HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1789 , I :'5781. " ',I I; , ' ',;1, 1" ,'1 "'I"'" j-'.' " : r "', ' " " , ", '11" ' I, \<I~' , I I , ! ,. , ' , , ,j' . ' " L 1', 1,' t' '.' \ I ~, . ... ; 1/ , 1'~; ,." 1'1' ',:' ,', '1 ,/i,!,' If!-" ,,!"i'r, '/,' ,I' ~,', ""'1, ,'H# ~~~,L-,~-,-~,-L~+~--~~:_-~~~~~~'!, ' ,;.~>t~~:=_..LJ~~LL.L+,j_~~~j-lL_ j'\ ~......'.,' ~,~ "t. -'7" _''l'-'''-~~~''''~~''''~#~,'_ --~:-~""""""~"'''''''-'-~lr' .'" -J:'~r~ll.~~"''''~'''':~''''"''~'''~'.'''~~~~,~",,",,~~,.1 ....,...""'''''1''''~ .f ,_.."......,.....-ft.b~~"'... l-\, \ ' ".', ,':':'., "t ' I :'..f ," 'I "1: ,;. :,:,,' .:',' ,',,~ 1\ 'UdV'~lunt~r111&nd ~ithJJt '., oopStrt4nt-;'" f,ar. '~PPria~ie~i.~n O?," bQmp~~o~ of ~r flf~~ lh.~', ',\ \ 'I' ,'I, (e, I".: -'.' \ \~ '\' .., \ "\' ',1\ I' ,,' .,,' '. '\'.'." I ': , ,1 , '\ ' \" , I \ I' \' ' \ ' ' ,. Ia~a h~l)I.n~_ 1: _ ' , " : . i ' ,. If, "', ":, t" \', \ I:. ,\, :' \ : l' , ,\ \ '1 ' ' , " \' I' I ' , I . ", 'l , \ , , .,' ',' ' , ~',' , I j' " WITtlFJ3~., 8~g~tUl'8 ~d' O:tf~Olal\ .eiu' at' 8~ RU~~l, ~~e ~~t( of ilari.~> ~4 'St~te,~f ~, :' I ' p~lfornlfJ. ~he~4a1.~~71~)".a.~ atore,.aU.~ \ \.....:. , , " " \' \) ~'\ l "", \, ,\: 1 ' ' " \ i " ,\ . ",~.\\, , ',: \. >,(); G.'Eastlllan ,(5,a1) I .\ ". \ .... \ :: Notary ~~l?l1o..'~tati ,of, CaU'1'ornla " '.("1:'\' Y, \ "" H..P.s,-al.. ~l(y'ooDllD18B10~,~X1l\~e8 J.ugu,s1; 28-1926~.. '.,' ,I'" ''I':' '" \ 1,,-".'\:',.,".:,'<' :\,'''" '. ..' \ 1 ' i' , ':''\ '\' \; ," ' ',0\ " \' " .J' j I I' i. ,: i ". '.. ' \''' \" ' \ ".' ,\ ' o,n thls 17th'daY' of 'Ju).1'.i9~6.. at 4;i2 P.K.'~ '." '\ - , , " ': ,',:\ " ' ,'~. ' l,~ , ,~, \" "-,\ ~..O~$ld1'e4:..Clerk\<:lrou1t:O~urt.: , ~O~, ' ' ,', " ",' ,,' , ,'~~~ .B~ ~ '/}J!~f~)aCLD'C. \ ' \ _,I \'. 'I 1 .t,' 111ed'~n~ reoo~~A " ' , , , -~-~ '-'~- \: i' '. ,.', 01; '. Ot; . S ~~. , " '. :. 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' . , . a.. ..., .. , ,", . , cirl~'4"reale8tate. ~it~a'~e4 In th. 'co~tY9f'st. Luoie and'State t# 'lorid~,,' ~o~.n.. t: OPTION COl~TRAC! .. + '. j j ," Lot8 flenn .('1) and eight (8) B100k :B'~f:W..'.Mutlti Sub~DiV1Bion >" . . '. .,.' ,. ' _' I'" ", ':. . of .'" .':~,' - ','. .', .', ,_', . ." ::::~~: .:.r:::O:q:~~::n:::n:~:4:.~ tfr~~~jl~::.:' ~::~:\:~~:0': " ", . ..' :.", :. ,.,. . ',' . '.. : ' .- ',' -." ...." :"':',,' .':,,':. ": ,~.' , Dollar8 ~~, ,be .r(J~:e4_bramOr~gage or.t~8,t.:~"~d.oi18&ld r,e.~'estat~, ,bi'~,cr~tc) ,be.satis- . "faotory to-.--.-; -8e.1~ oa,sh pqment t,obe made and ~t!ourtt1e84tl1vere4 ,on '0,1" before tl;1e . 24 da,y' Ofll~ A'.' 'D.. :1921:', to 7'" " , ,I,. 1 ~~ IAf.SO AGREE to, tuZnltlhati-:abstr.8ot of tlt1e~,'BhoW1ng g004, title ~o' sa14real,eahte~: , 100asI th.pr 1 v.ll~ge of' purchase hereb~glveD 18' exerol sed; th~ P~lo. above named paid. 8Jld, .; , ,; . i.' ,'.- . . .' _ - . ' '. ,,\ . . ,'" . Beou..~; and, tpe aeour1t1a siI,ooepted. ,as a,bove 'pr,ov14e4,I agree.too'onvey 'and_~Bsur. thes~id' real' estate:tO':aai,4 ~ranois: .tOhn B01.4riOi~ei~80r.aBBig~, b1'~ g004 andsufn~hndhed,' " . .... -'., . ~. , .' ' ..' .- '. .' '; ". -: -~-- , reOUin88 oons1derat10no'f..2-400,.OO fr,e and olear Of all Ihns or InQumbranou .ha~soe.er, .: " " . '" '- . ". " ," ,", '", ' . . I . :. ", , " , , '., ' '. -", ' exoept ~8, tot,axeB; ,"ass~B8ID1nta or 1m'po.1tlo~sl,8v1.d~,'8S8e8sedorfmp~BedU:po~ said ~e).l " , eS,t,ah subeequent ,to !Od'et." " ,DJS, :iB8'rR~", ls4ep?dh4. b1 ~he' Ba1d,Ge~ ,!.~ac1ge~ 'b1 ~utl1al . agreemeQt, wU,h pr8no18~ .Tob.n Boldr1okap4,,~n oa8lth. priVllese ,of puroh,l;lBe berebi given ',1';'110t exti'ohe4 ,and th~ O,Ond~'t10I8'hereot tull,y perform~d b1 'said G~O ~ ~"Badger heir's ~r aBsigns, .and ~i,tte~ ' ,_no_t1~_I_~Of ~,\.\Qb, ~XerQ,iB! and_ ~er~orlllan,Q~ 8.inn by, Ge~ T. Bad~er to sa1d, Iranois _ ~ranolB ,:".' " ,.,',' ,'..,", ,'". "',~ .. __~~!~r!.~,~'on,,~r ~,et.?z:.e ~h. 24, 4~of M.., ,~. )).1.,926.., sald_p_r1,vlle~!.. s~!-,~_~~_!r~eu~o-,-~ .ho111 .Mae :1,1 (but no'Uabll1ty, to rdun4'IIlone1 paid therefor Shall'" ariee) sa14abatraots of title be re- i' turll14 In good'order. and ea14.L_-sJaaila~ 9noe surren4er thia'1n8trume~~ to:......c..:._- I I i I I for oanoellation:. During the ,existenoe of ~idprlvllege ot purohase, this Instrument,811al1 ',I'" ' . ~ ' , : bt b1nding on their ileirs, exeoutors, admin18trators am assigns, whom81 exeroiiJe the z:lghta: bere'in rtServedb1-J andrea.1Tt the s~rren4er abOTe,aentloned'. I, J: I W1!DEI8 ~ han4 and seal,tl1is 24, 4a1 ot Maron ) ~" ..... JunC)rJ. 9 25. . '--; t... , "I ..., ~ i.'ll ~U26. " I ' , . alO ,. Badger , Agt. W. A. Martial a\ 91141 i. K. , (Seal) , I, I' , '- r, P. c. B~~r.4, Clerk C1roui\Caurt B7 {~~.(~{ ..'/1.",""; " r~~~' . .; ,