HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1827 ;:;118.' , ' ,.' ~," I I" _I 'I t I: i . . I I ' " :' i 1 .. . t I, i i.. 1 .f I" tl,),"')I)';1 It " , il I ' >, ' , '~ ' . I , .. ,,'. , ,I" >\ ' , I ',I I ,I' I I "" r '; I, , '. I ' ,I', . I . "I '[',' I " '; _' ',' ".. > " , , " i I I 4"":", ;;C,I~:: ~,~.L'.:; _, .'_~'_""h"", -'-~----~<-, --~I"'-"''';--'',-~!Y;;,';'-'~'''''-, ..J't""--_...,,..-,.._- . _...~ I' . -r-.,. : .~A +>~ ~ I ,~'~~~= ..~~~f"'7'~-~~......~~~~""'.;-'''"... '." <~",-... .~~,.4:..f'" .a.'--''4I~ ,';''-''- . ,..I" i.\ (. 1; J~\\~tl" , .. Ip>... C. 1~'~1r~4.' O"l'~r~ O;~~U\~'t C~~d~t,k, ~ ,i,l? LJ:' '\. t -\\"\ ., t . i _ " \, ~ '. \ ~I' ,T ~. ~~. I _. t I \ " ." 1 ' . 0\ Ii> \ ''B fLY,./'~ />,3 \ Z:' D.c . '.--- \ I a,. ,~eCl \ ' \ I" \' , I I, \' '. I. \ ., /;r:e/./;'.(fC-( '~ru~~'r < ~~~,., .1 ",;.~,' ,,\' .' \' \, ~ '. ,,'., ' \.' ',I ' '\ ' \ \ \ \,:. , .' 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" ,', " .-,~: 0 'and Ka,y w.: Sher~n, OfSt~ t~o"~ Coun'ty~ Plorl~",partJfof' th~seo.n~ part', " " " '; " .: " . "', .. :'..'. - ':", , :' ", .. ",,' .".-"..' ,': ",' ,~,.-. -, . ,--' ; , ' ' ~ ' '. . , \~ , '~U~~SJ1'B" ~~at the 'Baid ,'part-1~es ,ot t~e first p~'fo.r"andl~.oO~$1,4erat1,on ,~f' ,tbeBUIn " '. of ONE ',DOLLAR ,ancl ..~ther ,~~uable OOn~l4era t10n to: them 1n" 'h~d paid" by.: t~e ,sald 'p~t, . . . , '- ," . , ' .,., ' '. '" ': . " ,-',' " , , ," .,"- \ '""... 'of tpe;8,eooJid .p81':'t., 'the,l'eoe1pt,'itlereof 18 ii:ereby MkilO~ledged,havegrantecl~ bar~, ., , '.., . .' . "-'" ," ... '-', ,.... ~ gai~~,~, a~d 8014, :0' t~e~ sd d part'~ of ,.~he ~eoon4 !>art, h~;: 'heirs' ,a.n4: ad~~g~B: f:-'~e~,r,: '. the following 4esor1~ed lan4, to-wit: " " ' "., ':Lo'nW~(21i~nookio'~1,.!gft 148) ;niU"O"~."" .000r41ngh;.th.Pl.r < Oftb,' ~81d'BiltiDore'park, ,o,r'r.ooord U','tpe oftiqe, ot ,tl1e,V:l~rkof ~h,' 01~Ou1t ::.. , " ' , ',.." ,',' " ' ",', , ' , " " , ',co~t (it' s* .': Lu'oh' CPUnt.Y~,l'ior1da, in Plat B,O"ok '4, .. Pe.8e:' 62~ the' same being ,n'1'e. ' . . ': " ' -' ,", ' ' . . . , "..' '- " '. ~ . " ' :. , vision" ,~f 8~,Q~tlon ~t ,the North.~By~rt 'Qf,:Lawn.~04 Addi tiori~ t(>>: ?ort'P~er9~.rforlda;' , . ' '. .-" .' "'" "', ' " ,'. .' ,". '-', an4 being, lQoated., J.,nthe llo.thwest p,ortion ot' Seot1on, 16, . Township 315, SQuth,'Rarige ,., " , ,:," , ", . 'lll', ' ".'" . ,40 :gast,' In 'st.' ~oh Count" "10%'14&"." I -~,~" ~, PROVIDllD.JIEVllRmLllfia. Th... p....nt. ...mod. .~~l.ot to' .U of th.fo'llowiJig · .x.,>: ' prel3se4 oonU tlQD.' reetrlo'tlons ")~d 11iD1 t.UOD8.' 8PPlylng' tOI'~ pr~Jlel't7 ~na "whi~~ "~re " ,,' i~ , . . , ' '. . " e' ',' . . . . . , . .' _ .,: '. . . ~., .' . ~ . . . lnhn4e-d .'to be, and shall beaooept.ed 88. oovenants .ri.nnlngwith ,sa14 lan4,and,.n!oh eMU be, .' "'c', ':...,., '"',''''' ", ,,',',.. ", '.. ,', -:', . ", ",' , ':_ b1n41ng, aBkt upon the heirs, representat1 v~s an'4 essigns of', the sa~dparty or 'port,h. Of', tae', at,oonS'part, end on .tbepBrUeaof the, firet'-part. '~hO ,b,:ta~o~Ptano'~o! th1at.n~~r~~~t'<~~re~~:" t6 !1l:Ji,de, ~I,Perform an~ adhere ,tosa1d ,o.on4~ttol18, re8t~lot~ona, and l1m1tat,ions. .as'one of the . 'express' c:iondi t1ons" 'ot these pre8en~s, ,but oPly for the' perlodend~ng J$Jluary 1st. .191&. . , " , ....,' . " \, .. ' .. i "., 1 , ~ ! " . " " ~'- ' , , ' , "l~ That oObu114ing, shall b!t','ertc.ted 'onthe,eaid land; ex-oept for, pr1:v~ted.ell1.Dg purposesjexoept ,usual.. and neoessal'1 out-btilldil188, 8,nd that the 'sa14': dweiiing i1'OJ1se. eXC1\~' . ' ,." , . , ' . .' '.. " . , . '~, -, " .' ~ '" . ~ ' .' , s1ve"of tbeo,ut-bulltUnglr, '8b~l,l cost. not ],.ess than .~~()o.OO';W~lch 'prioe shEill not' ", 1~()lu4~ 'lLrch1-t~o~~ral expenseliJ :or~ees."and ,~h,all not In~lu4e anl'otber olassof Bave and ~X()ePtth~rotUal,' mahr1al an~, ~onstruQt1~U ~oBtof, 88:1d. d.el~l9B ,bQus,e. , ," ., ' ~, : .,. .' ,- , . , '. ~mprov~inents, , . , , 2., Tha.t notmor~ ;thtn on!t r,si4enoe, .'t'ogether w1thuBual end p.eoeaaarlo'ut~bul1d~glJ 8Mll 'be' ereoted on .soh 'of said' lots'. .. That no unlawful or ilDllloral' UBe shall be 'made of. ~heprem1Bes hereby 'oonvelC?d," " '. ' " .. . . ., . nor shrIll,the same be U8.~ tor an.y oOlDl1ltroial purp,ose; nor, 1;J~8.l~ the Bame"or eriypart 'thereof, or ' anI iptereat 'therein be 'BOU, releaSl4 or"otherwhe o~)liveied to a 111 persons , o th.. th.ll t h. a.uo.Bian liBO.; p'O ~i_ e4' ,the t no t hi ng b.nin oon to hi.,_ Bh',ll, pn nnt th., "I, keeping, qn4 m~lntalning ~BUJ~ ~nd neoess&rl'servants on the propert~ f~r rea80na~1~- {]I: family use. This provision: however, 8h~11 not oquae forfeiture unless the holder of the fee ie shown tObe'aYfa~lt. '-....------- ' 4. That' no buil41ngs. Bhall be construoted or ereoted,.ata bss dietonoe than twenty feet .fromthe tront U.ne of sB1d lot, or either of. tbem. , ' " ,-.. , 5. That if sa14 part, of theseoo~4 part, her h.irs. ~epresentatives, or 888igns,'ot the prop.rtl hel"e-.)' oonT81e4 by vll't.ue of e.D1 JU:d1c~a1p'J'~,o.~,4i~s,'Bh~.1l '::':'~':';-"~- .~.;:.';'-': '..i;....~ ,,;\:_,:,\"~~:s:c -:~:i"- ,;~ _cO;.":_: