HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOUNDARY SURVEYD LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 19 of PODSI1:12 AND 13. P.U.D. 1 AT THE PRESERVE SCARBOROUGH ESTATES according to the plot thereof as recorded inllPlot Book 45 pages 13 through 14 of the Public Records of St. Lucie County. Florido. SCANNED BY St. Lucie Couf1ty I U N DAFZ ABBREVIATIONS; SET = Set 5/8' iron r bar h yello* cop marked 'PSA 554�"tt FD=Found 5/8' Iron Rebor F.F.E.=Finished Floor Elevolic OH--OH--OH-= Over Head Wires X--X--X = Chain Li k Fence R.0R'ght of joy O--D--0-= Mood Fence R= FPL Transformer Pad PL=Value as platted R = Radius of curve L = Length of curve Delp of Curve S. =Measured CONC. = Concrete C.P.tConc {�to Pod terMeter ePoIe tlit y Box ®= We l I 1 ALL liEVAnONS HM04 ARE BASED 04 A4 ASSLW DARQ GAl �lf1.r +9. .O Ilk y� !j aso J 7 �t3F SU SURVEYORS NOTES: 1. Unless other*ise noted only platted easements are shorn hereon. 2. No underground utilities or improvements *ere located unless other*ise sho*n. 3. This site lies'*Ithin Flood Insurance Rate stop Firm Panel X Vapi 12111CO260J Dated 2-16-12 4. Flood Zone shorn hereon is 6n interpretation by the surveyor and is provided as a courtesy. The flood zone should be verified by a determination agency. 5. Bearings shorn hereon ore based on the Center line of Scarborough Court as being S35'54'18`E according to the Plot described hereon. 6. P.U.M. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage Easement. 7. All Lot dimensions shorn ore per plot unless other*ise sho*n. St. 4ucip Co. FL 0� DateIffit. PP A roved F�sOjO p \ D� C' oG�IX VNI � GQ Q�4'� .tyyp ��• ` Q � Dc� 11.00 RECEIVED ,; Permitting Department St. Lucie County, FL 9319 Scarborou h Court Certified to: Steve Ascherfeld Pools by Greg (772 ) 337-9713 1 SCALE! 1°=30'„ Atlantic Land Designs DATE: 3/25/1 of the Treasure Coast. LB7468 ,�- BP# 14-0 ©.662k 1 hereby certify that the surrey shorn hereon Is true and correct and Is based on ctuol meoseurements taken in the field. This thealllinimum Technical Standards Chapter 5J-17 5 7m * Jensen Beach Bird. Jensen Beach. FL 34957 Mailing Address: DRAIN: C\JC P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 surrey meets oI M C Florida oamtnfstrotfre code. gtrarC-42, 2015-0189 ALD5543@gmail.com (772)398-4290 James A Digitally signed by James A. Cesiro Jr. pSM 5543 A. �DN: cn=James A. Cesiro Jr., o=Atlantic =Land Design, ou, ,,, emaif4LD5543@gmaiLcom,c=US Cesiro Jr. Date: 2018.08.24 08:43:48 -04'00' � si'nrt: or' a �' c NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC r P40 10.E y SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL e ° . I il° DATE: REVISIONS 8 23.18: it ool deck Ile in II LAST FIELD DATE :8/20/1 8 l H � II BOUtVDARY SUR�/>�Y I LEGAL DESCRIPTj O�N:13 ABBREVIATIONS: SURVEYORS NOTES: Lot 19 D PODS TI N SET = Set 6/8" iron rebor With 1. Unless otherwise noted only platted easements yelI9W cap marked "PSM 5643" ore shown hereon. P.U.D. 1 AT THE PRESERVE FD=Found 5/8 Iron'Rebor SCARBOROUGH ESTATES F,F.E:=Finished Floor Elevation 2 No underground utilities or improvements were according to thelplat thereof located•unless otherwise shown. as redorded in Plct Book 45 OH--OH--OH-= Oyer Head Wires 3, This site lies Within Flood Insurance Rote Mop o through14 X--X--X-= Chain Link Fence Firm Panel X Map# 12111CO260J Doted 2-16-12 pages 13 thr9 R.O.W. = Right of Way 4 Flood Zone sholyn hereon is an interpretation of the `Public Rea rds of 0--0--0-= Wood Fence St. Lucie County Florida. �= FPL Transformer Pad by the surveyor and is provided ri a courtesy. PL=Value as platted The Ilood zone should be Verified by o R = Radius at curve determination agency. L = Length of curve 5. Bearings shown hereon ore based on the Center Q Del �Q of Curve line of Scarborough Court as being S35'64'18"E fr1EAS. = Measured according to the Plat described hereon, CONC. = Concrete 6, P,U.D.E. denotes Public Utilities and Drainage C.P.= Concrete Pod Easement. ®= Water Meter 11�= Power Pole' 7. All Lot dimensions shown are per plat unless = Utility Box otherwise shown. ®_ We I I I PROPOSED PLOT PLAN I(OUBJEdT TO dONTRAdTOR, HEALTH DEPT.. AHD BUILDINd DEPT. APPROVAL) \ RECEIVED ALL ELEVATIONS SHOVj HEREON ARE BASED ON AN ASSUMED DATUM +T'S6 A\ JUN 2 5 2018 ST. L i CoQ. \ I r FRONT 10 SIDES s\�, CNRR SIDES D6REA, F o0ZNG,. �' $• �a °a�' \ TECH. °10 G.� % jam, op 10 �s/ be e,, boy ��� r��. r���nl-lp 01 ���,nf, 10 16. I 1• i! INN A � I q � \ AA O OJT �•o� '�� o �� 40, ¢ O eel', +9b2 �6'• rr .vim • t� A\ III I I I I 746 01 I 9319 Scarborou h Court. Cer t i I i ed to: Steve Ascherfeld Pools by Greg SCALE: 1 "=3q1' Atlantic Land Designs (772) 337-9713 of the Treasure Coast, L81468 DATE: 3/25/1�5 751 NE Jensen Beach Blyd. Jensen Beach, FL 31957 I hereby eertily that the suryey sho*n hereon is true and correct C Mailing Address: and is based on actual meoseurements taken in the field. This DRAB: MC\J l P.O. Box 1421 Jensen Beach, FL 34958 surrey meets the Minimum Technical Standards of Chapter 5J-17s�1, cesi Florida administratiye code, txttr,c•e"s,"o 2015-018,'9 ALD5543@gmail.com (772)398-4290 Dlgttailysigned byJames A.CeAro PSM5543 James A. Jr' DATE: II REVISIONS :.ON:cn=James A.Ceslroir., o=Atlantic Land Design, ou, Ces i ro J r email=ALD5543@gmall.com,c=us a II • Date: 2018.06.08 I6:27:21 •04'00' sTnieur NOT VALID WITHOUT AN AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC ' o-k . "eu", o� e ' IILAST FIELD DATE :6/6/18 SIGNATURE AND AUTHENTICATED ELECTRONIC SEAL °a su"vr,u