HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1803 .' " / . -. I' .. I, , I ' I" t, i', ' ' " I j" . , ,I, i. I ,I".' ' , " :, ,~; ,', ~'" "I: , I : 1;, 1 I') J ' , .: "I" Ii, , "" \ 'I: I, 11 J' I,'''' ' '. I, .', , ,'I' , " "'.' , . . t '. '1 , ',1 : i ..,' ", . , '" · l ' , " 'f'" i I I ' , " " . , ~i~-;-~,~: ,_, ',-"~:.:~;;:~)~~~-,,i:~~,2:i~c;~;'-+-~~&~':~;T-~;~w~~~,~~~;,1. o~~~~;:tr~;;::.;.-.;.~~~,: 1~2,t)"~" ~~ ,,;.~L4 ; " , ,"" 1 I, " I '\. I ,\ ',_' ',' '\" , .; ", ,I ~ . f I I 11,~~ w1\h,~~ ,~. ,ten'.'D~~ ,h.r'e~~teim.n~. andap~uri~ne:n~.8.:\w1'lIlil~.r, .~~t~_1~.~ei ,1"~~. :~: ....i, i.'~L:J" ' ',! :t~~l~\l~htilt. ,~~..~s~at~, ','c1.0.er,,{'''',r810n, 'r~i~e,l"',~~ ,.~~elll:~n~\~~.\;eltO\~'\IOn6~\'Ol" \li1,~\~~h :', ,I , '" 1.1... ePp.r.1D1nc; ~o .b~ An ~ RO~~,'1ih~ .... ,lnte. '.~p1. tore.,e~. ,', \ .. I,)f " ~, W:',hO '~~id' p..t.~le, ot th6' 'ti~t pe.~'\'dQ o\O~~J1~th t~. '1!I~,14 pai.t~' '~~ ',th., .,~~O~d p~ ' , , , I'" "., II" "\" " i ,: ~ \, that, the' are i...tu:i17 8et.ed 'o:t~t~e 8&14 prlllli.e." that ~he1' 'lirel ~ree,.troiD ~e.1..i"1n~b~noI8 an~; ;!\ thlt.\ tlll;r: hit.~g~O'd rl~t ,_d iawM 'a~thOfl'tito'~ell t~e'same;~dth~' ."lC(~tll8 b1~t~. " ~ \ , \', .. ;" !" , , '\', "', .. .,'" I' , " "\- -" ", " \ ' \','.... ' \ ,'"" " ' ' . ': .' . ! ,tll'.' .par' 40 h.reb7 tui17 ,.an~1; 1;he U1;le to ,said 'land; and .ui 4e:tend t~ 8aa. ~ga1Dst the' . ' " \ ,', ' ,~' " . . \ " j \' 1.wt\1l' 'o1.alll8 ot,a11 pe~sone<'.W!iOlla~..,.r. ,I ,I ,".. _, '\ ' . '. , ',-.. ,-' .,' \, . ,.', ,. ' ,\, ',' " " ' " '{, IB~WI~S\\~F, ,t~e '.~ldpar~i'8' otthe ti~Bt,jart~av. hereun1io s.t thelr '~'fU\A.': ". ._ ' 'f . ' . ~ ' '~'. " ~. \.' ", .- .- .. " '.' I.:. ' , j ,..~al.' thJ'la7\ and y.arabo.,e;n'~~~,en.' \' .' " " ' \ " , " ." I ~. _' .',', ' ,.", . ~ '81pec1.. ".&a1edanci,~,li 1'ere4",' " ,.f - . . . ~ .' "-' - " ", . .'~'" ..,': :, 'in. our pr'e8enoe'. .' , ,- 1 ',' ',' " 14& Rob1n8oil I , It. 1(."Us r: ' Char).e.' V. 'Lu8~. ~, ' '0.. W. Jobn.on:. " "592, i l , . \ ,::.\ . ',i , ,I . ' Gill1ard Jao~ozi ", (Seal) '~ . , ,_'. H:," , '.~, .' or', ,._'" , . , ' ;""."'_~_~ J~,on ,':'. '..', (~eai) "-." . ; , , I .\ \ , ;, .. '. . i.j L .. ., , .c", " '. '. 11 "' -to'! , Ii , 11 , }j t . ~ :-. .'. ,'. j" 8!J.TBOF PEIm~V,uu. ,,~. .. . t. ',' ' "'~ COtnrn'OF PIlI~KLPB~ " " ! . .. . ,... " .'. " ,"~ -: ,\ ' , I' HEREBY CBRTI~" '~t on thie' 16th ~;r ot June J.. ~. 1926, betore,'IIl,epe,rBOJ18.117' a~pea.~I; , ..;. , ' ' ," , ,> " . ",' ," '" , . ",' ", ' GILL~AlU) J~CKS,oJ.llLDd ~"JACKSON. hl,S w1~e.to .eknowD'to' 'b'e .theper,soas. diBorlbe,C\., 111' ,and, ,~ . , . , . , ",',"'. ". ,',,'. " - .,' ., " ' , ", , " ',' ! ,Who exeouted 'the.~toreg01DgOOnve~0~to'P. W. 'WILLES and seve-ral17' aO~OWle4g'd~,the exeOut1,on 'i .' , ,', ,_ ' ,.:' . .' ' .'.,.. .,' r . , '". _ '.' . ~ < _, .'" ' :~ ... __' " . .thereotto .b"e thelr:tree aatana.,deed tor t~e Uae~ aildp\J1'poae.',thereln mentioned;" and the8al,d '; ; . ~ ~ao,k8on the wi~e o~the ~a1.d Glliy~rd' Jaokson',', 'o~ 'a ~epai-~te and' prl.,at. .miDation i:&k~n '.. ,;. . ~ ~. '. . -- ~ :. >. '. : . . . . and made by anel betore lit. and aepara1ie~y and' apJU"t trom her ..aid husband, did ao:ltno.1ed6e' tbat ,. .',' .'.. '.... , .',.. _ ..., a- ., . 'ishe made hereel-f ,apart7~O ~he8&1d, Deed o.t CODyeyanCe ~ tQrthe Ptu-llo.e 'Qt 'reho~oing,2.."e-- , , '~~qhl.h~~d~on~ep~ &1.1 he~, r:~t.. 1;1 t;Le '~d ',1i1't.c~r"8t'~'.h~~her' Of" ~:,e~'~', 01"'~.t '~ep~a.~' : , , , , ," , , Ihoe-III" '" ',' ' , , propert;r. 8tat,1itor7 or eQU,w.ble,1n,aild,to 1;helanda,4d'so1"1be~,_ ElJid .that, she. exeoutec\ '...1d..dee4. treel1. and vol Untar1l1. ~d' Wl~h~t ~ oO)l~tra1nt, 'tea1',appre~enaion~r oOmpUJ.810n 'ot" or h'0II. i,.' L '" '-1 . ! , i I . ' ..J <,~ ' '.~ I :"~.. 'I~ ,/ " 1 her.....l;.h~b~d., ' .,," ", , ", ' , ' , ;, '. W1'l~S Dl7 .81~tui'e anet oU10,la1 seal at Phlladelphl~ 1n ,the Oount;r bt Phl1ade;Lphia and State " " .1 otP'Dna71Tanla~, thct 4Iq'and ,.0 ~ ... . RUth JI~ Wotu', (Seal) " " ,NOTARY PUBLIC , OOB!llss10n exp1r~.lanu&r719,1929. ' ('~60 I.a.'8t~p) , , , IN mE COURTS OJ' oolill:l. PLEAS, OF, PHrW!:LPHU COtmTY. , ' , , ' -. . ~.' . "- :: '. '" 8,TA.D OF ~EimSlLV.uU , , Aobo~le4Bment -, {jot~} " . .: " " " Oounti otPhllaa.elph1a,~~. "l , " , :1:" John K~, Soott, Prot~o~otar;rot the ,~o-q.rh ot ,CQaIlon'lJle.... ot 8a~c1 County. whioh a1'e C,o~s . otB.eo'ord. b&"1nga'o~OnlJeal.' be~the 'ott1oeauth.or1z<<, b;rthe laws or the State otPeMsi-:' " 1.,...1&. to make the tollow1na Cert1r1oa~e, aoUii6 bYm7-FiVr-D.putf".lii1IiiJ:,X'rn..~ or IQ' ~ ,~----------,-,----' '" . . ,/' ,~ 'aeoolld :Deput1. Kered1~h ,Rann& 40 o~nJ'Y. fhat RUth K.Wotllsa.,u1re, ..bo,ae name la Bilbsor'lbed }. . .', , I " I I i to the 0'l't1tloah ot the aoknow1tGgment. or the annexed 1Astrumen~ and thereon lfr.1tten, was at { ,~ _ . f . . ", ': .' _ . _ ' ,_ . .. . .'_ , ' , . ' ~. the t1lle ot nob aomowle46ienta 1iOUliY, PUBLIO to~ the Coimaaaweal th ot :Penn8;rl yania, reU41nB { . ..' . .' . . '. . -, ~ . ' - ~ .... . I r'" in 'the 'Oounty afore'aid, duly 00,,18810n.d -and qual1tied to administer oaths and atflrmationa i and '~o take aomowledpent. &Ad proot. ot ~uda Or,OODTt;ranOIB tor landa. tenelll~nts and heredltNaentl l' . ," , - _'. ' '.' '. r 'to be r.oordfd 1%1 "a1d State ot P.nn.;rl.,ani~, and ~o all e08eaots" a8 .uGh, :tul..l'ra1th and _ !' . . l . ~ . .,.;. o2..".d11; are and OUBht to b. shen, a8 .0).1 J.n~ts ot Juc\1oature ... eleewherea a,ud that I am .' ' . I I I I~. " I ;; :'..:,,:..:....