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' r ! SCANNED BY uc County Florida Building Code, Sixth Edition, (20H - gnergy Conservation �i EnergyGauge Summit@ Fla/Com-2017, Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 i IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option Check List Applications for compliance with the Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation shall include: 11 se This Checklist The full compliance report generated by the software that contains the project . I' summary, compliance summary, certifications and detailed component compliance reports. The compliance report must include the full input report generated by the software as contigous part of the compliance report. Boxes appropriately checked in the Mandatory Section of the complaince report. i WARNING: INPUT REPORT NOT GENERATED. To include input report in final submission, go to the Project Form, Settings Tab and check the box - "Append Input Report to Compliance Output Report" Then rerun your calculation ji ®\� 0 �� ��N EnergyGauge Summit® FlalCom-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 6) Q5 Florida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option 3/23/2018 Page 1 of 15 3/23/2018 y PROJECT SUMMARY Short Desc: BK.FL.PORT ST. LUCIE Owner: Addressl: 6598 South U.S. Hwy. 1 at Kitterman Rd. Address2: Description: BURGER KING - PORT ST. L City: Port St. Lucie State: Florida Zip: 34952 I Type: Dining: Cafeteria/Fast Food Class: New Finished building Jurisdiction: PORT ST LUCIE, ST LUCIE COUNTY, FL (661200) Conditioned Area: 2967 SF Conditioned & UnConditioned Area: 2967 SF No of Stories: I Area entered from Plans 2967 SF Permit No: 0 Max Tonnage 8.6 i If different, write in: I • I EnergyGauge Summit® FlalCom-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 Florida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option Page 2 of 15 3/23/2018 Energy Cost (in $) CONTROLS LIGHTING H'!AC SYSTEM 11 PL1ANT , WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 11 PIPING SYSTEMS Met all required compliance from Check List? I. I Design Criteria Result 2,407.0 2,522.0 PASSED PASSES PASSES PASSES No Entry PASSES PASSES Yes/No/NA INI,PORTANT MESSAGE In 5009 -- -- -- An input report of this design building must be submitted along with this Compliance Report I I I EnergyGauge Summit@ Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 Florida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option Page 3 of 15 I� i l 3/23/2018 CERTIFICATIONS g®�a®eaaaae�e9�e aid%% R HAM/ s s I hereby certify that the plana�r {?spe i i8i �dby this calculation are in compliance with the lorida Energy Code q 7` I 542 `- ^� , Prepa�d4Bp: ! i• 1 Building Official: I E Date: I certify that this building is in cos9plt,a w�"ttrth E ��i, a Energy Efficiency Code Owner Agent: Date: �1f Required by Florida law, I hereby certify (*) that the system design is in compliance with the Florida Energy i=fficiency Code Architect: ROBERT WULBERN Reg No: AR-12440 I Electrical Designer: TOM ELDER Reg No: 56121 Lighting Designer: TOM ELDER Reg No: 56121 i Mechanical Designer: SHANE R. HAMILTON Reg No: 75420 Plumbing Designer:ROBERT HINKLE RegNo: �(*) Signature is required where Florida.Law requires design to be performed by registered design professionals. Typed,names and registration numbers may be used where all relevant information is contained on signed/sealed plans. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 Florida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option Page 4of15 Project: BK.FL.PORT ST. LUCIE Title: BURGER KING - PORT ST. LUCIE T31pe: Dining: Cafeteria/Fast Food dEA File: FL ST LUCIE CO INTL.tm3) . Building End Uses 1) Proposed 2) Baseline total 152.50 187.60 $2,407 $2,967 ELECTRICITY(MBtulkWhl$) 152.50 187.60 44662 54941 i $2,407. $2,967 AREA LIGHTS 20.40 35.50 5972 10394 $322 $561 DOMHOT WATER 0.70 0.70 198 198 $11 $11 MISC EQUIPMT 30.50 30.50 8930 8930 $481 $482 PUMPS & MISC 0.20 0.20 69 58 $4 $3 SPACE COOL 61.70 65.50 18064 19188 $974 $1,036 SPACE HEAT 0.00 5.00 0 1457 i $0 S79 VENT FANS 39.00 50.20 11429 14716 4 $616 $795 i CS'edits Applied: None PASSES Palssing Criteria = 2522 Design (including any credits) = 2407 P Issing requires Proposed Building cost to be at most 85% of BIIseline cost. This Proposed Building is at 81.1% EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-201T TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 lorida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option 3/23/2018 I Page 5 of 15 � j 3/23/2018 Project: BK.FL.PORT ST. LUCIE Title: BURGER KING - PORT ST. LUCIE Type: Dining: Cafeteria/Fast Food EA "File: FL ST LUCIE CO INTL.tm3) li External Lighting Compliance Description Category Tradable? Allowance Area or Length ELPA CLP I (W/Unit) or No. of Units (W) (W) (Sgft or ft) ExtLight PATIO Building facades by area No 0.15 1,200.0 180 180 �I 11 Tradable Surfaces: 0 (W) Allowance for Tradable: 750 (W) PASSES All �xternal Lighting: 180 (W) Co'plicance check includes a excess/Base allowance of 750.00(W) Pr et: BK.FL.PORT ST. LUCIE Titlo: BURGER KING - PORT ST. LUCIE Typ is Dining: Cafeteria/Fast Food (WEA File: FL ST LUCIE CO_INTL.tm3) r �! Lighting Controls Compliance A�jlronym Ashrae Description Area Design Min Compli- li ID (sq.ft) CP CP ance Lijhting 8 Food Service - Leisure Dining 1,403 2 1 PASSES Lighting 7 Food Service -Kitchen 720 2 1 PASSES Lighting 7 Food Service -Kitchen 844 2 1 PASSES I' II PASSES EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option Page 6 of 15 3/23/2018 i II Projegt: BK.FL.PORT ST. LUCIE Title: BURGER KING - PORT ST. LUCIE Type: !pining: Cafeteria/FastFood (WEA File• FL ST LUCIE CO INTL.tm3) System Report Compliance RTU1,2 System 33 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units System 2 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooping System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 61800 14.10 14.00 14.10 PASSES jl < 65000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Air ,Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 2000 0.58 0.82 PASSES Sys�em -Supply Constant Volume li RTU3 System 33 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units I System 1 Qomponent Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance I Coling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 103600 11.20 11.20 12.90 12.90 PASSES 65000 to 135000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 3400 0.68 0.82 PASSES System -Supply I Constant Volume RTU4 r System 33 Constant Volume Packaged No. of Units I, System 1 Component Category Capacity Design Eff Design IPLV Comp- Eff Criteria IPLV Criteria liance Cooling System Air Conditioners Air Cooled 95200 11.20 11.20 12.90 12.90 PASSES 65000 to 135000 Btu/h Cooling Capacity Air Handling Air Handler (Supply) - 3000 0.62 0.82 PASSES S�stem -Supply I Constant Volume I PASSES EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option Page 7 of 15 i Plant Compliance Description Installed Size Design Min Design Min Category Comp ! No Eff Eff IPLV IPLV liance I None Project: BK.FL.PORT ST. LUCIE Tit e: BURGER KING - PORT ST. LUCIE Ty pe: Dining: Cafeteria/Fast Food (WEA File: FL ST LUCIE_ CO_INTL.tm3) Water Heater Compliance D scription Type i Category Design Min Eff Eff Design Max Comp Loss Loss liance Witer Heater Electric water heater <= 12 [kW] 100.00 0.84 I 0.30 PASSES PASSES Project: BK.FL.PORT ST. LUCIE Title: BURGER KING - PORT ST. LUCIE Type: Dining: Cafeteria/Fast Food (WEA File: FL ST LUCIE_ CO_INTL.tm3) Piping System Compliance Category Pipe Dia Is Operating Ins Cond [inches] Runout? Temp [Btu-in/hr [F] SF.F] Ins Req Ins Compliance Thick [in] Thick [in] Heating System (Steam, Steam Tondensate, & Hot Water) 0.25 True 105.00 0.28 0.75 0.00 PASSES T1 PASSES i EnergyGauge Summit® FlalCom-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 lorida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option 3/23/2018 Page 8 of 15 i i Mandatory Requirements (as applicable) Mandatory requirements compiled by US Department of Energy and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Adopted with permission Top c Section Component Description Yes N/A Exempt 1. To be checked by Designer or Engineer �- Insulation C303.2 Envelope Below -grade wall insulation installed per El ❑ ❑ I manufacturer's instructions. Insulation C303.2 Envelope Slab edge insulation installed per manufacturer's ❑ ❑ instructions. Insulation C303.2 Envelope Above -grade wall insulation installed per ❑ ❑ ❑ manufacturer's instructions. Insulation C402.3 Envelope High-albedo roofs satisfy one of the following: ❑ 3-year-aged solar reflectance >= 0.55 and thermal emittance >= 0.75 or 3-year-aged solar Fenestration C402.4.4 Envelope reflectance index >= 64.0. U-factor of opaque doors associated with the ❑ ❑ building thermal envelope meets requirements. SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC C403.2.12.1 Mechanical HVAC fan systems at design conditions do not ❑ ❑ exceed allowable fan system motor nameplate hp or fan system bhp. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.2.12.2 Mechanical HVAC fan motors not oversized beyond allowable se❑ ❑ limits. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.2.3(8) Table Mechanical Heat Rejection Equipment: Minimum Efficiency e❑ ❑ Requirement meet those listed in Table C403.2.3(8) HVAC C403.2.7 Mechanical Exhaust air energy recovery on systems meeting ❑ se ❑ SYST-EM_SPECIFIC C403.3 Mechanical Table C403.2.7(1) and C403.2.7(2). Air economizers provided where required, meet ❑ the requirements for design capacity, control signal, ventilation controls, high -limit shut-off, integrated economizer control, and provide a means to relieve excess outside air during operation. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403.3.2 Mechanical Economizer operation will not increase heating El Rr ❑ SYS1TEM_SPECIFIC C403.3.4, Mechanical energy use during normal operation. Water economizers provided where required, ❑ Ee❑ C403.3.4.1, meet the requirements for design capacity, C403.3.4.2, maximum pressure drop and integrated C403.3.1 economizer control. — SPECIFIC C403.4.2.1 Mechanical Three -pipe hydronic systems using a common ❑ ElSYSTEM Sys TEPA _SPECIFIC C403. Mechanical return for hot and chilled water are not used. Hydronic heat pump systems connected to a El El common water loop meet heat rejection and heat addition requirements. C403.4.3.4 Mechanical Open -circuit cooling towers having water cooled ❑ El chiller systems and multiple or vairable speed i condenser pumps, are designed so that tower cells can run in parallel with larger of flow crtieria. _ /�❑ SPECIFIC C404.2 Mechanical Service water heating equipment meets efficiency RL$Ji ( ElSYSTEM_ requirements. Wattage C405.3 Interior Lighting Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per face. se❑ ❑ Z-To be checked by, Plan Reviewer Plan, Review C103.2 Envelope Plans and/or specifications provide all information ❑ ❑ ❑ with which compliance can be determined for the building envelope and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 Florida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option 3/23/2018 �' Page 9 of 15 Plan R view C103.2 Mechanical Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide Li Li Li all information with which compliance can be determined for the mechanical systems and equipment and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Load calculations per acceptable engineering st Plan Review C103.2 Mechanical Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information with which compliance can be determined for the service water heating systems and equipment and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Hot water system Plan Review C103.2 Interior Lighting sized per manufact Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provideEl El ❑ all information with which compliance can be determined for the interior lighting and electrical systems and equipment and document where I' exceptions to the standard are claimed. Information provided shoul ' Plan review C103.2 Exterior Lighting Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information with which compliance can be determined for the exterior lighting and electrical I, systems and equipment and document where exceptions to the standard are claimed. Information provided shoul Insulation C402.2.5 Envelope Slab edge insulation depth/length. Slab insulation El ❑ iextending away from building is covered by InsulaItion C402.2.6 Project pavement or>= 10 inches of soil. Radiant heating systems panels insulated to —R73.5 on face opposite space being heated. HVAC, C402.2.6 Mechanical Thermally ineffective panel surfaces of sensible heating panels have insulation >= R-3.5. Insulation C402.2.6 Envelope Radiant panels and associated components, designed for heat transfer from the panel surfaces to the occupants or indoor space are insulated with a minimum of R-3.5. Air Leakage C402.5.7 Envelope Vestibules are installed on all building entrances. Doors have self -closing devices. SYSTEM SPECIFIC C403.2.12.3 Mechanical Fans have efficiency grade (FEG) >= 67. The total efficiency of the fan at the design point of operation — 15% of maximum total efficiency of the fan. HVAC C403.2.13 Mechanical Unenclosed spaces that are heated use only ❑ ❑ i radiant heat. HVA6 C403.2.4.2 Mechanical Each zone equipped with setback controls using automatic time clock or programmable control system. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.2.4.4 Mechanical Zone isolation devices and controls installed I, where applicable. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.2.4.7 Mechanical Fault detection and diagnostics installed with air-cooled unitary DX units having economizers. SYSTEM C403.2.5 Mechanical Hot Hot water boilers supplying heat via one- or 1:1 El El two -pipe systems include outdoor setback control. HVAC C403.2.6.1 Mechanical Demand control ventilation provided for spaces ❑ ❑ ❑ >500 ft2 and >25 people/1000 ft2 occupant density and served by systems with air side economizer, auto modulating outside air damper control, or design airflow>3,000 cfm. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403.4.1.1 Mechanical Hydronic and multizone HVAC system controls 1:1 El areVAV fans driven by mechanical or electrical variable speed drive per Table C403.4.1.1. SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC C403.4.1.3 Mechanical Reset static pressure setpoint for DDC controlled �;' VAV boxes reporting to central controller based on the zones requiring the most pressure. SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC C403.4.2 Mechanical Temperature reset by representative building - loads in pumping systems for chiller and boiler systems >500,000 Btu/h. ` EnergyGauge Summit@ Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 lorida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option 3/23/2018 Page 10 of 15 I 3/23/2018 SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC I SYSTEM —SPECIFIC I; SYSTEMSPECIFIC i C403. C403.4.2.4 C403.4.2.5 SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403.4.2.6 SYSTEM_SPECIFIC I I SYSTEM —SPECIFIC li SYSTEM_SPECIFIC SYSi EM_SPECIFIC SYSTEM_SPECIFIC SYSTEM SPECIFIC SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC I' Review Review C403.4.3, C403.4.3.2 C403.4.4.5 C403.4.4.6 C404.2.1 C404.4 C404.5, C404.5.1, C404.5.2 C404.6.3 C404.7 C405.5.1 C405.6 C406 SPECIFIC C408.2.2.2 SPECIFIC C408.2.2.2 Mechanical Closed-circuit cooling tower within heat pump loop have either automatic bypass valve or lower leakage positive closure dampers. Open -circuit tower within heat pump loop have automatic valve to bypass all heat pump water flow around the tower. Open- or cl Mechanical Hydronic systems greater than 500,000 Btu/h designed for variable fluid flow. Mechanical System turndown requirement met through multiple single -input boilers, one or more modulating boilers, or a combination of single -input and modulating boilers. Boiler input between 1.0 MBtu/h and 5 MBtu/h has 3:1 turndown ratio, boiler input between 5.0 Mechanical Chilled water plants with multiple chillers have capability to reduce flow automatically through the chiller plant when a chiller is shut down. Boiler plants with multiple boilers have the capability to reduce flow automatically through the boiler plant Mechanical Fan systems with motors >=7.5 hp associated with heat rejection equipment to have capability to operate at 2/3 of full -speed and auto speed controls to control the leaving fluid temperature or condensing temp/pressure of heat rejection device. Mechanical Multiple zone HVAC systems have supply air temperature reset controls. Mechanical Multiple zone VAV systems with DDC of individual zone boxes have static pressure setpoint reset controls. Mechanical Gas -fired water -heating equipment installed in new buildings: where a singular piece of water -heating equipment>= 1,000 kBtu/h serves the entire building, thermal efficiency >= 90 Et. Where multiple pieces of water -heating equipment serve the building wi Mechanical All piping insulated in accordance with section details and Table C403.2.10. Mechanical Heated water supply piping conforms to pipe length and volume requirements. Refer to section details. Mechanical Pumps that circulate water between a heater and storage tank have controls that limit operation from startup to <= 5 minutes after end of heating cycle. Mechanical Water distribution system that pumps water from a heated -water supply pipe back to the heated -water source through a cold -water supply pipe is a demand recirculation water system. Pumps within this system have controls that start the pump upon receiving Exterior Lighting Exterior lighting power is consistent with what is shown on the approved lighting plans, demonstrating proposed watts are less than or equal to allowed watts. Project Group R-2 dwelling units have separate electrical meters. Project Plans, specifications, and/or calculations provide all information with which compliance can be determined for the additional energy efficiency package options. Mechanical HVAC hydronic heating and cooling coils have means to balance and have pressure test connections. Mechanical HVAC hydronic heating and cooling coils have means to balance and have pressure test connections. M, N F:FF: M N M #94117M 4 M M A M +MMMM EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 lorida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option Page 11 of 15 3/23/2018 I 3. To be checked by Inspector - Insulation C303.1 Envelope Roof insulation installed per manufacturers€TMS ❑ ❑ ❑ instructions. Blown or poured loose -fill insulation is installed only where the roof slope is <=3 in 12. Insuli lion C303.1 Envelope Building envelope insulation is labeled with ❑ ❑ ❑ R-value or insulation certificate providing R-value and other relevant data. Fenestration C303.1.3 Envelope Fenestration products rated in accordance with ❑ ❑ ❑ NFRC. Fenestration C303.1.3 Envelope Fenestration products are certified as to ❑ ❑ ❑ performance labels or certificates provided. Ins Ration C303.2, C402.2.4 Envelope Floor insulation installed per manufacturer's ❑ ❑ ❑ instructions. Cavity or structural slab insulation installed in permanent contact with underside of decking or structural slabs. Insulation C303.2.1 Envelope Exterior insulation protected against damage, ❑ ❑ ❑ i sunlight, moisture, wind, landscaping and equipment maintenance activities. InSL lation C303.2.1 Envelope Exterior insulation is protected from damage with ❑ ❑ ❑ a protective material. Verification for exposed ! foundation insulation may need to occur during Foundation Inspection. Insulation C402.1.3 Envelope Non -swinging opaque doors have R-4.75 ❑ ❑ ❑ insulation. Insulation C402.2.2 Envelope Skylight curbs are insulated to the level of roofs ❑ ❑ ❑ with insulation above deck or R-5. Ins lation C402.2.2 Envelope Insulation intended to meet the roof insulation ❑ ❑ ❑ requirements cannot be installed on top of a suspended ceiling. Mark this requirement compliant if insulation is installed accordingly. Air Leakage C402.5 Envelope Building envelope contains a continuous air ❑ ❑ ❑ barrier that has been tested and deemed to limit Lakage air leakage <= 0.40 cfm/ft2. Air C402.5.1 Envelope The building envelope contains a continuous air ❑ ❑ Elbarrier that is sealed in an approved manner and either constructed or tested in an approved manner. Air barrier penetrations are sealed in an approved manner. Air Leakage C402.5.1.1 Envelope All sources of air leakage in the building thermal ❑ ❑ ❑ envelope are sealed, caulked, gasketed, weather stripped or wrapped with moisture vapor -permeable wrapping material to minimize air leakage. Air Leakage C402. Envelope The building envelope contains a continuous air ❑ ❑ ❑ barrier that is sealed in an approved manner and material permeability <= 0.004 cfm/ft2. Air barrier penetrations are sealed in an approved manner. Air eakage C402. Envelope The building envelope contains a continuous air ❑ ❑ ❑ ' barrier that is sealed in an approved manner and average assembly air leakage <= 0.04 cfm1 t2. Air barrier penetrations are sealed in an approved Air eakage C402.5.2, C402.5.4 Envelope manner. Factory -built fenestration and doors are labeled ❑ ❑ ❑ as meeting air leakage requirements. Air leakage C402.5.3 Envelope Where open combustion air ducts provide ❑ ❑ ❑ combustion air to open combustion fuel burning appliances, the appliances and combustion air opening are located outside the building thermal j envelope or enclosed in a room, isolated from inside the thermal envelope Air � eakage C402.5.5, Envelope Stair and elevator shaft vents have motorized El ❑ ❑ ' C403.2.4.3 dampers that automatically close. Air L' eakage C402.5.5, Envelope Outdoor air and exhaust systems have motorized ❑ ❑ ❑ C403.2.4.3 dampers that automatically shut when not in use and meet maximum leakage rates. Check gravity dampers where allowed. Air eakage C402.5.6 Envelope Weatherseals installed on all loading dock cargo ❑ ❑ ❑ doors. EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option Page 12 of 15 Air Leakage C402.5.8 Envelope Recessed luminaires in thermal envelope to limit U U U finfiltration and be IC rated and labeled. Seal between interior finish and luminaire housing. HVAC' C403.2.1 Mechanical HVAC systems and equipment design loads calculated in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA Standard 183 or by an approved equivalent computational procedure SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403.2.10 Mechanical HVAC piping insulation thickness. Where piping ❑ El is installed in or under a slab, verification may need to occur during Foundation Inspection. HVA ,' C403.2.3 I' Mechanical HVAC equipment efficiency verified. SYS IEM_SPECIFIC C403.2.3 Mechanical PTAC and PTHP with sleeves 16 in. by 42 in. labeled for replacement only as per Footnote b to Table C403.2.3(3). SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403.2.4.1 Mechanical Heating and cooling to each zone is controlled by a thermostat control. Minimum one humidity control device per installed humidification/dehumidification system. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403. Mechanical Heat pump controls prevent supplemental electric El ❑ ❑ resistance heat from coming on when not needed. HVAC C403. Mechanical Thermostatic controls have a 5 A°F deadband. i HVAC C403. Mechanical Thermostatic controls have a 5 A°F deadband. HVAC C403. Mechanical Temperature controls have setpoint overlap restrictions. HVAC C403., Mechanical Automatic Controls: Setback to 55°F (heat) and El 1-1 El C403. 85°F (cool); 7-day clock, 2-hour occupant override, 10-hour backup SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC C403. Mechanical Systems include optimum start controls. HVAC C403.2.4.5, Mechanical Snow/ice melting system sensors for future 1:1 El C403.2.4.6 connection to controls. Freeze protection systems have automatic controls installed. HVAC C403.2.6.2 Mechanical Enclosed parking garage ventilation has automatic contaminant detection and capacity to stage or modulate fans to 50% or less of design capacity. HVAC C403.2.9 Mechanical HVAC ducts and plenums insulated. Where ducts ❑ El or plenums are installed in or under a slab, verification may need to occur during Foundation Inspection. SYSTEM _SPECIFIC C403. Mechanical Ductwork operating >3 in. water column requires air leakage testing. SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC C403.4.1.2 Mechanical VAV fans have static pressure sensors located so ❑ ❑ controller setpoint —1.2 w.c.. SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC C403.4.2.2 Mechanical Two -pipe hydronic systems using a common distribution system have controls to allow a deadband >=151F, allow operation in one mode for at least 4 hrs before changeover, and have rest controls to limit heating and cooling supply temperature to < 30 OF. SYSTEM —SPECIFIC C403. Mechanical Two -position automatic valve interlocked to shut off water flow when hydronic heat pump with pumping system >10 hp is off. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403.4.4.5, Mechanical Zone controls can limit simultaneous heating and ❑ El C403. cooling and sequence heating and cooling to each zone. SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC C403.4.5 Mechanical Condenser heat recovery system that can heat El ❑ ❑ water to 85OF or provide 60% of peak heat rejection is installed for preheating of service hot water. SYSTEM_SPECIFIC C403.4.6 Mechanical Hot gas bypass limited to: ® ❑ < 240 kBtu/h - 50% capacity, >240 kBtu/h - 25% capacity SY ITEM_SPECIFIC C404.3 Mechanical Heat traps installed on non -circulating storage El�( water tanks. 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option Page 13 of 15 3/23/2018 I SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC i SY ITEM_SPECIFIC i SYSTEM —SPECIFIC SYSTEM —SPECIFIC SYSTEM_ SPECIFIC SYSTEM_SPECIFIC Controls i i Controls Controls Cortrols i Con trols Controls Controls Cortrols Wattage Co trols Wattage C404.3 C404.3 C404.6.1 C404.6.1, C404.6.2 C404.9.1 C404.9.2 C404.9.2 C404.9.3 C405.2.1 C405.2.1 C405.2.1, C405.2.2.3 C405.2.2.1 C405.2.3 C405.2.3, C405.2.3.1, C405.2.3.2 C405.2.3, C405.2.3.1, C405.2.3.3 C405.2.4 C405.2.4 C405.2.5 C405.4.1 Mandatory Additional Eff C406.4 I i Additional Eff C406.6 Mechanical Heat traps installed on supply and discharge piping of non -circulating systems. Mechanical Mechanical Interior Lighting Independent lighting controls installed per approved lighting plans and all manual controls readily accessible and visible to occupants. Interior Lighting Automatic controls to shut off all building lighting installed in all buildings. Interior Lighting Daylight zones provided with individual controls that control the lights independent of general area lighting. Interior Lighting Primary sidelighted areas are equipped with required lighting controls. Interior Lighting Enclosed spaces with daylight area under skylights and rooftop monitors are equipped with required lighting controls. Interior Lighting Separate lighting control devices for specific uses installed per approved lighting plans. Interior Lighting Additional interior lighting power allowed for special functions per the approved lighting plans and is automatically controlled and separated from general lighting. Exterior Lighting Automatic lighting controls for exterior lighting installed. Controls will be daylight controlled, set based on business operation time -of -day, or reduce connected lighting > 30%. Interior Lighting Interior installed lamp and fixture lighting power is consistent with what is shown on the approved lighting plans, demonstrating proposed watts are less than or equal to allowed watts. Project Enhanced digital lighting controls efficiency package: Interior lighting has following enhanced lighting controls in accordance with Section C405.2.2: Luminaires capable of continuous dimming and being addressed individually, — 8 luminaires controlled in Project Dedicate outdoor air system efficiency package: Buildings with hydronic and/or multiple -zone HVAC systems are equipped with an independent ventilation system designed to provide >= 100-percent outdoor air to each individual occupied space, as specified by ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ WROWN WNUME 0 0 0 I EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 lorida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option Page 14 of 15 r Mandatory Additional Eff C406.7, C406.7.1 , Project i HVAC i C408.2.2.1 Mechanical HVAQ C408.2.2.1 Mechanical Testing C408.2.3.2 Mechanical I� Enhanced Service Water Heat System efficiency u U U package. One of the following SWH system enhancements must satisfy 60 percent of hot water requirements, or 100 percent if the building otherwise complies with heat recovery per Section C403.4.5:. Waste heat re Air outlets and zone terminal devices have means ❑ ❑ ❑ for air balancing. Air outlets and zone terminal devices have means for air balancing. HVAC control systems have been tested to ❑ ❑ ❑ ensure proper operation, calibration and adjustment of controls. r" 4. To be checked by Inspector at Project Completion and Prior to Issuance.of Certificate of Occu anc Post Construction C303.3, C408.2.5.2 Interior Lighting Furnished 0&M instructions for systems and❑�� equipment to the building owner or designated representative. Post Construction C303.3, C408.2.5.3 Mechanical Furnished 0&M manuals for HVAC systems 1:1 El within 90 days of system acceptance. Fenestration C402.4.2.2 Envelope Skylights in office, storage, automotive service, El El manufacturing, non -refrigerated warehouse, retail store, and distribution/sorting area have a measured haze value > 90 percent unless designed to exclude direct sunlight. Post Construction C408.2.1 Mechanical Commissioning plan developed by registered ❑ ❑ design professional or approved agency. Post Construction C408.2.3.1 Mechanical HVAC equipment has been tested to ensure ® ❑ proper operation. Post!Construction C408.2.3.3 Mechanical Economizers have been tested to ensure proper ❑ ❑ operation. PostlConstruction C408.2.4 Mechanical Preliminary commissioning report completed and ❑ ❑ certified by registered design professional or approved agency. Post Construction C408.2.5.1 Mechanical Furnished HVAC as -built drawings submitted ❑ ❑ within 90 days of system acceptance. PostlConstruction C408.2.5.1 Interior Lighting Furnished as -built drawings for electric power ❑ ❑ systems within 90 days of system acceptance. Post l Construction C408.2.5.3 Mechanical An air and/or hydronic system balancing report is ❑ ❑ provided for HVAC systems. Pos Construction C408.2.5.4 Mechanical Final commissioning report due to building owner ❑ ❑ within 90 days of receipt of certificate of occupancy. Posh Construction C408.3 Interior Lighting Lighting systems have been tested to ensure ❑ proper calibration, adjustment, programming, and operation. i . EnergyGauge Summit® Fla/Com-2017. TAM 2017-1.0 Compliant Software. Effective Date: Dec 31, 2017 Florida Building Code, Sixth Edition (2017) - Energy Conservation IECC 2015 - Total Building Performance Compliance Option 3/23/20181. Page 15 of 15 0 EnergyGauge Summit® v6.00 INPUT DATA REPORT Proiect Information Project Name: BK.FL.PORT ST. LUCIE Project Title: BURGER KING -PORT ST. LUCIE Address: 6598 South U.S. Hwy. 1 at Kitterman Rd. State: Florida Zip: 34952 Owner: Zones Orientation: 0 Deg Clockwise. Walls & Windows will be rotated accordingly Building Type: Dining: Cafeteria/Fast Food Building Classification: New Finished building No.of Stories: 1 GrossArea: 2967 SF No Acronym Description Type Area lsfl Multiplier Total Area lsfl 1 Front Dining / Sales / Service CONDITIONED 1403.0 1 1403.0 ❑ 2 Middle Prep / Storage CONDITIONED 720.0 1 720.0 ❑ 3 Back Prep / Storage CONDITIONED 844.0 1 844.0 ❑ 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit® v6.00 1 Spaces No Acronym Description Type Depth Width Height Multi Total Area Total Volume IN [ft] IN plier [sf] [eq In Zone: Front 1 Lighting recessed Food Service - Leisure 1.00 1403.00 10.00 1 1403.0 14030.0 ❑ Dining In Zone: Middle 1 Lighting recessed Food Service - Kitchen 1.00 720.00 10.00 1 720.0 7200.0 ❑ In Zone: Back 1 Lighting recessed Food Service - Kitchen 1.00 844.00 10.00 1 844.0 8440.0 El Lighting No Type Category No. of Watts per Power Control Type No.of Luminaires Luminaire [W] Ctrl pts In Zone: Front In Space: Lighting 1 LED General Lighting 17 24 408 Manual On/Off 1 ❑ 2 LED General Lighting 30 12 360 Manual On/Off - 1El In Zone: Middle In Space: Lighting I LED General Lighting 11 42 462 Manual On/Off 1El 2 LED General Lighting 8 24 192 Manual On/Off 1 El In Zone: Back In Space: Lighting I LED General Lighting 10 24 240 Manual On/Off 1 2 LED General Lighting 18 16 288 Manual On/Off 1 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit® v6.00 Walls (Walls will be rotated clockwise by building rotation value) No Description Type Width H (Effec) Multi Area Orientation Conductance Heat Dens. R-Value [ffi] IN plier [st] [Btu/hr. sf. F] Capacity [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] [Btu/sf.F] In Zone: Front 1 Z1 W1 S 5/8" stucco 18.00 15.00 1 270.0 South 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 2 Z1 W2 E 518" stucco 7.00 15.00 1 105.0 East 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 3 Z1 W3 S 5/8" stucco 7.50 15.00 1 112.5 South 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 4 Z1 W4 W 5/8" stucco 7.00 15.00 1 105.0 West 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 5 ZI W6 S 5/8" stucco 23.50 15.00 1 352.5 South 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 6 Z1 W6 W 5/8" stucco 36.00 15.00 1 540.0 West 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 7 Z1 W7N 5/8" stucco 21.50 15.00 1 322.5 North 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 8 Z1 W7 W 5/8" stucco 5.00 15.00 1 75.0 West 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit® v6.00 3 9 Z1 W8 N 5/8" stucco 11.50 15.00 1 172.5 North 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 U /8"CMU/3/4"ISO -- -- - - --- _ _-- - BTWN24"oc/.5" --- Gyp -- - - - _ ---------,_ -----_ In Zone: Middle 1 Z2 Wl N 5/8" stucco 11.50 15.00 1 172.5 North 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 2 Z2 W2 SW 5/8" stucco 5.00 15.00 1 75.0 East 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 3 Z2 W3 N 5/8" stucco 10.00 15.00 1 150.0 North 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp In Zone: Back 1 Z3 Wl N 5/8" stucco 20.00 15.00 1 300.0 North 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 2 Z3 W2 W 5/8" stucco 5.00 15.00 1 75.0 West 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 3 Z3 W3 N 5/8" stucco 10.50 15.00 1 157.5 North 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 4 Z3 W4 E 5/8" stucco 20.50 15.00 1 307.5 East 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 5 Z3 W5 S 5/8" stucco 7.00 15.00 1 105.0 South 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit® v6.00 4 6 Z3 W6 E 5/8" stucco 20.00 15.00 1 300.0 East 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO - - - - - - -- ---BTWN24"oc/.5" - - - Gyp 7 Z3 W7 S 5/8" stucco 22.50 15.00 1 337.5 South 0.2067 5.731 34.65 4.8 ❑ /8"CMU/3/4"ISO BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp Windows (Windows will be rotated clockwise by building rotation value) No Description Orientation Shaded U SHGC Vis.Tra W H (Effec) Multi Total Area [Btu/hr sf F] IN ift] plier [sf] In Zone: Back In Wall: Z3 W3 N 1 Drive Thru North No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 7.00 4.00 1 28.0 ❑ In Wall: Z3 W4 E 1 Window 1 East No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 2.00 4.00 1 8.0 ❑ In Zone: Front In Wall: ZI W3 S 1 Window 1 South No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 3.00 8.00 1 24.0 2 Glass Front Door South No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 3.00 8.00 1 24.0 e In Wall: Z1 W5 S 1 Window 1 South No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 3.50 8.00 4 112.0 ❑ In Wall: ZI W6 W 1 Window 1 West No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 4.00 8.00 3 96.0 2 Window 2 West No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 3.50 8.00 2 56.0 3 Window 3 West No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 3.00 8.00 1 24.0 4 Window 4 West No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 1.50 8.00 1 12.0 5 Glass Side Door West No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 3.00 8.00 1 24.0 El In Wall: ZI W7 N 2 Window 1 North No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 3.50 8.00 2 56.0 ❑ In Zone: Middle In Wall:- Z2 W1 N 1 Drive Thru North No 0.6000 0.59 0.56 7.00 4.00 1 28.0 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit® v6.00 Doors No Description Type Shaded? Width H (Effec) Multi Area _ Cond. Dens. Heat Cap. R-Value [ft] IN plier [st] [Btu/hr. sf. F] [lb/ct] [Btu/sf. F] [h.sEFBtu] In Zone: Middle In Wall: Z2 W2 E 1 Side Door Solid core flush No 3.00 8.00 1 24.0 0.3504 0.00 0.00 2.85 ❑ (2.25) In Zone: Back In Wall: Z3 W5 S 1 Back Door Solid core flush No 4.00 8.00 1 32.0 0.3504 0.00 0.00 2.85 ❑ (2.25) Roofs No Description Type Width H (Effec) Multi Area Tilt Cond. Heat Cap Dens. R-Value IN IN plier [si] [deg] [Btu/hr. Sf. F] [Btu/si F] [Ib/cf] [h.sEFBtu] In Zone: Front 1 Roof T24R19b 1403.00 1.00 1 1403.0 5.00 0.0339 0.86 5.47 29.5 ❑ In Zone: Middle 1 Roof T24R19b 720.00 1.00 1 720.0 5.00 0.0339 0.86 5.47 29.5 ❑ In Zone: Back 1 Roof T24R19b 844.00 1.00 1 844.0 5.00 0.0339 0.86 5.47 29.5 ❑ Skylights No Description Type U SHGC Vis.Trans W H (Effec) Multiplier Area Total Area [Btu/hr sf F] IN [ft] [Sf] [Sf] In Zone: In Roof: El 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit© v6.00 No Description Type In Zone: Front 1 Slab 1 ft. soil, concrete floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: Middle 1 Slab 1 ft. soil, concrete floor, carpet and rubber pad In Zone: Back 1 Slab 1 ft. soil, concrete floor, carpet and rubber pad Floors Width H (Effec) Multi Area Cond. Heat Cap. Dens. R-Value [ft] [ft] plier [st] [Btu/hr. sf. F] [Btu/sf. F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] 1403.00 1.00 1 1403.0 0.5747 14.00 140.00 1.74 720.00 1.00 1 720.0 0.5747 14.00 140.00 1.74 725.00 1.00 1 725.0 0.5747 14.00 140.00 1.74 Systems RTU1,2 System 33 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 2 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 Cooling System Air Handling System -Supply 61800.00 14.10 2000.00 0.58 14.10 ❑ ❑ RTU3 System 33 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV 1 2 Cooling System Air Handling System -Supply 103600.00 11.20 3400.00 0.68 12.90 ❑ ❑ 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit® v6.00 7 RTU4 System 33 Constant Volume Packaged System No. Of Units 1 Component Category Capacity Efficiency IPLV — -- — — — — 1 Cooling System 2 Air Handling System -Supply 95200.00 11.20 12.90 3000.00 0.62 ❑ ❑ Plant Equipment Category Size Inst.No Eff. IPLV Water Heaters W-Heater Description Capacity Cap.Unit I/P Rt. Efficiency Loss 1 Electric water heater 100 [Gal] 8 [kW] 100.0000 [Ef] 0.3000 [Btu/h] ❑ Ext-Lighting Description Category No. of Luminaires Watts per Luminaire Area/Len/No. of units [sVft/No] Control Type Wattage [W] 1 Ext Light PATIO Building facades by area 3 60 1200.00 Photo Sensor control 180.00 ❑ Piping No Type Operating Temperature [F] Insulation Conductivity [ Btu-in/h.sf.F] Nomonal pipe Diameter [in] Insulation Thickness [in] Is Runout? 1 Heating System (Steam, Steam Condensate, & Hot Water) 105.00 0.28 0.25 0.75 Yes 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit@ v6.00 Name Glass Type ASHULB1ockAll User Defined Frm -- - --Fenest>ration-Used- - ---- No. of Glass SHGC VLT Conductance Panes [Btu/h.sf.Fl 1 0.6000 0.5900 0.5600 ❑ Materials Used Only R-Value RValue Thickness Conductivity Density SpecificHeat Mat No Acronym Description Used [h.s£F/Btu] [ft] [Btu/h.ft.F] [Ib/cf] [Btu/Ib.F] 187 Mat1187 GYP OR PLAS No 0.4533 0.0417 0.0920 50.00 0.2000 BOARD,1/2IN 178 Matl178 CARPET W/RUBBER PAD Yes 1.2300 ❑ 265 Mat1265 Soil, 1 ft Yes 0.0100 ❑ 48 Mat148 6 in. Heavyweight concrete No 0.5000 0.5000 1.0000 140.00 0.2000 ❑ 268 Mat1268 0.625" stucco No 0.1302 0.0521 0.4000 16.00 0.2000 ❑ 42 Mat142 8 in. Lightweight concrete No 2.0212 0.6670 0.3300 38.00 0.2000 ❑ block 269 Mat1269 .75" ISO BTWN24" oc No 2.2321 0.0625 0.0280 4.19 0.3000 ❑ 279 Mat1279 Solid core flush (2.25") Yes 2.8537 ❑ 244 Mat1244 PLYWOOD, 1/21N No 0.6318 0.0417 0.0660 34.00 0.2900 ❑ 82 Mat182 ASPHALT -SHINGLE AND Yes 0.4400 ❑ SIDING 91 Matl91 BUILDING PAPER, Yes 0.0600 ❑ PERMEABLE FELT 407 Mat1407 R-19 Generic Insulation No 19.0000 0.4147 0.0218 0.30 0.2000 ❑ 414 Mat1414 R-8 generic Insulatrion No 8.0000 0.1746 0.0218 0.30 0.2000 ❑ 80 Mat180 AIR LAYER, 41N OR Yes 0.9200 ❑ MORE, HORIZ. ROOFS 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit® v6.00 9 Constructs Used Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [Ib/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] 1053 T24R19b No No 0.03 0.86 5.47 29.5 ❑ Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 82 ASPHALT -SHINGLE AND SIDING 0.000 ❑ 2 91 BUILDING PAPER, PERMEABLE FELT 0.000 ❑ 3 244 PLYWOOD, 1/21N 0.0417 0.000 ❑ 4 414 R-8 generic Insulatrion 0.1746 0.000 ❑ 5 407 R-19 Generic Insulation 0.4147 0.000 ❑ 6 80 AIR LAYER, 41N OR MORE, HORIZ. 0.000 ❑ ROOFS 7 187 GYP OR PLAS BOARD,1/21N 0.0417 0.000 ❑ No Name Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue Construct Construct [Btu/h.sEF] [Btu/sf.F] [Ib/ct] [h.sf.F/Btu] 1057 1 ft. soil, concrete floor, carpet and rubber pad No No 0.57 14.00 140.00 1.7 ❑ Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 265 Soil, 1 ft 1.0000 0.000 ❑ 2 48 6 in. Heavyweight concrete 0.5000 0.000 ❑ 3 178 CARPET W/RUBBER PAD 0.000 ❑ 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit® v6.00 10 Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.FBtu] 1058 Solid core flush (2.25) No Yes 0.35 2.9 ❑— Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. [ft] Factor 1 279 Solid core flush (2.25") 0.000 ❑ Simple Massless Conductance Heat Capacity Density RValue No Name Construct Construct [Btu/h.sf.F] [Btu/sf.F] [lb/cf] [h.sf.F/Btu] 1064 5/8" stucco /8"CMU/3/4"ISO No No 0.21 5.73 34.65 4.8 ❑ BTWN24"oc/.5" Gyp Layer Material Material Thickness Framing No. IN Factor 1 268 0.625" stucco 0.0521 0.000 ❑ 2 42 8 in. Lightweight concrete block 0.6670 0.000 ❑ 3 269 .75" ISO BTWN24" oc 0.0625 0.000 ❑ 4 187 GYP OR PLAS BOARD,1/21N 0.0417 0.000 ❑ 3/23/2018 EnergyGauge Summit® v6.00 11