HomeMy WebLinkAboutPERMIT WORSHEETPERMIT WORKSHEET I page -i oyz PERMIT-NUMBE I ew ome 0 N H"- J, -11111184671--- Ll'- s �+Tlt Installer -r'-1-EDDIE-qRUNDEIf� L- t�- tur -7-77 L Home installed to tFd A L - accordance with Rule 15-C i Home is installed -in R R V h -Aadress of hom-6 1987 i K-E -Ij being installed .L- t J i Ll i 1 1 j i L 1 1 L -1- �1'6 1 0-- - wifi�-Zo-nl-e--1 -Wind Zone III 1> i in wid67 J `711 ''1 i 1 1 1 1 j_1 _ I I i li- th Ififi 6E ITBD I CEe'-ng't xwid 0-X-3 6*5616 Iiistii T- I i I ' I LJ -1-4 1 1 L .-LL Zi-i !--1- -61 -- - I � . �i 4 NOTE: {if eriil 2 single e Nilf 6ffh6� n ITN��6/ T13D lif home is a triple orqi�a-dWi�te-iike-ic-7h-ihr—efiia-!iFd6i�-of home 1 L-j.- L! J 1 rstand Lateral Arm Systems cannot be used on any home (new PIER SPACING TABLE FOR USED HOMES F-r.- Installbr's inifi'a-I�s-'-',1--'EG7- 1 1 1 oter Load Fo ...... 16 x 16" 18 1/2" x 18 20" x 20" 22" x 22" 24" X 24�' 26" x 26" bearing size, (256) 112" (342) (400) (484)- (576)- (676) jTypical pier spacing J capacity (sq in) D- 6' 1 Doo pst 81 s Show locafions-o"f'Go-ing"ifidd n' I and Later 1500 pst 4'6" 61 7' 81 81 in'61 a al 2000 psf ['(use 2500 psf Wdil 81 3000 psf 81 L 3500 pst 81 F interpolated from Rule 15C,1 pier spacing t 1 F-1 - ----- F-1 17 F POPULAR PAD SIZES PIER PADSIZES j Sq In Pad Size 1=beam pier a sizei -F "-f i -F-1 "T-1 16x16 F1 F1 ---f t 'F1'6X1-6`- --F. 16x18 L --1-JL- i Lj i i - - Il- --- 521] 18.5 x 18.� i pf6r --x2 ,(required 17 2 374 j j L-L W,l-- LAL - - --- ---- 13 IA x26 -400 20 x20 j F-J-1 r roommate locations of marriag L -W-a I Iopenings f &of -oFg-r&6-t6F.- 0 -§Ytfi 1 17 3/16 x25 7 17 112 x25 0 2-1df-end of-honm-op isym i 4 x24 riagewa -P.Imwithin I �Ru e 45c- 2 a: an 4 001 26 x26 ri — - -'-j —1 -. — , 1-' -- -- I I - t r F-1 I:i rriage wall openings gre C -�J LJi heir pi i ANCHORS T _Jin J, L�D P* ad I i _jer T-- r-r -r -r n -i 'T r -i— r r L ... ... -T 17X22.5 r- r--r- - T I T FRAMETIES L L 123 x3l J "6 'within 2 6nd of'fin;;r�W'X r rt I' d.k e I- T n - -Ui6 c r'� Installation Ell -3' fps r< a El n F i 'Pe ;_j 10'h mar en r -r-r -,r - r -r n -i - -Es � I i 17 I-Iffi, , I JL TIEDOWNCOMP ONENT 1—j"NUii . ibEir 1 1 J 1 '1 1 1 1 -j - ! -L -1-1 - !- J­Lj"'- J -J L. I Longitudinal Stabilizing vice. idewall L i-J-4-A 1 Miffidf�idfuie-FOLIVEW I LOn itudinal i i s f. ;Lon gitudina Stabilizing Device wlLate ajqewalk i nea all --7-1 -17 -17 -r -r L PERMIT WORKSHEET page z oT z 77 PERMIT NUMBE site Preparation POCKET PENETROMETER TEST j ­__-­--�­-4— ---b6-P6-i-materialremoved __f_ -1-J Theocketp penetrometer tests are rounded !fWaterdr-i NaturaSwab Pad here 'to declare t or e�tin ----- - Fastening multi wide units + -150(1" 'XI 50V - ----- 5_6�ft �Type Fastener: :Spacing: F 6 iLengt 6' j pacing: 2411 24 Ualls: J)il5e F6��&fi�i . LAG ETER TESTING METHOD - i -­ 006<&P PENETROMETER lRoof. jype Fastener: GALV ;Length_ pacing: I ;For use -li' 0 gauge, w drWdWl'strip d (5ffies a min. :5 e, ga i��hii6 t roof _`1T6it the periffiiifeir 6ffi-e h6ffie at 6 lo ions. 'will e centered'overt &f d fastened with gal'y i _na'1l­s­a&2"_&_n center on both sides of the centerline 1 2. T6ke the reading atthe depth -Io-f'tli'e-f&-6fe-r- f Gasket(woathorproofing roquiromont) J_ JJ-1- :1 J_ in-g-15-0-6 increments takiF6i�lowest`' T !3. Ui;iLj i 1 _V_ V­ -fis _-d'---Kf-6f411_Hiv 6ri-d se� re dii d-and -rciU-rid-d&)W-n-fo-tfi-i�f-fn-( r—em-6fi-C-1 3fbnc!6�rg _a__P_r�operly ini�fa 6�i!ike �friiq ireme 16'6mes andFtliEit condensation, moldineldew and buckled marriage walls are a result o a poorly installed or gasket being I u n d e-r-st-an-a a s'ffi I i6ftape will-n"61'serve as a gasket; t A I )Installer's i-n -itialsEG TORQUE PROBE TEST as ket- FOAM Installe"'d: I ype 9 ;The results ofthe torque probe st is 289inch pounds or check Pg; Between Floors Yes— '� here if you are anch ors ouA.. - declaring testi�n_g_. 6n EF&W6Walls es i5f_anchors`iiEi-oft6ii�-o--fri-�d-'-eA-b--e-a---- Yes x - showing 275 inch pounds orless will require 5 J­ ",Notes Astate approved`lateralarin system is being used and 4 —'&-istand 5 fit ': fi-6re --th-e, f6f,46-e- _ �ancfiors-are required at all centetline tie points -f-'-_f"es`--- `"f_i_--'-----'��-'"-�--.�'I "-IreadingYis 275 or less and where the mobile e manufacturer may i iTh&666ffi&6afdAlIberepaired ana/ortaped. Yb�X Pg. �_i re-quires anchors -'-,4,60,-0-15-I66 I'di ,---'-J id ing ' -"----'-�-'Y +EG Installer's initials I Fr�p666 6himneyinstaIIi�-aii6tto7ll6Wiifr&iibi 6ffaiff w­atOF Yds`X _T� 1_j­iALL TESTSMUSTBtPFtMRMEDBYALICEfgEblNtTALLER, iscelaneous ins EDDIEGRUND E L�,' Skiiting to be installed. Yes X yY No 6stalle outsid E�r:�erv6nfi__ __d ­ - --i- --- Yes 1�N/A Date Tested t -in—ow—vent installed`outside of x Ye—s Drain inessupportedat4 ootintera s. 7Electricalcrossoversprotected Yesdectrical 6 n— c- -7 �i 6 t ef&c ri6al drid _�_Rqwer 5dFce­Tfjwincludes-IR ab ji--f fi-e-156 bonding jj§- wire i units. Pg. I Installer verifies all information given with this permit worksheet -2. Plumbing I is accurate and true based on the L stroc d or Rule 15C-1 & 2 _J J` L PLL manufacturer's installation in ions an to an existing sewertap oy septic tank. 9. Date j J. Installer Signature '6-6iicact ifl- "0616-iWai-fe- r p'[ping to an existing water meter, _iAiat6ir f6p,­6_r-o__tfie._jr-i; I J, L_�_j - ­ z _. i ­_!-f-, - ­1­1 ..... 4­­.r_ 1-711- 1­1 _­_ - ___ _