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C?n~ ailt the 11I&111 bul~~lN ' .~otea 'th.reon.ball' '008\ no.' I.88t~'.O~OOO~,OO DOl' '.bai'~', it b...,r.ot.401~..r 1ihan26 f.d: , .' . .' " ' , ' '. ,',to 1ih.'~ront'101i .......~.J...........1Ii;.....~...1.~. .0' .~~b or,Wl81~tl..7.tl"Uot~.a' -Q,t ,\ " ' , ", ' , atJ7 ~1Ja1 ..U bi"'l'IIlltt.aona!V' pon~on"of1ihla 101;'. .0 t.not,',exo.p1iheap ,f.no..:wll~' .. ".,'- ' ',' ..,.'.".- beP~11it,"'. .nor eh&1:~&a7"4~IP~ ',~~ot U7 ~1114.~ .so,p' b7,:JI.QJI8.n': ot 'the 8~'li.r, bla. ....JaDe '.DIl1tpl l'~pre"~1i.tl~.., be ~.zm11iticl o~ thl. ,101i. , , ".', ,'(0) ~a. ~. 11.a.-.'Y.r, \reot'or oonatruo1i o~ ~D7 plO1iin, 'o~n~WioUoa>1!Il'h~.v:prt..'. ,'.' :', , " - '- ~. .' - . . . -, . ,', ' _' 0" ~, . : nu.......u.o1i.l'1ibtreoD. .. sarai.. .uoh... w11.1 ..ppro.pJi1a'.17 ..,purtlD&Jl.to' ~,buU41DI '."" '-. ~ . . ". . .,~ . <"; . ,'- ,.~ ' ". ' , -" ~ '" - ,. , - " , .r60t.cl 011 -"14 plat" proYUe4 ~a14 sara,'-- U :r.otect .~~ l,a.'. ..,'Y.n1i'~~l'Y. t.., fr,om 1i~ .' " , f'OD~ 1111. ot proper~" ana .1i l...t:flftlen te.1i f~om.D7 ,1a. .'r..'., ," . .'(4).' fba' D.Uh.r '..141'utoba...... nor hla' bt'iJ....s.ou1ior.. .4JII1n~1ir...n, or.,e1lD*,':' .' , - .. .. " ' ,-' -, : - '~' . .' ,- ' , ".' _~~~ ~~_W,1l1. ..nufaoture or.l~l, .'or ~u'.'. or p'.rml\' 'Obt~llUtaotur.aor.o14oD .~p,~~. UP, ot the preIl1... .htrebY 'OOft'uy_" I.~' 8004 or II~Oha1l4lal ,of arq tln4.~oep1; wh.r..s.. ',~ ' ,I ',' ' " -i;. "~' . : ' pr...17 permittea, .DI will not oarr; '011 OZ'pel'llll11i '&117 _".1' or '1i}11nS whlah.balt-'be an.u1e. I, I , .DI.. UDwholi'O~ or ott.nel'Ye 1;0 theoel8bbol'haoa. I ,9- , !h. tor.so1nc 0O'f'11&0'. .balL'bt.outrula a. runnlq .l'h the lan4. .xo.pt, ho.enr., ~ . f '. -- ' ' I ' ' 11; la IIUtual17 urid.rl1iooa ana asree4 that the, ~bo'-v. OOYeDall'. ..04 rutrloUona '81 to all or aAi 'porttouof .a14 'laa4. ., be aU.r.lor DI04US.4 at .~ 1i1rDt ann Ja~al'11"1i, 1916,1>7 . , , " , , wr11;t.Jl asrttlllln1i b, .na b.1iw.li 1ibe sel~r or 11i. .uoo...or., 1.p1. r.'pre".ntaU'Y'lor ."18n. . , ., I ani. . the OWDt,#Of 1ih.-tiM .l~.lq ot- tbe pI',emJ,... upon wbloh Ul.agr." 1ioaU'.r or mo41t7 "1' , , '1' J '~ " j. ~ oonllaJl'...DI rel1irl0/U~na. aa4 .uoh aane.nt,.ball be .~.teo1iual, to .lter or moUf, .uch oon- I j , , , . ~ ~. " ! , 1 -..I'.i',.,'l : ..' f!" ',' ;,'. . , I "'" ~ .~'. it. 1,:,1',1, " . - .( i . ~ I :- ,...-' , ""