HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1818 ,J /; "/ I " I, '/1 t " " t. I I 'I' I "'/ j /', , '" I ,\ I,' f"~1 .' ,'7' ," . i ',I ',',' 'i 'I ',t , ' ! ',' .~, ': 'I' I' '/ . '" ,t " . ,', -~ ; :f' 'I' t ! , · I' .1 'i .! I I"'" . ,', ,I " ;11 ." ." :",J"I,'li'.~' 'i1':< ';":':,' · ';~ "'; i':j~~" i~I):" ,;: .,:',:1 ;!.i;,::Ii;-c: ,'C;"I';j'~~::;;;\ ';~1C:~t::~~;::~.;:;;::;~~~h~':'\;';~#";~;:":f;;: :#~;:~~;'i~'~'~i~,! j, ; d B~ ,q~.BOOfHB..'~~ SQLLBY ;ep'o~R',B ' '.', I . I 'I"I,'T,O, . ',,. I I' I' \1\ O~':LE~,:r~lm.:,"i ,,'I, I ';' '1, "I:, _" ~~. - """..\:..... _,.' i ~ .'. ::1,,,, .~, .,1 '-:'" I ,t:"',; ',,\, " ,) I, ", , .'\ ,I 'I \ \' "\' \ . ',", ' ' , .I ,. I ' . I'iO' . '1'\"" \,....\...~\.._,' ". " ,t'll,' ," II \,J,I; ~."n~~Y\~~\"",i"II"" ,,\~'. I; :~ '!!llis' ,w&r~apt7 \\e.4 ~t\'oonVer;n~lIbE~e~~~~t'~ ~i1t~~~'~)(~;~~ ,.i 'L,pl\~..,p:rli gf,the~aeo pd par'~ I1I"lJOot~~.s w,r.;:~aIUea,"~',.", " ,,\,\!' .",:'. .Ii-, ,', ,'j,' ,,' ",,;' '" ~ .', ""I, ,;' .,'.,' . ,"" \ " ", " , , ,l':IIi\..~ \ . :tIflfflSSBTH, ,fha~', s'~i,4 I.parties Of, the tl'rat pad ..'~or ~,:J,nd, in' oqns14e~at10n of ~h\e I BUll I o,fi , . t.,,' . 'I .r' Ii :1:\~t\!~l~~g't~t~oigohbr:a~lh&~'~:~U ~;~~ridgi::t:n:'o~~f;,~t~.n:~ ~~ ~'o~ft~: ,~~:::ll~': " '.~'. ',\ . ,an".d de.llY~1' ,of, .these p 1",' ,.nts 'i', th~,.re, oeJpt wMr ,eof, ' ~s );ler, eb, ao,~, qw:J,.dged,' b",t, heB, ',i~"B el.lts' " '\' " do ,glve~ g~~P,t, barga1~l.tB"lli a 1eJ1ti~nfeoft.l rem1st,rdeaB'LQOnY'e" andoonth'. Unto he ,snn " , . ,PfU'" IO~' ~~e 88oon<l 11U: , an~ h e he ,1'8,' thB~ der~8 n pI'O;~t., in: tht oount, ,o.f 5t. JAo . Bndo: ,: .. ',\ .et,at'e of p'iorlcr-"'soi'1be4'" as ',ftllbWBi .;\nu1tchv14ed':on.:'halt'lnhreBt in and tothefOllo~lng,' ," :"J,' UBor,ib-.a propltrt,: . , ,.' .' '\",.,,' '".',' ';. ' " I , ' " , ' ," ' . ,,', .'.., , ,'. '..' , , " ,,' II' "II , . ~ \ ,'8..MHll~T!lr,i~!ffijt~mt B8aift~ fttnSttI8H~'l48f Ilii~Oiriari~i: i~orth '100 ' '~1 ~~'" 'teltl fhenoe southw"hrlt to, the H~i-lhwes"t oo~ner' of ,L,ot. ,.i ve( D) 'n.:. said' ~, f! ,880t.loD, fownship and 'R~ge; thenoe,.nn 'Bast to pOint ot beg,lnniiia; , ' '.' " ,_ ,.., ' .' " .'1.. . \ AlBa, all of LOt 'lTi(~) "'l'ri,seot~on 'one (1). ',Town'hip !hi;ot,"":t1v:e '(36) " , S,o~th., RaJ1I~,'Of~' (40)' ~a~t: . .' " : J, ' ." .. .'. , ", '.' . ""', " '.,". .'-, ,,'. ' " .: ~"~'.. \ ,,' -'. '.'. ",. ' : ',) .1.8o~ the 'Borth h!l.U' of"Lot,lIl'ne (9) 0, f'-SeoUOn. onefl) .'fOWtteh1p',' fhlrt,~',' :" ,five. (36) "sout,h;'BlDge Port, (40); EaB1;. ". ',' ' ',: ,;, ' ',.' ,': ' :: .' ... :'\ ". ,\ . ! i, 'l ~ .\ '\ " \ ',. '.,'~ lJ'., ,,'. .; ~ . ",' ., ." i~:e~~~~te3:~O~1,becl' .~aot~ofl~', oo~t,81.n1n8':'in,:all ~1f~.i-,ei'ght, acres,' . ,t,: i I.,B~ st"p..,oanoe~led,"S1.xt'~'{~~O.OO)'DO~larB~ ~ Together;w1th'allan'd .Bl~~r the ,dpariati'l'l~\l.t..t~n.lII~~tB, hered! teme'llts amd appurtenanoes ' ,~ :, .thereuntobe1onglng' or,ln8n1Wis,e appertaining.. and' the x:e"erBlon and, ~eTer8ion8 remaln6lr, " : "and.reDll!)ind.1rs, rentB ,1BfuIB' and 'prof.1tB.thereot; ~d Also '.all' the eBtat-..; rlgh~. t~tle, ...': ~ : ' in~er.est,t homeBt-d.. lOWel'and i'lg~t of dower:,separa1ie dtate.pr.opert7, pOBsession., olailll(l.nd ','~ '~ 'delltlJl.d. whatsoever.' at 1'aw ~d'ln equit,,: 8,1,tl1er ~lOdbothtof .the-B~idpart1e8 Of.<th8 fl;'llt ,,,' . S part., of ,'In. ~dt'o the Bame " and ever;' part and paroel, thereot ;,: W itA VE Aim TOROU> the' ' above deso'ribe4prellises~ 8aoh' 'a.ndever7, unto.: tlie .aid part, , o.f the~eoo.i1d' pa~t,his'he1rB' ~d' . assigns. in: f'ee simple,absoluh,"lndefeaslbl,. , forever. '. " ',." ,', ' ' ,.",' ',.,',:,': ' .:' '.. ',' .. ~'i " " 'And, thee, .id'1>,'&1',' ,tieB',Of, t~~ f,irstP8.l', t,':forth'Gmee'lves '8..!1,~' theIr" heir,S, "exeo,~torB and' . ' ~,',: " ~~tg~B~:~~~~s~af~~~:lr ~jr:~ ~~ii;{~o~g!e~~rhiE~~:\~:BanJd~~:tg~~ ;tg~t~l~~':~tci~;~d:~tff ' :1 t'h~ fir~t part,,' at.the t1me: ~f thesea,l1~ and' dellver-1,of,taee8 presnts,were lawfl1117 'seized, , J, in tel' silllple,ot:a good,,' absolutesnd inbfeaBlble estate ofinber1tanoe of and .il:1&l1 And Bing-' ;1 ';,ll,lU.'the a,bov, e ',d.,aol'''',O$4':pr..mi.ees,',l''eaoli, and 6'ler;., o,n'd h, ad ,gO',Od r1~'t..~, ,". ',,' tU'l"l, power and'law-' f\ll authority to,oonve,tbe B_e n manner' and formaforeBaid; ,tMl'tfi8 aa1a part, of the, " ,~ seoond part, hls b'ira8n4' assigns 'shall ,and lIl&7; at', B.ll . tlmeB~eit8f1;er , peaoeabl'- and. quietlf' ~ave, holel. use,.' OO~H1P7, pOBaue,e.nA,' enJo, ~he abovedeBorlbed 'prem,ieeB.' anj. e:r,8r7 part and 'par- Oel". thereot~,..!thO, ut 'any le,t, 1.':eUl, t" tJ;OUb,le,- 'moleBbtion,": $Vl~t1,'on.or disturbaIioeof th,e, Q81d ., .,; , partieB ,'of the first., p.~t." l;he~r' aeire 01' as~ignB. 01'01:. an, other person or pereo~ lawt'ull" . t, ola1mlngor too,laim the' same t. that the same. all and singular; are .free, clear. dhoherged and . unenou.m'f.ered ot and frolll all former and other t1 Ues,clouda and inoumb,r~' of' what 'n~ture end Ir.lnd aoeverJ that the said ,parties of the, first part, their, 'helrs,executoi's '3lld"s'dmln1e- ' ,tratorB; eaohand every, ,8ball make.. 'eX8'oute'ind.aoknowledge 8uo.b further and otherdo.dsand, , aSBUJ:anoes 'as by oouneel,ie'arned ili the' low, ma, be .cons1c).eredreas,onabl, propo'r to 'ef.feot1iate ,',the.'fll,ll ~ntent 8lld"mennitig of tbis 1nstrume!3t., .. ',' ,', '. ',,' "'q'" "",. ',' And 'the';~t1eB',Of 'th8'#r*i PU'tfor the~Sel~$a _~rfd, their hdrB~ ,:the.a'bove' ',~eSCrlbed' . 'premiseB, 1;1Od everlpart andparoel ,thereof,unto thee,aid part;., of "the: seoond, 'part, ,hls h,irs . and aselgns, against, the said parti.es ofthef1rBt" part ',ana' tbelr .\1eirS,8Od against all, and' ' every person'orpersonB' ....j:ioIllB.oever lawf,t.U'ola1ming ~r~o ola,lm. the ,same, shall and wu.l,warre..nt .and b, t,hes'e presents' :torev~r defencl. " ' '. " ." . fbis ~l1.i1at,lon ,1s w,1 th, the, ,Join~ oonstmt. of husbon4~nd wife:, ,wher'e 'that "rela t1O,rt e~st9. ... . ~; i ., \.) .., '~~:,f,:,....' " .. ,~_-,.c . t:~! ~' "', ," I -.-'----- . . , 'Ill WIfUESS WHEREOP'; the Baid parties" of t~e flrtlt 'part 'have hereUnto Bet their hands and seals 'eaOhli1 t'ha preneno~ ~f' two subsorlblng _1tnessia., ' ',: ,~isn~d, Bed.!lano delivered in the pret3enoe of ,us.: " .. ' ' I. i. Sanchrson. ;:l .,'.;:,." ",' B.'C. Boothe (Seal) E,lW.ro Thomas wheUey Boothe I Sealr-(- ,O~ n9bles. " " , , '" <) K.,L.;sbo~t' :!' STATE fa\,~ FL," OR"ID,t.,} jj , COUNTY ~ Sf.LUCIE~ .'\ ,-=---,-,-'..'-'~ .. '..'--'r1lEHEBy- Cl'RT~FYT That" on-thllJ-~th.-- dar:of lIar91:r-A"i-D,.--19i&'rb&f-or~ ';e a-NotaI'I ~ - ~, --: . P\lbl1o of the,Stat. of P10rid... personally ~ppJared R. e,. Boothe' and Shell",' Booth. 1118 'IIlfe. to me .well 'known-:--&nd""'mown to mlt to be tIle 1nd1 v1dua 8 desoribed n 'and who exeouted ' tl1eforegolng con,ve,anoe ',to 0' Leonpaber and severaU, aokJ:lo"ledg8dth~exeout1on-flie~eof ! to be their free ,/lot and elsed, far the uses and purposes therein mont1oned; ,andtheea1'd' Shel, ley B,'ooth e,' the," wlte of the B, aid R. C. ,Boo,th.~on ' a' separate' and,' ,P, 1'1 v, stee,' xaml, na.t,lon, "',ta, k e1', and, mah b, and before me .:'and separatel, and spar rom her .aid husband, d~d aOkQowle,dge the. t she lIl8de herself a p8.l't,to 'he Bald deedot oonve anoe for tae purpose of renounoing. re- linquishing and oonve,lng all, her right, title andlntere~t,whether of dower'or of eepsrate " - " ., prooe~ty ~tat~tory'or .QU1tabi'e 10 nnd to.~ land~ thtteln desoribed and that she efeouttd 8a10 ana :rreely and vOllUltarl " anel w1 thOU.." ~onstra1nt, :rear, apprelienHon or c,~mpuls on or or from her aald husband. . '." ,.' , " I \ '. ' . ~.'" WITBESSml ~ignnture apd oftlo~al seal at 'ort Plero,. in the co~t,'of~t. Luoie and 's~at~ ot 1"1or14a the', .da~ <.lnd' ,ear laet aforesa~c1. K. t. Soott ,( Seal) 1l0t8r.;Publ~0 state of Fla,.~. ,'at large .,' ,X,y oomm1ssion' ex- pires Septe~ber 12, 192'~ , . '..t