HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALW2912(S $-, Florida,:8uildmgr`i;�oda�0r#tir i 'f ProduCApprovat•Method , tethod.i.`Option : Date Subntiitted` it.1 1J2U -:' r >Satia Vaidateii, 1OJliJ2017 r t�ae k'erfdRng Ft3C At3proval of yJzoi� ,, �t3ate Approved 7,2J12/20].7 < �I ,5ltfrnrtta of prodiuets°. !i FL Model, Nunfirer,or'Plarrie Description $77 Weatheriocft is Waathert�roofing tlnderiayrrrlent l Ltntit& ofi Lfsr3 on,Instructions � llpprt►ved Por aCsein HVH NO ii%7 R» ii r)GR�4402 Qs 2017SCE% Nation Reap; bpprovedfar use ourisIde' HVHY Yes: y(eatherioek Sian WVHZ ktdf f Irnpat Resltaat NJA Verified sy Zachary R Priest 7AU21 ;� Oesige Pressure hi/A Created by Stadependenf`Thitd Party YAs:, ; Other See evacuation report for,4u►nts of use Ifrvaluation Reports F�27_ 7�ilr A Ra' 0 2 43C=f"vaiUaCio» Rem -OtRi40Q UVeatheTiociC'i+liin W�i"l�.�, ;. Created by lnriepencient Thfrd Party xYes:. _ { �<I eathert ock G H jtt Tear WeatFte roatiii iJnderia men t,intits ofi lls a IdsfAlldbrtn i»structyons Approved for us�`#n HVHZ Na F�9777 Rix II o 0�2 2017 gSC Ev cation Report, �: tiVgathedoc Nori HVHZ P_ r� . i#pprovethforLsesautsid®'NVH� Y,es` ' �rnpact:tiasistAnt Nlb° . �Vertfied sy Zachary R ;Priest PE-74ti2i , #: 9ign.PreurerNJA•. Created by IniiependerCThlrci Party .Yes, Others.See evacuation report far<liinits of use` , Evalsratian Rdpprts n fry 777 Rlx AC OCRx40 - Weatfieiiock Nan HVHZ pS1i _ „ <' �, : , • _ ,. _ = " , Creatr�d by Independent'Third Pally �es�_ 9777 3 Weathercock MAT Waterproofing Underlayat►en . _ f: Limits ofi uses �< Insiallatyon In�ructlons r t `bpprov+ad:frr� uin HVHZ� Yes F�9777 R'xx` zi c�cRsdpo2,elanzol7xFBtG�yacuatbn Rem . , Weathercock HVWZ 12f Approved far use;outside HVH1,< tVo . Iinpad "i -Ant NJA `Verified gy Zachary R Priest 74021 i lis3slgn Pressure N1A Created by Independent Third Party Yes Other• See evaluation reptict for�limias of use, .< Eiraivatcon Reports. t7z r3'ci7ia'oozabozi.:�ac Evaiu�tion depot, Weir eNQCiC HUHZ • � Created py Independent Third Party Yes. 9777 4•• Weatherlocl-IlRxT Waterproofing bniierfayment. l.rmitr% Ol {,�SFe •o- 3 �n�IiOiiOn �ilSLrli4llOyri-I Yy _. - „ Approved_gr use:,in HVHh No ` F'0777 Rh -ff OCRx�1b02 2OY7 EF1G:Pvaf��atfon` Report b'Veath6ftek NM WVWZ of ApproUetiisfior sus� outside HGHZ ;Yes Imp»ict FEFill Ate N/A'. d 8 Pnest • Veriti3e' y Zahary R . 74i321 -., D sigtf Pressure 2,NJA Other: See evaluation report fioralniits of;isse:, � Cr2atEd by Inde66" ent,Third Panty Yes:' lvaliratioM Reports t < .. OCR 40 2 8Poll'P8G F 47Z7 R t AF ! 0 Fyaluattsn Reps ' I - - i Weathaifock" O1�WV} i neat dent Third Party " YeS C. ed by Indepen ,, 9777 5 WeatherLaGk'Metal Weatherproofing Undertayment' I.irttits of lies ; $Instaliatian Instructi0M APpsoved--foruse•,in HVHZ tUo �L9777 �i. 1 I �}� q tix7 �C Evafuat, Rem Weatjjariotk Npn WZ t �f Approved fior use outside HVHYYes; itrpacE Resistant: NJ Verifced (3y zactiary rt • Prtestr#'E 7402 i Tiesign Pr essuee 'NJ� E Created by Independent Thfrd Party+ Yes-" ter eg eVafU$ IOn rep4ri for (in_ ittS Of U E: EV�ItliltiOn RBport� " F OCRx404z &a 20x7 FBr'"luation Repo . . Weati�erlock Non [AM623 Created by IndependentThfrd"Party Yessw 9777 i6 1Neatherlock inetai'f Weatiiei proofing Underlaytrsent .. Limits of Use Instalhit ioh Irratructions , " ApprOvetl dr use,fn HVHt Yes ,FL9777 RlI III OCRx4002 Sb 2017 FBC�tyatuatit�n Repg a ' Appr�ovei'fac• use'autsirie HVHZ:4oF :. Weathedr, WiiHZ Writ " > . j Impact:Reglstent . NfA, .,, ; ; Verified v Zachary R ; Prest PE 7Qp21: . i;httpsJ 1prlpr-app rid aspx?param-wGE StX( I gtgkcMGji W71°lo r7gd64vKE 3IMF653id: �f �� f t - ' ➢�' ". .. �- �4 .}.�/yyj�y `�tli/iV,i /.W��liJ1l IYVi�•7���.i. Sf il1 (tvL7{Q �x _ l752QE41nbu h Dnva� TEH1�tIALiJC 4iJl.UA`�©N REPOR7``7mF."owA �uia� Coot: 6'"�_Est•nca {2�17}'." C)WENS Ct7RiVtNG RC3fit+!NgAND.ASPHALT W-.; /sst r! Octob r`1Y, 2t177 n" ` ." '! C?srue�ns.GorYiingpsukkvrtray=_ - 't"olarlo, t))-143657 vu�y`owensc�rntnq"t�ri1-- ,; IIJlancfacuringLotaiions< 8rentidvQodrtNt-t""° - Houston, Quattty Assurance• tJL,! LC �QUA9ti25}'" `73PE: L�Bi@Qbrjj • Rt)q�tttg Subcategory . Undertayments Co�ite Sections 1504 3 :t% Top;1 I - Prop�rti�s,i� -: Phis➢cat properires, ' F,2EFEttEt�G�S f PRi Construction Nietetlats TechnoCogi®s {TSTSB78) , NEI �39-D2-01 ASTM D 19�0 �2U15; , ➢ PRI Construction tbiatenals TeGhhdtogias (fST5878) f , NEl-04 -OZQJREV2 ASiM:D 13T0. :20,, k o Gonstruct➢on t➢Ariats Tanoldgiet; (TST588) NEWg-01 TAS ° �t PR1-Construc�on Ma�enats Yec'hr�ogies (7S75$78) ` NEt-0a{5 U2-01.' � A�T➢'ut;G 155. 2005a' PRi-Construct➢an Materiels 7echno og➢es (CS 58i8): o pRt Constrl7 one lots Techno ogle i Si 5878) - NEI-063 02•911, ftSThriwG 185 �2O054 pti, ConstructioreiNsteneis Technoto i®s ST5$78) NE83 02--02; t-0 ASYM D 1974, ,2015!. =` PRi' Cunsiructton Matelots 1 echnotogies (�TST5878) 6& 213fi2-01 AS71 ti 1623r 2�9 ` -PPiConstruction lt+la#e "' Id' T (3ST�878j, C3CF i87 62-01 "UM11897 2012 i PRI Can§truet+on Materrats Tettnotogie (i'ST5878) t7CF 25»02-#} I`' A8TtV1, 6 4798 2061 #' PFtt`CflttstrLrctiort Materials TeChnt4ogfew(iPT588} :, pCF 2$2-02-01- AST6q D M974,2015; , . � P(2i�Constniciion Mataiiats i eChruxogies (i5T588) OCF 253 02-02 AS7M: 0190 PRt Construction tutatenats TechragtogiesTST5878}: OC»272-D2-01; TAS.103 1995 . , ;I E PFt(Const[uction hAateriats Teci�noiog!es ,(i S7a*87$j a Oc _ -U2 02: iCC ;ES A C 18E1' 20 t2 « - 'Rl ConsUucBon Matnats 7 echrogies (iS588) OCP 27-02-01 1 ASTM, D 19?0, :2015: PRt Construction. Maferiais technottig➢eS tTST5878),: ➢3GF 318-D2 U1 ASiN1D 1970; 2015 P421rCgnstnu ir�ri Matenais Teclinotogtes (tS f5$7B);•-: �CF-320•i12-tit TA+S ,103 1995;" PRi.C4nstruetCon Mafer➢ais Technogia`s (ST587$) ° OGF 320 02 01; ASS AA G 1SS: 2005a ' ConsUu lion Matenats Yer hnt ogles (rsT a �) . � 321-0G o1 ASTMJ n 1623 -20n9 PR1:Consfruction Matenats Technotogtes {TST5878) C}CF-322 0201• U1.1897 ZU12; '" PRi;Construdtiorr Mat�nais Techriatog�es (TST5878� C1C,F=35v-D2-01: � UL 1897,-ZiS12, F 't?sterrrt#ned to be equival®rti to AS'tiM t) 738-09;`t'ypa i arid, ll` , : , r�Wa=NS CQRNING Rt)OFt ., P ASPI-MT'LLC. 8arrl+ars i ir► :L.i - , Woathert ock� Sdf4ealing icc &Water ,a , TI G -lN1C SERV1 .I F-S` "I'd _. , „ PROt1UC7 D-ESCfUP-"t:111;i NQ Lild`rS OF,i<1SE tNeatherLtrck� +G Weati erLod& G �s?ano,ASTM !} i97€3 sQifi bdttesive uncleriayment constrtioted firrsm SBSx ,Breftlwood MH) ° rnodifed asptjalt a, fiberglass mat roinforcererd arii9 surfaced with: grariu)os ,2, sTtte, product is supplied in��-sq,: ral)s wlf , nontfnai,tlitneriuior s of, 3=ft-k C6 ,, � �� `� ylleauierLack G is permitted' to be used as�prescri6ed' m FBC Section i'60.1 1, for " ,, mechan►catly att�chedsrofifing crsver�ngs _ Exposure oni ttre roof dack,shall b� limited to a i dt taUdatherrL`ocki'Mati, WeatherLoak+h3 Mat,is: an ;457 M D iTti salt adhesive underiayment constructedfrom, ' (Brent*.dbd, NH,.vr.. SBS modified asphalt v+ntlr g fiberglass mat reirsforcemerit The product 1s supplied in 1- Hods% ,T sq rolls u�►th`rxrminal;d inensions of 3 t x 3.3tand sy rolis:with<,nominai dimi ensions, j WeatharLockCs?`Mat is:permttted to ba used as prescnbed m FSC Section 1507 t I,` or mechanicait attacHed roof'co` y ' venng's, Exposure orr.thi� roof;;ieck shalt be lirrlrted rriara'mum 3tl:da-s ' t1{ieattrerl Q" Meal ' Weotl erLodi Metal is err AS`tM `D 1970 seif adhesive undertayment°constructed from (8re»twoacl' NH); SBS modified ;asphalt withRa fibergiasssmat reinforcement and :plasUcfiim surface. Ttie product isFsrip iad:ln .2A sq with nominal +dimensions of 3-ft x 66 7-'it: ,tofu Weaitieri,oc, Mefal's pem�itted to be used as prescribed rn `FBG„Sechan 15071.1 for' „ , mechanically ttached aroof: ,Exposure on the roof deck shah be limited to °a ii WeatherL4 WeatirerLodc�si Specialty Tile &Metal is an ASTM D 1970 self adhesive undertayment= . $pec�aiiyTiie S Mi§iai constructed from S8S modified asphalf end surfaced whir anon -woven polyester,fabnc, {Birr»fwor t! IVH r r' The product is: suppiled in 1?irsq Arolis u+rth nomrnal`dimensions of 8A x 71.3'+ft: 4 .. . Wean erLoek(- Spem- tyTile ' Nfetst is p rrrritted tcs be used as f prescnt a in FBA Sectfan 15Qi, (1W W a erLock( t5 ratty Tile $� Metal is permitted to be used with l adhered day vtZcoticrete tite rooting tsin9either iGP.Adtresives PotpsetEAH lSt3,(ICP Adhesives andNSealan{s, Inc) of TILE 80iVb'r'' Roof Tile Atlheslve (The Dow Chemical Gomp'any) ,EXposUM"9n ilia irc of ,d�ck:§hatl,i3o' tmitedt � a ma*murri.90,days The rtraximurri roof slope shatt`tre 612=when used with clay of concrete the �r stalialiono wdhout battens file shall be, stored on battens for roof slopes greatei than ti'12 Tiles uv, shall orbs stacked grea%r villas per'stac(i,.` WeattrerL'oarit® G(High, .' WeatherL'odc4 G (High Tear) is a sell adhered, underlaymertt u"sad as an altemattve to dear) ASTMD 226 Type l orType It'rooflng;.IOIV and A b 197i) self adhenng polymer'- (Noustoti, .7 �: modified briumen and lay' n The'ui�deriayri)ent is composed of SSS modifed" . asphalt with a fihergiass mat internal reinforcement and"is surfaced witfigranules The,. . . product is=suPphedwith a nominal'ihiakrtess off5t) mits�#n 1 95-sq roils with nomir:al; drrrrensions of 3 ffx•�5=ii; - : . _ WeaihexLock G (High Tear] rs perms#ed to rbe Casetl as pr embed 4n FBG Secttori ' . • 15d711 for mecharncatl attached roof coveringsitpersure on4the roof deck: shalt be, . . days , a j ` ` _ , , O�t✓R1.400 >fa .. Tt1is evaivaflon r®ptrR is provitled Techri�cal Servicos :LLC of anjr This evsluaf err iepgri does riot spaci iW addressed lterefm trmitedto a mairrmum;3t} , ;: f :877'=R11 . ._ #ga ii ., ` for Stella of,Ftonda protluat approval under Buie 81-.G20 3 ° 7 tee mr riufaoturer shall notify EEW _ producfchangesor guslity assurance changes flrroughoutfthe duration for ufitett`this report is valid expre3s nor'lmply wsrraniy, i+rststWU* recommended use, or other product attributes that are not. _ . , _ . ,