HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1813 II, " I I '. ~ I ,2, ,. "",," ,"- Il', ','(," ,'(, "'II '\~' .. ), .. I, I .'. 4 l~' , >. I , ,:.' 'i" ,I' j , '. ,', '. : I., ,,: r ' ,f I I ; 'I 9~;~";:.d"::"~"~;'4~;:;;;~~~::-~~7~:;~,-,,;~;,~;~;~.~..t~~:h:~;;':~~~:'::~"'T:::~r';~S':;:: '\~ '.roSJlPll~. lI:iIlr: 1\' '" I' 1'0' \. ,,',' \ I' 'JOiDf,.S",HUJII',:\," ',I :d \! L ' , '.' \ \, I', ' i ' ',\ ,I . , , " ':,' '. ,:1 , \ ~ \ \ ' , l!' ,.,' iI ' I:,,"" '\. ., \ ' , ! " .~IU1)A WAR,JUBlYll>EED,' \. \ '. 1,," '" \, "\ ~:'I. , ' ,', , " \, ',..' " r . \ : " " " ' , . '},. , fH~S iNDIJnURB,~1;~18 7th ~ iO:f!.~, ,+\D., 192~",lm:"&u ioa.~ 'i., H.i., :a .,140..,..;. o':f I; ,', ~ , ;,' , ,\" ", '\ \', ,\ , ' " . '; , ' I, ' " '..' " : 1 ' " ",",' . .\. , , I., , , ! ,\ l1;11e 'O~~j'ot Jao:\tao~ ,and St.ate ,ot K1.8,aourl ~1;7' O:f ,the:tirs1;'p..~. \ ~d. J~ S~ Hwilto:f t)1e \' \', ~ \ , I . . ~ ' \ t, . if . -, ". \':::' '., ., _ . . :. '.': _' ", ,.\ \' , Oount'J ~t S1;., Luole lan~ atahot, ",or1dt. PaJ'~J~ot~:1J.he i.IOOn~Part.nTDSS~. ,that ~he, sald ',,':. :'. " . '; . " ,'-'. -" " . '.. - \' '~ '\ . -' { ., '.' '\ '.- \' . ." \." ,'-. ' ,',- \, ~ ,: ',"., \ ' \ :, \' parlj' ot tho :firat 1*r1;.to~ and 1n'.o~nal4,.eraUoil ot tho B\8 ot. T,ln Dop..~.88J1d.. othtJ," ~oo.. and, \,\' ': < " , T&luabl"\,~O~ldor~'t;l~ \ 1;~ h1a"1n, h~d. \~a1d" ,~h' \re~ll~t ;w~.re~,t 1'-; her'bt,'~ki1ow1e,~e~. ~,': ':i "I ". ...' . . \ . '-, ' . " . ,pm_eel. ~p1ned; a,old' :a.ud.\transt'~.04. and'b7\the.e' ,~tQent8C16~a ,gi'ant,~,~~a1n,8ell" and' \ \' ',~ \ " II , . -' , . , ,"'" , ..; ~ - \. , " ' '. . ;,-' . " '., , ,- -.; tranaterunh,the .~d >>~1;7 .ot the, ..'lond p~, "nd.h1.,~a1.rs,anc1. ,a881~~orenri .a1.1th~;t" Q~rt~n' '~"" : ,,: , t. paro'el, ot ,la.ud i7i1J6 ad, be1118 1~ tl1~ OowitJ: ~t ,S1;; Luq1e and.ijtatl ot fior1ll&. Ilo're ~t1o\uiarlJ ' , , . " ',',. " .' , , .' ' . ~ " " . '.\r' a.aorl))eo. as ~011~~..: .' "'.;' _ ':,',': " " " '.., ;" , , ..' , ":" , " " " Borth' Halt' ot the 'SQV.th....~. ~~er ot 'the 'Sou1;h..at ~'.r (1ft ,ar . " . .. " , .. - ,'," '" .- Sit ot ~")ot S'OUO~'81%'('), .!r~~lR ,th:lrtt~.tlr"t8!1uth: (I6-S)~ "',~ J:Qr1;;r.Ia8~';(.o~~ii,. ~on~41111n6).9'~17',&Ore~' 'mor,e '~r 1'8~'~ ' , ..~.JBOf.~Qwima~ t;'o f4J17, ~ &ll"t~~a.. ~,~neral~',ap"euai or'~~~, . ano. 110 ~1."asa'B~e~1l8,or''1'T1a's s'ub'8e.q,i.~~-to ho_be~~l,"'192'. 8J14, . . ".- - . . ' . , ~. '- .' , ,al8,6 'subJ oot 'to &q deduotions tor r16h~. ot ft7 1'0~ pubi1,O htSh 1t&)iI , '. . ,,' . ~. , . I , ' ~ " .. ~ , rior~or cll,t~e.or.r~~t8' 'ot~,o.t~ t~, ~prth,'St.LuO~~'~Y'~ D.~~ ,~ ' P1at1'1ot,,' :' , , ' . , . , ' . . , . , .' '; T~GB'lltIRw1 ~h ai~..~he te,nelllenta, h.re~~Ulent8 ,~d, ~pp~tenai1C~'8" w,1t~:..e17pr1Y1l08e. r1ght, , , I" title" ~ntere.t ~4e~~~t~. ~.er anl11'18ht",O,~'dGW~r.. 'rO'feraton, ,rOllUl~d.r.8J1ClealJt;men1;':t,hertto l: : bl~ODg1D8 .Q~. ~n.8.J11W'ls. app'~~~lnli1gr. . '. .,' " to ~VB .tJID it) 'HOLD th8 ,a.mein :fee e1iiple :fo:Nv..r., , ' , , , " ,,' ,,' . '. p . _.' _.' .' .' ',' '.'r ,.' ,'" ..,.' - _ , ~ ~he .a1d pUtt ot:t,Jie tUBt~artd~. OO..I18J1~ witli the 8aid pa~t"ot, t~e....o~nd:,~8.l't~ .' " , ", .' .",,,, : :'1;hath. 18 laW1'ullt aeize4'otthe e.ldP,eiil...', tha1; the7 u, ,~e trOll all: 1D~lirano" ,~d tha~,' , ~ :. , . ';..----, - - ."" ',' ..' , , ' " ,. .':. -, ',' ......., .', ,~ ~ I. h.>ba~ good,r1ght ~ci l&w:tW. author1t7t'o,,~ell th6 ,.ame';~d ~"a1~ ,part7' 'ot. t~.' ,tlret 1>a~tc1oe. !herebYhl,17 .ar~aDt thet1tle, to.~dland, 'and. w111 detend, tlie:'.am~~at the lawfUl ,ola1iu ot' ! 'ail personS .h~oeYer. f' , : ' I III WITNESS WltERBOF, the .~d part1, ~t the, tint' part.haa' h.r~tO 8.t' han4:: ed' seal..' the ciq' t ' anei ;yearaboT.wr1tUn.' . f'JS1gn.~;.~al~d'&I)..d c1A~1v.~ed ' ,~: 1n O1U"_"pl'faenOlc ' ,L P. nellll 1>. s. Gibb. ! , "..:-' ' - .11<' . \,- , .,'- 4 ~ , I . t I "'\'1' . t . '\ \: ' \ , \ i : , ; \ , " , " ---~"-_. . '. ' , . ~ , . ' ~I' , {o" . ~ ~ . ,t' , , . .' ' , " ." , ' ,.1o..ph .1,. Rella. " (Sea).) tta.OO'l.a.S1;amPI, o~.), " . , : StUB or KISSOUlU ) ) '... ' . CotmTf OF 'JA.CXSOIl ) I hereb7ot,rUt7. that'on thia 19th 4a1oi wa,.4.'>>. 192~, betoi-. lie persozial.~ appeared'" , , J~"Ph ~. lI.a', a ~~.e~.~Q 'ae kn,ownto 'be the pe",OI1ll deBorlb'e,d1n and.~ho,ex~o~ted. the ':fo~r,O- , i B01~ o,onvetano'I, ~ aokno"'le~.dthe exeoution thereot: ,to' be h1a.treeao~ ~d ~eed tor'the \1.0. : . ~ ,-"-,--'------,--~" ".'. .' .- . " ~-&I1d,Jur-po~.thu..1n~~t1011t4....-c~~~-:-'~, " , WtrJ4E8S lIl181gnature end',ott101al .eal 'at 1WLaar, CU1. 1D,the Oount1 ot Jaoltaonand State ~t ,-,,,' i Xi9'0ur1 .... last U'Ore..a1d. , 4c1.o1ph J. Keyel" . (51..1) , llota17 ~b11o, Jaouon Oo~ty,llo. Jq o~i.81 on exp~.. ])eoemb.r 16, i9.26. '..t,'..,",',,".~,' ~c:i~ " " ? 26th'da;y, ot Jut,1920, a' a;33P..~ , , 6, P. c. ndi.4. Clerk01rou1tOourt. ,\~. ,1~( , ' ^ . ('(' ' , ...~,r, DJ ~ ~TI3~. D.O. "..' :--:::-