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".'..'. \ ! ',~ ,4 ' 'i'allon,.. reml... ~.,1:ea.ae..~.ou,.'~OnV~7,and, ~,~lra ~to ,the ,ai4 ,Grant~e. 'and,~l~ helr8. an'di \ "', \' , ' ~" \ ,\. ':' , ",,',' . ", ,:', ",.' . , , '." ,'" , " i '..lI\1gns" 1h t...ill>>~e. ~~e 'lands. ,Slt':l8:te'i~ ~t. Lu.o1e Oo~t~" Sta~~.o1\nor14a_\4;e80rlbe,d ,". i , " ' ",,' ',' ",' , ' ".~., , , " " \ , \ . L to11on. ,:' , 1,\,'.; \' " ..' . " ,<, u~_ \ " " . ~.. _ , . . .' ,'" ... _, . ~\.. _: ',' :. The' Borthea:;;t, ~hio (1/4) ot ,the ,llorthe~t ttu&rt.r (1/4) ot" I' ,~ , ' ' 'i \ . ,"" '{ " , ' '" , ' ,,:' " ',' \ : ',' , ,'S.~t10D'70v(4)i in ~o~,h1>> ~li..ti~~~, (32~., S~~th;o,t ~.' \ Thlr'tt--nine (3~" k.it'o:t Tall.ahaSsee ~rl41i.n ,s,n ftorl4a'. 'oon"'. , , , -, ,. ~ ., ' ,: '';''.. , ":. \ ',~ ' :',' ., .' .' . -.... . "',taj;n1f8.:rort7(~l. :'01'.. .ore 01",'iee~'~:~itt7'.~~~dt~" ,(.O());', ',' ,', " ',Q:r'u, aOM.. ';~OOrUn&'t~,Un1~.~:~ta~88un:e';y.; eX,Olp~t~e' risht ," ", ,'.. . '. ,. ,( - , ',' '.', ..... , . , ",' ': of ft:7. 01:' the ri..o~ld&, &a,t ~ Oo.tBa11~~,' ' '>, , ',_ '. , ' " I':' ", " ",' ,- .'. , , d, , ._ " ;" , " ' '"", "'i ;' i'OlUVE ,.IeBD TO ROW,th. ,'&IIl..tog!l~he~""'th the,heredlt,ari~nts and apPurt,.~es",u.nto.'tlie ,8a14.' ':/" :: Q:~~.e.. '~d ~18 'h~1r8,~d ,as818U1~'t'~81Jip1~. '~, '. . . '.' . , ': ,,' , ..', " " , , ': : ' " ",. ,i ,.QD ~O aalj llraJitor, 'to~ ~~11: " ",,4 h1+~~;''''''' to~ 'r~~~.~..ta tim ............;. ,~~~' aal.d ' .,' . '::,Grantee. hl~:he.lrs. lega1rep~8entat1Y.'~an4 &8s1iPu1: ~t"a,ld,orahtor.,18 ind~tet8ib17.8elZ~d..2- . '. '",' , ~. .' ,_. ., , . - - , -,' > " .' .. , , . , .'~: .0t,..ld'iand'in tee, Simp1.e;. that ,Sa1d~tqr h&s,.tu11. power '&11d, 1.&wtul'r~t 'to oon,ve;ysa14" , ", ," ;,l&;nd in 'te. '8~~le,as'.at'o.1"e81f.~~; 'tl1at, ~t 'shall> 'b~ la~w... toraaiel, G~tee his, ~e1r,'rep~e8e>>:;". ' ..,' , , ' ? " , ,', '. '..' , " " " ' '. ': ,tat~ve8:Ud &8s11Pl8. at, all.. times peaoeaQl;y and :qU1etl;y ~o~ent~1"' upon" ~old, .oOOllPl aD~ ,..n~o7, , ,. , "', . . '. ,...,." -' '." - '. r eald'land; 'that 8ald 1and 18 ;tre~ ''troai all', enoumb~oei: ',that. 8,ald Gftntor hla heIre ,and l~ ", ;.' rep~e~entatbe8'wl~1','~~' 8liO~ ,~~h.r',a~8~oel', to,: pe~~eot 't~e :re~-I~Pl~tlt~e t~8a1.41and . . .' -', -.', ,. " -'. ""-.' ",' - .~... ' . ,- .:" '.'"-~-,-----,.,,~,.:,.-'-''---'''~,''' . ,,111. iidd Grantee.: h1s heirs, legU re~ruentatlve. and. asslP. &8 m~ ,reasona'bl.y be ,~eC!1U:i'ed; , ; arid' that ~~ld Gr~tordoes hereby tullt w~~tthe tl tl~: to 8~ld. l~d 'imd~1l1'det"ndthe ,sam. . ,". , " , '.,.' ',-' .' . . :'. '.. . . if&8a1nst lawtul Ol&1m8'~1;' all peraonl \'tho~~ITer. ", " \~ifuSSthe~d ~d seal ot '~a14. J~to'r.' '~, \ ;, I;; ,i ~ g;,1 " 1 . i or,.' ,:,t '! " ',', ' ~ ~" ""..J . "F='" j); ~ . roo. ~'.:l ...~;. ::~::' ':.,! ; ~:, \:: s ~- '" '{: ~~! :~) 'I~. 0:',,_ ~~ ~u_'.:._,_____-r \ , ," \ , '\\ . " Signed;' sealed and ~e11Ye~4 1~ ~he , 'pres.nol ot:" . " ' L. ,D.Demia Agnes Slro"7 I.bra}iam B. Denni,.., . (8m) ; :~, . ., .sTA~E ,OF lOw... '. 'J!f "oouliTY OF. ,LI1UJ.- ~_. , : .~.."j'~y O~TItit t~t On th1s4ay persou.ui ,appeared,"be~or~ m., an ott~o.r duly mttor1z.c\ ' . to aClll1n1ster oaths awl ,t&ke'aOknow1e~entl. A.brahM,'. :B. DeJUi1. ~olle ..11 'known to be the . t ..' "person desor'n'.d .1n &;no. who'-'xeoute4 the to~,gO~~4.ed', anda~knowle~ed ,that he exeo~ld the same tree~y' and, Yo1u.ntar~11 'tor the purpos.e8 thercJ1n ezprI88.d.. ., . '\' " - '-. -,'.. ,-.- J'. . ,. WJ;TNEsS my hand andott10i~lee'al at Old$r Rapids. COUnt;y 'otL1~andS.tat_,~~,~~y!~' th18__ '--,------~------=---:----"..:'_.~-----~_.-=-.----=----------_'-:-_---~.._--.:.__._-~----~~"-'---,-~----------:-,---::---~~-~~----'--,~--::--:-~-'--~-'--- . ., .-- .' -, > - -. , .... ., , ' 19th ~ otAugus D. 1912." " , t;~ ~,-' ~, . ,,' ~t i ,.' ',',.~',;,',I,'I.,', " '.. "::, z ' .~ , .tt' "f .' " --~~-----~- ~ L. D. Denni8 llotary ~bl1o. ' , ~oomml"lonexplres 7/4/~915. ,~ 11'1100. 8lld reoord.d on thi8 27th4ay ot .Tune, 1925, at 10;02.4..11. .;. 1>~'~ .' 'P. 0.' El41"ep.. '01.elic Ciroul t'Oourt. ;, . (l ':) -a 1:\ B7 ~ ~/3(/-4z< D.O. ~- - ~