HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1782 < ,j " . , ! ' I I ; ,~" '1 I" ' r:' .. ,I: I I , ' ,: I ,I i' ' ,-; \~:: .._,'~~' 't. . =;~'I': ;.'- ", - ' -' 1 i:'-:";~':~"::;', '~~;;':~.'[,!~:...~':::::.<":'~.:~~~,:-j,~:,-.:, ~.;':,: ,.tt'I;::,~L..",",,::l::::t';"'r::/:i~':~'''=:::~'J~~},~:':;.~':';'~~;~l.t:y:,';'::;~.;,..L: :'::....:_:~.-,:. " I l! Ii'.. I,,' I '\' 'I", \, I r ',' ,1, " ' ',' I":'" , "j . ,I: .\ '" \, '.'.' J. ; .1: !. ~he~~lt1, Ill&tnt~on~~~~'!i tl~t t)ley a1'1'1xQ,d., t,h.~1;O,-i!18, 01:r'.t:01al,.ueJ. 01; I 8a1d,'OO\'porut~0~1" Hal:' \' ) 1'\ :\,' ,~,ttlErSl\id)bi~\r\lJnellt~18 th~\aotll.\nd,\li8ed,bi=;~id.,~Oltl)Ora.t10u. ;;:..~I,' "'1,'1', ',\" ~,_~' , \ ,I \ , \ \" ' I, , I " ,.-- , ',' . I " " '. ',! ' \, 'WIT'I~~S lIly.Jslg~a.t\U'e and Of;flole.l-....sel;lil. at V&'\,o in "tho 90\UltYOf. St. 'lLuo 1e ktq.'st~t-e-ot.H' , \; , ~, ',;" , \ I ' '\" I ' . " '" I' ". \'.. ! ,: I Flor;~da the ~y- anlrJ"-e~rl~a.,~afOr&a~l~~' :-',' \' ~~ I, ' --'.' '.'.'" 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't.m..net ,ro~lld.o~a ',' , , " ' '., ' ',."" ." " '.~, ..',,' , ," ,.', ' '" ~' ;' , ' " " " ',' , o~ ,ao.r_lli lea~" .' ,oo,P~' of,'.1o~ ,~~ ~el'.t. .~~:oh.a" :~.. Mi4 ~u.., of: the-: , p seoonapart ao bal'eb7 asr..,\ofurni.b:~o 1;hep,8t'1;l.lot ~h.. t1ra~' par,,8D'.b.1;~aot' >. . "'. ,', ,"' ' -?-- " , .Of:'nu.,to 1;he, .boye d"O~1b~~ FO~'l't7 8hO:W1l16_ ~ "'ke1;ibl"'Ule.slar~7U " ~. ,.,p,a01;l,Oal Whloh' 1;1.., .haU'DOtexo.e4,\hiJ")',~a,. fl'CID~",aD4 1;~. parU...--ot~h~ .loon4partasreeto: 'aoo.pt _lei 1.... -aooor4fi8 1;olg '!tl'lllS .nd, PI'O'riB1ol1J wi'bin '~1iJ' 4a'.frO~ 'h1i 4a'. and' to' aU. U4 paJ. ,1;~" 'fi~8t an~ lit.'aillllent ot 'tli. , . c, , ~ . . . -' , .. '. ,- _ ' . ',lo''- .' . , " - , . : ' " , ': - -' . '-.', " ~,' '" . . -'. r~nt ,u~on ael1Yft7of alMl.. 'h. aooep'aIX?e Ofl~~,,'.hlOh.l'Wbe on, or betor. .~ , . e1n74a,.~ro. "hi. 4ah~ :It 18 tur1;~I', 1in4er.too4 ~b.at :1;h. POOO.,oO~.f'l'I'.a, '0 , , ' ,.I .,_:':' i . ~ - 'f;., ' il " .' ;'i . " , ,:-. , f.\.. " 'I . I ~ ", ..- ...' , < '- 'j 'I. " , m'J ,', , t\ v' ' .: ~ .... " if ,/ , J I I" < " " '1 /! ' I' I, I' I,' .:,.157'1,1 I . " "'- 'I" '~. .. J: / . I [ , I f ~'~' j, " ,,; , .',' , , " I \' " " \", ,,: ' \' P..C..Sl.dJ..ed~ Chl'~ C1~c~t 001U'~. I.: , .,', '; " .1., ;. ,'\ , ',\'\:~ Ct .Gt":>e~~i-.. " "~Y ,~~~/ik-e_D.C'~ .' ~ \. -.,', -,';: " Q ~ i. t , ~ .." " [ " I . i ~ , I , , " " aboy, ',i&' to be '~pplh4 '.. Pan pa,..zi1; ~~. ,~ first enllUal lnl\aUment oftihe rent. " it ~I'lIBSS WH~ ,theper1iha. of the .eoona ~ar' he.,.e hereunto ..,. ~hl.I', l)8na..1;hb 29th'., of JUl7, 1926." ' ,... . " , Siped,sealld 'an4a.l1Y'l'd in our pr...no.: , 'l' ,Ial t.1' K. Bosera ,i , .' ~ . t .n~:,o.:D8a.. I HODY CIR'lIlY, 'bat on ~hll4a7 pereonallJ' .p:p.are4b.fore ,.., anott1o.1' du17 'i. av:thorill4 '0 a_~ni~'.roatb. _~ 1ake. aOkl1Owle4peht., JOBlSCJI ,D. ;ADlOBD, ...and hi.wif. , . , , ' , I ' 114, ,a GG, IS ~.1Uf9!lD, :to .' ~:u ~_ ~a bo_ ,'0 b ''',1 th., l,n41Y14", 1. ,o.e'Or'ib',4 111 ~d who ex:- :,.,tfu. ~ /(ll.w~, "wf. .Af.J.<jH<:Jc.-'ttvR.. i..J. , ' "?'l\.C. ~ ~ ~ " ' ~oU('4JA'lie .8M tr.elJf ana 'fOl1ln\arl an4 for ~. pU,rpo... tih~ln .xpl'....4. " - , AID r PU~ OD'lD!, 'fba' .. _14 )uOO~'B L. U)(ORD, mOW1 W _ te be 'h. w~~ ot th, -1.81aJOHlfS~ D~JI.DD. OIl . !"Pafate, ana p"l",:a. 'DIIW1auon~tat.n aD~ ~.. bJ' ,&Dab~iore, .~, ,; '1.~ 11117 .Ja,.-pari' :tz.qm Mr hU8baD4.ai~aOmowd"'. t~, ~ba' .... b.~'~lt a panl io .14 'd..4 tOr 1;M pupo.. ot'r~oV.noiD8, rellnqu1.lWaC aD.oom~8 aU her r18h', title an4 1I1~.I"I\, wh.1;her of aower', -~_.,Ja4 01' of, .para.proper". atat.~~;~'C{\\1,..t.,l~ ,~, .f-:;~'(~",=- "-';'_-.<.~'~l,_,..-:' :";;~;:~~ ">'-""~'__:'~ --';,=~-,_I;c.-~ l ," JiJ'..' Kaa81~ L", .llJlOna (S/UL) Johnson D~ .Uia0Jl4~ '(8W)' , S~~'rIC ()PPI.QIlJ;:QA.M OOUlI'fYO'8T. LUQIB ~ " , , " , , - -''- -"~~--~' --- --:---'----------,'-_--;---0--- .', I , ti;