HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1833 '/ Y' '22 :/. :;~j" I' '; I, I ./,t;' T" . ~~. 'f II" J~~ ! , ' j, I';' ''',I ,I 'I" ',I, ' ,I .. 'T' ; I' .. !~ 1 t '..~ f . i'" -. ~";I , ;, I' . l: I .. '.I " "..', ',' ".1 .....". ~" ,,', '" . " ,;".' :' . - i : I', .',' .,' " ',I' I.. ~ :. I' " ',!' .' L" ,..1 ,I . '., I ,I . " .,' :. . I . '. , . , '.' "'.. r. , ' .' ~ I"..' i._ 1 ~-.-~,~ l'-~'-- >-- _..~:- --+!.--_;'.___,L---..~' J:. . ~..,~r-'!-~~z'.....,_:....:._-------,. . .-+......,..~......-:...-~ .:..~~...:................~.._--:i-;.;.,....f-..L-.;:.i-' . _ ~~~-f,..I.'."=~-~.~~.~,Jo.~-.~~~'"?~~~;T.,~~; .."T, - ,~ - .-,' ~"'~~-l~ - ", .~""~~~~~~";"f--- 1f~:~"r~,-~....:t:~~-r-.~~~.~ ", . '"T- ~ -:."~- I I' .", I. 8 UTE. ,OFF.LO. RIDA, . . I. ",'I' " , " ,\ " , 1'1'" : '"I . .',\ '.,'1'11' , ..~, . --I. '.. I ' I . . I. . 1 . I. I . , I ; " I ,ICOum OP' '8T. LUOUi~' ' . l: T;j ,\ . I, ",'" \' -:. '", , 'Ii Ir' '~.; \ ': \, '1 \,; " Ii ' . It ' ' , .1 \. ',',.' I I I' , " ,." I, ,,' \ I \' ,,', . 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". .' . ,', ~..' to1>>e' 'he PeX'!lon. who &180 extOu~.dth. toregolDc inat~.nt... t1ielr oWn: ~nd11i-4~ . . . -'. '. . .'.- :' ., . ,'- . . ..." .:. . . :.- .... ,";' \ t ; '. , aot ~~.~eed, 'personal1-;, ap>>-a~c1..~.tore .. 'OD ~'AIq and';par tl1"8.1;,'..bO.,. ..eo. and, &0'';' . ~ ". .. ..' .' \ -. - . . . . know1eC1&d that'the;, .x~~u~~c1. t)ie ~4u1nllt~.n~,ior'ih' 'puiopO.e.th.r'l~ eXp~'8~.l ...'- . -' . '. . .. '. . . - \" , . -, , . - . ," ~ ' - :~elr-iD41Tidua'i ~e' aot &i1c1.de~4. ',An4 :~he'.ald Ola~ Baker 1i:l1Sht, the ~1:t.' ot .'h~' .&14. '''. . ~ .' . . . . ,.",.. .' _: ..' '. - , .,',' . ;:', -~ , . . "~' '" ',' ". - ",' :'. . J'ree..&iiL.)'n1gh~~, on" .'P&ratl and i)r1"f'&te "DIl1na~101l;'takeJl'and u.d:e by'anii betore... an~' ';'. . - ~. \., . .' - .": . . . ~,: ; - . ...',.. . -~. . , . . '; . . .' ... '.' '. .' . .. -.: , ,.,,' . '; ".p__tel;,an4 'a~1i, ~~ heX"' ;busb&nd,'" c1.1c1.~o~Wle46' that she. raaU :'he~el:t a. ~t~to the' : i . . ~1~.4.e.40t oonTe;v&not t~~'.the ,p~08e" ot :renoun~~., i"ellnQ.~8h1DBaA4 04)n~'11~' &llh~r'; ,,': . ',' " '\ " , ' , ',,' '. '., .,.,' ':'.;.: . r1&ht, t1tl.ancl1nb,re~'t, w~ethei' otdOwer-or,:ot .epara.te pr~,.n1".1;~tv.tori or eqU1'&ble'~~, " in '~4. :~o,the, i_~ th~~,1n 4;~~.~be4.',~dt~t,,8h.exeOv.ted.~d,4ee4 .he!l;' ~d ,"~1~t~11-1~.' anc1,wl:thout azqoonatra1nt,t.ar,'&PPl'the~l,On01"O~~ll01l of or':t1"o. h.r '.&14 husband., " : ! , .1, "\ ':'1 l '.. I " , , , ") W1,tn... l17B1.gnature arid,ottioial '.eal,at Vero, 'In'th,.CoWi~t ot 8t.Lu01.', and State ~._~-,--~-~ ' 'I ,andjeu tlrlt 'abo.,eWr-itten." <AI' Haze1G. 'SWutwout ' , Notary,pub11o,.8tat. ot Plo1"14& a~ la~. ' ~ ,o~~.slon exp~re.~ p'eb~ 2.8, 1921. >, "XI'I " 1.",.... " , {: . j } ~,...', .." '::',.' , , Plle.o;an~ .Noorde4 on, ~h18 2Jth,4ay 0~':r~'.1925" at ';23 ~.M. . '. " ~. P.: C. Bl4l"tc1iOlerk .qb;OUi,tCourt. 9'> //' ~ f I -.~ , . \. , . ' ,\ , 01l.0t.Sea . '" .. '., .~ ~~~,' ~e~" , '~b: ,'. " ~CJO r " I if 'i1:1:1 il:I:I:' :#,i#:#: I: 111:1 :#:1:#':#:#:1 flil:#:I:#:I:#:#~#:#:#:#1#:I; #:I:I:#:#:it#:I:':#: #:' . . u . ... _ . .', J"'. . -... . . .". ' ,.' ". . ,.' .' . -. ' .. . _' -. . C~ o..~~- fa .~.,a.. B. 'OOD~-'---'"' - ...J~ ,B;v$~~,t /j~ 4afl.o.". ~ ..., , ' ,>' ,,' COHTlU.OT:BOa . DEED, '.' ~ ,THI8, ~~. K&de:' ~d~ntel'e~nto, ~.,z1d"botw~ID'~o~s.e~lot irort, P1e~o~, ."~~ ~ , :Lu01' Count;,,' nor14a, part;, of the: ~lr8t part~ and ,a.B. GaUr.,. par,t;, of the .eoond,part. _-":,,3~, , W~IESS~'lH."~. fOl'~he OO~l~el'atlon herelnaiter: .'P!l~l~1ec1, the ..~d p~t~ ot' .t~e f1.;rat' patrt hereb1 8B1"88. 'to 1 ell: and oonw1 unto' the: 8ald partio:F par~1e.. of the seoond part b;, " " , ' . , , . ,,\'. . ' . ,&good andlutflo18Jl.~__--"&~,~t1 D.eed, ~.' toll~VI,1l1g d~.orib.4 land .1t~te4.1n 8a,lrit LUo1. OC?,1DW. ~t..te():t--nor1~,to-..1t.: . \. "'. . , I , , Lot,,26. Blook 51% o,t .TuQlter f.rraoe. &8 per, 'plat 1'toorc1e4 Plat BOOk'. ,Paa. 54, 8t. La.oll Co~t1 reoorda. ,',~ '1 ' . . . 'I ) ...... "1 <. ; I , In oonl1~n.Uon wh.reot. the a&1c1 put;, or partl18 ot the seoond part hereby pramll" u4' ~'I to p&7 ~e a&1d party. of the firlt part. ,('$400.00) 'J'~U1"a@41"eo. & ~/i00 Dollarl 4011&1"1, ... toUOH, vis: _ (tlZa.3al One Hunc1re4. and Th1rty-thre. & 33/100 %)0111.1"8 4011&1"8, , , . '-. " " ouh 111 ~~~_:p~~4, the NO'lptwhe,eot 11'lIt rebl &oknowled6ed.and the b&1ano. ot t2&6.67 "-b~ ~c1 1n tour' equJ! 1nat&llraentl t'o be ~d on or b.fore 6, 12, 18 .nT' 1I0ntl!:'att.r " ...,:.....",.,....1 :t' ,', ' "' t. - ~ . - - .. I