HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1797 . I ,1 , " ' Ii J .j , i ii .. ..' I tI ,I ,. , , "\ I,' 'I} Ei,8~:, ' ,I ';Jl::'j I!,' , . I, " "", I, ': 1 ,',,\ :, ",' '1,'1 i ",' / ',~ :'1"" -'1 . I ,I, ~ij , ,:~~~~~-~~~i;~;~ ';7:?::C:r;,~~';;;,t:::.j~-~.;:.:~~~: :;,' -S~::;-:::~:::r7.l ~_~.:,i,~ f' r1 ,,' I, 'l'ih'lOt.,ai1i'bl~Oblh,re~'IIl.ntlo~ed'~aO~~r~~"l:,J 1"'1 '" . ."'11;: I., r ," to tho plat ot Saint Luoie ~ena pr~par~d b7 '.' \/" f 1'" ,\ .J'raIlkl1n ~a., OoaPBnT. and reQord.d ld \t~e P\1bllo 1 \ ", , . ' ,: I." \' 'J" ,'. ae,OOrd8 ot'Sa.1nt Luo1e (Jount7,' 1'1:0~14a, ~ P1at ,,' \. 1'-(, i '\' \ ':" \ \ ;\ '; . :Boo~'l' ~,16. 8~; ,', . \ 'I '\' , ; , '. . : ..., IJ,nd"tor l-the':prl~'. qtTw.o,~d S~x,t7'~0~d fwo' il~~d and:'1~T(t26b~2DO.OO)I, ' /. \; --. .\ :,", -'.~ .", \ \ . , ' " . ", , . ,D~llai-8. .1;0 be p~lc1. ~7 ,the fu.rOh&.'Z' ;to tit. Vendor, 'in ~~e:,to1:1Qw1ns.iw1.rl "fh..,.wa otTe.', ~ . . _ \.' \ \. \ . " '. ,. \ ,,\ ,- . , ',' ,.' ~ " '\' . ,,'.. , l _, ", .' -.' , . \" , . and the a.wi ot Plt1;7~tlv,' J.r110u.8BAd .Ss.nt...~O'D()lluB I' r ' . ~ . .\'" ~ - ".; ,l. ,<\_ ". . . -.', ._ ..- ",.. '..',., ", ~\ "';". _.~>;. ..',. \.. " " t- .' '. ..-; "_ I'} : and ~,1~1 O.n~8 up.on~pp,~~ot . tl.1~ abB~~aotl~t; t',1 ~1~ t~__8,~1d, p~~er'7b~, 'the lat'torne7,ot,tJi~', ; ",~ ',,' f"Purohaser. BAd th., BUll ot Slx\7..tl....loTh0U8an4 S1X\7-"wo Dollars and'J'ltt7 a.nh 'o~'oJ." bfttore', th.l;, .' ,', , ._, . ,,-', ','~', ,-,~. . .... . " '-. . "', -...' _ ':' - \." '-.. \', . .\--",...," _ -', ~.' . .',i, '~,-, .:; f'15'h' a.q' ot .r~. 192;6~ '~ the.tIIl ot 'Sj;xt7-t1Y. 'fliOUS~~:S~7...t1fO Dol1u8 ,~d: ~#t7' O~:nt.'- , i' . ',', ~:. t, ' ,:.. ,.' , _; , ,~ . . . _ - \.. . ,'\.,' ':'_ ,.-,' , " _,:: ~ " '. '. __ , ,\, . \ ~ \ '.. ion 0.1' betare the,' 15th 4a~' ot JaDua.ry-. 1927, -and .the BUID '.of' S1xt7~tS,...e 'll1opsand 81xt7-tw'O, DOl1ara, 1 . . - - _. \ . ... , ' . ."". . f: 'and~1~r ~~D~8' on.or.:'b'f~re "th~ 11St~ ~ ot J&ima.rt,"192S;.whlab. ~,terr,'d~en1i.'--~, 'to be '.t 'r.epre8,eDte4, b7 P~~18iQn'.n!)tes' :to, bear ev.n' ,d.ette here.i. ~ :'.anl\ ~tlpu1at,1Dg . t~r the paY1Dei1t 'o.t' , "'I '1nie~'8" ~~; ,~~' ~ateo't' 8OY~Jl per' oent, 'p.r' '~WIl,: 'p~bie 8.m1...ann~17~ .' "0' . ; " . " , . , '.,', ': _'" :-: '0, ", '.: ,'__' ,..".... _ ..:'. ...._',,' .... ~',. .';. '__: \, " " _ . _'_" " . . ; fJiISCOftllACT O:r8~ IS SUBl$~~ilowever.. to8nT,andaU~taxe" h.r..to~~" aase8s'~' b7"t~e,:: , " "l'l18e~,Brl4se' D1~tiriot~~r, 'the~",'no'. olatia'e~;' o~ 'wh10h lItI&:t "h.r.a~Qb'levi~d.ind ~la1,me4 ' ;;-" . . ; , .... . - '. . " ", - -" - ".' '. ..' . - '. . :' b~ ~&14. D1B~~1ot ~r ,atq ot~er org~Za~l-on.':or-.'8Uoh.'bi'14Be;:~i>oae~i, ~l-:"Of" ih'!'ol1 ~a.X~'8 shalrb~-, ' ; tps8UIlld. b7tJ1e, ,~ha8~,..a '~~'fottl1e oon8~d"ratlon "Of this o'ontra~t(:8ub~.'ot'. ~1.0h' the' '. 1. ~ . , " ' ~. . - . ., ~ ~ . , . ~. ", ,. ~ ". c; . " . . . 't, Pur.o~8.r'8 prO~ta ot ,the 'State anc1 O'OUDtt ~'.,',~~r th~ 'Ye.uo 1926', 8110h 1>ro:,r.a,~a:t,obe(o&l"; . ' ~' .-" '. ., .' , ..... . " '_" , ' . a , ' _.' . ' L Ou1~t.~ ~.. 'O,t.t.h1B"date;8Ub~~ot al8~~~..r1sht&,'~~ K'B8r~'. .~e., and "P1'10ein tJ1e~~ber,o~:~' ',.a1c1,1a:D,d8'ai1d:Slioh'ot~..r'r1ght8 ot the 8al,d Ban.. and,P~rO'.&8,settorth s.n .,o.r~a1n,,~o~traot', 'b~t.ee~ the Frank1~ Land OOlllp~ t~ ~e .~lc1, Banes azul Prioe, '~t~4: the 15th 4s:f:,.ot r.bZ'Uar7; , " .' . ~ '. . " . .", . . . , ':" .' .: .' ,. ," . 1924. 'alubstant1al'ooPl'ot wh1oh'b&. ,tl118 da7 been ,c1tl 1vere 0. to. the Puroba8er'. th.reoelpt.h.x-....' ',01.' 18 h..~b7:ao.knO~led6e4~8U~J.O'~'~80, to 'th..rlght.o~the' 'l'l:or'l!l~i..t'Coa.t/RaU~,QOa;p&DJ"'" " .' ' . '. ,,',.',-' :' " .: .' . - . ' -. ' ". . ,." # '., ;. uncl..r ,a o~J11;raot troa the ~nklin,tand:'C()lll~~ to th. '~1o. ~ori4a,Ba8)OO&8t, ilau.-q-oompUq; ,:. . " . " " . .', ~, .' - . ' , . ,,' ;, " . -", , :. '. .' , . ' .". ' , c\atld~ht"~5th .,.~,otApri1. '19~4. ,a 8,ub8tantlal ~OP7'otmi10h,b.&a "4h~. ".UT, ~'.Ii 'ae~l Ter,edto tli., ~haa.z."the', reo~lPt where" '1shereb~ aokno.le~ed; 8ub~.ot, a180to the Purohaeet> ',8 pro 'rata I' " \, . '1 i ; " 'i . .,', ~ '" .' ",' " , :.', ... , - ' "-' ',' ..., . , -' , ,,' ' " 'ot' a ,oertain road s~baoript1o.nin ,th. 8Um of' tlve ';thou8and 4011ars 'tor1;he propo~o.: nen. D1Xi. ~. . ' . . . ',- -,,' , -, .'. . . . ~.' . , ;: ~1.gh.&.J'lIlade,br Charles,lS. J,{Ol1ug,,1rhiOh pro. ra.ta of ~he PU.roha8~r1" he~eb~de.te~,1~ed ',t~ be" ;81ite.~.h~dZ'oc1'do11ar8. to' b'~l>aidl);r,. th.,'PUrohaaerj.n oaah'to th~ Oo~t7.ao~1"slon~~ot8a1nt ;' , I.,., '.' . . . . '" '.', " ' "'" ". " . '. " '. ':'. Luoi.. Oo.Unt7.,J'1orl4a, or otl:ler :~ro1>.r ~~thOr1tles ~t'.uoh 'ttaesand ln8uoh amotmh as mal' 'be ..' .: " ,- '. ' ", . '. ' : " ,",'" ',' " ,,'.." . ,', . ' , ',", ',' ;. oall.d tor; 8UbJep1;also t,oa pro ra~a.ot ,oerta1n a.1;torne7'.te18 'to be pa.ld tor 11 t1Bat1n8.in .' ,\ '...,', ' " ' " " , '"" " . ' " ',,' " :" " , .. , ? the Jei1Q.n :Bx-ld8e' Di8triot, !on4. 18su., . >>&)'&bie, to, K4!ssr8.Xm.$ht '&,' A4aUe, ot 'Jao1teonvllle' Flo~1-4a. ' ' ',;' &D~.'~e1r ,,~_8oo~a~e8. ,~~b10hpt-O' ratapar~ o~ ~~~'~tt~rne7'8,tee_ 1;O'<~~, ~1d'~T ~~, PurOhas~r ,'&Ji,4 r.' 008t8 o~ 11t1p.t1on ot8uoh'bond ls~ue1D,no'Tent to ~xQeeo. t~e 'INZI 0~.t1.vehunc1reddollar8. " '. ..' , -, r " n X8~'rJRTHm UlIDERSTOOl> ANi> AGnDD'bt an,d.betweenthepartlu h.reto t~t the paru1ent. ) hex-el~betore .e~ti..oned' 0~~1tt1-~lV.~ th~uand 81Xt7~two ~U~8 and "ti~Toent8to"be ~ald .upon .' . 'app~v~'o~' the'absire.ot, ~7 ~tto.~e;rot the, Puroh&8ei-,lihallbe,di1.e 'BAd, p&;ra~ie 'to,' a~ a.t ,the , , .' , , ottioe8 o~ .Ke8_r8~, Dame&, KOSera. .Attorn,~". ot JiortPleroe.J1J..o:rlc1a, tc)r' the ,V~dor.aDd,that, ,~; , "" , . ' . . . , ' . ' > . 0", .,1 ,. . .., . ... ,',; _ the r-.1Jl_1nB ~ctfct:r:rctc\_1>~$Zlt8to'.ber,prt8ented,bl_prom18s0r1not...8b.a.l1be :du~ and:pa.;rable a'. ..' . ' , " , I " ' ' . " andto'the J'ort P1eroe BaDk,cS.Truat'Oomp8l17.' oi J'ort, Piera., 1'l0rlc1&.... 'TruStee tor the use ot ; I' " . , '" " .;, ' ,,' , , the Tendor;- 'IT I'S; FURTHERUBDZRSroOD'~ AG~ That.the Vendor shall tul'n81b and 'deJllv..r ,toth,PurOha...r,/I i .a oo.pleteab~t~aot' of title t~r the 8aid propert;y bro1Jgh1; o.~wn to 1~Olud' &.nd d.ed troll O. B,' . . r I . KOlt.g to tPe J'ort P1eroe Bank &'!rUa1;OoaP&D7" ~rl8te. to~ Ar~hur~. tortbe purp08e ot , . , 1 . " , " .xam1naUo~ on17. &a .a.;o1;r,a8praotl0..bl., aDO. that the ,~h&eer shalt, \have twent;y,4&;y8 tr<8- . . _ '. 1. _ _ . . I' , the c1el1ve,l"7 thereot 1il whioh to ha.... the ,_.0 exaa1ned b7 * attorne7; , that the date ot the , ',. ' " " " " , t' 4el1~eZ'J' ot th..a14 ab,traot o~ U tle thall b,oo'ZUltrued to be the da7 jot, the mall1t18 o~ the I_e b7 reg1stered mail b7 Kosl:l:1l. ])ce &, JlOae1"l,AttOrJle7l, ot Port Plerol, norlda, addNa..4 , ", ~ ~ 'I" , ~,"', ,,' '\ I . I ' : , ,I I '