HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1807 ( ; , - ,I, . 4 . , ,I '. i. J r, ' Ii" ,'j , ,I" . I '1 I :.-; . J . .' " . . I , 590. I ' 'd' I .. ,'" I : ~'I i. , ' i, i , Ii \, Ii",' \/ I r I," '1 I' ' ) , 'i '1'.- , '. j, 'I " f' ',', ;' 1 ~;~,~'.t~-,C:-~';'~"~;_ i,,:':,;,:~':, , ~I:;~J'L' !~~~, ). .~~, :;!.-r'-;;\~'i ;', ---,.'.~,~:~~~:-i ~~_~:: "."1"7' I , I 1 " t ' , .. ., I I, , 't I, '" ,I", ' ,\ . \ ' I,;; 'ov.~bufl~~" .~al~ oo~t,i1ot,~e'.I~,I:~~ ~,~~.OO,\\1It110~"P~1~~ ,~IU n~~ l+noi'lci~"I~Oh~\eO~~ J:-,j' . '/" \; { , r '~nie,. O~\ tee." aJU1,.ha~). "~O\lnollld'~ ~,~.~.' O].''',I.t 1mpr~era~nte'.aTe,\~ ,exoe~~ ~~. \'\,:k ,\ '; ,t ._~.~'~~.~~~!!~~~_~~~o~~~~~~iO~_~~~iJ,~~__~','~~d'Gri.lllJ18,,,hou'8e.':,\ " ',i ; t~ ,,:,1', '\:, i';, ' , ~ : .' I, ~." !bat Ilot .Of'; tlom .... ~.tA'"~'. *...~"f wl.~h, ~ua1 ~,1lI 'o..ill1'7; O1l*-~iill!Jl&'':i~~t. 'j l 1,1 be:er~o~~d'O,n;~&Ohot ',a.1d\~ot.. \, .'. ',i,' J", ,,\' ," '<,: \ ...'" " ",'! \ ,'\ ". 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'Do ~1d1D& "ha11 ~oo~trUot'd' 91' .re~te!1 i.~ a 'leas ditamol than twen'7 teet~ ,trODl ! ,. ""', '... " " , " " , ' . \ ,; , . ' . ' " , .~ '. ~', " : !' . the, front 1,lne " 8,",-d .l~t,' ,~r,:~l,th~~. ot' \h~~ ,', ',' , ' , '" ,"., .' .' ',' ," i' "II... ~~t:, 1, "1,~ parU..otthe,8'OO~, part. 't)l.l!~ repres~nt..tlv'8' Or aa,.1gns,' o'.im7 !.: ,r ,holder, ~~the p~ope~':' h.r*~J', "o~"1e4'b~'vl~tue' of ..zq , ~~a..19'1.1, prooee41ns.', II!ball t~il' ,to':: , t ',.:-, " ~,,',.'- . ".' ';. :',"~ ,..~ .:" ','~ ," - :,',;" ~-"'___';____~'__ 0__' ". '" _;,',:' "":'" .. '''_'' 10~pli,.1th aJV"ot,th'aboY.; .~ ,tore6oina're8tr1c)t1-~I!I, ooncUtiou Or'l~1tatlon8 ,Wlth~i1"8,jxt7 ~ ,:' ~ ,..., ;': "', '- ',"",' , " . -' , ,', -,. '" " - " ' '., ,.': ',,, .',,'. " .. -'" ...',.. , ' ".. '. , '. ' , " . ".', . , ' , r _,W8'an.r ..1tts~ nO~1o.'b7...iu~i::J.',~o,t~~ '''ldparti,'8.,ot8800D4''P~~.t~ei1"'h~lrs,: p,~o~~, '~~' ; ~ repre8en1;atb.8 or &88,lBns,' .or ,&iJ.7 ~~ ,thera,: at' the" l~t known addre8S," b7 th~,' laid p~ie,s' ~t. ' " , ',', ' , , , " . ,'" - ~ ~ ' , , . " . , . '~h8:d1"8t1*rti t,li'1:r.8u.oeuor.,' per_onai ':;re~r.slntat1"'8 '01-- ,"S81g1lJ..-.or e1:tller ,ot'theli,' then'" , """ , '" . '. ',' - . .'.' ' "i.' " ^ ~h~ aal.d"bQtc"':.4.es~rlbe~and O,OIWS7ed property.hall l_e4:ia~.i, rey~t-t 'tio 'th.ilaid partie. ~i. ' ' ~he"ii..rat' P'F~,"":th'11":~u~~efl~'o'r80r asUgn.; 1Ih~~4{be ,~~lt'leo: to ~ed1~ttiieJ1t81"':upon ' ' -' -' , " '." . . ' '. ' . - - , , -' , ' , " , . , . ' '. ' - . ,., , ' ' . ~, , ,- li:'&ld',proper1i7 .1~hOut~otloe,and :take.po8aeS8ion:o~ ,the~..e with, tulltUl., i~, tee :sllilple'" ',', .. . . '.. " .' . ,o' .', ' .'-=" :,- ~, '. -.- ...' '.' " - tog.therwith ail improv...nt8,',the1'80n"andno' wa1Yei'ot,~ot the.eoo~cU't10n8,iimit~tlon~' , ',' , .' .:- '- .' , ~,- ,,' , -, . . ~ '_ ',. _',' ~ '_ ": ',.'i.,' . ,'. '. " ~"', " ' , ,}' " ' ',_ or M.trication8 .1~r...e40r 1apll.d,or ^tallure,'tor~7 l.ngth 'ot t1lle '0 .t1;toroet,he .eme ~ '-." _.' ~ _. ;" ':, ' ".'. 'a . ," .' _' .' .' ,'" .' " ',. . ' " ',,: ,', ',' '. , . ,-". I~l oonstltut~ a l)&rto, 'UOh.btOl'o.~e;nt,: at,'aDJ': tirQ.. " . ' . " I' U ~t~er, uilderaho4.aziil 881'."ed that part1.. ot')le,'~~r8t pe.rt Wil~. nota.u:e"aw dee4. 't~ ,': aJ11,ltt '1n holter ftrra~. pr10l."to: .J:anuar)' 1,'. 19~&,' ~thoUt ths &tor..aU:proTi,lon.an4. re- . " ' ,,", .. ,: - .',' , '" . .'. . . . ,ltrH.tlonae " 'I I :-1 '. ,.~ , ~ j j' "~ ' r , 'f i , I , 1 'J - 1 , ,f , .! J 'I . ' ,1 I- 'It' , , I . .' ,~} i '; .' r '.. , " ' . TOGBmD, 1r1~A,a11t..'t'Av~~llh, h.~ecUt~.nh and apJu,rte~9'8 wl~ .yer,privllege,' " " .:1.. ,\ ~ ' . '_ , , ~ ' ", .. .' . ri$ht~ t1t'18. 1i1tei"liJ~and'e8tate, dOWlr &ndr1ght of 'dO"e~reve1"ll1o~, ~1Ut1ncie1" and,eaaeDllnt , , ,'" ',,' ..' " '.' " ' ',' "., " _.' thereto belOJ361DB ,or~18e apperta1niJ165 ~, _, , , ' ., ' . ' - ~ :> . . . '. ,"'l0 Hl.VJ .uDf~; KOI,D"the IBlle ~'t.e8iaiple' toreY',r;. .&JU)th. .a'14:par1;188, ot, the ,~i~8t_ ,~, . ' , . -, " "., '. , , . 4oto'O'ye:aant 'with ~he .,1d ~~tl~8 .,~:t the 8eool1cl, part 'that~,he7' are. 1&wtu]..17 .'lze,d '~~ "~s'.a1d:' '~ :: p_h..; that the7are:tr.. ot all inouinbranoe; arid that the7haye'800dr1gbt &J1di:aw~ autho#tt. ' 1;0\ .ellth".lDle; and that l&1dP~tt~. of ilntnp~t~ohereb; '~17 wa~~tthe tl~ie to'sald. " . ..,. ' , . - .. ,~ , ' . > - .. ~ l~d" ~d ,will deteud the laDI~, ~ga1nat;t.h. :l~~ 'ol-.1U o:t all persons .homBoev~r~ ':, " , , Illn~Hm3S,~OP'" the 8a1el.. part,l.. o~ the tir8t part ha....h~1"tUnto, set tl1elr " handS and . ,...a1.. th18 tlr8t dqot 'IWl', 4.1>.,1926.. <\ . , ~ . SiPed, 'Seal'd-'aUd'DeliT8rel-~---'-~'- -;__n ~_'-c-'n_~_--'C~Cn~- ~ 1D ~ Jr...no.1 - , , , , , ' --- --~---~ -------~----------- -- - -, ,~- , . u'. 'k. Monii Helen P. ~s llub7 Bran.lie ,(~) l I , ~ . r ~f~TE nO:FnORID.l i , i I , ! , ~ . ,.i , (t1.oo 'I.a.Stamp OaD.) ... : 'II! ".1 " *'OUJifI or Sf. WOI. " IHERDY oaTI", that ,Oil tali. tlrB~ 4A9, 19;Ae' ,I.. I). ,1926,bet~e ... per8~nal17 .ppearea. Obarl.. O. BruWtll and RubJ' Bras"eUj. his w~, ,. ~e ~o~ to b~ t~i ,per.,ona ~!._ori_~e~ in ~!-.--" ___'__!....nn__ who t%4Jouted the torecoinB OounJ&l1O', -.nd ~,. ~~le4gedb8tore, .e that the7 ~ouhd the .... -'1y ~ yelW1tar1l1 tor the purpo.s. thQ,ln expre..ed. , , I I, , i ,I