HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1829 . '...'8'1; 'J .' t."l',i. I ,1(J.i '.' J IJ, " "J ['---'ft'I' ",/' ,',~: "~/I,, ','; LI.. , . ,j i " . -I ~.':~; i :. .f ,: .' .' , , , "fl I '. I, \ I . , ,:, '. J . 7 ~. ~ ,.'j"', I l ' ,", r '.1 I i I. .11.. I , . I , "':,: L, f' .' ", If." . !' , ' l I' ">', ,: I , I, . > , I I I ".. I · . I '..., . I' \ " . 1', . . , " I ',,',,', I , '. 'I ... i i . I" I ' I " I ' ~, ' I I, . , , " -- ~~, ._-l.......~..i.__ -,-.---'- -- -......,...... ...............~-----:---~-............~--r----'...~......-..L........-~1T~-._.I~.-'.......-'...f-,~--..- ~._~,_....J.;___..~j -.T.~---"'~~~~~~~. ~.'."'-;~-.~.- ...>;:o;t....~.........--., ~~,ti:T.l>:'f'l'!'M'r.>,~-~~.. ."..-....,..,.,.-~~~...,..~~.""". '.....r~+.. 1"''''-'1.-':~~'''-'''''''''~'\. I . , 'T . 'I I. I ' . , I I j , ' , [ " ~ ' i,\ .11," ".ISAK'1i41'~~II,"'lANNIE"O~AL': " "~I lro ,',',\ 'I J~t"GtiT~rr" ',~\11 . '1'[" :.' -r .' '.1"1 ' ':, . . ,\. I ' '.'. . , (.' \ ' ' :' \' I 1\ i I \ 1\ '1 ' ,_' '..,' '; \ '\ (I i . -:1. \ " " " , . I "., \ ' . \ ' \. \ j \or . , ' \ I ill " 'i \. \ "\',\11", ",''t.~'~IC~S'~F"AG~..r..',,\,'\:.,._\i. . \'.'>,I~,',\'. 1\,:".1 ,r:: : II. ", · : ' " '. .I1l~;(; oi'~'lIiiB1i"B:r. '-~~. ~h~6 \h ~;.,' ;i J:"'~-ln tJil yr.' \ of o~ ~'4:,:' ~;.~ -t~oullL, ,'-1"'1. \.. i, ~. \ ,; ", :" ~~ ,n1~ h~~,e4 ai1~' twentY-f-f ,'n 'n,~\~ola Jio..ol ~. ~ w.' 1fe. ranhh )'(~Bea1 'p~rthB: ".- \.. . ~ ,1 ~ ' , \, ' . \ I .' ," . ' \ .. 'I \ . . \, \ I \ . \, I' \, of 't~e\f1.r8'i pU", ..and, J. . Guterllluth I parti 4t the\ s~oona par', \. , \ I , " ' .' ..' "\ \ ' 1\' '\. , \' , I ,; " ~, , ' \~ThsSBTB~ \.~at ittll. 8.~d p~t;'- ot.', the 'Bedona'par\~s.!1ai.l,.tir8t mat!. the Rq-, " ,\'. , '. ,'\ ','; \ \",' , " ..., " '.' ' , ,.,' \ '\'. " -- '. ,... I , mlpt,B : ;\a'nd, ~UtrfOrm t.n~ \~o.e~tB herein~h1"",~oent~on~,4'. on '."hl'a ~ar' \ ~O~8. m$h ":and ~e\~-' "', r .,., , .., \ \ \ . ." ' . ". ," . "', " , . 'i \ .. foz:m14't' "the sal'~ partiell of the ,~lrst pazrt ,her~b7 oove~ant , and 8Ste~ .'tqoonv,el 8~d :assur,'" ,:1 . ,.' ' , ' ",", ' ...- " . \, . " "" to the .aU partl ot ~'he,~ se~ond pu:t, "};lis .heirs.: exeoutorB. adJlliD.l~tr.tor8' o:r, a8~lgn~. . in ; .'. :tee 8~iIaple.~.1~ar ~t 'ri'l:1.i~oumbrtlnO'e8 wbatever~\ 'bya't?:0~4 '..., an4 '~Utf~~bnt de,d, '~h" i~t.' pleo~ '.~~ paroei',~f ,gr.owid.,dt~ated .1n '~he 'C~untl,of, St..'~1e,-stat~: ot, .Florida' ~o.n~n~j', :", " .' '. ' . . '.,.,. . ,', \.",'. . .... - '.' - ' .': ..' . .' . ,," ....: , deso~l~ed "ap ~Ollo~s~ ,to';',wi.t:; '. ' , , , ',The s.o~tb 'ten ~oJ'eBofllWt ot SEi ot' ,8eo~ '17 _townshlp' :51, sout,h Range 39 ,'East, Lylng , .l "," ,.' ",-. " '. .....,. " ,:, . "- .' ," . . " - 'L" i > <::::.:: :::' b:l::4;;;:~~:k a ~:.:::::Z ~ :h:~:::::~~~~~~::::.::.::~~:\:~ :rt ,'" ,:and.Chaa-. B. J~~n8s. ..&iat'.dthe 2i~h~~" ~f April '1919' R~00rd'4 1t1D"e4 B~~,k':36 : ',' ";', " J ", P,8a~l~:i ~'~'/::~~~lI ',,~~~t'l R~o~rd~. an~: thesa1,4, .pa~~,l' ~of 'the' 8eo~t14:paT' he~~bY. iooTenanta' ' " and'agr..s, to pal to th~ 'sald ,p'art;18 of ' the flrst par~ 'th'e Bum ot FortI-fOur l1unClre4 ',' , ~ ," .'. ." ".. ,,' . ." '\' . '.~:' '. Doll~a;.ln th~ manner ~tol~Ow1I18~ ~ ijundrecJD()11n~8 'ap Bln,der.Rao.~pt o~' ~hioh ~B b~re-' bl,aokilow1,dged, Ba1aboe' of ohe th.lr4 upondellTerl of J.lorohantable ".u tho anlanoe '.In.,, " one~. ~~o an~ ~h~ee. ~~ars, ,~q~~l'.~~.vmenh., par.t1es:,~~ :~he 'f1~llt' part ag~e'e to 'P1J1 ,T.. R'-,": " , ,Cadenhead, ~our, ~ Dollars "C,op,'mlBalo~ ~u~ of first 'p~,1D!~n~ w1,t~ intere'st ',8't th'~' ". .', rate of ~.~er opnun, p~lable:annuall~~hOle BWI r.ema~nin~ froll Um'-'to,tl~,. . '11DplU; :~d' t:o,p~y, ~11 t~~s. aa~e~8m'en~+'r.:l~posit10~8., 'th~,t~~.,'b~ 'lesa~ll~',~l~d' 'Qr', .' , lIlpoBAd ~pon' BAid lRnd"eub~equ4ntACL-the lea~ ,tt.ine.t'~~en twe:nt-7-f1~....an~.'o ,keep; th.e , buildings upon ,Baid premiaes. l~aured i~ someo:O~paJl7 s,athf~:o.t~rl to tIle p!lrt~ ot the ;fi.~Stp~t';ln ,$ sumnot'lds, than _,J dOllarsduringthe.tera,of this,'agreement.~nd' . . :, _. .~ '". .'. ~." . , ' , :"". . '. ~.. .~noaBe of.fa1;Lure O.t tbe sai1l ~rtl, 'ot the8eO~~d"P,a,rl,to' ~ke e1 th~rof the paYments 01' ,~n7 .1art thereof, o~ to' pe1'form '~1 of t~ ~oT8nants 0+115. pa~t ,hereby' made and entered., into. ~hls, oontraot shall, at the option ',Of 't~,p~rt1~,s of t'he f'lrat'. 'part. be ,~Ode1ted and term~nated,,'~~a. the par~,l'of t~e ",oon1part' 'Bhai~ " fo~iel'~: ',fll\p,~yments- ,ID'lde .bl~' ~ h1~: , '. on: this oontraot;' and ,'Buoh p871D~n~S ' ~ba.lr,bo retained bl.the sald, p.a.r,~i~'s ot the ,th's,(pa;rt. ., ,. .1n 'full i'-at1Bf'~ot1on ' f:l~d nqui'd8,t1~not;a],).' damage, 'by t~emBu~t6ined, ,.and' Bald partl~s :. of the flrs1;' part:shall 'qav~' the right to ~e-en~er'and- to;';e posB8Jslon ot.tbe', premis,.s. !\ --'--i- t ' ~: ... . .k. , ~ . ~ , ;:~." , . .,.. t . , I ~:j:&, . ,'. " , , - . ,-: . :. 'aforesai~,wlthout b'eingl1eble to ,anl--ao.Uontheret9,r..: . - ., -.. . '. . . ". ,. . ~ I.T~13 WTUAl.LY AGREE1>;t>7and b,etweerf-U:le pe,ruesnereto. 'tnntthe. tlme of pa~ent .' '. "1 ~~< .- ,! ... -' ;~. .'. '.' . i " ,~"I I . I f J i :~ 1 f f I t . I , shall be iln",e.sa,ntiai part of tb1890nt;aot.ai14 'that, :811 o9ven~nts and agreements Mre1I1., ..' , oonta1nethall'exten~' t,o and be 'obl1ga't'~L'7"upon' tn8helr~, . eX8outo~, . .admiU1afiat~rs ~ and ass 19ns , , - .", - . ~ . - , - ...', . ; ... < . ~ .:; . . i ~ ,i , I . -~ - } E1Uio '.... IN ./ITIlESS WEH_-TJ!'" The. parties' totaes,e presntB , .' ,.." . .' - and eealri the day 'and 7ear':Uret labove' written. Signed 8,e81e4 and delivered 1n ?resenoe' of J 5,. H. ijo~derson . . Wlley 'I. Cox. , Otley M. l!enson. . Ae to 'Sam 1(0 1Ieel and' baTe hereunto: set their, han4s . . 'Sam !lolleal. , ra,nn1e KOllell. " :'1ann1e !.fOIled l_ J. V. Gutermuth.. - _-l. , , :,' 'I,; '.".'~.' . .:-"\ f~ . ii .' ~~