HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1806 " " , f' _ I Ii," ",I I., I ,i.' I" ' :- I. I Ii' ; !, . ~ I ' I · ,\ I , \' r, I ' f ' " " , , " "" , . 1" ". I ' 'I ' i ' -II, ! i! , I' :...,',: ,;. ',' ,:- _..J. -, '! 'I' I , " J ' ": . \ " I ' '. . . I' , " I I. . , "., - -~ ,'; ::~,::..:,-~,- '.~ ,::.' ;~ ":r: " - ',I . ,: ~":~-fl':::--~':"'~':"-::'~-=-:'::":''::':'::!''I~'':' -::':':::::-t::~t:':':-.-~17':'l ;:::,::,:;;~:-~.~.~':'::':::-::ll;:.._~:.':',.~,:::.- ~::,::::,,:,=,,::;.i :"':-C'~"::';'-"'-';::-1 ,~:~.~ . ~.: '_ ;--J;':': . , I " "; . 11 . 'I '. I . ,'. 'jSt~tl\ o~;iJJ:~rld& .' ','" , .~,I/,::\ , ' ',' I; . , , ' \' \':, . \ 1 "I' "i 1:;; - ,:" '! { '\ . ': ' " u ':,," " \ 1 J' '"", \',: \ :", r . , " . \ ,\ ' ,'I .' I, ' '\. : ' \: '1,\ ': ' ' ! ~opn" ot 8t -, ~01.' ' , ,',' "" ~ \ ,\ ': \, ,\', ,,' ", '.. I' ,,', , ' ",' I ' ,\" L \ \', ," I '. , ' ' . \ , ,,', ',', ' I'.',' ", I," .,", , ",' \,.. ,I, \ '1 ,f ',' ':l~ereb, oertl~" 't~~\'OJ1..~~1e 8~~ ~r~t"J1f1J.' A~\ 1). 192~1; ~t,~~...e' >>~1"Bl)'DA'1~7\~ppe~~~, .~L i\~.' .,~.xr~'ei-~d-:l-:-:.G.'\B. K1#~~,\zle.peo~~~~17Pn'rc1t~~"ad,8~0"tU7.lot' O?loDl';l ~dCo~~ \ \ t, I , " , " " \" '\' ,\ ~ \. ' ' . , " . , . \', ,\ ,r. ~'! Jer"f O~rp~ra1l10D: authortapd to 'do bus'lpN' in 1'10,1'14& 1io .~' tn~',tOb. :th,e,plraone,: ,.': , ' ( aea~r~,bed ,in ~'.~0.'exeduto4~.foreBo'~ I Oon""~~i \,~\ ~o...on~; ~pp 'aJi'd:.'ev.'J.al1.7.,..dknOwi.~~, ~,' " ",' \ '.',' ' I ' " \..,' \ ,,I < ' , : ' ,.., '" ,', I. . ,'. , \;, '-l.th~ exeOUUOQ,'~ereot ~~b~t,_~e~r fr.~ \.~:t ~d' d~'~c1~\.U~hO~i~~ni,~, ,f~'r,'tbe~,.'U8~8 and '~p~~e. ,:' \' '1 there1n lIeliUoned; 8I1d' tile,t' th.iattIx.~, tu.."o the ofilo1al..alof ...1& OO.l"POl'atllm, ~dthe - f ". - .' .,' , . ".' ',', ~' : ... '~ . ' \ ' " ~ i..' ; . _: .- " . " " ' , l.~ci ,1n.t~.nt ,18' theao:t &lid. c1t'ed of i&i& oorpor&tlon.:.,',:, ",,', , , ~ ' i ".&a..o~ ~l_t'u..Ut .ftl~~ '000;1' .\~",:tl?10~". ~t~doun~70t ~.t'~10,8D4 ~~ah;f ' '! o~ l'1orla&, ' the, . \an,d lut ,&:toreaaid.' " , ',' :. \"', ,,-,', ',"( ,'\ " \ -:' ,'\. " '~ " ,\ " , " , . ': \ ' ;, '; '" " . " ' ,\]lot&17 :Pub~ioP~~:'1f:::d~'" " \ ": ~. oQIlllU8.81onU>>1res .J.Prl!" 3O~,1926.' , 'j i, -, . '-. ,.. -" ",.' .'. ,'" '.,,, 0 \ '\ I. " ':~ , --,--,---~.--- \ 1 I I ,'" ! " ~" ' . ',Q'.-" I ," I ' 1:-,;, :,',' ".,' .- -", :~ , '~'~, . \' , \:_' ......""-,, ',,",',1,.,', ','.',' . ;", ',--". ..... t ~ "\. ? , : \: 1.595. l' I , . ~ .;, 1. \' .' " , '1 ft1,d aM reO~c1td' ~n 'thia' ~&t~', ~ot, 'JW1e.'1925, \,~ ,12;03 P~~J(.' j . '.: - .' ...., ~, -.~~--- -0,-----------,'---. . ~ .' . " -~'--"'------..'-------- . , -, . ~ -- " ,':0 ':ver\t\ed, ,~eCO~.', .' '.,',':, ..-;i ,:P.',Q~" Blo.r~~,Ql:~1'k',O~Ou1~,:.pO~~ . . '. . ''-'B7'4'~~#tp"t3~ ,: D.O. " >.' ." ",-~" , , .--: . . , \ t ! , " ," ,',.'., ' ,',' ~.. '",' .', " ,', " . ", ' j,I.I:#;I:I:I:#:I:#:I:#:'I;I:#:I:I;I:1 :li#:I:#:# :#1# :'I,~#:#,:I:#:I =t:#,:11#'il:#11 Ii :~llil;# :1:; :~I,#:#:#:; . . . '. ."" ". lOJWW:So.BIW3~'BTAL'fO'.,. " · ..'.'~XLAIDi.A.. BIER ICT.A.L- "." "'w~~' 'Dui>, ! ' .: ' '. -1 . , , ", .' ,.'. '": " . , , ' . . . . .~ . !', 'THIS IBD~, M&4,f,thl~f1zosto.., ot, l~. .A..' D.,19?5. between, OharU8,Q.~ Braswel1~d 1.llub7 'Br&8';'11',~1a wlte, of n. Luole Oo~t{, J'10;1da, ,~t1ea ~~ :the f1rat pa~0 and J.de~a1~ ',' ) ....... , '. " '3 . -:' ~ . ' . ' . ' . i....B1er &D4 Pete;-.A.. ~'~.r~, 'ot, AllegbeJQ'~Oo;mt,. Peni187~Van1a,:, part1esc;>:t the :stoona, part; , WITNESSEm; !hat the .aaid p~t1.. of 'Ule f1rst 'part tor '~d lJio'o.ns'lderatlon' ot the Sum O'f , , . "'. ,'~, '. .. -: . '- -'. .' 'One D~ll~ and 'other va1uab~e' oonal~eratlOJ1' to tl1e. 1~ handpeJ,d 'b, 'the aald parUeaof ,the' .. :, '. ' ,~ . '.' l"oqnc1..tarl, the,~oelPtwh~r~of 1a l1ere1;>'.Oltno.1,4g.!1'~, baTe' granted, bar~1nectand8Dl'" to the ..10. pa1"1;108 o:t'the '$oond' 1>&J;'tithelr he1l"8'and,as81gna.~or.Ter~the, tollo1f1n6 d'aoZ'1be,d,~ .lai1d, situate e.n4 ))e,1Dg ~St. L~Ole' OOUD~~, n.orl4a.to~.it:.':' " ;' ,", , I, .." ,,'" : , ;' , , " , ' " ", ,. , " I Lot BUi.1;ee~ (,1~) 1JlBlOok,i'~, (4r of ,,1Uoker '~erraoe, bl1nB a 3u..bd1v181,oaot 1;~ Southe&81; Q,uarter (S~) ot , . !be Southwest': ~1;er (3Wi-) , <tt Seotl0Jl"B1nO (9) in . .' ' .\\ ' -' ". ,'" , '.'.'. 'township fb.lr't7-f1ve(30) ~~~h,' Rang.rort,.(40~ -." , , ,at .hon bY'Plat reoorde'd 111 flat ~~'Ok4, p&6e :84. st., :1 ~ Lu.01eOOUDt~, 7l0rlda~ ae:oor4a. '" . " 'paOVIDED, ~!RELJ!:SS, ~e.ep:re8ontsare lIade "s~b~eot ,~o ali of, the' toliow1ng expre88~ _ ~()Ji~ t~()n.a ,~.. ~!'1(J t~ ~,~ ,_~~1..~,1j'~:tl0n~,t ,ap-P17IIlg..tD,~the'..a.1~L~ope~t7-~d"Wh10h- a~e-1n~ended c~--'- ~o be,&J1d ,ahall beaooeptedae oov~~anta 8'W1DIna with .atd land, 'and wh10h shall be b1n~1n6 , , i ali~euponthe hel;L"8, representativos ana:, &s81.8Ds otthe 8a14 parnel ot tAe aeoond par' &Del on " .' , " ' , ' I"'~ .,.. , . th.'e parties of the tir.t part. who, b7 aoo'ejtanoe ottOl. IJUi't1"UlHntagree, to ab1de b, ,pertol'll . I. _". . ". ,'. . I . &D~ adhere to ':a1,d. oond1 t10" '......."10n8 andl1m1tat10n., as one, ot th~ ex~re8s oO~l t10n. ot thes, presents, but oni, tor the perlod end~ J~7 1, 19~6. ' I , I 1. fAat nobulld11lB shaUbe ereo,hd ,o~ theaaid lan,d exoept tor prIT&~' d..ll1~ Pzpo,,' [6xoept uaual and n,/o,ssaxi ollt-bu11dli1&8, and that the laid dwell1nB hlr\l;88 exol~lv.ot the I h' . ) ,.t ~ , J ~--