGREETO .0 HOLD HA- LESS,, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLQYEES FROM RM ALL LIAgArff - . . S AND CLAIMS -OF ANY TYPE: OF'WURE WMOi MAY ARISE NOW OR IN THE FUTURE OUT OF'h� TRANSACTION, NCLUDIWANY DAAA4,W.4jCPi-MAy BE INCU"RR * E)U, T0 TIME CF t=RkAL Pbw=Rm Tf ik EVENT. OF vidUr abN or- TIC AGREEmw.