HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1831 r " , " 'I 20, .. ! j ~ j',!:r I'! J i " C' .. '..." ,.. .II' ), , . ! ' "I,', I., ;, , ' J ,I, I "I ,I 1,1 ': :, ,! , " I! ' I. " : , I , I I' I -", '. , " " I , '. I, 'I " I", I, -l ' . ,1 '. . t ),.,. " .." '.,' , . , ' . , ' ," . ',f I f';'t-;~'l=:;-~I ;::-.~~~'-:;'I"':--'.;';';:' :rF~=.ilrt~~I."~~I-4~~'t~--~~~~-~: =;~~~-~~~;;;::~-c~~;~,:~,,~,'i;~, . , ~, ' ,', I. . ..., ,',' I \' '\ ,..: ,,' . i " " ,_ I "i' \ I , " 1; I ' ;, '1\\ ! . ,h,\>ib8! '~e~u~~~d J . . ''fd, 'hlat sald, 8.r.~to~s~: dO h~r.b~ i ~~111farr(q,t; Ltll~ ,t1~le., ~o ta14, laJ1,4~'\l: "'~ I,l; I " '.:, .'" , ~d \,~111 aeflin4" \th~~ue .asalJis~t,he 1(l~,?,1 flall1ll ,';O+1~p~r,80~SI whomsoe~er. '.' ,'\,". ; ','1"\ '. \ " ! I.. I,' ~,\ 'I., ..: 'WI'NE~s\tqena.~d8. end. s .~s. --:~ f. _ sa~d "g,r~. ,t~~s~,' ',the~ day ,a :~'~ lJ.~~.,ilr.~ut 'b~ve _ '!:L"~ t:'~8~~-:..--:- __I' ."'., j, ", \ " \".. .' \ ',\"" \ \ .-, \, \' " \ I \ ~".. \' " . \ I' I :.,:' ' .\" . 81~lled, .181,4 and \ <1'811 v~ried. ~~ ~h~lre~~n~~' of , : \ ' '" '\ ~ \ . " \. \' ", ' "; ;' \ " ; I ,~ . , ,," ", ~ \ '" .', ,I \ ,\ \ ' '\ j \ '\' I I. ,IL" \' ,,:,'~.'ll.~te~art\ ,\.1" '\,' \'o.,~~,9r~W61" '\( Selll)" :'_ ,- nn___\~,_~--,~\L__~_~'l , ,.\\.' ,~,~, '"w,ll~ xi11g4t. d' '. I, li~,\E~ Ord"'7'e ,S\!8~)\ . L ; \ .. '. . . \ \ \ "..",' " ..'. \ \,", '\ \ . I,' . \ \ \ " \ " \ \ ' .' i" i, ',~ \ !" \,", ',' '," " \ ' ,\ . \ l- , \ i. . ,-;---",\. , ',,' ", I .." .';-\",,'''' " ," , - I" \ ' . ,...~..'\SfA,lJ:E ~:'LO~I.n~1. .\..' \, I, \.:. .\. 'COtJITJ\,OP'-'S'-', ,LUC'IE.. . \~.' . - " , " .... . :', , ' . ...', ':\, , , ",',' :1~Y CER~IJ'Y; '~he:t.,on'thlt da1 :p~rsC?n81li:,appe~"d be~lor.me ",anOfno~r dUli, 8uthorbe:d to admlnlBh'1"'oathsand .tot,ske' aoknowledgments, 'P. '6.0r4w81' an~,' , . " '. -,' \' ., " ", ',",' \". ~\., . '. \ .' '.-, ",' . ' liar1 B. or4981. bls 'wife. to me" ~e1Lknown .an~ kno1fn"to_me to be 'the 1nd1vU~als ' '. . . . .... ~ .... . ~ '. . '. .. . . " . . . .' .~~eso~~be~d,,1n.'an~ Wh~::~xeo~te4, the" ~Or~g~1I18re.4":, 'and ,,~an,~o~o.ied~"~.'befOrei!1e Htb4t.t,h81, '. l ',..exeouhd the,eamefree1y'and TOl~t~1:l.,y"ro,r:'t'hepurpoa,ee'ther.ain e~r..88.8.d..:" .', , ...' '~ . : '. . ~. .. . ~ . . '.: .. ,-- ..' ..' ... -,' -. ,'. -. . - . . . ~ t ANU I ~URT}{ERCE1tT.I;Y. . ,That th': ,sa1~ 'Il~" ,I ;qr.dWa)-" in,own ~9 lIle t~ be. tile, Wlf~ o~,the\' ',' t, , 'aj8i4' b.t., Or.dw~' : ona.~~piliate and pr1'vate .examlpaUon taken and mad~b'yBnd'b.fo.. m",:; '.: 'sep8~a~.iien.d8~a:t;{i~omh8fi;~:~~4:" t,~!c1 a~ltnO'~le4g~' tb~t she .ma,~ehe~'..lf ,~' p~t;.to :,:' ..J ,said ,deed for the purpose .of reJiO'~Oing, 'tei~n~~~~In8arif oonyeJ1'ng~'1 he'r't:igbt',t~tie. ',,' 1 an~ . inte..., : wh.the. o~ 40...t. hom..t~o. or ol. "W>>OUh ~.o>>.t.i .'ehh.,. o~: .qiiH.bl~. ,.~;"l ~4to tb. la,n~8 d.~O~l. .~. .t.~.e. in', ',and that,she ~X.6~h4' th~' sald,4ee4freel1 .nll ' , I 'Tj)~~tat'll~, and witho~~" o~IIlP\.118i0D8i.o9n.atra1li,. .ppr.hen810I,1or'f~tir..of or' frolll', -j " , \ ',1 t.. . \ 4 \\.. - \ .\ \' '\. " , !, ' , 11,_ . I . '\. . ~ ~ . " '. '. ' .., ',' her' sald husband,'- " "fl" r 'L ! ~r j ; :,.- ~ ~. 1 . .~ .'.; .> WITNES~ 1IT:.lian~ anji otflo181.s'eal at j'o.rt ?leroe," C,ount1,of st..tuch aud5tate f'. ' . of ,p~orlda,th~826tl1'da1 of June. A.l). 1926. ' \, ' - :'. Ai .,~.,. Ste",ar" . J Large \ .' ' 1 , ',;' " , " , i Uotar, . Public. . for thtSte.te, ot 11or1daat ....y oommlss1on expir.~ Dec. ,19 1928. 2~thdat ,of .Jun. 1925, at 4:23 p. U. " TO . - ..:. ... j I ,I t . ':J !c . '~ I '.' fj :~ I J I I t~..~.' '1 .-;",-1 ':: I '~ ' '1 , . ~ , . " '\1e~\\e4 lle.cot~' ",. , ' . P. C, Eldred. Clerk elrout t CJuit, B,~~~ ~.e-___..~:-:-~_~~ '0 '. -- - - -.-." ~_.-~-..;. .';'.-;" - -_ - -,..~.."'!".,.. ..-- ~ - --~.....; -- -_..:_~ ---'!'It.~-~-'--~~-" - ---- -- ~'-.----:':'.~': . -. . . ..' .' 'ltEElWI L. IafIGH!?:ATTY. liENR1 J. ~ 'L., METE. , i '-,1 '. , " . ','" I:' , - ~. ~ ~. :" '-'-l . _.' " 'Or .. , WAaRAtl.' TY. DEED~ THIS DuD, ~ade the ~l~'~~.day of June A. .u. 1~25 by Parini Har~i8 and J..I. Harris, her husba,ndl JO''.l W.. -'night and Loub.e D1~$bt', h1s' wUe; James I.. Knlgnt amd lertrude Knight, his wUa. Redden.. Jtnlgb" anI.. 1&1101 ,Knight, h~s_,,!f.; El~ert ". Knlght and :,; . ~ .. ~ '",! ' 'i ~' I Betty n1ght, hiB ,,1ft; 1le.rT1n w. ~ght and B.atrloe DUght, hls wlfe,aot1ng b,y and' th'eougQ. tbe1.:r ,attorn~1 '~n faot. 're~ M .~1gh~, wn9~aSr~'O~t'd thes~ j)rlsentl' 'on-their behalf under and b1T1rtueof t o.t o.rtaln p01Mr'of attorn'1 exeouted on the 2nd da. or ": I ; : ' Janus';,. 1926, ,n(f ~eooz'd'~ 1~ . BOO'k 6'1.' ~t page 147 of V;ubll0 reoordsot st.. Luoie' . ... , ~ Count" 'lorI4a. and also b; 'reeman L~ Anlght and Glad1s Baker 1D1~ht hie wife --" - . . - -'. 11-. .... . _ .. ". \ ~ J~ ~\:1'~;.'~:.r/'':':;~'~~~'''~'",,~~0;~HL:__:~t.~~;.~c:-~-'-~~"~.~ . ~ . ~,.;;I~1l._,,",1-,""_",''''3_",,''~_.~.~._.__ '. . ,.. ~,