HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1804 , ' ,/ 1/".' "'i! /." i" 1,0: I.,," ',,1 1593 I) , t ,~I.. I' 'I ' . ',I, '."., ," ,I,: . "'I " ~ . '..- ~........- " 1 ~ ,'~ I ' " . - ~ , ' ,j I I' , ;', i, " ^ , I , ' '. ' , ", ,"" I, I " , " ' , ': i:- '~I ;' 'I ," " \:;,.., 1: 1" ,- , ',',;' ,~' - '" ," - ,1;,~J-.L:;b;'~::'~:h~~;.t;C':';;:o:;:..~;,;;,~"C:tt:::';:;tC::';;i;."'':;1;~,~~: I:;.;::;::i....:p:';t:.~';..';;::...:;;::. :'-""""7::' \ " 11,"11"'11 ~09.~te4"j,~1I ~h. ~";'c\on'ltlJ>jj of ~~.I~.i~liolW.y ~lO .\n~i.fl1~ ~~1~~~ hi....l~t4. ' . ; . i. j\i t116~.\io' i8.i'gen~n.~ bd ~ ~t~.;r \oer,i~"tlu\~ ~hel.a1d' ~8truiae.t\1~' .X.O~ttd and aokn~wl~46e'c1 t., \ \ '1,1 J~fri"~OU~O~1t~ W1tht.h~' l~.S ot the' Stat.,lot' ~1~;Yl~~_~~\ l . :':'" ',' 'Ii.' [,\ t '!lJ.'~1mpr.e8.i9n, o,t ~,~~ s.~,ot ~he\ '~otar, ~bllo \ 18 ,~ot, "qul~ec1 1>7 1&.. 'to, 'b4t; ~11.d ,~ ,~hl~\ \; "I 0' H10' I" " , ' . \,' \ .', ,\ , ' \' \ \ ,i' : '., , ' . \ ,\ ,\ , '\ '. ~ ...,.... .. ~.\. \\ . 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'," -"'-t-~-,,; .' ..,... _ \ : i'll.d and r,oorde,d. on this 26th '4ai .of Jun'~];925~ 'at li;22 ..K~ \,~;__" ,....' . . 1" " ",,' "', .,,' " ," "... , ' ",' .- :: '," -, t;'~' .. "" .' ,.,.",.".: ,X " , . "~.,~ ' . Ii. Q~ .na.......~. .~.:r:kO,1mit O~~. , ' '~ .41/.1."',' ,~ ,:"'u.,' ~';, ...'.-,.,.~, ...~ /?~.,L" ~~o.' . . ,0:' -~ ~ I//~ l...:v.v.~: " , ", '. ...' ';0.... " , 'flIv '" ..",~ :, : ,:r;!"~ .. .~: ", " , , : 1- ..... .' . .j . ". . "-.,,'" -~,... ".' ".' " '" ,', "1"':' , .'"',,', ,".' .: ~l' .'..; . ;" ~ ." , " ,.J I:'. :#,:I;l:I:# 1'#:#:# :1: 1:1 :~~i~#:~:~:I:I:~.:#,il :~:,J~ j:i;#:~:#~#:.'#'#'#:I:~:,~ :#:#:# ~,~:.I:'#:#:":/::I :1: ~ . """ " ":'. . , . . . ' ", - .' , ' 'I.OOLO~ L.UD QQ. . ,to , ... .ROWl)lf1) ~ , WAlUWi!Y'" . DUD.: ($3.0q"I'.R.8tuips oan.;).",:""" < ~ ' ," ',' . . , . " ' fRISI1IDElf~.Jra4e:th~8 26t~ 4&t o:t ~un.; A~ J)..19~ lWwJ5.l51l O~lonial L&Dd OO~'.'a ...: ',-- . , " , " " . ." - '.. " ; , \ . " , ,....' " ' . , 'JI:r,8e;YOoi-po~atlon, -:aUthO,1'izedtlfdo ~ineB8 ,tn' ~h~ State, o~ nor~da'.~, par~, 'of the ~lJ"st part'" '.' -.. - .'. .' , . " .-", -, '. , ,', ,', and.Rosamond Xnappot the O'lt;y,:o~WarreD and'StateotPennsl1va.,Dia par~, ,'ot tb..seoonil: par.t. . " " . 'to 11 .'. " . '. ',. '.'. .,,' . ' ~. ,_' > . ,..'.. ,. . _ ' ,; " , _, . .~, ~ . \lITNJ.8SETH, ~t:t~e lIiatd 'p.art;y. ot" the tirst ~~~t,' tor. and in. oonsi..d,erat1~n ,':of t1l:' 8~ ot. One ' (1') : ' dollar, an~other,ftiua~leoOneldel'8.~;10n t~ 1t 1n hand :pa1d:; '1;h~ .~O~i..p,t lih.rtotleheNb;y ,ao- , ~" " , ,', ., " ' , " . , - :::, knowled88c1, has gmnted. 'bargained, 801d,' aliened, remi8ed. .1."I18a8ed~ oonve;yed and oon:tl1'11led, , " i.n~ by th~~e pr~8ent8 doth ~r~t. b~6i.1n~Bel~. ~len, ~_lS~, re1..eas.'; OO~1'e7~d:~O'lit~1'IIl,Unt): " .', '.-" ' .: :."' " " .' . '" , .' '., . .,; ! the 8&1d pa.rt;y ot the lIoonef 11&1".0. h.r heirs and assign8 "tornlr, aU ,that, oertain paroel '9t' ' } . ,-, " . .- ,.,' , ,." ..- - . .' , , , !land,l;YID8 ,~d, beli!g 'in ,th9 Oo~t;y 'ot ~t~ "L1,lo,l. 4Ad State ot~orlda." aore, part~oult.l'17 ,d,esC?rl bed &8 10110'" , ~ .' , ' Lo'8 'I'OUl',(4r ,1nBlook 17 otP1new,ood, ~ ,ad~,1t~onto,the' 01t~ o~ rOlot. Piero..Flor1.da;, aooo~in8 to a platthereot ont1~led"Ptn'.oOd" ~ . . . , , " ' '.' . , , ' ~ subc1..1v18ion of partot b~.ot 8eo~~QI1 16/T. a~ S. R. "40'.., and , tn..din the, ottloe otthe Olerk ottheOlrou1 t Oourt ot St," Luoie . j . ' "', . : ~ , " , Oount;y, norl~, ~ JlU1e~;..J)" ,192~, and reOorde,d1n Plat ;BOOk' 5, , , pag',24. 1nthe pub110 r.o~rda, ot~aid Ooun~7~ , TOGB'lHD with ,.1,1 the tenements, hereditlu~~~~8-:~n~~p~:.nr~~~~_~/~!~_'~e:l~~H!~~~~!g8!. . titl., interest and e..tate,l'IYlra1on,',rema1nder e.-nd Iuement thereto beloD8i~ ,or In.aD1W:lae, ..... I.' , < _,i,./: ,'.I ..-- i appertaininB. \ T~ ~ VB .urn, TO HOLD the _.1 in tee 8 irmple ~or..,'e~.. !he above d'8o:ribed paroel otland })~!l'lBhe>>eb;y oonn,J'ed upon ,the to 11 ow 11:16 eXp~88 oonc1..1- "- tiod and re.tr1otioM' . ~fRIOTIOli8: ~.. abo'YI desoribed trao~ ot lW1d 1S; to 'be .old u>>o:n t~e tollow1D8 stated oonc1..1- , . f , t16na and l'e.tr:lotlon; , :Pire-ta ' fliat 1nptiness bu.11.dlnga Will be"permlthd on S14th., 8"3r4.St., , . . P1newo,O~Driie, .a.t otS.4~,St.l Ud. H1bl'~, ~ad, e.as't o~ So/4th St." prOY1d~d_ plans ~or noh bui'lc1..1ngs 8.1'. sUbaalited to andapprond. by thepart;y ot the tInt part 'it .uob bu1ld.1.DB ie " aOyed or plaoed. ~er.on prior to Jan. 1. 1932. S.oond: !hat all ot~r.lot, 1n " , I "/ L '