HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCii JOSEPH FILE # IIli , l� u E. SMITH, .CLERK 0, _.,HE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCI . ;'OUNTY 4450090 OR BOOK 4148 PAGE 89.6, Recorded 06/.22/20,18.1.0:33:5.9 AM PERM17 NUMBER •r RECEIVED SCANNED' 2018 y r,++BY JUL 2 3 ppr'� 1e� • .' �l• �Tt�i•8�,fvei;r(�{r,�t'C�tiAi�!rurdityS.t„A, ST. Lucie Coutity. ad�..,:�,,__ The",undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following informatioa,is provided in the Notice of commencement. 1. DESCRIPTION OF PIROMRly (Legal description and. street address) TAX FOLIO NUMBER-, 414 - 5.01 —1 7L)1-0009 DIVISION T Spani sn SUB y _ �_ SI.bC& TRACT LOT BLDG UNI 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION, OFIMpROVEMENT:. s:Lngle_iamilV residence ' 3.OWNERINFORMATION:• a. Name w�rvAe`gtti3.r3'ng—�i�rfui>rati:Qn b.Addres3 8000 S. USI, Suite. 40:2r p:SL, FL 34952 c:interr-ain.property d. Name and: address of fee"simple titleholder (if other than owaer) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESSANDPHONE NUMBER: _Wynne • Deyeaopment Coj2oration 8000 S. US1, Suite 402", pSL, FL 34952 772,87.8 551 -1 5- SURETY%NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUM 3ER: 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner whom notices or other, documents may be servedas'provided by Section 713.13 (1)(2) 7., Florida Statdtest NAME,ADDRESS,ANDPHONEaYUMBER:Doug Brantley 1 Silver. Oak Dr;. PSL, FL. '201-8418 8. In addition to himself or herself..Owner designates thefotlowingto receive a.copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes: NAME, A77DRE$S AND, PHONE NUMBER-. n� 9. Expiration.date ofnotim of commencement (the"expiration date is I year from the date of recording unless a different data.is rs t . specified) _ ; 20 ¢ x Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's. TitedOfT = v � c� Owner's Authorized Qfiieer/DireetorlPaitner/Manager �' v =r o U-W to=Z C � j cc State of Florida ¢ -_.3 .z r co te a County of .1; t T trc.i..e , W t—.t: The foregoing instrument wassacknowledged before'me this: _day of v 20 By Matthew LVIe Wynne" as_ V I GC RIe' .s Ipi'E�J1G (Name of person) (TypApf authority.. e.g; Owner, officer, trustee, attorney in fact) For Wynne BUil&i ng Carporation (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument :was.;executed) .Personally Known .or"produced: the following type of ID: r DOAQ114V AN 881ASKIN .a,2o7H `L lrJ �RSlCr+J FAY cotaMlSStON si GG 030145 (Printed Name of Notary Public) (Signature of No " Public) 't f EX01FtES.O"etober2.2020 'BoPEed�hNrlo"dtYPubli UMervrtiWs Under penalties. of prrjury, 2 declare that I have read the foregoing,and"tha( the faei es o my cnowiedge and belief (section 92.i25, Florida Statutes). _ Signature(s) of Owners) or.0iiher(s)' Authdrized Officer/Directoe/Partner/Manager who signed above: .By: _ By Rev. 080M'D7(Rrcordin ) m 0